Futa Cougar's Fun With Joan [RWBY]

Summary: Joan Arc and her Futanari mother Juniper Arc have been by themselves for a while now, but unbeknownst to Joan her mother has a borderline depraved crush on her and has been itching to seduce the busty girl for a long time now.

After some helpful advice from a friend who empathizes with her forbidden lust for her daughter, Juniper takes things into her own hands and is determined to 'convince' her prudish daughter a Futanari cock is what she needs.

Content Tag: Parent/Child, Incest, Futanari, Lesbian Sex Creampie, Rape, Corruption


Standing by the windowsill and watching her perfect daughter Joan walk away from the house with a skip and a hop since she was so full of excitement this morning, Juniper Arc clutched the sides of the curtains tightly when a whimper left her throat. Despite being at the ripe age of thirty-eight, she was still a beautiful healthy woman with a well-maintained figure she has been taking care of for years. Even after her husband's passing more than a decade ago, Juniper kept herself in peak physical condition. She had a marvelous hourglass body with semi-curly blonde hair in a fluffy medium-length mop around her shoulders. Not a wrinkle was seen in her smooth-glowing skin, and a healthy pair of robust D-cup-sized breasts sticking out from her tight-fitting long sleeve blouse. Her waist was slender and her hips widely pronounced to the point it'd arouse many when walking by. Juniper had an ass to admire and a sex drive that'd make others envious, ironically though, she only had eyes of the sort on the only other blonde Arc family member that lived nearby; her daughter.

"Mmnhhmh....! Joan...uuhhh....! I can't contain it any longer. It has been so, so long since I've felt these feelings manifest, and 'that' part of my body down there has been reacting non-stop ever since. If only it were so easy as to simply pursue if you were some else's daughter, but now.....I think I no longer care about boundaries. The lust it has for you is just too strong at this point." Juniper said to herself, gnashing kneecaps together as she wriggled her hips left to right while 'it' throbbed noticeably from underneath her ladies' jeans like it was a living tumor.

Huffing hotly and blushing red like a furnace, Juniper kept her eyes focused on Joan wriggling her buttocks left to right from behind her short-trimmed jean skirt. The girl was every bit as beautiful as Juniper herself was back in the day, and it only made her carnal taboo lust for her even stronger nonetheless. She had a hard time containing 'it' from inside of her jeans and reached down to begin stroking herself from between her legs. Juniper was breathing even harder now when visualizing her naked beauty of a daughter Joan Arc lying right underneath her with her large breasts wriggling gently about while she fucked her.

That's right, Juniper Arc was a Futanari. She had a throbbing and bulbous male appendage the size of a foot and still retained lady parts underneath. Apart from that phallic instrument of pleasure, Juniper was all-woman and hadn't been touched by another man since her late wife's death.

"Alright....that settles it, tonight is the night.....I do it. I know Joan will hate me for it, but I'm sure shell come to love it once she realizes how good it feels. I've never been with another woman since my previous wife's passing, but I'm sure it'll be just like riding a bicycle. Just as long as I have that appendage, Joan will feel every immense ounce of pleasure possible when I'm with her.~" Juniper said to herself and left her hiding place by the curtains as Joan met up with her fellow Academy friends Nora, Blake, and Ruby to head off to school for the day.

The curvaceous blonde schoolgirl looked back at the second-story windowsill from her house wondering if she had just seen her mother looking out at her from above. She shrugged and walked away, giggling with excitement for the day yet wholly unaware of what awaited her when she came home.

'Just you wait, honey, Momma is going to give you ecstasy you've never experienced until today.' Juniper thought to herself as she quickly went back to the kitchen, ready to grab the phone and ask either of her fellow Futanari moms for advice on how to approach this temptation. She was going to commit to it for sure, but she wanted some advice on how to romance a young college-aged girl first before succumbing to the inevitable temptation to force herself upon her.

'I just hope I know what I'm doing.' Juniper thought and dialed in Kali Belladonna on her smartphone, waiting for it to pick up, she sat down at the kitchen table with a mild nervous look on her face while thinking about Joan some more.



"Hello, hello? Is that you, Juni? how's it going?~" Kali's upbeat and cheery voice sang out when she answered the phone, making Juniper breathe out a sigh of relief as she began describing her situation.

"Hey, Kali. Got a minute, I could use a friend's advice right now. It's in regards to--"

"To the creepy lesbian crush you have on your daughter, I take it? Hee hee.~" Kali interrupted, making Juniper blush deeply as she shakily nodded her head.

"Yes.....that. How did you know? And...you're not going to report me to anybody, are you?" Juniper fearfully asked and heard Kali simply giggle whimsically from the other side.

"Oh no, not at all. Juni, We've known each other for years now, besides. we Futa-Moms gotta stick together at all times, right?" Kali answered, making Juniper breathe out a sigh of relief as she got comfortable at the kitchen table. She heard a 'Thank you' from Juniper and listened intently for whatever she was going to say. "So.....when did you first have these incestuous feelings for you'd daughter, Juni? Could it be that thing between your legs just giving you a case of randiness you can not quell with a man?" Kali asked and looked at a nearby picture of Joan in one of her two-piece bathing suits for her swimming wear competition. She shuddered blissfully and knew it wasn't simply primal lust.

