The Dome Collapses

Like Sariel said, the dome held firm against the swarm of locusts that attacked it.

We were the only ones still in the open as the rest of the people had taken cover.


Their buzzing wings was the only sound around and it filled the air as they sought an opening to the city.

Like a black veil, they quickly covered the dome, cutting off the light and considerably reducing the visibility around.

Before they completely covered everywhere, I spotted a tall figure amidst the swarm who appeared to be leading them.

The next second, he was a blur as he sped towards the barrier.


The impact of his blow resounded and the tremor was felt across the city.

After the wave subsided, I was surprised to see it had done nothing to alter the dome in any way.

Infact the impact had appeared to throw the attacker far away.

Sariel had really done some incredible stuff in the construction.