Aetheron's Strength

Paul and Lillith quickly regained their footing, the intense pressure from the steed's roar still vibrating through their bones.

Paul's eyes flicked to Lillith, who was already on her feet, her hands glowing faintly with energy. He knew they needed a plan and fast.

"Lillith, you need to go all out for this, use everything you have," Paul shouted, his voice barely cutting through the chaotic noise.

"I'll handle Aetheron; fight the steed!"

Lillith nodded, determination replacing the earlier fear in her eyes.

'It seems I have no choice but to go all-out…'

She darted to the side, her agile form barely a blur as she moved.

The steed's gaze followed her, its eyes narrowing in a mixture of annoyance and calculation.

'[Infinite Projectiles].'

It gave her control over the very essence of energy, allowing her to generate and launch a seemingly infinite amount of projectiles.