• All Girls For One Deku: END •

The blazing embers of Absolute Devotion grew ever stronger any day it was used and it now blossomed in strength from inside of its master's heart; Izuku Midoriya. The boy had started to have strange dreams as he tossed around in the bed he shared with his mother Inko Midoriya. She was still soundly asleep herself and wearing only a skimpy nightgown that was easy access for Izuku in case he felt the need to have a romp with her in the middle of the night. Apart from that, she was resting happily against her son's side while he tousled around in bed. The boy had the Heart of a hero indeed, but the strength of his twisted Quirk Absolute Devotion only grew stronger each time he made love to one of his girls or made a claim on a new one whether it was another horny teenager or a full-grown woman looking for love. Be it out of genuine love or raw bestial lust, Izuku wouldn't hesitate to charm any girl that caught his eye or felt the lust-inducing effects of AD by being within proximity of them. His latest acquisitions had been the mother of his classmate Momo Yaoyorozu's mother; Manami, and Kyoka Jiro's mother Miko. Izuku had enticed them both the very same day he first met them at the girl's house. When he had ravished them together with their daughters, a fierce glow of power started brewing inside of his body. It was a surge that was much more powerful than before as if it somehow knew that Izuku had successfully impregnated both older women during their night of intimate passion in Momo's bedroom atop her queen-sized bed. Having finally seeded two of his soon-to-be brides to the point they became his broodmares, Izuku's Quirk became stronger as a result and the dark power of seduction started twisting the boy's better nature, meshing it with his personality of a good and honest person. Perhaps part of Izuku always had a dark side inside him that he never let out before, but inheriting Absolute Devotion had started changing things for him for the better ever since. He got One-For-All, Nana Shimura's eternal love, gets to freely sleep with his Milf of a mother as well as any number of girls he wants including his very own classmates and teacher. But the darkness was still there in Izuku, he wouldn't be happy until he set out to take it all. All for one Izuku Midoriya.

Maybe it was years of feeling worthless by being Quirkless in a Society run by them or having been constantly humiliated by his former friend Katsuki Bakugou that served as the catalyst for this dormant feeling of bitter hatred and dark anger coming full-circle. Izuku was essentially a good boy at heart, but even good boys like him had a dark side to their hearts that have been tempered by years of misery and torment. He was no exception to the rule, but perhaps he was just the perfect host to bring the vile Quirk to its fullest potential. The same way it grew in strength, so too would Izuku's hunger for women increase. His feelings for each new girl extended beyond love and into the more primal and possessive territory of raw lust, but the genuine affection was still there and the rest was raw passion being demonstrated in bed. He already had Nana Shimura as his first true love, one who he sought to marry just as soon as he made it big as a Professional Hero all will admire and respect, but Izuku's mind another story. New ideas, more goals for extending beyond the boundary of Japan and into the world itself where beautiful heroes like Nana's American Rival Stars-and-Stripes flourished within Izuku's mind. The boy was getting various images in his dreams as he started truly becoming one with his Quirk of Absolute Devotion. It was showing him the promising sight of what his heart and his body yearned to see; All of his known women crawling towards him with hearts in their eyes and bodies naked to the letter...


Inside of Izuku's dreamscape...


"Izu-Kun. No, I should say.....Master instead, shouldn't I? Fu fu fu.~" The voice of a naked Nana Shimura sung out as she appeared out of nowhere and knelt close to Izuku's in all his nakedness. She too was nude and had her robust, full-figured body on show along with Izuku's mother Inko and his neighbor Mitsuki Bakugou. All three adult women were around him from all sides, each of them being as naked as the day they were born with Nana sporting a swollen stomach that she was affectionately cradling. She was seven months pregnant and guided one of Izuku's hands over to touch the surface of her beach-ball-sized stomach with a smile.

He felt a heartbeat and feeling the warmth and love coming from this beautiful woman had the boy becoming excitable and breathing rapidly. Izuku, being fully conscious inside of his dreamscape was still confused, he looked into Nana's lovely dark eyes of hers. She let go of his hand and brought herself closer to smother her large breasts into his face with a smile, feeling Izuku whimper loudly with lustful excitement as the dark blaze of Absolute Devotion grew even more. It projected itself in the background of his subconscious while motorboating his girlfriend's tits.

"Mmnghmhh!! Nana-Chan.....!" He yelled out as he pulled his face from her cleavage, distraught and rife lustful need for this beautiful woman. Izuku was about to grab hold of her breasts with his hands when his right was gently grabbed away by his mother Inko Midoriya's fingers and brought over to her set of tits now. Mitsuki had knelt behind him and rose high enough to lean down and smother the sides of his face with her tits the same way Nana had done.

"Hehehehe, if you get me knocked up as well, Izu-Kun, you can drink from these utters of mine anytime you like.~" She said affectionately while cradling Izuku's head with both hands. All three women were giving him the affectionate massage treatment that was making him thoroughly aroused, leading to his mighty cock sticking out from the shadows underneath. Izuku was about to suckle on either his mother's, Nana's, or Mitsuki's breasts and squeeze either pair with his hands when he saw his entire class of 1A girls crawling towards him from the darkness.

A gentle scarlet light dawned upon the scenery, showing the two dozen or so girls all prowling towards him like a pack of hungry cougars. Izuku felt his libido grow stronger still as he saw they were all wearing only their birthday suits. Not a single one of them had clothes on and even Midnight Sensei, as well as Mt Lady, were among the mass heading towards him.

"Mi-dor-iya-Kun! *Giggles!*" Kendo Itsuka called out to him as she, and the many other women, made their way forward to Izuku on all fours. She was next to Kashiko Sekigai and between both Ochako Uraraka and Momo Yaoyorozu. They were crawling to him with those haunting smiles on their faces and eventually reached the boy's waist were many sets of hands started fondling his large dick with smiles all around.

The others that were behind them, such as Shouko Todoroki, Manami Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro, Mei Hatsume, all crowded around them with hands reaching for Izuku's cock as though it was an idol to worship. The boy shuddered visibly with pleasure as he felt their soft fingertips graze and clutch every throbbing part of his appendage. Izuku soon felt others crowding around him and wedging themselves in-between the three Milfs, namely Midnight-Sensei, Yu Shimamura the reporter, and Mt Lady herself. His mind and his libido were going haywire with all this lust in the air, making Izuku feel distraught with a dark hunger for their flesh. His mind was overloaded with lust right now and the more he was being fondled from all over, the stronger the urge to give into AD became.

'Nngghhh!! Everyone....! Momo-Chan! Uraraka-chan! N-Nana-chan! You're all driving me crazy....! I.... can't hold it back any longer!' Izuku yelled out within his subconsciousness. He felt as though he was drowning in lust right now and suddenly he was seeing other women coming into the picture with swollen stomachs.

Nemuri Kayama, his teacher Midnight had one as well and had been stroking it affectionately with a lust--ridden smile on her face. The Reporter had one too, as did the beautiful Mt Lady whose real name is Yu Takeyama. They all had crowded around Izuku with bodies leaning in, many pairs of naked breasts simply showing themselves to Izuku, making the dark lust inside of him reach a boiling point while his cock remained fondled by the many pairs of feminine hands. It was throbbing powerfully and becoming even more volatile by the second, ready to cum at any moment.

Izuku had never known such desire in all his life and part of him felt that he could give these girls everything they'd ask for if he just embraced the dark nature of this Quirk that he had been butting heads with all along. He couldn't see it in the distance, but it shone like a star. Izuku felt his more repressed emotions come forth, his sense of morality and justice becoming a little looser, and his craving for female flesh amplify the moment Nana Shimaura cupped his chin lovingly into one of her hands. She looked at him closely with dark Japanese eyes peering into Izuku's with nothing but love inside of them. They were telling him to let go and embrace his inner self. Reaching up to cup her face in return, Izuku pressed his lips against hers and swallowed her tongue as though giving the answer that he did.

"Mmnhhmmhh!! *Pop!*.I love you, Nana-Chan! I love all of you! Y-you're all s-s-so beautiful, so full of life, and...I want to keep doing this with you for the rest of my life!" Izuku let out, feeling his goal become clear as he heard a dark giggle coming out of Nana's mouth as she leaned down and wrapped her lips around his again. This time she was sliding her tongue into his mouth and making it swirl with it around in his throat, causing Izuku to moan back into the embrace with an intoxicated look of lust written on his face.

"Hmmhmhhh....! *schlupp....schluppp...schlupp...schluppp!*...Izu-Kun. Master, you'll take care of more than just us, no? Fu fu fu, I'm positive there are plenty of other women yearning for your touch just like I was before I met you. The real you...is the boy that wants to strike out at the world, isn't it?" Nana asked, making Izuku's eyes flicker with a look of realization.

He frowned sourly in response and looked back to all the times he had lost hope for his dreams of becoming a Hero when being diagnosed as Quirkless so long ago. Sure, it wasn't the worst fate in the world that one can imagine, but Izuku's passion was in being a Hero just for all the right reasons after being inspired by All-Might of the past. It was unfortunate that his dream was thrown into his face so many times while growing up. From his mother apologizing to him repeatedly in tears over her supposedly failed genetics not being able to give him a Quirk at all, to being bullied remorselessly by an arrogant and hateful Bakugou during all of their pre-school to junior-high-school years. The last straw was having his father walk out on his mother and essentially leaving the two of them on their own while Izuku was treated as a second-class citizen due to Quirkless being less than 20% in number in a world where everyone had an incredible Superpower.

He struggled to come to terms with it but also hated that such an amazing power was given to a boy that used to be his friend. He was the very same one that had bullied Izuku constantly when he just tried to help him out of the goodness of his heart. A scar like that didn't go away, Izuku simply buried it underneath it all with a false smile of normalcy until that fateful day he ran into that creepy scar-faced man. The one that gave him this power, which made him enslave Nana to his will and cause the woman to fall hopelessly in love with him, leading to their romp in his bedroom.


Izuku wanted more of that, much more of that now. Not just the sex, but the feeling of domination as he made one woman after another his and only his alone. From ravishing the strongest Woman in Japan to fucking the beautiful flower that is his mother to seducing Pro Heroes such as Midnight and Mt Lady as well as making the entire class full of girls lust for him daily. Izuku looked to the sky of his abyssal dark dream with a smile of revelation on his face when it became clear. The girls started crowding in closer around his cock and began licking all over it from every angle while Nana wrapped her arms lovingly around his neck from the side.

"I.....want it... I want all of them! I.....will claim any Female Hero, student, or Pro-Hero and make them call me Master from now on! I..I...love that feeling the day I made love to Nana-Chan! T-that felt right! That felt like it was me finally being true to myself for once, I love Nana-Chan, and I'll make everyone love me the same way as I love them! Hehehhe.....! M-maybe I'm going crazy...b-but...I love it when you all call me Master!~" Izuku said darkly, looking up into his lover's eyes from within this dream. He saw her nod her head in acceptance and appreciation before looking around at everyone else, including his mother and Mitsuki as the Quirk of Absolute Devotion bloomed with great power in the background.

Izuku had accepted his gift in full and had decided to use it to its absolute potential.

"I want you all to call me Master from now on, okay? You're mine and only mine, I...I won't let anybody else have you. That's a promise." He declared darkly and heard all the girls cheer out Izuku's name before every single woman and girl he's fucked came at him like a horde of hungry lions, but in this case, Izuku was the King of Lions and he was going to 'Devour' them all.

He'd take one woman first and grab onto another, allowing them all to jump in and either observe the show or join in when he was free after fucking one to completion. Moans and screams of ecstasy fill the air, leading to a glorious wet dream of Izuku truly conquering his harem while the fire of AD burned brightly above like a dark sun!


Izuku sat up with a gasp, blushing intensely as she recalled ravishing every one of his women in a very vivid dream just now. He looked down at his waist, seeing his appendage stand out from inside of the bedsheets like a blanket covering the Tokyo Tower. It was as large and full of life as it had ever been, but Izuku felt that his libido and his vitality grew even stronger after having that dream just now. A look of confidence appeared on his face, not a trace of uncertainty could be seen in his emerald green eyes as he looked out the window into the nighttime sky with a smile on his face.

'I'm going to call Nana-chan today and see if she wants to visit and maybe bring a friend. This starts now. No holding back.~' He thought to himself before bringing up his phone from the nightstand on the side. Izuku clicked on the attachment he was sent by Nana earlier on just after he got home. His nostrils would flare up with lustful desire when he saw it; the digital picture of a naked Nana Shimura standing next to a Mirko the Rabbit Hero flashing him her toned heart-shaped ass in full.

He could feel his body 'growl' with lust when seeing the two women in all their nude glory, but nothing excited his libido more than reading the message she sent to him that came with it. A dark smirk crossed Izuku's features when he glossed the words a second time and it couldn't be more clear that Nana Shimura was legitimately serious. She wanted him to impregnate Mirko the Bunny Hero, or, namely, pop a few Bun-buns into her womb.

'She's gotta be in heat, maybe because of being part Rabbit, but.....if it's a request then who am I to ignore it, hm?~' He thought darkly to himself as he sat up, feeling his cock becoming stiffer than a rock already as he fantasized Mirko naked underneath his body and at his mercy. Before he knew it, Izuku's fingers went typing back a message saying he'll be expecting them later on in the afternoon today. It was still the weekend and now that he had his new lease on life, as well as dark new hunger being awakened within him, Izuku was more than ready to go 'Heroine-Hunting'.

And it would start with Nana and her mischievous muscle-bound friend Mirko first before all the rest.


'Hey, Nana-Chan. I was kinda busy elsewhere, so I apologize for not responding in time. As for your request, I'll be happy to oblige Mirko-Chan with her request, provided she's serious. I want to oblige you with that as well, and make you into a 'Mother' that I always pictured you to be. Come by my house as soon as you both can, I'll be waiting...very eagerly. ;)

Love, Izu-Kun.


He clicked 'Send' and forwarded the message to his girlfriend before lying back in bed with a wistful sigh of wonder escaping his lips as felt the brimming power of AD throbbing readily inside of him before he fell back asleep to be refreshed for the rest of the day. Izuku couldn't stop smiling, nor could he avoid picturing the beautiful Japanese Heroes sporting pregnant stomachs. His dark lust compelled him to follow through with that primal imperative at all costs.

"I can hardly wait, Nana-Chan.~" He said to himself before falling back asleep.


Later in the afternoon...

After receiving his text and putting on her costume in case an emergency arose somewhere along the way, Nana flew by Mirko's agency to pick her up for a supposed 'Team-up' mission that served as a cover for going all the way to Izuku's house for that 'Main Event' she had mentioned him giving them both. She had shown Rumi Usaigyama, Mirko's real name, the message and clicked on the attached image of his mega-sized cock since he took a picture of that too when he sent it to her phone. Needless to say, Rumi was fanning flames coming out of her nostrils and felt the 'estrous' inside of her body scorch her loins with white-hot lust for the boy now that she saw it. She practically hopped into the sky before getting out of her Agency building and made her way to the Midoriya household with Nana Shimura. The beefy woman flew patiently, smiling in a love-filled fashion that indicated how eager she was to get a little time with her protege/successor/future husband now that he showed a dangerous new spark of confidence she didn't know he had.

'Hmmm, Izu-Kun sure is sounding bold. I'm guessing something changed within him the time I sent that message. I know his 'Business' had to have been with one of his classmates, maybe several, but still...I want to have some time with my future hubby. It's only a shame I had to bring Rumi along though, but she is desperately in need since this was her estrous period. Thank my lucky stars I'm not part-animal otherwise I'd never leave this boy's bed. I wonder how she feels about him.' Nana thought, sparing a glance in Rumi's direction as she flew across another building and arrived in Izuku's neighborhood. "Say Rumi-Chan, are you sure about this? What are you going to do once my Izu-Kun pops a baby bun in you? If that's what you're really intending to happen, that is. I know you packed a bottle of birth control pills."

Mirko hopped into the air again and flashed Nana a thumbs-up gesture before coming down to land somewhere in the vicinity of the household they were heading to.

"Oh ho ho, I have plans alright, Nana. First of which is seeing what all the hubbub is with your big-dicked protege here. You better believe I'm eager to ride that after all the hype done by Kayama, you're probably going to want to check in with her and see if that boy-thirsty cougar did get herself pregnant with Midoriya's seed. Where will that put you on his list of women to love, hm? Planning to retire sooner than later and adopt mommyhood?~"

Nana touched down on the ground as well, thankful there were no passersby to see them and become starstruck fans as they started making their way to Izuku's house. The busty older woman put a finger to her chin in thought when realizing that Rumi was right. What would she do if it turned out that Kayama, of all people, would end up pregnant ahead of her? She was the first one to love Izuku after all, and she was the one who made him into the OFA-Wonder that had soaked many female pairs of panties during the Entrance exams. Frowning at the possibility of Kayama getting ahead of her, and maybe Mt Lady too, Nana Shimura clenched a fist and felt her heart racing when seeing inside herself to notice the dream of becoming pregnant with Izuku as the father. She honestly truly wanted to marry him first before doing that, but memories of their first time made her realize just how devoted she was to love him for all eternity.

'That magical first-time we had, mmph! I kinda wonder why I called him 'Master' so many times, but I guess that's just how Izuku's manhood makes me feel when he's fucking me. I haven't had any lovers in all my career, though I know that's also true for many other career women like that American Hero who got inspired by All-Might to an insane level; Stars-and-Stripes. Talk about a broken Quirk that woman has. Hehe. Izuku would still make her into a putty, maybe he is needed with all us female heroes, including the Pussycats team. Something to think about later.' Nana thought and walked up to the door, about to knock on it when it opened to reveal Izuku's mother Inko Midoriya wearing her everyday workout clothing.

The woman was still in her prime and beautiful to a T, but she never skipped a leg day if it meant staying healthy. Nana admired that about her.

"Ah, Inko-Chan, off for a morning stroll already? Why would a fit gal like yourself need to exercise every day?" Nana mused while Rum nodded in agreement before seeing the green-haired woman blush with a hand touching her cheeks in humility.

"Oh, hehehehe, I never miss out on a day to work out, Nana-Chan. I once fell into a bad eating habit way back when and nearly became as bloated like a whale when Hisashi left me, but now I keep it going because I enjoy it very much. It was thanks to Mitsuki-chan and a sweetheart Aerobics instructor as tall as a house. If you like to know good cardio I'd suggest visiting Ippanjosei, she runs a place somewhere south of Hosu district." Inko explained, making Nana nod as she turned her attention onto Rumi now. "Ohhhh! The Rabbit Hero.....! Are you here to 'see' my son too? *giggles*"

"You might say that I'm going to test his manly strength, Midoriya-san. I wanna see if he's the talk of the town that we in the female Pro-hero community made him out to be. Is he in?~" Mirko asked, practically boiling with sexual heat already as Inko pointed a thumb to the inside of the house and stepped aside for Nana and her friend.

"Of course, he had a long day yesterday, so he's taking a shower right now. I'll let him know via text message that you'll be waiting for him inside. In the meantime, I got a track to run, so try not to have too much fun without me, Mirko-san, Nana-chan.~" Inko bid farewell and started getting into a jogging run, making her way past them as Nana and Mirko went on inside.

"Gotta love that woman's spirit, huh, Rumi?" Nana said wistfully with a peaceful smile on her face as she closed the door behind her. She suddenly noticed that Rumi was gone from her side and up the stairs on her way to whichever bathroom Izuku was taking a shower. 'Oh man, I was worried this would happen. She'll probably want to fight him first then fuck him afterward. Better go after her before she winds up destroying something up there.'

Nana quickly rushed up the stairs and saw her bunny-eared colleague rushing toward the main Master bedroom further back. She could see a manic look on her face that screamed 'Ready for Battle'. Her cottontail was wriggling wildly and her heart was beating rapidly with excitement. Rumi didn't know what it could be, but she was positively yearning to fight Izuku head-on before dominating him in bed. Her loins commanded her to win and maybe become bred by him. She wasn't ready to become a mother just yet, but she wouldn't mind it either way. In any case, she had a bottle of pills to take in case it felt too good to stop.

'Curse you, Nana! For showing me that picture of his dick. Now I'm hyped up to find out the man owning it is a worthy successor to you!~' She thought with excitement as she rushed into the bedroom where she picked up the scent of a young and very virile young boy.

As soon as the door burst open, Rumi was faced with a towel-wearing Izuku as he had just stepped out of the shower from his mother's bathroom. The boy looked as fit as can be with his young, teenage body being ripe with muscle, but not overly so like All-Might of the Golden Age. While Rumi preferred types like Endeavor when it came to builds, she certainly liked what she was seeing and twirled a lock of silver hair around one of her fingertips when eying Izuku like a tiger.

"Hi there, know who I am, kiddo? Because I believe I showed you the picture of my pussy aching for your man-seed. Heheheh, you better believe Nana-san has me all hyped up after telling me how you bedded her not too long ago. Care to give the Bunny Hero Mirko a try?~" Mirko suggested rather excitedly, almost making it sound like she was gunning for a physical fight between Powerhouses like the two of them are.

Meanwhile, Izuku's inner fanboy kicked up as she saw the famed Bunny Hero Mirko standing there in his room, leaning over on her hands with her fit body showing off all of its muscular curves. She was short, yes, but she was extremely hot-blooded and very frisky for one reason or another, which Izuku liked to guess was her heat season. Rabbits in Japan usually get into estrous around this time of the year.

"Huh, hey....! Mirko-Chan, eh? I'm a big fan of yours and....just as Nana-Chan said, I can give you both a good fight and a great fuck.~" Izuku said confidently as he brought his hands down around his waist, ready to pull off his towel and show her the goods in person when Nana came in through the door.

"Kami help you, Mirko, if you damage my Izu-Kun's household with your craziness. I know your agency is used to paying for collateral damage here and there but do show some restraint. I know Thirteen usually does when it comes to her raw power." Nana said as she casually walked in, swaying her thick hips side to side and sparking Izuku's lust quite a bit. He grinned darkly since it had felt like forever ago when he had fucked Nana Shimura into submission within either his bed or his mother's.

'I want to dominate them all...and I will, I'll make them call me Master and make sure they're pregnant by the end of today.' Izuku thought, becoming darker with his newfound power surging like a strong bonfire inside of his body. Both Nana and Mirko felt the surge of lust engulfing their senses, making them even hornier than they already were while Izuku greeted his longtime lover. "Nana-chan....! Come here, I've missed you so much this past week. It feels like it's been forever since we....got to spend time with each other."

Nana softened up and smiled happily in Izukuj's direction before walking over to him and placing her arms around his neck as she pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss right in front of Rumi without shame.

"H-hey! No Lovey-dovey stuff right in front of me! That's just rude, besides.....I'm first in line to get a free fuck from this Super Stud teenager you and Kayama kept talking about. So how about you let me get first dibs, Nana? You don't have a heat period driving you crazy." Rumi explained, earning a soft giggle from Nana's lips as she continued hungrily swallowing Izuku's in a venerable exchange of saliva and tongue.

Rumi watched as the boy held onto each of the woman's thick and muscular hips like so, letting one of her legs rise and wrap around his side while she deepened their lip-lock to the point tongues were seen squirming about against each other. Izuku was concise in his movements and passionate in his embrace with his Original lover. He was squeezing Nana's thick ass from behind and letting her grind herself on his waist till she started unzipping the front of her outfit.

"Hmmhmmhh! Mmhmm! *Schluuppp.....schlupp...schlupp.....schluppp!* Ohh...Izuku! It has been way too long since it's just been the two of us together, you know. Mmhm, I could ask Rumi to go away if you'd like our reunion to be more romantic, but she is going through a heat period where she must have an iron-like dick to survive her insides. trust me, those thighs can both end and save lives. Fu fu fu.~" Nana said as she pulled back from her boyfriend's face, letting her saliva drip from his mouth as she retracted her tongue from his mouth.

Just then, Izuku looked in Rumi's direction and saw the spunky, overly excited Rabbit Hero turn around to sick out her ass to him. She was wriggling her cottontail excitedly while wiggling her ass around in circles with a lip-bitten look on her face. It was never in Rumi's nature to be cutesy and flirtatious, but she was over the wall with sexual heat that needed to be quelled and would rather wrestle Izuku into submission before mounting him fully.

"C'mooonn....! Ain't nothing like a chocolate Bunny to start your day, am I right? Pick me first, Midoriya, or simply take us both so that neither of us has to wait. I've been itching to try out that cock.~" Mirko said, licking around her lips as the volume of AD was making her act sluttier and friskier than she initially was. The woman was a full-blown adrenaline maniac that acted less seductive and more bombastic when it came to fighting and rushing into combat.

'Mnnghhh!! Dammit all! Mirko the Bunny Hero herself! Uuughh.....!' Izuku thought as he wore a confident smirk on his face, feeling this 'Hold' over each of them strengthened considerably as he pulled back from Nana's embrace. His hands went to his towel to undo it in front of them, making both women light up with excitement already as Nana continued unzipping the front of her outfit. Rumi was wriggling in her place and quickly started working on removing her as well, she started unlatching certain parts and accessories to her tight-fitting one-piece when she saw Izuku's dick spill out.


It sprung out fully erect in all its massive thirteen-fourteen-inch glory. Nana immediately salivated upon seeing it and pulled down the top of her costume, releasing her luscious pair of large E-cup-sized breasts from its confines. They were still held back by a black-lace brasserie, but that was quick to be undone too as she exposed her tits with pride to Izuku's face.

"Mmhhmmhh!! Izu-Kun! It has been far too long, I know I've been busy and I should've made time for you, even though you were plenty busy yourself, but I still want to make it up to you in full. Oh, boy, do I mean full, I want you to stuff me to the brim, Izuku darling. Today's my dangerous day and....well.....I wouldn't necessarily mind if you managed to knock me up right off the bat. I'm going to retire eventually anyway, so why not have the child of my successor and future husband, hm?~" Nana said with a sultry purr as she held each of her massive tits into her hands, flaunting them gloriously the same time Rumi stepped out of her skin-tight one-piece outfit!

"Don't forget about me, while I am ambivalent about having kids so early into my career, this heat period is making me crazy. I can bet it'll be like that for anyone who is part-animal thanks to their Quirk. So uh.....Midoirya-Kun, what do you think of these?~" Mirko chimed in, holding onto her luscious pair of naked mocha-colored breasts measuring out to be a firm set of C-cups that made Izuku's mouth water.

"Nnghhh!! I like, very much...Rumi-San....! Uunhh! You don't mind if I call you that now, do I?" Izuku asked, feeling his influence over them changing and becoming larger. The stronger he felt in terms of Absolute Devotion control, the more carnivorous for female flesh he became. He watched as Nana finished removing the rest of her cumbersome outfit, leaving her wearing only a pair of white go-go boots with a black-lace thong covering up her sex until she pulled that down as well!

Rumi undid her leg accessories and garments, leaving the thigh-high stockings on as she peeled off of her outfit, exposing her creamy brown body in all its naked glory. She was toned and fit to the letter just like Nana, only more lithe and slender in the vein of being a very muscular gymnast. She had ab muscles, a firm chiseled set of hips and thighs with her long rabbit-like feet looking gracefully feminine to boot. Her fluffy white bunny ears twitched excitedly as she stood naked next to Nana, both toned women were now just begging for Izuku to fuck them raw all day long without saying it. Izuku grinned slyly and pointed to his face with one hand while also pointing down at his dick with the other. He nodded to the pair and spoke up with a cocky glint in his eyes.

"I'm going to make you two call me Master after today. Do you remember that, Nana-chan? The first day we made love on my bed, you called me that and I.... like to hear it some more. I'll make you a mother alright, the same with you, Rumi-san. You better believe I'll plow you so hard that you'll forget all about taking a contraceptive." Izuku addressed, making a confused-looking Nana exchange looks with Rumi before looking back at him.

She had heard his confident side before, but it was never this domineering or bold. Part of her honestly liked how bold her young boyfriend is, but she also cherished his sweetness too despite the occasional bitch tears he made. Regardless, Nana felt her loins light up like never before, her heart and her soul were crying out to Izuku completely as she fell even further in love with him right there on the spot. Rumi was feeling the same way, becoming enticed by his bold claims and wondering if his pointing at his mouth meant he wanted to eat one of them out. The surge of Absolute Devotion burned bright inside of each of them, making them subservient to its call and causing each woman to feel grandiose amounts of lustful need for the boy in possession of it. They would only ever be Izuku's girls and no one else's and now their bodies knew it instinctively as they started approaching the naked boy with needful smiles on their faces.

"Izu-kun....No, I should say...Master from now on, huh? Hehehehe, of course, Master. I love you so very much, do with me and Rumi as you please. I'm sure you can convince her to keep whatever buns in the oven she'll have after today if you show her an amazing time. I believe in you.~" Nana cooed seductively and knelt before Izuku's waist, cupping each of her breasts as she brought them up to sandwich the hilt of his smoldering cock.

