Mating With Mom [1]

Summary: Jennifer is visiting her mother for the holidays.

When her milf mommy falls asleep on her lap, Jennifer can't help but indulge in the situation.

Her mom wakes up and that's when the fun begins.


Jennifer lugged her suitcase up the steps, huffing as she hefted the bulky bag. She reached up to knock on the door, but before her knuckles could tap the wood, it opened and swung inward.

"Hey, you're here!" Sue exclaimed, a big smile on her face.

"Hi, mom!" Jennifer replied, dropping the handle of her suitcase to give her a big hug. Their breasts mashed together as they embraced, preventing them from getting close, and making them both laugh. Sue looked down at their substantial bust, Jennifer's D-cups a bit smaller than Sue's own E's.

"Well, you take after me." She chuckled. "I guess girls like us aren't exactly built to hug."

"Well, we can hug from behind, I guess." Jennifer offered.

"Yeah, that's thinking outside the box." Sue said.

She turned around to face back into the house.

"There we go. Hug away."

Jennifer laughed and wrapped her arms around her mom, pulling her in. Her crotch pushed into her mother's plush rear and a jolt of panic went through her as she felt her cock begin to stir in her pants. She quickly released her mom and reached down to grab her suitcase again.

"See?" Sue turned back around. "That works a treat."

"Yeah." Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Next time you can hug me instead. Now, are we gonna stand out on the porch all day or can we go inside? It's freezing out."

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" Sue teased, blocking the door. "It's more than fifty degrees! That's like desert weather around here for December."

"Yea, well, it's like Antarctica weather for Los Angeles." Jennifer grumbled. "New York is somehow way colder than I remember."

"Then you're losing your memory, honey." Sue said, dropping her arms and walking into the house. "It was in the thirties last year. And the year before. And every other year as far back as I can remember."

Shivering, Jennifer hurried inside, shutting the front door behind her.

"When are you going to move somewhere warm?" she asked, hanging up her jacket.

"Hmm. Let me think. Never?" Sue called from the kitchen. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

"Oh, come on." Jennifer left her bag by the stairs and joined her mother in the kitchen. "Florida's nice this time of year."

"New York is nice this time of year, too!" Sue complained. "Well, except there's no snow this year."

"Sounds like a plus to me."

"Are you kidding? I love the snow. What's that song again?" Sue snapped her fingers. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas. Right? Well, all you can do is dream about it in Florida because Christmas is all green down there."

"Green Christmas is the kind I like. New York can keep the snow and the frigid weather." Jennifer said. "Anyways, I'm gonna unpack and take a shower. It was a long flight."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Sue called as she walked off. "Your room is a little…well, it's full of boxes at the moment."

"What?" Jennifer popped her head back in the door. "Why?"

"Sandy from down the street is moving." Sue replied. "I'm letting her keep some things here until she can get all moved in. She's downsizing to an apartment now that her kids are all moved out."

"So where am I sleeping?"

"You can sleep on the couch or you can share my bed."

"Couch? No, thanks. My back's already killing me from the damn plane."

"All right, then you're bunking with me for a couple of weeks, hon. Sorry about this."

"No, it's fine." Jennifer sighed. "But I still need a shower. What time are we leaving for dinner again?"

"Our reservation is at six." Sue looked at her watch. "So, you've got two hours."

"Sounds good. What's the attire?"

"Formal. Just wear a dress or something."


Jennifer dragged her bag upstairs into her mom's room and turned on the shower, ready to enjoy the hot water on her shoulders. A couple of hours later, she was downstairs in a short, red dress that hugged her slim, curvy body well, waiting for her mother. She turned off her phone when she heard Sue's heels clicking down the steps and looked up, whistling as her mom came into view. She was wearing a beautiful, sleeveless, purple dress that came down to mid-thigh. The tight material clung to her slender waist and wide hips and the V-neck dipped low, showing off a substantial amount of her impressive cleavage.

"Wow, looking good, mom." Jennifer praised. "Trying to impress someone?"

"Hey, you never know where I might meet a new husband." Sue smirked. "There could be some rich, lonely bachelor at the restaurant tonight just waiting for a beautiful woman to come walking through the door."

"Who's dreaming of a green Christmas now, huh?" Jennifer snickered. "Let's go before we're late."

They took Jennifer's rental car and drove off to the restaurant. It was a fancy place and Sue had had to book a spot week in advance.

"Good evening, miss." The concierge greeted them. "Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, it's under Sue." Sue replied.

"Ah, yes." He picked her name out on his list. "Reservation for two. Right this way, ladies."

