A Dream Achieved

Jeremy sat on his throne, the weight of the infinite multiverse resting upon him like a comfortable mantle.

The sprawling expanse of his creation lay before him, every star, planet, and dimension under his command.

He had become the ultimate architect, the singular force that shaped reality to his will.

He was currently thinking of everything he had done to arrive at the moment which was a lot.

The throne, a monument to his absolute power, pulsed with the energy of the countless worlds he had brought into existence.

As he gazed out at the cosmos, Jeremy felt an overwhelming sense of stillness—a silence that pervaded not just the vastness of space but also the depths of his own being.

The battles had been fought, the victories won, and the spoils claimed.

He had ascended to heights no other being had ever reached, but with that ascension came a realization that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness.