Diaries of an Upstaged Leader 

The discovered diary of Lyra Belkovich, a zonal leader in the third wave of the Armageddon during the reign of the Singularity.

Sunday, 16 April 2028

Today the world changed yet again. On an Easter Sunday at that. It was the start of the second Woe of the Armageddon and the system message read thus; A third of the sea will be destroyed by a mountain of sins, set ablaze for the ruin of all who dwell therein.

I watched from my window, the surreal destruction unfolding like a nightmare. 

A literal huge mountain had appeared and it was burning red. Hot lava spurted out from it and I knew it was only a matter of time before it spilled over to the land.

I called an emergency meeting which went well except for the obnoxious Jeremy.

Tuesday, 18 April 2028

Today I try to make the rest of the board leaders see the danger of following Jeremy but they're basically riding his cock at this point - pardon my language.