He led them to a table and a waiter stopped by moments later to take their orders.

"Hello, ladies, you look beautiful this evening." He said, pouring them cups of water. "Our specials are at the top of the menu. We have a lamb chop dish, a fresh halibut, and a prime rib. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Yes, can you bring us a bottle of wine, please?" Sue said.

"Certainly." The waiter nodded. "Do you have a vintage in mind, or would you like the sommelier to select something for you?"

"Surprise us. Something red maybe?"

"Absolutely. Take a minute to look over the menu and I'll be right back."

"What the heck is halibut?" Jennifer whispered when the server had walked off.

"It's a type of fish." Sue answered.

"Oh, yuck." Jennifer wrinkled her nose. "I guess I'll try the prime rib."

"Well, I'm going with the salmon."

The waiter came back a couple of minutes later with their wine and poured them both a glass.

"This is a Chateau Bordeaux." He explained. "The sommelier highly recommends it. Are you ready to order?"

"Yes, I'm getting the cedar plank salmon." Sue responded.

"And I'll have the prime rib special." Jennifer followed.

"And how would you like that done?"

"Medium well."

"Very good, I'll have that out for you soon."

They both sipped on their wine as the waiter left again.

"Wow, this is good." Jennifer said. "I'm usually more of a white wine girl."

"I should hope it's good." Sue raised an eyebrow. "It's a hundred-dollar bottle. And remember, you only get one glass."


"Yep, you're driving." Sue grinned. "We can drink more when we get home."

"Fine." Jennifer grumbled.

"So, have you met anyone yet?" Sue asked.

"Nope." Jennifer answered flatly.

"Why not? You're a beautiful young lady. I'm sure any girl would love to date you."

"Yeah, but not every girl would sign up for a woman with my…hardware." Jennifer said, referring to her penis.

"Oh, you can't think like that." Sue waved her hand. "You need to get yourself out there or you'll never know, right?"

"Maybe." Jennifer wasn't convinced. "What about you? Any luck on your end?"

"No, not yet." Sue admitted. "I've been out of the dating scene for a long time. I don't think I have the game I once did."

"Are you kidding?" Jennifer scoffed. "You're still gorgeous."

"Stop, you'll make me blush." Sue giggled.

"It's been four years since dad died." Jennifer reminded her. "You should start looking again.

"I know." Sue sighed, leaning across the table. "That waiter's pretty cute. Maybe he'll take me home tonight."

"Mom!" Jennifer complained, her face flushing red as Sue laughed.

"I'm kidding, relax" she chuckled. "Seriously, though, he is a hunk."

They chatted about random stuff for a while until their food arrived and they dug in. It was excellent, of course, and they cleaned their plates. By the end of the meal, Sue was on her third glass of wine.

"Gees, slow it down, mom." Jennifer noticed. "Wait until we get home at least."

"All right." Sue relented. "Let's get the check and we can leave."

They flagged down the waiter and paid before getting their jackets and heading home.

"So, should we see if there are any Christmas movies on?" Sue asked as they walked into the house.

"Sure, sounds like a plan," Jennifer replied. "You didn't drink all the wine on me, did you?"

"Nope." Sue held up the bag containing the remains of their bottle. "Plenty left. Plus, I've got a dozen more bottles down in the basement."

They changed into some pajamas, Jennifer wearing some loose cotton shorts and a t-shirt and Sue put on a robe before meeting downstairs. Sue grabbed a couple of glasses from the kitchen and joined her daughter on the couch in the living room where she was already flipping through channels.

"Let's see…" Jennifer mused. "The Santa Claus…Charlie Brown…Christmas With the Kranks…Die Hard…"

"Die Hard?" Sue looked up from the glass she was pouring. "Die hard's a Christmas movie?"

"Well, it's set during Christmas so I guess you could call it that." Jennifer shrugged. "Is that what we're watching?"

"Sure, why not?"

Sue handed her daughter a glass and settled back on the sofa as the movie played. By the time it was wrapping up a couple of hours later, they were draining the last of the bottle into their glasses and both very pretty tipsy, Sue more so than Jennifer.

"Hey, go get that merlot in the basement." Sue slurred, swallowing the remnants of her drink.

"You sure?" Jennifer asked. "We drank a lot."

"Well, we have nowhere to be tomorrow, so why not?"

"Okay, if you say so."

