Time had stopped, she was sure about it. Nothing around her was moving and no one was breathing as Kiba held her, and she could have sworn that was why she hadn't disarmed in several places, because his arms around her. Of course she knew that starting her sex life could lead to that, but for that same reason he always used a condom, they weren't looking for that outcome so in theory they were avoiding it, apparently unsuccessfully. Her dad was going to kill her when he found out, the man had only known a week before that she had a boyfriend and now she was going to tell him that she was pregnant with... how old was her pregnancy?
"It says here that 2 weeks must be added to the date of conception to properly keep track of the weeks of pregnancy," it was Hana who broke the silence, starting to read the instructions about how to interpret the result. "So if it says =3+= it means that you have at least 5 weeks, the test is not made to measure longer than that."
"Tomorrow we will take her for a blood test that will give us a more accurate result than this crap. We will leave first hour," said Tsume before disappearing mumbling what were probably insults.
"Sweetie, I think we'd better spend the night here." She raised her head to look at him, he looked serious which was rare for him.
"Kiba, I didn't know... I..." her eyes were watering without being able to stop it.
"Relax, tomorrow we'll know how much time you have exactly." He kissed her forehead, "take a deep breath sweetie," she tried to do what he was telling her but it was still difficult. "Come on, let's go and you lie down."
"I don't have permission to stay out of my house..." but she didn't feel able to go to her home and see her parents, to give them news that would provoke many questions that even she couldn't answer. "I'll call mom."
"I'll wait for you," he sat down on the hall furniture while she tried not to stumble with every word she pronounced towards her mother.
"What happened Tenten?"
"Nothing mom... it's just that it's late and..."
"I don't believe you, you told me yourself that even if it was at midnight you would go back and you wouldn't spend the night in that house."
"Tell me the truth daughter."
"I will, tomorrow I will tell you what is going on... right now... tomorrow, please."
"Alright honey, I'll talk to you tomorrow then. Get some rest."
"Thanks mom, you too." She hung up the call and Kiba extended his hand, she took it and they went upstairs together to his room.
She had never entered, in fact neither to Hana's, but she was surprised to see that it was huge, besides the bed and their respective night tables there was on one wall a built-in closet that covered it completely and on the wall in front of the bed a library that surrounded a television of at least 50 inches. On the same wall as the door was another door that she could assume led to a bathroom and a two-seater sofa with a small coffee table, between the bookcase and the base of the bed was a fairly wide space, generally making her feel tiny in there.
"Do you want one of my t-shirts?"
"To sleep, although if you want to sleep without anything I don't object," he drew a smile and she began to laugh in a nervous way.
"I didn't bring clothes for tomorrow..."
"I think I can work it out with Hana," before answering he went out and came back a moment later with a blue knee-length skirt and a loose pink blouse. "What do you think?"
"It matches the shoes," she accepted and took them off, underwear would have to be the same she was wearing. "Please help me with the zipper," he did it and she left the dress on the sofa.
"Come here," he ran his nose along the length of her neck and her skin bristled, at the same time she felt him slide his hands along her abdomen. But he did no more, just felt her torso and then pulled away to look at her from several sides.
"Do you have a mirror?" Kiba went to the closet and turned a panel, leaving now a full-length mirror that actually had some protrusions and gave a view almost from three angles. In her underwear she spun around a couple of times. "Do you see anything different?"
"Slightly," she sighed, "but nothing very noticeable, I would say that the fries you steal from me could have caused it." They started laughing together because for her part it also seemed to her that at most it looked like indigestion, although well, she didn't know how long the possible living being that was growing inside her had. "Here," he extended her the shirt and she put it on before getting rid of the bra and then getting into bed.
"Kiba... What are we going to do?"
"Have a child apparently," he brushed her hair out of her face. "I'm going to respond if that's what you're worried about... it's time for you to sleep" he squeezed her tighter in his arms and she was grateful for those words, trying to take refuge in these.
He had woken up in the middle of the night because Tenten had moved him slightly to get him to react, she was hungry and didn't want to go to the kitchen because she didn't even know where it was. He yawned before asking her what she wanted and she shrugged, whatever it was, if it was bread even better.
With sleepy steps he went alone and checked the fridge, there was cheese and several cold meats as usual, he walked away from all the ones that were only cured and took the pepperoni to make a sandwich remembering what he learned recently about his girlfriend eating salty things, something he hadn't noticed by the way, he toasted it on the grill and 10 minutes later he was back in the room.
