Mind Reading

The pink barrier around the group was disabled, a signal for everyone to converge around the Masked Hero.

Tia's hastened steps were quicker than the others as she swiftly sped to the front of their savior and flashed him an excited smile.

"You won again! Congratulations!" Her voice contained enthusiasm and joy.

This flustered the Masked Man a little, or so it appeared to.

'If only I could see his face…' Tia thought to herself, imagining what kind of warm expression he could be making underneath the mask.

"Thank you. I'm happy to see you're safe."

Of course, he referred to everyone—not just Tia. But, it seemed the meaning of collectivity was lost to the young lady.

"Hehehe" Her laugh contained contentment.

"We'll be moving on to the next Floor." The Masked Man retorted.

No one could refuse his calm voice. In fact, they were all pumped up to see the rewards of clearing the next area.