"Yeah! Do you think you can tame me, boy?! Well alright then! Challenge accepted. You get me to melt like chocolate and I'll gladly call you Master all day long.~" Rumi exclaimed, breathing hotly as she prepared to jump onto Izuku's face with a soft leap of her legs!

She hopped into the air and wrapped those toned limbs of hers around his neck, keeping her ankles crossed as she smothered the ripe peach of her mound up against his face! Izuku sputtered a bit and fell back until he managed to control his balance by channeling One-For-All into his limbs! Surges of cackling energy came out and surfaced all over his frame, making him able to reverse the force and remain standing!

"Mmnngghhhh!!" He moaned into Mirko's muff, feeling the sweet taste of her pussy on his lips as he grabbed onto her toned ass from behind with both hands.

"Aaahhhhhh! Hot damn....! Just feeling your maw against me like this is driving me crazy already. I hope your tongue skills are as good as they say they are! Lord knows Kayama and Takeyama hold you in high regard!~" Mirko said while panting excitedly. She felt the squeeze of Izuku's lips on her mons venus as he started sucking open the woman's velvet folds, letting his tongue worm into her insides in such an intricate manner. He was doing it in such a way that it stimulated all of Rumi's vaginal interior, making the woman's thighs tighten their hold around his head even more.

"Hmmnhmmhh! *Schluuupp.....schluppp....schlupp..schluppp! Pop!* Mmhnnhh! Tasty, Rumi-chan.~" Izuku moaned suavely as he continued to languidly swivel his tongue around the innermost sanctum of the Rabbit Hero's sensitive pussy like so. It was spiraling around like a serpent and making her legs quiver constantly as they tightened around his neck. She was making a goofy face and held onto Izuku's skull from above with her bare hands, letting him hungrily gorge on her pussy for all it was worth as Nana watched from below.

"Better be careful there, Izu-Kun! I mean,.....Master. *Giggles* Those thighs are dangerous weapons, she once ripped a large robot's head off clean with those things once she wrapped them around its neck. True story. I shudder to think about how it'd look like with human flesh. Fu fu fu." Nana gushed with excitement and started sandwiching her tits around the basin of Izuku's cock. She felt the boy stiffen up immediately and whimper from between Rumi's legs as she wrapped them around his shaft completely. Her tits were just large enough to help her do that, but it was still a challenge since Izuku was so large.

The warmth and vitality of his mighty cock made her become increasingly aroused by the second just by being near her darling Izuku this way. She pushed her fingers into each thick lump of doughy flesh that is her boobs and started rolling them around sensually in spirals, massaging the hilt of his dick. She was an expert in pleasing Izuku since she was his first lover and knew from experience how insatiable he could be. So far she was making Izuku groan loudly from between Rumi's legs, the thick and bulbous head of his cock was pushing out between her melons in the meantime, making her happily work it between them in an intricate manner. While Izuku slobbered hungrily on Mirko's pussy, he was still groaning loudly when he felt Nana work his cock like a pro by diligently sliding her breasts down his length with gusto. Mirko couldn't help moan loudly as she felt the entirety of her pussy get tongued out by Izuku's magnificent tongue, making her clutch thighs tighter and tighter each passing second.

"Mmnghhh!! Oohhhh..yeah!! That's it, boy! Take me for a ride with that wicked tongue of yours! I'll be sure to return the favor a hundredfold once I mount you next!~" Mirko let out, feeling the mind-bending sensation of Izuku's tongue languidly worming its way through her pussy and stimulating her insides like it was a living serpent. It was as if he somehow knew every weak point she ever had inside of her womanhood since he was prodding the innermost sensitives while squeezing her buns between his hands, turning the Wild and powerful Rabbit Hero into a mewling mess.

Izuku hummed, knowing just how well he was doing by hearing Rumi's moans of pleasure echo throughout the walls of his master bedroom. The feeling of her pubis smothering his maw was enough to get him overly excited already, so much so that his cock below was throbbing strongly from between Nana's tits as she had kept on smothering them around his shaft. They were just so doughy, smooth, firm, and perfect in size. Izuku imagined them growing larger with milk, tempting him to wanna feed off Nana's tits as soon as he got her pregnant. one can bet he was incredibly determined to do that today, especially with how horny Mirko was to have her body knocked up as well. He hummed into Rumi's thighs some more and expertly prodded a region around her left butt-cheek with an index finger, making the Rabbit woman suddenly mewl and shudder in ecstasy as he let out another loud moan.

"Aaaaahhhh!! Yes...! Ohhhh, Midorya-kun! This bunny rabbit is gonna go into a full-on mating frenzy if you keep on doing that! Not that I'm not already in estrous as is, but still.....! I want you to give an amazing time with your cock, just like how you're doing with your tongue alone! Mmhmhmm!" Mirko let out as she began grinding her cooch fervently all over Izuku's face as though she was humping his skull like a frisky animal. She was feeling his lips suckle her pussy lips, even more, making her writhe and moan constantly as this venerable exchange between mound and tongue continued for quite some time. While losing her mind to bodily bliss, Mirko was admitting that it was impressive Izuku never fell back onto the bed as soon as she jumped onto his face. He must've been heavier than her and fully-toned in muscle mass with the aid of One-For-All backing his body, that only made her even more excited to have him stuff her full of dick and maybe leave her pregnant by the end of it all today.

Her floppy ears started to quiver and her groin continued to hump his face voraciously while Nana Shimura continued fluffing his cock with her lugs of meat. The two muscular powerhouse women were completely enthralled by Izuku's body, falling even further into love and lust with him as he had used all his skills to turn each one into jelly in his hands. Izuku continued tasting her, occasionally flicking his tongue on her clit while groaning into her mound at the feeling of Nana picking up the pace with her breast job below.

"Haah..hhaa...hha...haah...haahh....haahh..aahhh! Ohhhhh...Izu-Kun! Master....!~" Nana sang out with a musical voice as she continued smothering her tits around his cock, leaving them to slide back and forth in a voracious manner while feeling his veins beginning to throb powerfully within. She slowly leaned forward to where the bulbous tip of his cock stuck out, oozing a thick dabble of pre-cum that Nana decided to taste for herself before she blew him completely. Her soft lips wrapped around the shroom and slowly she allowed it to plunge into her mouth, causing her to hum with little glowing hearts appearing within her irises. The Japanese beauty began sliding around her tongue underneath his shaft, literally stimulating her young lover's cock with gusto as she started sucking him off the same time she was squeezing her tits around the rest of his length.

"Hmmhmhhh!! *Schlupp...schlupp...schlupp....schlupp...schlupppp!!* Ummhhh!!* Master....!*~" She hummed once again, becoming completely submissive to Izuku now that he had mastered control over Absolute Devotion. Nana was a hopelessly devoted, utterly faithful, sex slave willing to humiliate herself for Izuku's pleasure if he wanted her to. She'd feed all of his needs, give him as many children as he'd like, and let her have her whenever he saw fit, even if it happened to be in the middle of saving people from a Villain attack.

Nana Shimura was just that absolutely devoted to her lover and hungrily swallowed the upper third of his cock with gusto as she went on!

"Mmhmmhhm! *Schluuppp!! Schlupp! Pop!* Mmhmm! Master.....Izu-Kun!~" Nana mewled happily as she slathered her tongue all over his cock, tasting it with glee. She brought her hands together and tightly kneaded her tits onto the hilt of his cock again, squeezing his length and stroking it gingerly in a frequent up-down motion while Mirko continued writhing on his head above. The two musclebound women were friskier than they have ever been before and each one found themselves completely addicted to Midoriya's body as their exchange of mutual pleasure continued unabated for several more minutes. Izuku felt he was going to lose himself in this miasma of bliss any day now and wanted to save all his sperm for seeding each one's insides.

'Oohhhhh!! Uunhhhh!! Nana-Chan is really going all-out right now, isn't she? She's squeezing those tits so tightly together too. The way she knows how to use those thick, lush breasts she has is driving me crazy. I.....I'm getting ready to cum!' Izuku announced to himself as she felt his cock beginning to throb readily with expulsion and flicked his tongue along Rumi's exposed clit one last time before making her shudder in orgasm at the drop of a hat!

With one slick flick of his tongue, as well as a soft nibbling of her clit, Deku's lips brought the famed Rabbit Hero Mirko to the brink of ecstasy! Her ears straightened out completely and curved together to form a heart-shape while she rampantly humped his skull with her snatch grinding on the boy's magical pair of lips like so. She closed her eyes and felt him channeling an empowered tongue into her depths, making her lose her mind to pleasure as he went in for the killing blow on her crumbling resolve!

"Uuaaagghhhh!! Oohhh..yeah!! Tongue me to completion, boy! I'm getting ready to cum like a waterfall now! Gyyaaaagghhh!~" Rumi cried out and tossed back her head, shouting in orgasmic relief as her ankles clamped behind Izuku's muscular neck! He could feel her long yet soft and dainty rabbit-like feet touching his shoulder blades as he tongued out her pussy some more, stimulating her nether region like a pro until she came hard at last!

Hearing the scream of pleasure erupt from above, Nana looked up to see Usagiyama writhing about atop her lover's head with the additional view of seeing her buttocks quiver voraciously around his chin. Izuku's tongue had come out and run itself all over her nether region, tasting every inch of her pussy to her rim while she soaked his jaw in thick gushes of her womanly juices. Seeing someone just as powerful as she was, if not a little less, writhing about in orgasm made Nana considerably more aroued than she already was. She could hear Izuku sucking down her juices while cleaning up her brown Okinawan pussy for more. Rumi's body shuddered constantly as she rode out her orgasm for a couple more minutes until she was done. With a sharp gasp for air, she pulled back off of Izuku's head, allowing her to gracefully flip down onto the ground next to Nana, breathing heavily with a frazzled smile on her face. Judging by the way her chest was heaving, she could tell that Mirko was positively dominated by Izuku's tongue alone and both had wanted more of it to come.

