The Surprising Horde

Within the chasm's ominous depths, the Elite Team of the Gifted Alliance navigated the eerie, subterranean world that awaited them. 

The oppressive darkness clung to every surface, as if the shadows themselves conspired to hide the secrets buried within. A palpable tension weighed on each member of the team as they ventured further into the abyss.

Nye, the leader of Alpha Team, took the lead, his eyes glowing with an inner light. With a simple gesture, he summoned his powerful light-based Skill, and a radiant sphere of illumination sprang to life. 

The chamber around them was suddenly bathed in a brilliant, golden glow, revealing the jagged, rocky walls of the chasm. Shadows fled from Nye's powerful light, unable to withstand its radiance.

Lisa, leader of Beta Team, raised her hand, and shimmering energy constructs manifested around the team.