Tenten moved to the couch and happily bit into the sandwich, smiling at the melted cheese dripping down and in the process ensuring that the included charcuterie was cooked, just in case. It was little he knew about pregnancies but he knew that sushi and any food with raw or just cured protein was forbidden. For him he had taken some of the mashed potato from dinner and mixed it with cold salami, so he didn't offer her a taste even though she looked curiously at his plate. They watched television for a while before Tenten again fell asleep into his arms and he let his head continue to wander as it had been doing since the test had turned out positive.
He didn't plan for her to get pregnant, that's why he always made sure he had enough condoms and he didn't remember noticing that any of them were broken. But well, there was a reason for the 98% efficiency, there was always someone who had to be part of the remaining 2% and that was precisely where they had fallen.
It was still difficult for him to think about the scenario, beyond having it or not, since everything seemed to indicate that it would be the first one, it was that Tenten was too young, at dinner she had mentioned that she was looking for her first job and now she would have to stay at home since no company would hire a pregnant woman. Well, he was there precisely to supply any expenses that arose, in that there was nothing to consider.
Too bad his mother made him get up early on a Saturday, or well, get up earlier than he used to. Tenten showered first and dressed in the clothes he had borrowed from his sister, waiting for him to be ready before they went downstairs together for breakfast. Of course his progenitor was already ready and finishing eating, if it had been up to her she would have made them choke on the food so they would hurry. He got in with the brunette in the back seat and the woman in the front seat while the driver drove to the private clinic.
The more they advanced through the place, the more it seemed that his girlfriend was about to run away, the doubt was whether to the house or to the bathroom, possibly to throw up. It was his mother who sought out the doctor and explained what they needed. Although he was emphatic that only the two of them would enter the office, since it was only up to them what they would be told there.
The doctor was asking some questions to Tenten, the basics, date of birth, illnesses in the family, last date of the period, if she had noticed anything strange in her diet and obviously she mentioned the salt, it had been almost a month that she had noticed that she used to add more than before and also mentioned that she had liked the taste of the wood of a pencil, she was weighed and measured before asking her to extend her arm and take the blood sample. They would do two tests, that of blood and according to the result an ultrasound would be done to contrast. They waited in the designated area, where his mother was also waiting.
When they were called back the doctor's frown was furrowed, the hormone level in the blood was very high indicating that she was at least 2 months old, it could be more. So they made them go to the ultrasound machine and soon the screen lit up letting them see several meaningless spots and then they arranged themselves in another way being the image of a baby almost completely formed what appeared and a second later in the place they heard what was the beating of the heart of the fetus. They stood there for a long time while the doctor took measurements of everything to check the exact time of gestation.
It seemed complete nonsense to him that they would count the time when fertilization hadn't yet taken place within the weeks of pregnancy, it gave a confusing result. If someone said Tenten was 14 almost 15 weeks gestation it would be simple to say that he hadn't even returned to the country at that point so it was impossible to be his, but when those unnecessary weeks were subtracted he could look at the calendar and place the two of them in the back of his car right on the day of his return.
That was what the nagging voice in his head was screaming about he had forgotten something! They were not part of the minuscule percentage who had a condom fail, this one couldn't fail if he hadn't remembered to use it.
"Although the measurements are within the right percentile, they skew way down. Poor nutrition no doubt and lack of prenatal vitamins."
"I didn't know..." he squeezed her hand, it wasn't her fault.
"You will be prescribed medication to stop your period as it should not be occurring, vitamins, folic acid and a strict diet. Excess salt and a taste for wood at this stage of gestation reveal nutritional deficiencies that must be addressed immediately."
"Anything else?"
"I will schedule the next check-ups on these dates," he showed them the calendar. "Does it fit for you?"
"Make it in the afternoon, I have class until noon and I can't come in the mornings." The man nodded and made the notation on the computer. "Do you want to ask anything else sweetie?" Tenten seemed to have disappeared. "Any number we can call in case of doubts or...? well, you know, we don't have a clue about this."
"Here you go," he received the card and put it in his pocket planner before taking the hand of the brunette who was walking automatonically. "I recommend you to go to the pharmacy at once."
"Of course, thank you doctor."
At the sight of them his mother advanced towards them and took all the results from his hand, staring at each word and pulling out the ultrasound paper to look at it towards the light, then she looked at the whole prescription listing before finally speaking
"14 weeks? This can't even be yours. Did you think you could fool us, girl?"
"I need to go to the bathroom," with hurried steps he saw her walking away from where they were and when he went to follow her, his mother grabbed his arm to stop him.
"You're not thinking of playing along with this game! Didn't teach you in university how to count?"
"You weren't even in the country!"
"You know about those weeks that are counted but don't count and that?"
"Of course I know, I have two children. Still the count doesn't match."
"Yes it does, mom, it's mine..." he inhaled deeply before continuing. "I saw Tenten the day I arrived from London, before I went home."
