A Better Specimen

Abaddon watched in disbelief as his arms were torn away by its limbs with blood spurting everywhere.

In vain he tried to speak but couldn't bring himself to form the words.

In his wildest imagination, he had never thought that Sariel would or could defeat him.

Contrary to what he expected, her face wasn't defiant rather it was a mix of different emotions that he couldn't place.

Even as he watched her conflicted face, he could see the limbs she held in her hands slowly dissipate into sand particles.

He knew without being told that the rest of his body would also vanish and he kept his eyes trained on her till no trace of him was left.

The locusts below them all vanished in an instant and the skies were no longer dark again.

As they all vanished, Sariel felt something well up in her chest and a sting in her eyes.