"Ooohhh, looks like someone got dominated by the supreme tongue of my precious Izu-Kun. Fu fu fu. What say you help me pleasure his meat together then, Rumi-Chan? He'll positively like it if two women please him with either their tits or their mouths at the same time, you know. Right, Master Izuku?~" Nana said while looking up at his face and seeing the boy clean his chin of Rumi's tasty cum while nodding his head to her question.

"Heh, you know it. Now then..." He began when he was done lapping up Mirko's juices. He gestured to his smoldering cock and pushed up between each woman's face, astonishing Rumi with its size and making her body surge with mating-frenzy heat all over again as she leaned closer to the top. Nana kept her position stable and removed her tits from the hilt, she was eying it with just as much fervor and ran her tongue around her lips before grabbing onto the hilt of his member and bringing her face closer to the underside of his cock like so.


"Mmhmmhmm. *Izu-Kuuuunn!*~" She hummed loudly as she started running her tongue along the underside of his shaft, tasting every inch she could while Rumi plopped her soft lips onto the shroom of his cock-head. Her mouth struggled to open up and wrapped around it entirely, taking Izuku into her throat slowly as she occupied the top half of his cock. Together both women had begun slobbering all over his dick in unison with Rumi bobbing her head on the top and Nana happily running her tongue all over the bottom of his dick his scrotum with gusto.

The two of them wedged their heads close together, tasting Izuku at the same with one bobbing her head while the other slathered his balls in saliva. Izuku had started growling thickly to himself in pleasure and reached behind each woman's head, pushing them closer so that they could be touching each other cheek-to-cheek. Nana's hands kept on stroking the hilt of his cock, attempting to squeeze it but finding it difficult since Izuku's length was just that strong even without OFA-powering its durability. Rumi kept her floppy bunny ears straightened out and made into a heart-shape as she hungrily swallowed Izuku's cock-head into her mouth. She only had the top-half of his mighty dick, but the frisky rabbit wanted more as well as desired to be seeded in full with his cum!

"Hmmhmmhh!! *Schlop....schlop....schlop....schlopp...schlopp....schlopp!!* Mmmnghhh!! Midoriya...Master! Hmmh!~" Rumi cried out with little hearts in her eyes, the same as Nana's as the sweltering power of AD became as strong as Izuku was powerful. The slurping noises of each woman's mouth slobbering all over his genitals continued for some time more with both of them eventually sliding their cocks up his length together at the same time.

"Mmhmhhhh! *Schluuuuuppppp!!* Mmmmm....heheheheh! Master.....Oh Master Izuku.....!~" Nana sang as she curled her tongue together with Rumi's when they reached the top, swiveling each spongy appendage around the shroom of his cock with gusto. Both of them kept a hand reach around the bottom of his shaft while they continued this dual treatment of his length, stimulating Izuku's body beyond belief as he continued to groan in euphoria.


"Ooohhhnnhh!! yeah!! Mnnnghhh!! I'm....getting close now, Nana-chan! Rumi-Chan!...I want you both to take in as much as possible before I plow one of you into the bed behind!~" Izuku growled, grinning proudly as he felt them both hungrily roll their tongues all over the tip of his cock while jerking him at the same time.

They were pumping and slurping constantly, eventually kissing each other from each side of Izuku's dick in a languid lesbian fashion. Izuku growled upon seeing that and loved that his precious Nana-Chan was open to indulging other women for his pleasure right in front of him. It certainly helped that Rumi was in the same ballpark as she was when it came to raw strength and body-building physique. They were each touted as the most inspiring female icons of the Heroic Age and were now slobbering all over their master's dick without a care in the world. Izuku found a twisted and dark pleasure in this fact as he held them closer together, letting them worm their tongues all over his dick while his shaft began to throb with expulsion a minute or two later.

"Mmhmhhhmhh!! *Schluupppp!...Schluuppp!! Mmhmm!~" Nana moaned into Rumi's mouth while feeling Izuku's cock-head between them begin to pulsate intensely with eruption. Both women took notice of it and pulled their lips apart for a brief moment, seeing it swell and erupt like a geyser before their eyes!

"Gnngghhhh!!! I'm cumming! Ohhhh!! Take it all, Nana-Chan, Rumi-Chan!~" Izuku growled in a dominant tone as thick ropes of cum came spurting directly into each woman's face, making them close their eyes and open their mouths wide-open as they caught thick globules of sperm directly onto their tongues!


"Aahhhhhhhh!! Ohhh...yes! Feed me, Midoriya Master! Hahahahahh! Mmmm, you could give me plenty of Half-Bunny children with this much thick sperm, you know!~" Rumi let out, letting her caramel-colored face gets soaked in pearlescent ooze. She was taking in as much cum into her gullet as possible with her tongue still lapping up every drop of cum that she could get!

The same could be said for Nana as well. The busty and brawny Japanese beauty had latched her lips onto Izuku's dick by herself and swallowed up every thick rope of sperm that came her way. He could hear the thick gulping sounds of her esophagus drinking down his seed while he continued cumming for another few minutes long.


"Mmhmmhh....*Gulp! Pop!*...aaahhh! Delicious, Master.~" Nana said once he was finished unloading inside of her throat and looked to her side to see Rumi running her tongue around her chin just before she leaned in to help her clean off the rest of the ooze with her own. Rumi embraced her fully and took turns sucking off each thick drop of semen caking Nana's face from her cheeks to her chin as they engaged each other in yet another lesbian embrace.

'Mmnghhh!! Damn...I will never get tired of seeing that happen. Maybe I should get Midnight-Sensei to do that with one of the girls again when I head back to school? Which reminds me...I should pay another visit to Yu-Chan again and see if she wants me to fuck her while she's as large as a house. There's just so much in the day and too many people to choose from.' Izuku thought as they continued wrestling their tongues together in a languid embrace until they eventually pulled back with cheeks slick from their saliva.

Mirko and Nana were both cleansed of his cum and looked up to see Izuku smiling smugly at the two of them, making each woman shiver with need just before he reached down to pull Rumi up to her feet first and throw her onto the bed! The short, musclebound Rabbit-themed beauty bounced a bit and giggled with excitement as Izuku guided Nana to do the same before crawling onto the bed with them. His dick remained as sturdy as a horse's and as long as one too when he arrived behind Usagiyama's toned brown buttocks.

"You're first since this is the first time you've been with me, Rumi-Chan." Izuku began as he ground his cock along the slit of her sex from behind, letting her stay in a relaxed ass-up head-down position with her arms hugging one of his mother's pillows with a smile. Her cheeks were so toned and smooth to the touch despite its heart-like shape, meaning she was very fertile and ready for breeding as Izuku began spreading open her pussy with his thumbs.

Once Izuku saw the moist velvet insides of her pussy, his cock throbbed with power as he felt AD pulsate powerfully from inside of his body. Mirko didn't need telling twice as to what position he preferred her, she simply kept her buttocks wriggling in the air with tail thumping wildly with excitement as he pressed himself down upon her like so.


"Gnngghhkk!! Kkyaaaaagghhhh!~" Rumi had clenched her teeth together as she was feeling the thickness of his mast pushing open her sex completely as if it was a human arm plunging into her very body. Her legs rapidly thumped against the bed from underneath Izuku's thighs as he pressed himself upon her, sheathing one thick inch of cock into her quim after another until he was pushing his way through her tight-fitting cervix. Rumi wound up chewing on the pillow with her teeth while her eyes became teary. The more she felt of Izuku's cock plunging through her insides, the more pain she felt since she had never felt like an innocent little maiden until today. 'Uunghh!! Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh craaaaappp!! Uunhhhh!! It feels like it's ripping me apart from the inside.....and I love it! This was the kind of man I've been searching for all this time!'

Nana looked down at her friend with a sultry smile before going over to the side to place herself next to Izuku's ripped younger body. She brought her arms around the back of his neck, embracing him fully after he had wedged his dick firmly into Rumi's insides. Izuku could feel his cock bulge out from inside of her abdominal region, pushing through her womb already while Nana smothered her tits into the side of his chest with a smile.

"Mmnhhhh, she's really tight, Nana-Chan. I think I probably broke her already." Izuku chuckled darkly as he enjoyed the slick tightness of Rumi's pussy squeezing inwardly around him while he felt his lover's face come closer to his.

"Only one way to find out, Master.~ " Nana giggled playfully as he began bucking his pelvis into Rumi's iron-toned buttocks, making her cheeks quiver and smack together while he repeatedly bottomed out of her pussy with the ferocity of an animal. The squelching sensations of penetration began coming out from within the woman's womb, making her writhe and bite down on the pillow even harder until she started screaming out in ecstasy!

"Mmnnghhh!! Aaahhhhh...!! Midoriya...Master! Yesssss!! Aahh..aahh...aahh...aahh...aahh..aaahh...aaaahhh!! Breed me!~" She cried out with a facial expression of pure fascination. She was completely enslaved by Izuku via Absolute Devotion and by way of his magnificent dick churning her insides like a bull. Nana watched her pussy gush constantly as some of her insides nearly came plunging out with each churning push of Izuku's dick.

She figured that maybe Rumi might literally have her womb plunged inside out once she was stuffed with cum following Izuku's grand finish with her body. Such a thought titillated the woman greatly as she began sucking on his lips and pulling him into her mouth. She was making out with him with their tongues hungrily swiveling around inside of each other's cheeks, tasting each other with gusto and with hearts full of love for one another.

"Mmhmhhh! Hhmhhh!! *Schluupp...schlupp...schlupp...schluupppp!!* Oohhhh...Izuku!~" Nana cooed happily as she was left blushing like a maiden-in-love all over again once she pulled back from his mouth. Izuku grinned and started hammering into Rumi's ass even harder, making her body slam into the bed to the point it was making an imprint of her short frame. Izuku was determined to wreck her and felt her insides desperately sucking on his cock as he continued bottoming out of her with unbridled passion.

