A New Deputy

The Angel's blow sent the deputy flying far off amidst a cloud of dust.

There was no doubt again as to the outcome of the fight.

It had been a swift decisive battle with the win on the Angel.

For one, there was no comeback from the Deputy.

There were murmurs among the other board leaders who wanted to rush to his aid but I held a hand indicating that no one interfered.

Everyone was straining to see them clearly amidst the dusty scene.

They had broken out of the initial ring of their fight since it hadn't been big enough to contain them.

When the smoke cleared, we could see the Deputy still lying down sprawling on the ground.

"Stay back!"

I cautioned the people that were about to rush to where he was.

He looked dead but I knew it couldn't be the case.

I noticed that the Angel had held back during the fight and he was pretty strong himself to be taken out that easily.