The Party

Tia silently moved across the Hallway with moderate speed. Using too much would deplete her vitality, and she had to save a lot for the fight to come.

As a Thief, the girl also doubled as the scout of her Party. Since only she could make use of both and Skills, it was certain that this sort of job could only be done by her.

It was dangerous, sure, especially considering the fact that this was 'The Abandoned Tower'. Still, she could stride within it with at least some degree of confidence. It was because of the fact that the Return Stone was in her possession.

For her to have undertaken such a dangerous venture, it was only natural for Tia to have been given such a resource, despite how expensive it was. Even if she encountered any form of insurmountable danger, the Thief could always return to the Starting Point with her life intact.

This way, there was little to no risk attached to her mission.