
Warning:  Lemon/smut

He had to let Tenten know, but he didn't want to do it by text or call, so he waited until Saturday. She handed him his birthday present, a dark blue t-shirt which he gratefully accepted before kissing her, it was she who sat up enough in the middle of the kiss to put her knees on either side of his legs so that she was practically sitting on his lap. His hands roamed up and down her back and all over the outside of her legs, enjoying the sighs.

Would his mother be right and it was best to get away from her for good? He didn't like that scenario, he was too attracted to Tenten to think that being separated by many miles a few months was going to change that.

So, he told her and saw her sad look, she didn't want them to give up what they had either. It was rash to ask her to promise to wait for him or something like that, he had just given her the news and with a cool head Tenten could decide that being away was a good thing or that she would continue her life. That' s why they promised each other to think about it and the next time they saw each other they would talk it over calmly. In the car she was taciturn before they said goodbye.

Their usual conversations at night weren't there because she answered with monosyllables and he felt hurt, but he could understand her. On Wednesday he still asked her if she wanted to see him the next day, he was going to be selfish and see her one last time. She smiled at the sight of him and as she got into the car she greeted him cheerfully, being as talkative as usual on the drive to the flower field they had gone to sometime before.

They chatted about the hot summer, how the plants were struggling to withstand it and then about flying, she had never been on a plane, or well, not that she could remember because the only time had been when she was a baby and her parents had immigrated to the country. As the afternoon progressed and the sun began to descend he kissed her, taking her by the waist to keep her on top of him.

"Will we keep chatting? Will you write to me...?" She asked suddenly in a trembling voice as she had to pull away to breathe, his heart was racing and it wasn't just because of the kiss.

"Will you wait for me?" Tenten nodded and he reclaimed her plump lips again, letting his hands roam freely over her body.

He turned them to leave her beneath him and ran his tongue down her neck as one of his hands went under her blouse, caressing her right breast. He was going to stop when the time came, but he was also going to enjoy a little of the time they had left together, they were going to separate which meant they wouldn't continue on the plan of going slow, they would directly stop at least until he returned.

They had never gone so far again and he definitely wanted to do it with her at least once before he left, but he understood that it wasn't going to happen and he wasn't going to ask her to do it.

"Kiba..." His name was uttered between sighs as he took to biting her neck and continued the massage in her breast. He was going to need a lot more than a cold shower when he finally got to his apartment. "I don't want to wait until you get back for this..." A shiver ran through him. Was she reading his mind? Had he understood correctly?

"Tenten?" He paused, he needed to be sure of what he had heard. "What are you asking?" she was blushing at what they were doing and turned much redder clearly embarrassed.

"You said we'd go slowly... but..." He put one of his fingers on her cheek and heard her gasp again at the touch.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She nodded. "It's okay if you say no," he needed to hear her, even though his body begged for that affirmative answer

"I do," she stretched to be the one kissing him and hanging onto his neck, a way of making it clear that she agreed if he decided to do it right there and then.

"Not here," he sentenced with the little willpower he had at that moment.

Tenten didn't have permission to spend that night away from home and the sun was already setting, which didn't give them much time. The next day her father had the day off so she wouldn't be able to go out, but on Saturday she could. He said goodbye to her with a promise to see her early Saturday morning and the brunette smiled at him as she got out of the car.

His apartment was organized, once a week one of the house servants would go and clean, but it wasn't much to do, the place was small because it only had one room, he lived alone and didn't cook much, which is why the kitchen wasn't considerably cluttered. He wasn't going to rent the place during his absence because he would only be away that semester and would return to do his last semester there, so having to pack everything and then move back in wasn't very practical.

It was also an advantage to have his own space, he wouldn't have to worry about where to take her. And it was precisely for that reason that he hadn't invited her before, being so close to his bed with her was too much temptation and as much as he was a patient man that was more than he could bear.

He thought a bit looking around, he didn't want something excessively cheesy like decorating everything with rose petals and it was going to be daytime, so lighting candles wouldn't make sense.


Tenten was in a floral dress, she got into the car and smiled shyly at him. When they arrived at the apartment they sat on the couch, despite having said yes, she looked a little apprehensive so they were only talking about one of their many random topics before she leaned back on his chest and they stayed hugging on the furniture talking for another while.

If she said she regretted it, nothing would happen, they would continue their relationship as before, she had agreed to wait for him and he was going to wait for her to be ready, no hurry.