"Master. I'm your Master now, Nana-Chan. You are mine forever.....!~" Izuku let out darkly, feeling the dark power of AD burn bright as it became his very core!.

"Yesss! You are! I love you, Master Izuku! I'll be yours forever!~" She said and felt him grab onto one of her tits, squeezing it into his hand and bringing her up on her feet so she could feed him her right nipple when his lips latched onto it. A slick 'Schlup' sound followed and Nana started howling out in ecstasy as she felt Izuku feed off her tit while still plunging into her Rumi's twat.

"Mmnghhh!! Mngh...mnnngh....mngh...mnghh..mngh..mnghh!!" The Rabbit Hero screamed constantly into the pillow she was biting down on, feeling her insides re-shape themselves to fit Izuku's monster length as it plunged into the back of her womb every time he thrusts. Her buttocks quivered and her legs jostled about with brown toes wriggling constantly, she became little more than an animal in estrus now.

"Ooaaahhhhh!! Aaahhhhh!! Masteeerrr!! Mmhmm! Wait until you impregnate me and then I can give you some milk!~" Nana cried out as Izuku continued sucking on her right nipple like a baby, making Rumi writhe while he kept on making the bed creak with their lovemaking. Together, their bodies collided with each other constantly, making flesh-slapping music that echoed throughout the bedroom.

Nana could see Rumi bucking her hips with her buttocks slamming against Midoriya's waist in a constant back-and-forth of pure animalistic copulation. Likewise, Izuku relished the sensation of the Rabbit Hero's tight pussy squeezing his length with her impressive muscle strength attempting to squeeze him even harder as they went long. He was half-tempted to channel One-For-All and make the woman cry out in ecstasy, but he feared he'd make her pass out. All he wanted to do was breed her thoroughly and claim dominion over everything that she is the same way Nana was right now. She held onto his head and held Izuku's face into her bosom, moaning loudly while he continued feeding on her breasts like a hungry monster. Slick sucking noises could be heard from within her muscular bust, the hip-slapping noises of Izuku's body pressing into Rumi's ass from behind continued unabated until she eventually decided to cum!

She could hold out no longer and felt her cervix squeezing in around his length, making Izuku growl inside of Nana's breasts until he pulled his face out of them.

"Nnngghhh!! Getting ready to cum, Rumi-Chan?" He questioned with a grin and heard only a whimpering yell from underneath as both he and Nana saw a delirious, somewhat goofy, face look back at him from over her right shoulder.

"Uh-huh! Hehehehehh....!! Oohhhh...yeah! Breed me raw, boy! Make me cry out your name! Master Midoriyaaahhhh!~" Mirko let out as she dug her fingers into the mattress, trembling with the force of an earthquake as she felt her brown/velvet pussy shudder continuously with gushes of cum pouring into her womb. She too was gushing all over Izuku's waist as he kept her pinned underneath him like an animal. The boy dug his hands into her waist, injecting thick ropes of cum into her quim after he had delivered a hard thrust into her toned brown buttocks.


Nana had captured Izuku's lips into hers and let her tongue roll salaciously into his mouth, tasting his saliva while engaging Izuku in a thoroughly passionate embrace. Izuku growled into her lips as he enjoyed the feeling of her tongue slithering down his throat. He dominated the exchange himself quickly as he felt his balls swelter and tremble, ready to deliver a thick load of sperm directly into Rumi's fertile pussy. He could tell that she was ovulating somehow and that only made Izuku growl with bestial excitement for he was ready to seed a baby into her womb. Izuku growled briskly from between her lips, enjoying the sight of Mirko writhing underneath him in a veritable orgasm of mind-broken bliss. Her cottontail was thumping wildly about and her body was quivering non-stop while her legs kicked about underneath with orgasmic excitement.

"*Hmmngghhhhh!*" Mirko hummed loudly with eyes rolling north of her sockets. She continued to feel more of Midoriya's sweltering cock expunge more seed into her quivering sex, giving her the fantasy of becoming pregnant with a bundle of nine adorable little Bunny humanoid children with either sliver fluffy hair or green cotton-like hair! "Guuggghhhh!! I'm....g-g-gonna be....p-p-pregnant now!~"

'Heh, that's right. You are. You're mine now, Rumi-Chan. I promise I'll treat you to this as many times as you want and give you as many bunnies as you want to.~' Izuku thought as he continued making out with Nana, happily taking her tongue in deep while seeding Rumi for a staunch couple of minutes more until he was done.

His dick was still hard even after unloading such a thick and viscous amount inside of her body for just that long, but once he was done, he pulled out of her gaping pussy and left a tick downpour of slimy sperm oozing out from her gaping insides. Nana removed herself from Izuku's lips and looked down at her friend wearing a goofy yet delirious smile on her face that said she had a great time just now.

AD was burning brightly as it had sizzled with raw power that burned as bright as a star. Izuku looked at Nana next before letting her roll back onto the bed, keeping her legs spread wide while beckoning to him with a sultry smile that made him fall in love with her all over again. Of course, she was his property in a way, so were all of the women that he came in contact with. Izuku wanted it all and so too he shall have it all, starting with impregnating the very woman who saved him and gave him a purpose. He got on top of her, ready to plow another woman into baby-making submission already, but held off on engaging her in a basic missionary pose by keeping himself hunched over her wonderfully-toned body. This reminded him of the America Super Hero Stars and Stripes, who honestly gave Izuku a muscle-girl fetish alongside Nana-Chan and Rumi. He wanted to breed that blonde woman next and made it a longtime goal to go to America one day and do that, or simply find some other way to entrap her. Nana held out her arms to Izuku with glowing little hearts in her eyes, he got on top of her legs and planted his feet just beyond her wide baby-bearing hips for he had prepared to fuck her in a mating-press style opposition for this next round. He wanted to dominate her completely and aimed to put the beautiful Japanese Milf-in-the-making into a post-sex coma.

"Here I come, Nana-Chan.~" Izuku growled as he barreled down upon Nana's muscular frame guiding his turgid monolith of a cock into her waiting pussy with a single stroke.



"Nngghh! Aaaaahhhhhhh!! Oohhhh...God! Master! Oohhh Master Izu-Kun yess!~" She cried out after throttling her chest forward, making her mountainous breasts jiggle salaciously as she felt Izuku's length plunge through all the way into her cervix like so. He felt the spongy orifice open up and allow him entry into her womb, leading to Nana embracing him with her beefy arms wrapping around his neck in desperation with a euphoric smile on her face.

The woman felt her insides trembling with great need already as he had filled out the entirety of her vaginal cavity, making a bulge appear from within her stomach while her legs darted out straight into the air. Her toes were wriggling and her body was shimmering in sweat once again, every neuro of pleasure Nana Shimura possessed lit up like a collection of fireworks as she felt Izuku's length prodding the back of her womb in absolute domination. He pressed down into her waist, taking her in a simple missionary-style mating-press, keeping her hips rolling against her own with her buttocks lifting off the surface of the bed.

Nana was breathing coarsely now and was flustered beyond belief as she felt absolute heaven in the form of Izuku's meat churning her pussy in such a profound way. Her body quivered and her breasts heaved underneath his muscular chest, giving him the sign that she was ready to be thoroughly bred and made into a real mother at long last. Once she had gotten used to the sensation of his dick wedged inside of her pussy, Nana opened up her beautiful Japanese eyes and looked lovingly into her Master's face with a hauntingly serene smile. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck and her pussy started quivering with need as he began rowing his pelvis into her frame slowly and methodically.

"Mmnnghh! Aahhh...aaahh....aaahhhh!!! Oohhh....yesss! Izu-Kuuunnnn!! Please....make me scream your name over and over again just like how Rumi did. Mnhhhhh! Your dick....even feels more powerful than last time. Are you...channeling One-For-All right now?" She asked deliriously for she had felt the surging strength in Izuku's veins around his cock as he held his thighs against her buttocks, keeping his pelvis rowing steadily faster against her waist.

Izuku smiled slyly as he leaned in close to his girlfriend, giving her chills and keeping his muscular hands held tightly around her waist as he began to plow her steadily harder.

"Mnghh..nngh..nnnhg..nghhhhh!! Actually, Nana-Chan, I'm not. That's all...nngh..me now! One-For-All is taking a liking to me, making my body stronger by default without me needing to activate it just like how it was with All-Might having that beefy body of his. I owe it all to you and you....." He leaned in close and let his lips caress her own, making the open up her mouth so that she could offer him her tongue. ".....owe everything you are to me. You're mine now, Nana-Chan. Forever, I won't hand you over to anyone and I'll make your dream of becoming a mother a reality today!~"

Tears leaked out from the corners of her eyes as she locked her fingers together behind his neck, keeping him embraced as she began to feel the raucous force of tremors start coming out the connection of their hips slamming together. Soon Nana's legs were wafting about in the air helplessly with toes wiggling around non-stop, she was feeling Izuku plunge straight into her diaphragm with how strong his cock was and how much virility he had inside his teenager body.

"Ohhhhh...yes! I love you, Izu-Kun! IMake me a mommy! It'll make me the happiest woman in the world, more so than I already am being your lover!~" She cried out and felt him embrace her lips in a full-on adult kiss with a white-hot passion, letting their lips tangle with each other while their tongues dominated the inside of Nana's mouth. Hearts could be seen inside of her little irises as she felt Izuu's pace increase exponentially with the force of a full-powered punch of OFA!

"Mmngghhhhh! *Schluuupp....pop!* Nana-Chan...! Oohhh...Nana-Chan! Mmh..mmmnh..mnh..mmhh..mnh..mnngh..nghh!~" Izuku let out once he let go of Nana's lips, letting a trickle of drool connect them to his as his hips raucously slammed against her waist like so. Loud sounds of impact flowed out with his body, becoming as strong as it would be when being powered by OFA, making the woman feel full-powered thrusts of his dick stirring up her insides.

