

That was the only sound that leaked out of Niggaruth the moment he saw what had happened.

His Golem was gone.

It hadn't turned invisible—though it could—and it certainly didn't vanish on its own. Since that was the case, then where was his prized possession?

The Ancient Vampire was dumbfounded. So much so that his glare reached the masked man in front of him.

'He hasn't done anything, though…' Niggaruth pondered.

It made no sense how his champion vanished, leaving no trace, as though it was never there.

"W-what did you do?" His lips quivered.

He had no choice but to ask the one who seemed unfazed about the whole thing. But, instead of getting a proper response, the Masked human simply shrugged.

That was the height of it—the disrespect!

"I ASKED WHAT YOU DID!!!" Niggaruth bellowed.