It was the brunette who started the kiss and he deepened it a little at a time, increasing the rhythm and playing with her tongue to the point that the temperature was definitely rising, it wasn't only the inclement summer. They stood up and still kissing they went to the bedroom, Tenten lying on the bed and him on top of her, caressing her first over her dress and then removing it, sliding his tongue along her neck, collarbone and pausing on her breasts. He had touched them a couple of times and looked over them when she wore some light cleavage, marveling at having them now with nothing on as soon as the bra came off.

She had an incredible body, although he had glimpsed that not only by her clothes but also by the times he had already touched her a little, now what he needed was to feel her skin a little more so he moved away just for a moment to put aside the shirt and return to her breasts. The first moan sounded as he gently bit the hardened tip of her left nipple, as he switched sides and repeated the action he got another.

He had never been with an unexperienced woman before and he had to say there was something stimulating about knowing he was the first to arouse such reactions. He removed her panty and lay down next to her at the same time caressing her intimacy, it was already wet but he preferred it to be much wetter to make things easier. She searched his eyes at times, it was fascinating to watch her normally chocolate orbs turn practically black as the sounds she emitted increased in volume and closeness between them.

He had inserted a finger first to which she gave a slight gasp and after seeing her get used to it he had inserted a second, he rhythmically pumped them in-and-out as Tenten seemed to struggle to breathe and moan at the same time. Her head tilted back and a louder moan sounded, he smiled victoriously knowing he was the owner of her first orgasm and got up to search his nightstand for a condom and remove his remaining garments.

"Tenten," he had settled back on top of her with the latex on his cock. "Are you sure about this?" His sanity was present in just the right dose to know that he would pull away if she asked him to.


He kissed her, spreading her legs a little further apart and making her lift one a little, there was no other way to do it so he sank into her in a single movement of his hips and let out a gasp, it was a thousand times better than he had come to imagine.

He waited patiently for the brunette to stop squeezing her eyes, smiling as soon as she opened them and she smiled back at him so he tried his luck by pulling out just a little before giving a gentle thrust, in response Tenten bit her lip and a gesture of pleasure furrowed her gaze. Little by little he increased the speed and force of his movements, he felt her reach a new climax and withdrew only for a few seconds to turn her around and continue now the search for his own culmination.

He collapsed next to her trying to recover from his overwhelming orgasm and felt her curl up to lie on his chest, so he hugged her all at once. He wasn't going to say that if he knew it was going to be so pleasurable he should have tried to convince her earlier or not done the slow thing, precisely part of what had made the encounter so memorable was all the waiting beforehand.

After a while he got up to go to the bathroom and get rid of the used condom, when he returned he found her covered with the blanket and saw her blushing all over at the sight of him naked. He searched the floor for his boxer shorts before going to the kitchen and returning with something to drink and eat. They spent some time watching TV before kissing her again and having a second round.

On Monday his mother and sister had gone to accompany him to the airport, as soon as he passed the immigration area and was alone he called Tenten to talk in the time he had to wait until he boarded his flight. He had to say that it had been a terrible idea to have sex with her before his trip, because now all he could think about was to send everything to hell and stay. Having to wait until the first week of December, which was his return, seemed like complete torture.


Her mobile phone had few features because it was a basic model, so she should be grateful that one of those was the possibility of setting the dual clock and thus always know what time it was in London by comparing it with the local time. As much as Kiba had explained to her that it was 8 hours difference and that for him it was earlier, she forgot and got tangled up doing the math, so that clock was the solution.

She checked it and according to that she could have an answer or not, because at the time she got up to go to class he was just going to bed to sleep, and when she came back from school he was getting ready to go to university. It was not being so difficult to keep talking to each other, although sometimes they also left messages while the other slept and answered when they woke up.

Other than that, she remained focused on her study, feeling that the times she went to the Inuzuka's house and crossed paths with Tsume the woman added to the usual despise a touch of petulance and probably mockery. Obviously Kiba hadn't told her that they were still together and to her attempt to separate them the only thing that had succeeded was to bring them closer, very closer.

She still blushed remembering that day in his apartment and regretted that he was far away, because she had liked what they had done and she didn't regret one bit that she had asked him to stop going slowly. The only thing she wished now was that time would pass a little faster, both to graduate and to be able to see him again and, well, to be honest, to be with him, because they saw each other on weekends by video.

On Saturdays she would wait until her parents went to work and then they would videocall each other, being the day they could talk the longest since he slept late and for her the day was just beginning. At first they just talked about their day to day lives, comparing the weather from a distance while she tried to imagine what it would be like to be in another country where she didn't know anyone. On the video she seeing him lying on the bed starting to doze off with everything around him in darkness while she sat in the living room with the sun shining and smiled.