"No, it's legitimately all me, Kali. I don't know when or how these feelings first manifested and I know they cannot be centered solely around grief. All I know in my heart is that they're there and I am craving the experience of having Joan underneath my naked body. It sounds so disturbing, doesn't it?" Juniper asked, twirling a lock of her hair around in one of her fingers.

"Oh pft, not at all. I mean, it is certainly uncommon, but I had the same lustful feelings myself towards my daughter Blake. I wouldn't act on them towards her, knowing how melodramatic she'll be about having a Futanari mother come on to her, but I'm certain it'll be different with Joan, Juniper. Call it a gut feeling. The question is how do you plan to go about seducing a bubbly teenage girl who is your flesh and blood?" Kali asked, feeling aroused by the prospect of a beautiful prime-bodied mother seducing her equally voluptuous daughter with a thick futanari cock sticking out in the middle.

'Mhmmmhm! I should write a book about this kind of thing. It might get me many followers on my social media, saucy as it may be.~' Kali thought and Juniper was left thinking about what her friend said as she tapped her chin in thought. The blonde woman was mulling over how best to arouse Joan's attention and still be able to pursue this goal wholesale without causing too much damage to their relationship in the process.

"I suppose a...mother-daughter outing? I could just take Joan out for an evening on the town and come back home, ready to confess. Thoughts?" Juniper asked, hearing Kali giggle and shudder blissfully on the other end when she came back to the line.

"That could work, I know she might reject you since teenage girls aren't typically attracted to their mothers, let alone attracted to other girls with actual dicks, but.....you might get lucky and wow her anyway. I don't doubt she'll enjoy it once she feels it inside of her body, Juni. I know since I have thought of the same thing with Blake, these dark urges can only be satisfied if we let them out and there are only a few select women in the world who'd be willing to indulge us. So why not.....force it on Joan and see how she likes it? You might have to be a bit of a tiger and get her screaming your name.~" Kali advised, making Juniper smile for she now had a plan to act out.

"That's.....what I needed to hear. Thank you, Kali. I'll do all that and more come tonight, I swear! Swear to secrecy and I might consider letting you have dibs on Joan's body too after tonight." Juniper said, feeling motivated and excited now, causing Kali to smile widely with glee herself as she felt erect from underneath her black satin dress.

"I swear it, best of luck to you. Just ram it into that tight pink hole and keep going at it until she can't go without it, Juni. Joan will thank you for a good fucking and she'll wonder where she has been without it." Kali said one last time, saying goodbye to Joan as they both ended their phone calls.

'Eeeee! Thank you, Kali. I most certainly will. Although next time I call someone, I might want to ask for a variety of different opinions from Raven, Willow, and Summer and see what they say. But first, time to prepare!~' Juniper thought as she got up and proceeded to get ready for the evening ahead of her, texting her daughter later about going on a special mother-daughter outing just between the two of them later today.


After school was over and Joan received a text from her Mom, offering a personal one-on-one outing between the two of them, the pair found themselves walking together side-by-side at a book store Joan happened to like because they had a wide variety of mang. They were traversing through it in one of the more culturally enriched parts of Vale with Juniper walking next to her daughter, wearing a lovely sundress colored in flowery white. Every time she was looking over at her with a chipper smile on her face, the mom tried resisting the urge to stroke herself off. It certainly wasn't easy. Joan was simply minding her own business with a drink of tapioca held in her hand, eyes roaming everywhere from the wide selections of Manga novels to some other scantily-dressed girls nearby.

This was when it dawned on Juniper that her daughter was also into other women, making her plans to seduce the loveable girl into a forbidden relationship a little simpler. She noticed Joan's bright blue eyes wandering all over a poster of the famed Mistral Champion Pyrrha Nikos of Argus, then she moved on to eyeballing a cute little goth girl wearing a black and red dress with a bright red hood on her head. It never dawned on Juniper that her daughter would be into other women, but then again it's been a while since they hung out together at all like this.

Joan was wearing her casual Pumpkin Pete hoodie like always, with her jean-patterned booty shorts riding high on her long soft-looking legs. Her sneakers remained worn over her feet and her large mane of mousy yet lustrous honey blonde hair remained tied back in a side-ponytail with wavy bangs across her forehead. Joan's fair skin and bright blue eyes always mesmerized Juniper whenever she looked straight at them, making her proud of her inherited beauty, but now it served as a means to only further her sinful lust for her teenage daughter.

"So.....you're into girls, Joan, honey? Fu fu fu.~" Juniper let out quietly, nearly making the teenager spit out her drink with a face as red as a tomato while they kept on moving around. They decided not to stay in one place for too long while they chit-chat about personal and intimate things.

"M-mom...?!" Joan whispered harshly, seeing the taller woman giggle feverishly and make a cutesy face till they arrived in a secluded section away from it all. "That's...I was going to tell you, you know, b-but the right time never came up until...you just blurted it out just now. I'm glad you didn't just yell it out for everyone to hear, that would've been embarrassing."

