A Twisted World (Part 2)

They must be here for the special item stored here. But now that they've seen me, they most likely also want all my valuables.

How laughable. If only they knew that what I have isn't only restricted to what I currently have on.

"This is our turf! We've already claimed access to this land before you came here. You're encroaching on our territory!". The leader smiled smugly, generating a follow-up chuckle from his followers.

"For your actions of trespass… You must pay a fine. However, I am a merciful person, so instead of asking for the original cost, I'll let you off with you relinquishing everything you have on you" He smirked.

I nearly burst out laughing but I managed to keep my emotions to myself while maintaining a poker face.

"What's the original cost then?" I asked.

"DEATH! Now choose!" The leader said with a slight glare.