"Tenten sweetie, would you do me a favor?"

"Tell me," she asked all at once . What would he need from a distance?

"Would you take off your blouse?" the colors came up to her face immediately.

"T-the blouse?"

"Yes, I'd like to see you like that... please?" she nodded before putting the phone down on the coffee table for a moment and doing as he asked, remaining in just her bra before picking up the cell phone again. "I hate being so far away."

On that they agreed. By the following Saturday it wasn't only her blouse that she took off, but also her skirt. Thus they increased, or decreased, the number of garments. Moving on to trying to imitate the way Kiba had touched her that day while hearing him gasp on the opposite side of the line in a clear sign of what he was also doing behind the screen.

She had once read about it and had found it embarrassing to imagine such a scenario, she was convinced that she would be incapable of doing something similar with a couple, now she found it arousing and liked knowing that he also remembered with pleasure what they had done.

"When does school end? Hana mentioned it but I don't remember." It was mid-November, and all the final exams are just around the corner.

"November 30 is the end of school, the graduation ceremony will be on Saturday of the following week but we won't be going."

"Why not?"

"Dad can't miss the day's work at the factory, mom and I won't feel comfortable in the middle of those people... so we decided not to go."

"Tenten... it's your graduation."

"It's okay, the important thing is the diploma."

"Are you sure, sweetie?"

"Yes, you are coming back that day. Right?"

"No... I managed to change the flight to a direct one and bring it forward, I'm coming back on December 7th."


"Really, but don't tell my mother."

"Sure, I'll call her right after I hang up with you," they both started laughing.

"I thought we could see us that day... before they know I'm back... besides if I'm already in town I'm going to surprise my sister and I can go to her ceremony."

"That would be nice."

"Too bad you won't be there... but you didn't tell me what you think about seeing me on Friday."

"I'd love to. Do you want me to wait for you at the airport?"

"Yes, I'll arrange for someone to bring my car," she smiled.

The few weeks left to finish her classes passed very fast and on the last day she said goodbye to Hana, it was obvious that their friendship reached that point because Tsume wouldn't allow her presence in the property again.

She had no money to say that she would go to university like all her classmates, she had been passing some applications to foundations that offered scholarships for higher education and so far she hadn't received a response from any of them, as they all had a certain amount of working days to answer and there were many, so she was still at home trying to be self-taught with her languages while she waited for the days to go to the airport.

Winter was just beginning and the temperatures were already dropping, so she reached for her gray thigh-highs that were mid-thigh length and put on a dark blue skirt that was almost touching them, her blouse was gray as was her coat which was slightly longer than her skirt and she put on her boots. She had told her mother that she was going out that day although she wasn't specific on where she would be going, there would be no one home anyway so it didn't make much difference whether she gave notice or not.

She had checked repeatedly the time the flight would land and left early to the airport, asking the security at the entrance where the international flights were arriving and sat waiting. A message told her that he had already gotten off the plane, and as soon as he had his suitcase he would be ready to leave.

She recognized his tousled hair in the distance and ran towards him, Kiba let go of the suitcase to receive her in his arms, and they both stayed in that embrace that tried to make up for all the months apart. They walked to the parking lot and he opened the passenger door for her, put all his luggage in the trunk and then sat down, being the moment when they could kiss. It wasn't just longing that was in that kiss, it was the need to be together again, so without waiting he drove to get out of the city and go to his apartment.

Traffic was chaotic, she saw him move several things on the phone in search of an alternate route but it was impossible, the highway out of the city was collapsing at times showing in red. She heard him click his tongue, looking for a hotel wasn't an option because they would ask her for identification, which she still didn't have. He headed towards another exit, that one didn't lead to the citadel, after a few minutes she recognized he was going to one of the places they had gone before and that were lonely, she didn't care.

As soon as the vehicle stopped she unfastened her seatbelt to stretch towards him again and seek his lips desperately, something in which she was completely reciprocated. Her coat was left in the copilot's seat while they moved to the back seat, she felt him rubbing up against her and the only thing going through her head was that she needed to feel him inside her.

Not even her first-time had she ever felt so eager to do it, probably because that time she had no idea what exactly to expect, but now she did and despite still feeling unexperienced in that aspect, she looked for a way to pull his shirt up a little and start to unbutton his pants.

Kiba exhaled heavy in her ear the moment he penetrated her, she only drew her head back in a moan. She had enjoyed that day at the apartment, but there was something much more pleasurable about that precise moment when the two of them were trying to show how much they had missed each other and needed to be together.


All corrections and comments are always well received, they help me improve a lot.

Hope you like it!