Juniper waved it off and simply placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder in a reassuring manner.

"Relax, honey, it's nothing to be ashamed of at all. I mean, you remember my previous wife Nicole, don't you? It's nice to see it runs in the family, hee hee hee." Juniper giggled playfully, furthering Joan's embarrassment as she crossed her arms in a huff and quickly grabbed a random manga from off the shelf to read to herself.

It was here that Juniper decided to pop the next question, awkward as it may be, but she needed to know nonetheless.

"Assuming you're not too shy to tell me, but how open-minded are you when it comes to other girls, Joan honey? A mother has to know more about her daughter after all.~" She said, shuddering quietly to herself as she watched Joan put a finger to her chin in thought before bashfully rubbing the back of her neck.

"I.....don't think I have a type, to be honest. I guess you can say I'm not that picky at all mom. Whether they're butch, overly feminine, or like me, I supposed I don't have a type to filter out. Just as long as they give it as good as Nicole. I hope it's not rude to speak of her like that, I know it's barely been a year or two since she passed." Joan admitted humbly, seeing her mother wave it off again with a friendly smile.

"Oh don't worry, nothing wrong in mentioning those that leave us, Joan. But about your types or lack thereof, how do you feel about....how they say.....chicks-with-dicks?" She asked, clutching her purse carefully as she watched her daughter frown with uncertainty.

"I.....don't know if I like girls with actual cocks attached to them, mother. It feels a bit unusual to me, to say the least. I mean, how many hermaphrodites or Futanari do we even know in this town anyway, right?" Joan said, shrugging her shoulders and feeling confused by the slight frown her mother made when she received her answer.

"I see....well, all I can say to you honey is don't knock it till you try it. You never know how much something can feel good until you've had it.~" She added, seeing Joan frown dismissively as she returned to reading her book in peace while they stood there. Juniper turned around and nervously bit down on her right thumb with slight hesitation over confessing to her later tonight.

She shook her head a few times and settled on going all-in and convincing Joan she was wrong about Futanari cocks not feeling as good as toys. In her opinion, those useless things couldn't compare to the pleasurable sensation of a flesh-and-blood phallus going inside of one's body. Nicole could certainly attest to that.

'Just you wait, honey, you'll find out sooner than later how much fun a real Futanari dick can be. Fu fu fu. Just you wait indeed.' Juniper thought to herself, spending the rest of the day with her daughter until the sun was setting and it was time to head home.


When they eventually arrived and stepped inside of their house while taking their shoes off in the process, Juniper took a deep breath and watched as her daughter pulled her favored hoodie up over her head. She was only left with a tight-fitting white shirt leaving her slender stomach exposed as well as a surprisingly large pair of breasts she didn't know she had. Juniper's mouth fell open in shock as she took in the sight of her daughter's sizable chest when she got comfortable. The young teenage girl had a bust as big as a full-on G-cup measurement, making the libido inside of the Futanari woman skyrocket to the moon.

"Nnnghhh! I can't take it anymore! I must....tell her and...' convince' how I feel about her is correct! Oh, Joan....!" She thought to herself, dropping her shopping bags and making Joan turn her head in her mother's direction when she saw her walking toward her with an unreadable look on her face. She quickly looked down at her chest, thinking that it was high time to tell her that when she matured, these became bigger.

"Oh, this? Well...I know puberty was about several years ago, but I've always been a late bloomer, in a sense. These became as big as they did one day and I decided to hide them so that boys, and other girls, don't ogle me like creepy rapists. that's kind of why I love my hoodie so much, Mom, I refuse to wear sports bras and..." Joan trailed off and noticed her mother now standing in right in front of her with a bizarre look in her eyes."Are you alright?"

Juniper suddenly brought both of her soft hands up to her daughter's face, cupping her cheeks affectionately as a blush appeared on the woman's cheeks. She gave Joan a sultry smile and leaned in close, making the teenager increasingly uncomfortable till she was forced back into a wall somewhere in the hallway. Joan was startled but felt her heart racing with both confusion and excitement all the same. The look in her mother's lovely blue eyes was still unnerving her quite a bit though.

"M-Mom?! W-what are you---?!" Joan let out and suddenly felt the older woman's lips wrapping around her daughter's in a deep lesbian embrace! Joan's eyes became as wide as saucers when she felt the woman's warm lips swallowing her own in a languid lip-lock filled with passion from Juniper's end of things.

"Mmhmm! *Pop!* Aahh, that felt great to finally do that, huh?" Juniper let out, seeing an utterly rattled Joan reminding silent with her mouth agape in confusion as she went on. "I apologize for being forward, honey, but you see...this frisky woman is just about you romantically." She revealed.

'W-what?! M-mom?! My mother is...in love with me?!' Joan thought, watching her chest heave heavily with excitement as the woman kept her pinned against the wall as she went on.

"What do you think of that, Joan, honey? I am serious about these feelings and I do.....want to consummate them with you. We're both into other women, but my case of romantic-sexual attraction seems to be exclusively for you. I know you're still young and confused about many things in life, this being one of them, but I'd like it if you tell me how you feel. I hope the idea of becoming intimate with me has you interested, darling, strange, and forbidden as this relationship may be.~" Juniper proposed, secretly anxious and hoping to hear her daughter say she'll accept her feelings, but she wasn't too hopeful on that outcome.

"Mnghh! I....can't, mom. I'm sorry, but I just don't feel that way about you. This is too weird and I don't want any part of it. You can let me go now." Joan said, earning a frown on Juniper's face yet seeing that the woman was not moving from her spot as she kept her pinned against the wall. "Uh....mom?"

Juniper's Futanari cock was throbbing painfully now, she was filled with so much unbridled lust for her daughter that she could no longer hold it in anymore. Keeping her pinned against the wall, Juniper grabbed onto one of Joan's breasts with her hands and smiled slyly as she proceeded to the next course of action without any further delay.

'I didn't want to have to do this, but she's left me no choice. I have no other outlet for these urges, these feelings, and I must channel them somehow onto the one young woman in the world made for. I was hoping she'd accept, it would've made this so much easier, alas...I'll have to convince my daughter the hard how good it feels. Even if it'll leave a bad taste in my mouth later.' Juniper reasoned and heard her daughter moan begrudgingly in pleasure as she continued fondling one of her overly large breasts in her hand.

"Mnggghhh! Mom! S-stop this....! I already said 'No', didn't I? Why are you---?" Joan let out, squeamishly thrashing about against the wall as her mother continued fondling her chest for a moment before grabbing the girl by the sides and gently throwing her down to the floor the next second. "Oof! N-no...! This isn't...what I think it is, is it?! Are you.....?!"

"Going to force me on you, Joan, yes. Trust me, I didn't want to have to resort to this, but these feelings I have are just too strong to ignore any longer. If I must convince you how enjoyable it'll be to have this.....*gestures to her Futa cock sticking out through her dress*...inside of you, then so be it. I'm sorry, but trust me, you'll love this once you get a proper taste of 'Mommy' here, Joan.~" Juniper said, shocking Joan to her core as she pounced onto her daughter the next second, lifting her top and unveiling her braless chest in all its naked glory!

Out spilled her doughy, enormous H-cup-sized tits wrigging salaciously like a pair of beach balls! Juniper was positively salivating with lust right now as she saw those large gems wriggling before her eyes. She quickly brought her hands down to Joan's jean-patterned booty shorts, forcefully tugging them down her luscious long legs and pulling them down to her ankles to where she could see Pumpkin Pete brand panties covering her moistened sex.

"Ghnh! S-stop it, mom! I don't want you to do this!" Joan let out, feeling partially aroused herself yet still unwilling to consent to this impending rape. She wanted to fight off her mother yet didn't hate her to warrant any physical violence. Still, she was sobbing internally that this was happening, and seeing her mother's lustful face smiling at her only heightened the girl's sense of quiet despair.

"I'm sorry, Joan, but please..bear with me! It's been so long I've gone without a partner to ravish and love to curb this libido of mine. My feelings for you as one woman to another are genuine and I can only think of this as the proper alternative now that you've rejected me outright. I promise it'll feel wonderful, Joan, just open up your mind to it!" Juniper pleaded desperately with a lustful look on her face.

She quickly pulled down the straps of her dress, letting it slide down off her slender womanly frame and revealing her pair of luscious D-cups in full from behind a vanilla-colored brassiere.

"Uughh! This is happening, isn't it?" Joan whimpered pathetically and saw her mother quickly slide down the rest of her dress, revealing the large phallic erection sticking out from underneath her satin panties till she pulled those off too. Out sprung a thick, turgid thirteen-inch erection with her pussy glistening directly below her smooth pair of balls. 'Uuhhh! H-how could I forget she had that thing? M-much less the fact that she has balls the size of oranges! Oohhhhh! Am I seriously going to be raped by my mother?!'

"Yes, I'm sorry again, Joan, but I must....have this right now. Trust me, you'll truly learn to joy it for but for now, it's time to make you warm me up a little bit more.~" Juniper said with a purring tone in her voice, she ran her tongue across her lips and crawled up Joan's body with her cock bobbing with every step.

The meek teenage girl stayed still and felt her mother's legs pin her arms down as she straddled her face when forcing that thick cock she had directly above her face. The woman ran one of her hands through the golden locks of her hair and slowly pushed it into her daughter's mouth, forcing her to allow it inside so that she could suck it off.


"Mmhmmmmnngghh!! Nnngghh!!" Joan whimpered loudly and felt the soft-skinned phallus of her mother's Futanari cock pushing past her lips and sliding further down until she reached the back of the girl's throat like so. A slick squelch of moisture followed and Juniper found herself face-hugging her daughter's head with cock more than halfway down her gullet! She could feel Joan whimpering even more as she fought to rest it, but soon those groans became drowned out when she began bucking gently into her face with her hands caressing her daughter's head. 'No, no, no, nooooo! I don't want to suck on my mom's cock! Uuughh!'