Jennifer stood and let her equilibrium steady for a moment before going into the basement, taking the stairs slowly. She thumbed through the bottles her mother had on the shelf down there until she found the merlot she had mentioned and returned. Unsurprisingly, her mother was passed out when she got back upstairs. Jennifer sighed and removed the empty glass that was still clasped in her hand and set it on the coffee table. She sat back down and changed the channel to another movie, but she could feel herself nodding off as well. Before the next commercial, she was asleep, too.

She woke up sometime later and saw that the movie she had fallen asleep to was almost over. Feeling a warm weight on her thighs, she glanced down and saw that her mom's head was resting in her lap, still sound asleep. She ran her fingers through her mom's long, black hair, smoothing it down over her shoulders. Sue sighed in her sleep and moved her head slightly, rubbing her cheek into Jennifer's crotch. A tinge of panic ran through Jennifer as she felt her dick responding to the contact with her mother's cheek. It steadily stirred and came to life, despite Jennifer's best efforts to will it back down.

Terrified that her mom would wake up and find herself using Jennifer's erect penis as a pillow, Jennifer stayed perfectly still. Well, as still as she could with her mom's face pressing into her sensitive shaft. Her breath caught and her body twitched occasionally. She found herself moving her hips to feel her mom's cheek rub against her more. When Sue stayed dead asleep, she became braver and braver.

Raising her mother's head ever so gently, Jennifer slid her shorts down her thighs, the elastic band stretching to get around her hips until her dick was free of the cotton confines, and they dropped to the carpet. She lowered her mom's head back down and with no barrier in the way, her soft, warm cheek pressed against Jennifer's stiff cock. She was hesitant to go any further, but it had been so long since she had had sex. She was always scared to flirt with girls and so she rarely got any action. In the end, it was her mom's warm breath against her penis that broke her willpower.

Turning and raising her mom's head, Jennifer hefted her cock and aimed the tip at her mother's mouth. She inhaled sharply, feeling the warm air dance across her cock head and she rubbed her tip along her mom's soft, plush lips. Gently nudging her way inside, she rested just inside her mom's mouth, making sure that she would not wake up before continuing. When she was confident, she began moving her hips up off the sofa, carefully fucking the head of her dick into her mom's mouth.

As she became hornier, her thrusts got deeper and deeper until her head poked at the entrance to her mother's throat. Jennifer was shocked to find that there was no resistance there and her tip started to slide into it. She realized that, with her mother asleep and completely relaxed, she was in the perfect state to do what no girl had ever done before; deepthroat her. Holding her mom's slumbering head in both hands, she gradually lowered it down, gasping as she felt the thick head of her penis slide into her tight throat and continue downward. Inch after inch disappeared between her lips until, at last, Sue's lips were pressed against the base of Jennifer's cock.

Not wanting to suffocate her mother, Jennifer made sure not to block her nose and breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the gentle, warm air current from her mom's nostrils against her crotch. Biting her lip to contain her moans, she basked in the hot embrace of her mom's throat. She forced herself to remain perfectly still for a couple of minutes, but her squirming became more and more erratic until her hips were involuntarily thrusting up against her mom's face. Caution was now being thrown to the wind in the ocean of her unrestrained lust.

Sue awoke to a slight presence bumping against her face. As the drowsy haze cleared and her vision focused, she realized with a shock, that she was staring at a pair of bare thighs and, between them, identical heavy balls. The sensual moans floating down to her ears informed her that they belonged to her daughter and that it was her daughter's cock that was buried to the base in her mouth. As the final dregs of sleep lifted from her mind, her eyes widened, realizing that that meant that there were about nine inches of dick down her throat. When her brain processed this, her throat reflexively constricted and convulsed, Sue choking and pulling her head up hurriedly to relieve the pressure on her neck.

Gasping in air, she coughed, her throat feeling a bit scratchy, and sat up on the couch. Looking next to her, she met her daughter's terrified, shame-filled eyes, and her heart swelled in her chest. She cupped her daughter's cheek and pulled her into a hug, squishing her head in between her breasts. Pulling her to arm's length by her shoulders, Sue looked into Jennifer's eyes.

"I…I'm so sorry, mom." She muttered. "I don't know what came over me. It was just that your head was there, and the wine was affecting me, and I got excited and…"

"Shhh." Sue shushed her, placing her finger to Jennifer's lips. "It's okay, sweetie. Don't worry."

She looked down between Jennifer's legs and beheld her daughter's huge and still erect cock sticking straight up.

"Wow." Sue breathed. "It's been a long time since I've seen it. You've gotten so…big!"

Jennifer squirmed as her mother reached down and cupped her sack, hefting the round orbs in her hand.

"And look at these balls." Sue continued. "Jesus, they're so heavy. No wonder you lost control. When's the last time you had sex?"

"It's…been a while," Jennifer admitted.

Sue's mouth watered, her eyes locked on the throbbing shaft, still slick with her saliva, her self-control breaking down by the second. Her hand absentmindedly gripped Jennifer's cock and rubbed it.

'What could it hurt?' Sue thought to herself.

"Lay down, sweetie." She ordered, pushing her daughter to lay lengthwise on the sofa, leaning against the armrest.

Jennifer stared in awe as her mother stretched out, forcing herself between her legs, and stroked her penis, her face no more than a couple of inches away from it. When her mom leaned forward and captured the tip between her lips, she threw back her back and moaned loudly. Sue bobbed her head down, taking another couple of inches into her mouth. Her hand jerked the remainder of her long dick, her saliva providing more than enough lubrication to allow her fingers to slide up and down the engorged length.

Diving her head down, she pressed the tip against the back of her mouth, gagging as it triggered her reflex. Pulling back and blinking away some tears, she tried again in an attempt to match her earlier feat that she had managed while she was asleep. She jammed the tip against her uvula, trying to break the barrier of her tight throat repeatedly. With her now awake and her muscles and reflexes in gear, however, she found herself unable to force it any further and reluctantly gave up her attempt, retreating off of the dick, breathing hard, and stroking it.

Looking up through watery eyes, she saw her daughter's awestruck face and her lips curled into a smile. Following her daughter's gaze, she realized that her robe had come slightly undone in the commotion and Jennifer was staring at her visible cleavage. Laughing, Sue shucked off the robe, revealing that she was completely topless underneath, much to Jennifer's delight. Lifting her large breasts in her hands, Sue grinned and inched forward, falling onto her chest in her daughter's lap.

Jennifer gasped as her mother wrapped her huge boobs around her stiff cock, trapping her length in her cleavage. Squeezing her tits together with both hands, Sue started moving her bust vertically, giving her daughter an expert level titfuck. Her enormous E-cup breasts provided a perfect valley for Jennifer's cock and she began humping up to meet her mother's movements. The sound of flesh slapping soon drowned out the television, the loud, lustful noises bursting forth with each collision of Sue's boobs against Jennifer's groin.

Pausing momentarily, Sue pursed her lips and let out a long string of saliva. It stretched out, sensually, from her lips until it drizzled into the warm pocket of her cleavage. With the additional lubrication, Sue resumed tittyfucking her daughter. Jennifer moaned and whimpered, in utter heaven as her mother's smooth, milky breasts stroked and massaged her shaft. Her hips bucked up off the cushion, fucking her mom's pillowy boobs from underneath and making them jiggle and bounce in Sue's hands.


Sue looked up, reducing the speed of her paizuri, to meet her daughter's eyes.

"Yes, honey?" she asked.

"Can I…" Jennifer hesitated. "Can I fuck you?"

Sue faltered, knowing that this was a big step up from oral or some titfucking. Her pussy was dripping, and she was hornier than she had been in years, though, and she found herself warming to the idea until it was all she could think about.

'Yes! Please, stick me with that thing!' she thought.

"Okay, sweetie." That was what she said.

Laying on her back on the opposite end of the couch, Sue spread her legs, revealing her silk panties. Sliding them to the side and baring her wet entrance, she smiled and beckoned her daughter toward her. Jennifer didn't need to be told twice. Her eyes shining and her mouth agape, she crawled down the sofa and between her mom's legs. Her dick slapped down heavily against Sue's pussy and stomach, making her mother whimper. Wrapping her arms under her mom's legs and lifting them, Jennifer rubbed her shaft along Sue's slick lips, making her the one to squirm for a change.

"Put it in, mom." Jennifer breathed, drawing her hips back.

Sue swallowed and reached down to guide the tip of her daughter's cock to her pussy and slot it in her lips. Once completed, she looked back up to Jennifer's longing face and nodded.

"Go slow." She warned. "It's been a long time and you're enormous, honey."

"I'll try," Jennifer promised and pushed forward.

Sue cried out as her walls were spread wide by the biggest cock she had ever seen let alone taken. She bit her lip and trembled as Jennifer slowly plodded forward into her depths. She yelped as she felt the tip of Jennifer's cock press against her cervix. Her daughter was deeper than any other penis or toy she had experienced in her life. Respecting her mom's request, Jennifer retracted her hips at a snail's pace, sluggishly retreating until just the head remained inside, and then pushing back in.

Her mother's moans filled the room as she was stretched out by the immense shaft. Jennifer groaned, too, their carnal responses melding together into a symphony of lust. Speeding up, Jennifer started to move her hips with some urgency. Her mother's cunt gripped and squeezed her with each thrust and drew a cry of pleasure from both of their mouths. Jennifer's hips became almost a blur, no longer able to restrain herself and go slow as Sue had instructed. Sue, in turn, was being fucked too hard to snap her daughter from her fervor. Her mind was melting with the satisfying sensation of being stretched to her max.

Gripping her mom's thighs tightly and pounding away, Jennifer's attention was grabbed by her mother's chest. Each stroke of her hips was causing her mom's huge boobs to bounce and shake wildly. Enraptured by the sight, Jennifer's mouth began watering and she gradually leaned forward. Sue gasped as she felt her daughter's lips wrap around one of her stiff nipples. A lewd moan escaped her, Jennifer sucking away at her breast and slamming into her at the same time. Jennifer's moans translated into hums of contentment that sent stimulating vibrations into Sue's breasts.

After a few minutes, Sue felt a strange sensation coming up. It was something she had felt before, but not in years. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized what it was just before the sensation manifested. Jennifer still latched to her mom's breast, heard her mother cry out, and felt something warm and sweet fill her mouth. With a jolt, she realized that it was milk. Eager for more of the rich and savory liquid, she tightened the seal of her lips around her mom's nipple and sucked harder. She was rewarded by a steady stream of delectable milk that flooded her mouth and she gulped it down thirstily.

Sue groaned and wrapped her arms around her daughter's head, hugging her tightly to her chest. She panted in ecstasy as Jennifer suckled on her greedily, drawing out more and more of the creamy goodness within. She couldn't believe that she was lactating after so long, but her daughter's hungry mouth was ardently extracting the milk and swallowing it down.

When Jennifer finally took a break to catch her breath, rivulets of white running down her chin, Sue grabbed her face and pulled her up to her own. Their lips crashed together in a hot and passionate kiss. Sue's tongue eagerly explored her daughter's mouth, tasting her sweet milk. Jennifer returned the embrace, pounding her hips harder into her mom.

Squealing, Sue climaxed harder than she ever had before. Her cunt fluttered and spasmed, as she jerked and writhed in her daughter's grip. Jennifer groaned into her mom's mouth as her walls clamped down around her and convulsed wildly. She fucked away, sliding her cock into her mom's grasping hole urgently, extending Sue's orgasm until her eyes rolled back in her skull and she was reduced to a shuddering mess. Feeling her finish approaching, Jennifer slowed her thrusts, allowing her mother to recover from her mind-shattering climax while she kissed her.

"Mom…" Jennifer breathed, breaking off the kiss. "I'm gonna cum soon."

Shaking her daze off, Sue gently pushed Jennifer off of her, whimpering as the thick cock left her slick cunt, and guided her daughter until she was once again on her back, leaning against the armrest of the couch. Laying herself between Jennifer's spread legs as she had done earlier, Sue ensnared the throbbing head of her cock in her mouth and started bobbing her head. She was thoroughly exhausted, mentally and physically, from her earth-rocking orgasm, but her hands came up to grip Jennifer's shaft and stroke her. Her mouth and fingers worked in tandem, twisting and jerking and sucking until Jennifer was bucking and trembling uncontrollably underneath her.

"I'm cumming, mom!" Jennifer warned.

Sue dutifully kept her lips wrapped around her daughter's cock as cum exploded across her tongue. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sheer volume of the fluid, but she managed to keep it all contained. Her cheeks bulged outwards like a chipmunk and she quickly swallowed it all down just in time for the next blast to flood her mouth. Jennifer cried out and shuddered, continually filling her mother's mouth with cum as she sucked it all down and into her belly. By the time Jennifer's orgasm subsided, Sue was feeling bloated and full, but in a good, satisfying way. She felt as though she had just eaten dinner again and just like usual after intense exercise and a good meal, she was feeling sleepy. She feebly suckled on her daughter's cock head as her eyelids drooped and shut.

Jennifer panted, her chest heaving and her head limply hanging back over the armrest as she vaguely felt her mom's mouth sliding deeper and deeper on her cock. She felt something soft bump into her crotch and raised her head. To her amazement, she found her mom, sound asleep with her cock buried to the balls in her throat. Jennifer stared in shock for a few moments before tilting her mom's head slightly to ensure that her nose would have plenty of room to take in air and then leaned back with a big sigh, gradually joining her mother in dreamland.