"Why did you think that I would forward the flight without telling you?"
The grip loosened and he went at once to buy from the machine a bottle of water before going to the bathroom and waiting for Tenten to come out. He offered it to her as soon as he saw her, he had assumed well that she had just thrown up.
"Do you want something to eat?" she shook her head.
"I didn't even read what I can eat or not... Kiba..." her eyes moistened and she put a hand to her abdomen.
"Relax sweetie, it's not your fault." Technically it was his, so he just hugged her. "I didn't notice it either... it's just that look at you beautiful, no one would ever suspect seeing you," she smiled.
"I'm going to take care of it from now on... we're..."
"Yes, we're going to take care of it and you'll see that it will recover, it will grow big." He tickled her lightly and heard her laugh. "Come on, we have to go back to the house for my car and then we'll go wherever you want to go."
"I have to talk to my parents..."
"We'll go to your house, it's about time you invited me to come in."
"Kiba, that's not..."
"Sweetie, the first thing is that I don't care, I've never cared." He interrupted her, "the second thing is that we're expecting a child, I'll be there to give your parents the face."
The brunette nodded and they returned with his mother, before going home they went to the pharmacy that was next to the clinic to buy all the things that had been prescribed and there they got into the car where silence reigned all the way. He was reading the medication schedules to know which ones she could take at once or which ones she could wait a little bit so that the schedule would not be so complicated, while Tenten was reading the diet, which consisted of several sheets filled with all the recommendations.
When they got to the house they went to the kitchen, he fetched a glass and filled it with water all at once to hand it to her and then explain the times of each medicine, at the hesitation he went for some sticky-notes and stuck them on each bottle, something she smiled at before thanking him. She still didn't have the head for something as simple as that and he didn't blame her. They were about to go to the bedroom to lie down for a while when his mother told them they needed to talk about it.
"There is no different way to say this and it is better this way, with that there is no room for misunderstandings." The two of them were sitting on one side of the table and the woman on the other. "I hate what I am going to say, but it is the right thing to do," he wanted to roll his eyes at the whole preamble. "You are going to get married," she sentenced.
"We're going to what?" He asked, thinking he had misunderstood.
"A wedding," clarified his mother in a tone that marked the obvious, "I have worked very hard all my life to keep my family away from any scandal, doing whatever it takes, and this is not going to be the exception."
"You are not the one who is getting married."
"If it is true what you say and the child in her womb is yours, it will not be said anywhere that my son had a bastard and even less with a woman like her."
"Don't be confused, I seriously believe it is not yours but you refuse to admit it. So a DNA test will be done the moment it is born."
"What are you treating me for?" Yes, Tenten was annoyed with the comment and with good reason.
"Just from what you are. Do you think you are the first gold digger in history? The first to try to make a man answer for paternity that is not his just for child support?
"Mother, don't continue in that direction."
"Anyway, she'll sign a prenup either way. If she is not interested and the child is really yours, she has nothing to fear, but," her voice became icy, "if this is a trick to get money, I assure you that you will leave with absolutely nothing, just as you arrived." She only looked at the brunette, who didn't lower her gaze.
"Can we talk about the wedding?"
"No, the decision has been made. There are still some arrangements to be made, but it will be done as soon as possible, taking advantage of the fact that her condition is not yet noticeable. I'll keep you posted." His mother stood up, ending the conversation.
"What is it, darling?" He held back the shiver, that woman was frightening at that moment. "I thought you told me before that you liked to be with her," she said nothing more before leaving the room.
They waited at the property until lunchtime because he had asked the cook to prepare some of what had been recommended to Tenten, it was easier than going to a restaurant and reviewing the menu dish by dish. Afterwards they had lain in his bed for a while longer and finally as the afternoon was winding down she told him that her parents were about to come home from work, so she put back on the dress she had arrived in and they left for her house.
He drove through the city as he thought about the fact that he was no longer going to talk to his in-laws only about getting their daughter pregnant but also that they were getting married. Not that he was thrilled at the idea, he means, sure he liked Tenten and loved that they were together, but in his plans at least for the moment there was no way he was going to walk down the altar, not with her or anyone else. Getting married was something he hadn't contemplated, and he had definitely never thought it wise to do so before he was 25, but it was a decision that had been made.
Leaving aside his mother accusing her of being a gold digger, again, Tenten agreed to the wedding for the welfare of the child on the way, and yes, it was easier for him as well in everything related to the legal, such as enrolling her in his health insurance and in general that this bond existed to respond for everything. They also agreed that they loved each other and would do their best to form a home around the life that, planned or not, they had created.
All corrections and comments are always well received, they help me improve a lot.
Hope you like it!