"Ooooaaahhh yeah! Mmhnhh! Thank you, Moan! Your mouth feels so good and slimy! It's such a tight little fit squeezing around me like it is doing right now! Uuuuhhh!!" Juniper cried out in ecstasy, keeping her soft naked hips voraciously bucking into the girl's face from above. In and out it slipped into her throat, filling it up with her turgid shaft and hitting the back of her mouth as this went along.

The woman was voraciously humping her daughter's face, increasing her pace and bucking gradually harder into her mouth while she was forced to swallow everything that came her way. Joan closed her eyes and whimpered loudly in refusal to submit to this, hating that she could taste every inch of her mother's thick cock bucking raucously into the back of her throat.

"Mmhp...mhmp..mhmp.mhmpp..mhmppp..*Shclupp..shclupp..schlupp..shcluppp!* Mmmmm!!!" She whimpered in refusal as the woman continued roughly humping her face, keeping her swallowing every inch for minutes gone by until she could feel that her mother was preparing to cum a moment later. Juniper tilted her head back and dug her finger into her daughter's honey golden locks with a delirious smile. She was feeling her shaft beginning to throb and pulsate with cum, ready to ejaculate inside of her mouth at any moment.

"Aahh...hha...hh...ahh..ahh..aahh....haaahhhh!! Here it comes, Joan darling! Uuaaghh!" Juniper cried out and bucked her waist into her daughter's mouth one last before letting cum blow down her esophagus in a burst!


"Mmngghhh!! *Mother!! Gulp..gulp...gulp...gulp..gulp!*" Joan continued to writhe about underneath her mother's pelvis, swallowing every ounce of sperm that came flooding her way. Juniper went on for about as long as a couple of minutes tops, finishing with a shudder of post-coital ecstasy and pulling off of Joan's face with her erection still solid throughout.

The girl gagged a bit and choked on whatever splashes of cum she couldn't swallow before getting up on her knees.

"*Cough..cough...cough!* Oohhh..my throat is going to feel so sore in the morning, I can't. believe that happened." Joan said to herself, touching her lips and looking up to see a positively excitable Juniper getting naked by shedding off every last article of clothing on her body! She knew right here that she was far from done right now and saw her mother leaning down with a lustfully manic smile on her face.

In any other circumstance, it might be a turn-on for Joan to have someone crazy for her tell her that she was going to have her brains fucked out, but not this time.

"M-mother....? What comes next?" She shakily asked and Juniupe was all too eager to give her a response as she kissed her lips happily before gently pushing Joan back onto the ground. Juniper picked up her hips so that her ass stuck out in a doggy-style position, making her daughter remain on all fours while she was ready to plow the girl's twat at long last.

"Your virginity, my dear Joan. While I know you've pleasured yourself to toys before, possibly so much that you're already popped your cherry, I still want to officially be your first bu fucking six ways to Sunday. I'll show just how good a Futanari cock will feel so that I don't have to force myself on you again, you'll crave it every once I'm done with you!~" Juniper announced, making Joan internally quiver with despair again as she remained on all fours with her mother behind her body.

Juniper held onto her hips and guided her turgid shaft over to her moistened peach after removing the girl's Pumpkin Pete panties with a tug of her finger. Seeing her velvet folds glistening with arousal, she ran her tongue across her lips and brought her cock over to the girl's sacred opening. She held both hands around each of her hips and thrust on inside of her daughter's waiting pussy with a smile!


"Gggnngghh!! Aaaggghhhh!! Mother....!! Uuugnhh!~" She cried out, feeling her insides split openly apart in ways no toy has ever done before. Joan clutched the carpet of the living room tightly as she felt her insides becoming warped after receiving her mother's dick inside of her more sensitive places! She could feel herself getting involuntarily aroused and stimulated by the feeling of having a raw flesh-and-blood dick inside of her pussy pushing its way to her womb like so.

Juniper voiced her pleasure upon feeling her daughter's tightness wriggling around her length, making her being bucking into her already from behind! She got started fucking Joan doggy style and raw with hard-hitting thrusts of her hips. Every swaying motion the woman made had Joan heaving inexorably in pleasure mixed with pain for her pussy was still sore due to the violent penetration seconds ago. She wouldn't lie, the sensation of having such a dick churning her insides made the girl writhe and moan in pleasure, but she was still despairing on the inside over the facet it was her mother forcing herself upon her. The tapping motions of her buttocks hitting the older blonde's waist became faster, making Joan's buttocks jiggle salaciously as Juniper's body picked up speed!

"Mmnghhh!! Aaahhh!! Yess! Ohhhh, Joan! uUuuhghh! It feels so good! I love you, darling!~" She cried out, moaning pleasurably while having her hands grip her daughter's slim waist firmly between her fingers. Letting her animal-like instinct for sex grow larger, Juniper slammed her daughter's ass directly upon her waist and let her cock sink into her fertile teenager womb. Her balls were trembling and the slick visage of Joan's pussy wringing her shaft made the woman feel Nirvana all over again.

She knew this was wrong and hearing Joan whimper tearfully beneath her broke her heart, but Juniper was sure that the girl would see the light and find nothing except absolute pleasure in her arms. No matter how forbidden this kind of union was, she expected her daughter to moan like Nicole once did when they were together.

"Uuh..uuh..uuh..uuh..uuh.uh..uh..uh...uh..aagghhhh!! Joaaann!~ Mnnghhh!!~" Juniper cried out again, enjoying the constant squelching of her daughter's pussy as it slid down her cock like so. Every push and gyration of her waist sent jitters down the girl's spine for she was reaching her innermost weak points within her pussy. Joan didn't want to moan loudly and give her mother the knowledge that she was enjoying this, but she couldn't help in the and thus...

"Aaaaahhhh!! Uuhhhhhh!! Mmnghhh!! M-Mother.....! Mnh..mnh..mmnh..mnngh..mnghh..mnghh!" Joan moaned, closing her eyes shut and propping herself up on her palms while breathing heavily in non-stop euphoria once the pain went away. She was still tender and sore down there, but her insides were slick and tightly squeezing the woman's length out of desperation. Hate it or not, but Joan's mother was making her feel incredible with her cock ramming into the back surface of her womb. Their bodies collided together continuously with Joan remaining on all fours in doggy-style, feeling her ass smack relentlessly into her mother's waist without pause.

The two Arc women moaned and huffed constantly, letting the sounds of flesh-slapping coitus fill the air. The stench of sex became abundant and Joan was starting to feel less horrible about this situation, but only very gradually the more this went on. Her mother eventually started bucking harder into her twat, making her folds gush all over her Futanari cock while her balls smacked her nether region. She could feel the shaft beginning to tremble and hear the woman moan gutturally as though she was a lion about to breed one of its chosen lionesses.

"Oooaaggghhhhh!! Joaaannn!! Mnnhhhh!! Come here, honey!~" Juniper cried out and leaned over just a little so she could grab onto her daughter's luscious tits from above, making the girl writhe with sensation when feeling the woman's hands squeeze each of them strongly.

"Ggnhh!! M-M-M-Motheeerrr.....aaahhhh!~" Joan cried out, tossing back her head and feeling her body quake with euphoria as she succumbs to her very first orgasm of the day! Her sex squelched and clutched the soft-skinned shaft of her mother's Futanari penis, making the woman croon pleasurably as she prepared to unload a thick deluge of sperm directly into the teenager's uterus without shame! Juniper raucously slammed her hips into Joan's ass, making the skin-slapping noise of post-coital eruption explosive for both of them!

Together they screamed out in ecstasy with Joan cumming all over her mother's dock and, in turn, receiving a thick creampie from it in the process! She clenched her teeth and growled loudly, worrying that the woman could potentially get her pregnant with the amount of sperm flooding into her womb!


Thick flying ropes of cum spilled into Joan's fertile teenage uterus, drowning out the insides of her womb while making her pussy leak out thick trails of it in the process. Juniper simply kept her hips humping Joan's buttocks, letting everything out and shivering blissfully with a goofy smile on her face. It had been a long time since she felt such release, but now that she did, she wanted much more of it.

"Uunngghhh!! Mmnnhhh.....! Oohhh...yeah.! Oh, Joan, baby, I love you so much.~" Juniper said, nuzzling her face against her cheek-to-cheek with joy. Joan said nothing when her orgasmic high came down, yet felt a hint of dread when feeling that her mother's cock hadn't gone down just yet.

'S-she's still hard?! I b-b-bet she's going to say she wants to do more. I always did hear her going at it all night with Nicole back then! Oohhh no!' Joan thought to herself as she felt her mother slowly pull herself off of her body with her cock plucking itself out of her vaginal mouth. With a gush, a thick dribble of semen escaped Joan's pussy, leaving her to worry her mother motive gotten her pregnant if such a thing were possible between Futanari women and regular women like her.

Just when she looked back over her shoulder at the woman, she saw that depraved smile remains on her face with her erect cock still sticking out ready for more action. Juniper stroked her shaft just a little bit with anticipation and placed a finger to her chin in thought while appraising Joan's mostly naked boy from below.

"I think I'll carry you this time while I plow your ass, honey. Heheheh. I'm sorry, but you knew full-well that one round alone isn't enough for me, not after I've been left without satisfaction for so long." Joan said, making her daughter swallow nervously as she reached down to grab onto her hips and pull her to her feet. Joan considered crawling away and scurrying across the ground to escape, but she was too tired and worn out from having her pussy bottomed out by her mother.

"Gughh.....! Mother....!" She let out weakly as she was lifted off her feet and held upright by her mother's hands carrying her legs. At a time like this, Joan had forgotten how strong her mother physically was and watched as the woman's Futanari cock came towards her quivering butthole next. Juniper even spread her cheeks a little while grabbing onto her thighs so very tightly. Joan had to wrap her hands around the back of the woman's neck to keep herself from falling off and waited with horror as the monstrous Futa penis sunk into her cherry butthole the next second.


"Mnnnggghhhh!! Aaaggghhhh!!!" She cried out in pain, feeling her rectal cavity begin spreading out slowly and painfully around the tip of Juniper's cock. Joan had never pleasured her asshole before, much less penetrated it with something penis-shaped, but now she was getting the real deal in the form of incestuous anal sex with her deranged mother. She felt the smooth tip pushing its way inside and stretching out her inner cavity till the rest followed in.

She clenched her teeth and mewed stiffly with toes curling tight and body writhing a bit in Juniper's hands. The girl let down her mouth and howled silently in pain as she felt roughly half of her mother's cock stay lodged inside while the other half remained outside. She was properly mounted now and Juniper could certainly feel the difference right away. Joan's warm, tender asshole felt utterly divine to her cock. It made the woman begin thrusting up into her buttocks immediately with hard hits from her pelvis while still standing upright on her feet. The tremors of impact were sent throughout the teenager's body, making her breasts jostle about while she felt utterly ravaged by her mother's cock plunging into her asshole!

"Uuugghhh!! Aahh..aahh...aahh...aahh...aahh...aahh...aahhg! Nngnghh! Mother.....!! It..hurts...!~" She cried out, whimpering in pain and feeling her mother continue ravaging her ass with wild abandon. Joan had bitten down on her bottom lip and clenched her eyes shut whilst feeling her rectal cavity getting permanently stretched by the woman's futanari cock. She'd admit to enjoying the feeling on a more masochistic level and did feel pleasure coming from it bottoming out of her asshole like it was currently doing.

She did want to complain about how much it hurt taking in a raw dick into her ass so roughly, but Joan knew her mother wouldn't listen and instead, kept fucking her upright in a stand-and-carry position here in the living room.

"Mmngnhhh! Hot damn, honey! Your butt just feels perfect around me! Oohhh! It's even better than Nicole's! I..still prefer the other hole, but this is a nice alternative too! Mmhmm!" Juniper mewled loudly and ran her tongue along her daughter's neck while keeping their pelvises pistoning against each other in a heavy back-and-forth of sodomy.

Their bodies collided into each other for a staunch few more minutes with Joan beginning to feel her orgasm about to hit her like a brick wall. She couldn't hold against this anal assault by her mother's relentless thrusts all that well compared to taking it in her pussy. Still, she was feeling her body remble with euphoria all over again as she felt her climax about to hit her, making her pussy gush and her rectal muscle begin to tighten around Juniper's raw cock! Their moans became rampant and nothing except hot breaths their lips as they continued like this until Joan came first! She threw her head backward, making her long mane of golden hair floss over her mother's right shoulder, and shuddered explicitly in climax!

"Aaaaagggggnhhhh!!! Mnngghhh!! Motheeerrrr....!! I'm c-cumming!" She cried out, feeling her legs twitch and jerk while the space within her ass became tightened in response. Juniper felt her daughter's anus clutching her meat tightly and throbbing with euphoria herself as she delivered one final slam into her butt before shuddering in orgasm, biting down on her bottom lip with perverse glee while unloading another deluge of sperm inside!

"Mmnnggghhh!! Yeah! Here it is, honey! Oohhh.....Joan!~" Juniper cried out, cumming like a fire hydrant inside her daughter's asshole, she wriggled her hips into her frame and kept the her carried in her arms while unloading so very much inside. It was blissful harmony shared between the two and the woman was channeling all her pent-up lust for the blonde angel with every passing second she was cumming inside of her, but she wasn't done quite yet.


Joan felt the warm goo flood directly into her anus, filling up her entire rectal cavity and making her feel extremely uncomfortable. To her, it felt as if slime somehow poured into her asshole, only in this case the source was coming from her mother's cock. She still moaned and wriggled about helplessly in the air, riding out her orgasm for a few more minutes until she slumped in her mother's arms. Junper, being the ever caring mother she was, gently set her down onto the ground again, but made sure she was lying face up with her chest heaving and her legs spread wide with sperm oozing out of both holes now.

She had pulled her cock out of her ass with a 'lop' and a gush of semen and held its erect form in her hands as she hovered over Joan for yet another round. This time, she was doing to fuck her lovely daughter face-to-face, and seed her one more time before calling it a night, hoping that Joan saw the blissful perfection in this sinful debauchery between them.

Joan was still heaving tiredly in post-coital exhaustion and looked at her mother's cock with a frown, knowing that the frenzied woman wasn't even winded from a second ejaculation into her body. She wasn't going to fight her on this anymore and knew it was pointless either way, so she only had one thing to say to Juniper Arc as she brought her face closer to hers.

"M-mother...*Huff..huff..huff....huff*...can we do this someplace else? Maybe somewhere a little more comfortable? This carpet is kinda rough on my body, you know. I have...very sensitive..ugh....skin." Joan voiced, still breathing hotly as she saw her mother nod her head yes while placing her hands gently around each of her cheeks.

"Of course, honey. Let's go up to my room then. Fu fu fu.~" Juniper said before kissing the young teenage girl's lips and sliding her tongue down her mouth, receiving a reluctant moan from her back in response.

'This is still horrible to endure, and I hate how good it feels, but dammit...might as well lie still and let her ride it out for now. Who knows I might start to...like it.' Joan reasoned, feeling her mother's tongue wriggling salaciously within her throat for another couple of minutes before they eventually parted and made their way upstairs to Juniper's bedroom.


Placing her daughter down upon the comfort of the queen-sized bed, Juniper grabbed her cock readily and pounced on the girl, lifting her legs and ass from the surface so that she could fuck her raw in a mating-press style position. She was glad Joan was no longer crying or whimpering and honestly did feel terrible or forcing herself on her, but this gave Juniper hope that maybe Joan was coming around to this sensation of incestuous Futa-on-female sex. She was quiet and waited with anticipation with her hands resting behind her neck, watching her mother mount her bottom by keeping her legs bent upwards in an arc over the air.

Juniper kept her hands pressed against the girl's calves, hugged the sides of her thighs with her legs as she guided the turgid masterpiece of her cock down into the girl's sex once more.


"Mnggghhh!! Gaaaaggghhhhh!! Oohhh...!! Uunhhh!" Joan cried out, blushing fiercely as she started reluctantly moaning in pleasure of the impalement. She could feel her mother's dick scrape some of her more sensitive places inside of her womanhood, making its way to her womb through her cervix once again. It was even better than the first go-around, making her toes curl up in the air while her mother hunched over, dominating the girl's body like so.

"Uuuhhhh!! Yesss! Oh.....my goodness yes! It feels even better like this, Joan! Uuaaaahhh!! I'm going to move now, okay? Mhmmm! get ready, honey! I'm going to fuck you wild and raw for as long as I can!~" Jounper cried out, grinning almost maniacally as she began humping her hips directly into Joan's with sexes smacking feverishly into each other! Her balls smacked against the girl's buttocks and nether region while her dick drilled the insides of Joan's core in a voracious smashing of bodies.

The bed started creaking and the noise of flesh smacking flesh began again, leading to Juniper practically fucking her daughter like an animal with tantric thrusts of her hips.

"Aaahhh.....!! Oohhh yeah! Mmh! Uh..uuh..uu..uh..uuh..uh.uh..uaahhhh! Jooaaan!~" Juniper cried out, enjoying the tight suction of her daughter's pussy as she continued bottoming out of it with gusto. She couldn't help thrust all the way and make a bulge appear from within the girl's stomach each time. Joan was feeling overwhelmed all over again as she felt mother violate her very core, incidentally making her writhe in ecstasy herself as this continued for a little longer than fifteen minutes.

"Mmngh..mmngh..mmngh..mngh..mngh..mmnghh! Aaaaahhhh!! M-motheerrr! Uuaaaahh! I'm....I'm....cumming soon! Uughh!" She cried out and wrapped her arms around the back of the woman's neck, bringing her down a bit farther to where their tits scraped against each other nipple-to-nipple while humping like rabbits. This caused Juniper to feel the trembling of her cock again as they began to achieve orgasm one last time. The sensation of Joan's teenage pussy tightening around her cock was sending jolts of perverse pleasure through Juniper's system, making her lust-crazy while they fucked.

Moans and hot gasps of breaths continued to fill the air as the pair kept fucking for just a few minutes until they popped. Juniper sawed her cock out of her daughter's taint, feeling the pressure become too much and release in a pent-up blast of sperm pouring into her daughter for the final time today!

"Aaaaaaaggghhhhhh!! I'm coming, Joan! I love you, honey! Mmmmm!~" She cried out and watched her daughter writhe underneath when feeling her seed pour inside of her womb once again. The girl's logs jostled helplessly in the air, over and over again as Juniper kept on cumming like a racehorse. She kept their groins grinding together with cock pumping voraciously and balls quivering until they eventually stopped after a couple of minutes.


'This is it! She finished inside of me again....and she's finally going soft....uhhhh! I.....can stomach this, I think. Oohh...at least she's done for right now, right?' Joan thought to herself in post-coital distress, feeling relieved that her mother finally stopped cumming and went soft before rolling off to the side with her cock spilling out of her.

The two Arc women were lying there breathless, spent, and sweaty. Joan was stuffed to the brim with sperm both inside of her pussy and her asshole, making her worry quite a bit in case your mother tried to or managed to knock her up. Still, she couldn't deny how good it felt despite this being a rape, yet she could never hold it against her mother, she loved her too much and understood her well enough. She just wished she didn't have to her fucktoy for her sexual distress.

"Haaahh...*huff...huff..huff...huff*...we are so doing this again, Joan honey, but...later when you are more comfortable. That is if you don't mind an old lady like me giving you the time of your life every day." Juniper added while lying on her side, looking lovingly into her daughter's eyes and seeing no malice whatsoever despite expecting some level of resentment and rage directed at her. "I'll do this with you again and again until you start to crave it, Joan. I'm just sorry it had to come this way, but still, you'll love it just I'm sure your body enjoyed it with how many times you came just now."

Joan said nothing and puffed her cheeks with indignance, she hated being called out and turned her back to her mother with a huff.

"I'm fine, mom." She answered and soon felt the woman's breasts squishing against her backside as the older woman started poisoning her with a haunting smile on her face.

'Mmmnhhh! Dammit, that feels nice too! Uughh!' Joan thought to herself with dismay over her conflicted feelings.