It was a sensation she had never felt before in her life. No predecessor that she knew of could use an All-Powerful force like OFA so effectively that they could make use of it in bed! She had stayed a pure virgin until she met Izuku and fucked him the first time she became his lover, making them soul mates since she could handle such a physical strain without breaking her body! Her muscular yet voluptuous frame was now jostling about on his crotch, repeatedly bouncing underneath him. It was driving her crazy and making her tits waddle up and down like sandbags, she was feeling Izuku churn the entirety of her pussy with every quickening thrust of his pelvis.

Nana was utterly dominated and she couldn't be happier for it. The woman was glad to be Izuku's eternally devoted lover and future mother of his babies.

'Uuaaaaghhh!! Aahh...aahh..aahh...ahh..aahh..aahh...ah..ahh.aaaahhh! Izukuuuu! Oaaahh!~" She cried out, closing her lips and savoring the sensation of having the insides of her womb getting plunged by his cock in an eloquent hip-bucking manner. Their toned bodies were slamming against each other, making the bed frame creak loudly each time.

The struts were being strained and the mattress itself was collapsing in on itself with Nana's muscular body making an imprint on its surface next to Mirko's. The woman's large body was constantly writhing in ecstasy and pleasure, feeling Izuku utterly dominate her as he touched one very weak point inside of her womanly frame! Her head tossed around, shifting side to side in euphoria as she let hard gasps of air escape her lips while her tits flopped around even more.

"Gnnghh...!! Nana-Chan! Oohhh...Nana-Chan! Your pussy...ngh..feels so tight! Mmnghh! I'm going to enjoy knocking you up, making you my wife, and doing it all over again with everyone else!~" Izuku let out, feeling the source of AD burn brightly as she felt Nana's control under him become complete. The woman was a gibbering mess right now as her tongue flew out of her lips with her body constantly writhing about underneath him with every powerful thrust sent her way!

Slam after slam of flesh echoed around the room and Nana Shimura felt the need to clamp her thighs around Izuku's hips from below. She could only lock them around his lower back, making him growl in pleasure as he reached for both of her tits and grabbed them into each hand, squeezing them in unison while she teetered over the cliff with absolute pleasure.

"Ooaaaahhhhh!! Izu-Kun! Izu-Kuunnnn! Master....! I'm....I'm....coming! Ooooaaaagghhh!" She cried out and shuddered in ecstasy already, squeezing his length between each muscular part of her sex and causing Izuku to succumb to climax himself. His monolith of a cock plunged effortlessly into the back of her womb some more, making the woman cry out loud in euphoria as she came hard with the chosen boy she loved more than anything in the world.

She felt his shaft bloat and swell like a human organ, leading to Izuku grunting in pleasure as he filled the entirety of her pussy with his sperm the next second!

"Hmph! Nngghhh!! Here you go! Get pregnant, Nana-chan!~" Izuku let out and grabbed ahold of her face with his right hand, letting his fingers dip into her mouth from the side as he held her steady underneath his body while he came. Their sweaty bodies rutted violently altogether in coital bliss with Izuku cumming inside of Nana with the force of a fire hydrant. He was determined to seed her fertile insides and knew, from AD, that she was ovulating right now to make it happen.


"Uunnhhhh!!! Aaahhhhhhh!! Heheheheh, Master...oh my Master! Oohhh...I love you so much, my darling, Izuku. We'll..make....beautiful babies together.~" Nana cried out happily with warm tears of joy leaving her face as she held Izuku there between her muscular legs, feeling him inject thick gallons of sperm inside of her waiting uterus like so.

"Gnngh..ghnhhg...nnghh! Mmmmmmmnhh!~ Oohhh...yeah!~" Izuku cried out, enjoying the fresh feeling of ejaculation inside of his mentor and future wife. The sensation of feeling Nana's overly muscular vaginal interior flex him more cum felt like heaven unto itself. He was being milked for more of his seed and watched as some of it started seeping from her pussy in mass, making it obvious that he had knocked the woman up completely.

He came for at least a few more moments, shuddering with pleasure the entire time until he eventually finished up. Nana was left in a nearly comatose state of sexual stupor with a delirious smile on her face. She was breathing hotly with her tits rising up and down, her skin sweaty, and her abdominal region looking bloated with sperm despite her muscular body.


His cock came out with a squelch and left a thick gooey overflow of sperm gushing out of her opening as she was left there, catching her breath with a delirious smile on her face. His cock was still harder than a rock and brimming with raw power, which meant he had more energy, stamina, and fluids to dish out unto his lovers. Nana was panting tiredly and was about to sit up, anxious to suck out Izuku's cum through her mouth until she saw Rumi get up first. The mocha-skinned bunny Rabbit hero had a feral look of lust worn on her face. She had risen onto all fours and powered over to Izuku as though she was ready to ride him like a semen-hungry succubus.

"Midoriya Master...I'm still aching for more.~" She said, running her tongue across her lips with little hearts in her eyes. Prowling along on both her hands and knees gave Izuku a nice warm view of her toned ass with her cottontail thumping around excitedly. Izuku grinned with the pride of knowing he plowed two Powerhouses like them into broken messes full of his sperm.

"Good, I'm ready to give as much as you want, Rumi-Chan.~" Izuku growled and then saw Nana sit upright as well, remaining on her keister with a bashful look of need showing on her face. Seeing such an iron maiden like her act so demure and wholesome lit the fire of AD inside of Izuku's body. He'd want to breed them over and over again until the end of the world if he could, given how much these two Pro-Heroes excited him.

"What she said, Master Midoriya. Fu fu fufu. Ready to go again?~" Nana asked with a sultry voice, batting her eyelashes as she and Mirko started crawling towards them like a pair of hungry lionesses ready for the breeding season. Izuku wasn't worried nor anxious in the slightest as he sat on his kneecaps, keeping his stone-hard cock surging with energy ready for another romp in the sheets.

"Like you even have to ask, Nana-Chan? Rumi-Chan?~" Izuku asked while licking his lips. He held out his muscular arms readily as the two beautiful women lunged at him to engage in yet another intense bout of passionate baby-making sex!


He had started his next round with Rumi this time, letting her ride him in reverse cowgirl-style position with her legs hunched and her powerful leg muscles making her slam rapidly onto his hips with his dick plunging eloquently inside of her gushing pussy like so. Rumi was howling constantly while Nana simply ran her tongue along the side of Izuku's neck, tasting him and feeling up his chest while he got to enjoy the animalistic fucking brought on by the Rabbit Hero Mirko for seventeen minutes tops. The entire time she was riding him, he could feel her powerful vaginal muscles desperately milk him for cum while her cottontail thumped rapidly with her body. Rumi was little more than a horny animal now and she showed it especially with how much she howled in pleasure while riding Izuku's dick. He had smacked her iron-like buttocks several times in the process, making her mewl and quiver sensationally until she felt her orgasm wash over her body once again!

The woman's powerful thighs and buttocks rampantly slammed onto Izuku's hips a few more times, causing the structure of the bed to collapse even more when feeling her insides milk him to climax. Izuku had grunted loudly from inside of Nana's sweet lips, spanking and slapping Rumi's ass constantly as he filled her pussy up with even more sperm! He erupted inside of her like a volcanic mountain, letting the woman writhe in pleasure for about five minutes in total for passing out again. Of course, it would only be temporary, knowing her stamina, but Izuku would still need to be kept busy now that his libido was as active as AD was burning bright.

Taking Nana into his lap, he allowed the woman to cross her musclebound legs behind his waist once again, only this time they went as high as the center of his back where Izuku felt her heels digging into his skin. Nana embraced him with the entirety of herself, putting her arms around his neck and swallowing his tongue into her mouth again while feeling his cock penetrate the top of her sperm-filled womb as he got to work fucking her like a monster. He was as powerful as a Minotaur when handling the brawny beauty of a woman known as Gal-Might. Nana was constantly huffing and bouncing atop his lap with the folds of her sperm-soaked pussy gushing non-stop all over his cock. The woman was in the throes of ecstasy as her tits bounced around, scraping Izuku's chest with her nipples, and her pussy clutching his length tightly as he fucked her for nearly an hour straight.

Nana Shimura's powerful pelvic slams met Izuku's equally powerful waist in loud micro-impacts of raw power, causing the bedframe to destabilize even more as they went along. She would moan, breathe heavily with intoxicated lust whenever she wasn't tonguing out Izuku's throat with all the love in her heart. Likewise, Izuku was happy to have made Nana look like this and be completely at his mercy with a touch. Not only had he gone beyond a level of control never once thought possible with this Dark Quirk, but he also adored making a woman writhe in pleasure with minimal effort. Nana's sublime body rolled and tousled about in his lap, feeling his dick rocket into the top of her sperm-stuffed womb until they eventually came together in climax! He had filled her pussy for several minutes straight, making her stomach region become increasingly stuffed to the point she looked pregnant already.

Nana fell back and was left heaving terribly with loud huffs of breath, causing her tits to jiggle like balloons while she recovered. Seeing her in such a state made Izuku aroused all over again and ready to indulge the two tired women in the last bout. He knew they couldn't last much longer given how powerful he was at making them cum like crazy, but this knowledge only amplified his need to collect more women to slake his lust. Izuku kinda liked the idea of control, but a genuine part of his core did not want to treat them merely as objects, only as a large collection of mutually treasured lovers instead. There was the dark part of his hunger that yearned to make even the most prominent and powerful female members of Hero Society yearn for his cock. Ones like the famed Lady Nagant for starters, Burnin the Lieutenant Sidekick to the Hero Endeavour, Ryukyuu, any number of the female Pussycats, or even some female villains in need of 'Reforming'.

Izuku was going to collect them all and add them to his dark harem of lust and devotion, but first things first, he was going to indulge in Japan's top Hero and the fifth-ranked Pro Hero in one last bout for the day. He signaled for the two of them to lie side-by-side facing each other, making sure their breasts squished against the other woman's pair of tits while he grabbed his cock and guided it into Mirko's cunt once again.



"Gnngghhhh!!! Kyaaaaagghhhhh!! Yesss! Master! Yes, yes, yes!! Uughhhh!!~" Mirko cried out, making another goofy ahegao face as she felt the splitting sensation of Izuku's cock pushing its way to the back of her womb like so. Nana saw the bulge pushing out from the inside of Rumi's abdomen, making her insanely horny as one of Izuku's OFA-powered fingers dived straight into her asshole from the side!


"Aaaaagahhhhh!! Oohhhh...Izu-Kuuunn!! Uughh! Master! I love you, Master, do anything you want to me! Eaahhh!~" Nana cried out next, happily in joyous celebration as she felt Nirvana flowing through her body when she felt Izuku's powerful finger drill her anus like a jackhammer.

He started pumping his waist heavily into Mirko's frame, making one of her toned legs jostle about in the air after he held it over his right shoulder. His cock plunged effortlessly into her pussy, making it gush and quiver non-stop even while Rumi had a bulging belly full of his cum sloshing around inside. Slaps of skin slapping flesh sounded off and Rumi Usagiyama wore nothing except a goofy ahegao face signaling her eternal devotion to Izuku's touch. He was making Nana feel the same with his left set of fingers working the woman's asshole, making her anus clench and spasm repeatedly while she clung onto Rumi's shoulders.

"Uuh..uuh..uuh..uuh..uuh..uuh..uuh..uhh..uhu..ugghnnhh!!! Rumi-Chan...!~" Izuku growled, feeling his cock pushing through the mass of sperm inside of her womb, ready to deposit more in just a few good minutes while enjoying her ass slamming against his waist from a sideways angle. The feeling of her brown, muscular butt popping and smacking his groin like a jackhammer made Izuku feel absolute pleasure himself. He loved seeing Rumi's buttocks wriggle voraciously with every thrust he put into his pelvis. She was at his mercy and so was Nana, but the real cherry on top would be when they both get confirmed pregnant.

"Aaahh..aahh..aahh..aahh..aaahh...ahh..aaahh..aaaahhhhhh!! Midoriya Masteeerrrr!! I'm cumming! I'm cumming right now and I want you to pour every ounce of the baby-gravy inside of me so that I can give you some adorable bunny children to enjoy! Knock me uupppppp!~" Rumi cried and surrendered to her final orgasm as she felt her walls clamping down around the thick of Izuku's length, making him buck into her a few more times before shuddering in climax himself!

Nana undulated in an orgasm of her own when she had enough of Izukus' fingers prodding her anus to the point she couldn't endure it any longer. She watched Rumi writhe wildly in orgasmic spasm, seeing her pussy folds gush and squirt non-stop while Izuku buried his length to the hilt inside and blew a mighty load of sperm into her body like so.


He growled with pleasure, injecting thick deluges of seed inside of the Rabbit Hero Mirko, making her floppy ears curve into a heart shape while she smiled happily in coital bliss. Her stomach was becoming bigger and fatter with his seed, obviously alluding to the fact her uterus was drowned and Izuku might have given her a bundle of children from the sheer volume of his cum alone. Rumi would writhe and moan loudly in the climax, professing her eternal love and devotion to the fifteen-year-old boy as she came for a solid minute and a half before finally passing out in a slump!

"Uuhhh! Ooohhh...yeah.....darling....master. Heheehehe, I'm going to give birth to a lot of baby bunny children now. Mmhhhh.....*Zzzzzzzzzz.*" Rumi was promptly passed out on the bed, leaving only Nana and Izuku alone as he plucked his member out of the woman's sopping twat and guided it over while he held it in his hand. He quickly signaled for her to get on all fours this time around, wanting to plow her in a doggy-style position so he could squeeze her breasts into his mighty fingers.

"Mhmhhhhh, yes Master, Heheheehhh.~" Nana gushed, happy as a lover can be when she rolled onto her side and propped herself on all fours with her toned iron-like buttocks wriggling in front of Izuku's face.

"Here I go, Nana-Chan. I like this position the best, you know, it lets me feel all of you at the same time I get to kiss you. I love you just so much.~" Izuku said honestly, feeling the impulses tell him to just rail her into a coma already as he got behind her ass. He guided his cock into her snatch, seeing her spread it open by reaching under and prying her labia apart with her fingers.


"Uaaaaahhhhh!! Oohhhh...yeah! Take me, Master! Breed me good!~" Nana cried out, tossing back her head while feeling Izuku sheathe all thirteen or so inches of thick and raw man-meat inside of her waiting cunt. Her pussy lips stretched around its thickness and her insides churned like butter as he pressed the bulbous tip directly into the edge of her womb like so.

"Ghnnghhhh! Oh, I most certainly will, Nana-Chan!~" He growled and dug his thumbs into each of her sides before moving them along to where they reached her chest. both hands grabbed onto her pendulous breasts and squeezed them each into his fingers, making Nana mewl loudly as she felt him beginning to knead them both while also beginning to thrust his mighty waist into her ass.

One loud smack of flesh followed with Izuku shoving every inch of his dick into her slit while his pelvis 'attacked' her buttocks like a force of nature! He could feel her cheeks quivering against his waist as he started picking up the rhythm in which he started fucking his original lover. His hips were drawing back and pushing back in, repeatedly bucking into the woman from behind while he spooned her muscular backside and wrapped his lips around Nana's form the side in a passionate French-kiss. She accepted it immediately and closed her eyes, letting her tongue languish in his saliva as he made out with her like so.

"Hmhmhhhm! *Schlupp..schluppp...schlupp..schlupp!* Mmhmm! Ohhh...Izu-Kun!~ I love you so much too.~" She cooed happily between his lips, tasting his saliva again as they locked lips in a veritable entanglement of mouths trying to swallow each other from the side. Nana's large, womanly body bucked backward into his pelvis repeatedly while she was being fucked from the inside-out, enjoying the sensation of Izuku's grand penis plunging her insides and making her moan loudly in mind-broken euphoria. "Mmhmm...mhmm..mhmm..mhmm..mhmmmmmm!! *Master!*"

Their bodies rutted passionately together, creating small tremors of force that shook the bed structure even more to where it started to collapse slowly underneath their strength. Izuku was one powerhouse riddled with young, lean muscle augmented by the Almighty power of One-For-All. Nana, being its previous holder, was still brimming with amazing power herself and had a killer muscular body many female body-builders would envy her for. Beds required to sustain their lovemaking would need steel reinforcement and shock-absorbers built-in.

Izuku had his hands twisting both of Nana's nipples, visualizing them to be lactating milk in the future as he continued rolling his pelvis thunderously onto her buttocks with his member churning her delicate pussy like so. She eventually broke off for his lips and tossed her head back with her mouth hanging open. She had closed her eyes and started gasping and moaning constantly while Izuku fucked her, making her lose touch with reality for he was jabbing his length straight into the weak point of her neither body like a powerful bull overtaking a female for copulation!.

"Aaahhhhhh!! Aahh..aahh...aah...ahh..aahh...aahh..a.aaaaaahhhhh!! Oohhhh...God! Izu-Kun! Izu-Kun! My Masterr Izu-Kuuunnnnn!! Aaaahhhh!~" She cried out, tossing her head back and shuddering with the force of an Earthquake, making her pussy clamp tightly around Izuku's prick one final time as she came with a howl! Her powerful vaginal muscles clamped down hard, her cervix squeezed around his staff and milked it for dear sweet life, inevitably leading Izuku to growl as he surrendered himself to the bliss of ejaculation.

He grunted loudly and slammed his waist fully into the groove of Nana's ass, breeding her on the spot as he let out thick ropes of sperm spewing into her womb with the force of a fire hydrant again! She couldn't stop screaming in pleasure, making just as goofy a face as Rumi did, and felt the warmth of baby-making seed flush out the entirety of her unprotected uterus!


"Ghnhh! That's it, uughhhh!! Come here!~" Izuku let out again and swallowed the woman's lips into his mouth, embracing her in one last tongue-lashing lip-lock that made her mewl happily as they basked in post-coital copulation for about a solid two and a half minutes tops. Her stomach wouldn't stop expanding with cum until she looked about nine months pregnant already, making Nana mewl in happiness for she knew that this sealed the deal with Izuku. She would be at his side until the end of the world, loving every second she spent with him, and was determined to bring other women to him out of absolute devotion.

'Mmnnghhhh!! Oohhhhh! Yesss! I'm going to be a mommy! I'm going to have my darling Master's baby! Yess! Maybe I should bring Pixie-Bob to him next, or perhaps the other two; Mandalay and Ragdoll of the Pussy cats. I know Ryukyuu is looking for a good man to shack up with, maybe I can even call upon her protege, that Nejire girl. So many choices, so many girls that need to be ravished my darling Izuku's cock!~' Nana thought to herself as they winded down from their orgasmic high together, eventually leading her to promptly pass out on the bed with a blissful smile staying on her face the entire time.

Izuku groaned in post-coital relief and pulled himself up off of Nana's body, revealing his cock had gone somewhat flaccid as it popped out of her sperm-soaked cunt with a gulch of semen gushing out. Just when he had sat on his ass to relax for a moment...


....the bed's frame crumbled completely, leaving the mattress to stay on the floor while the two women were still soundly asleep. Izuku nervously looked around at the sides, seeing that it was destroyed thanks to their intense lovemaking. This caused the young Harem-Master-in-training to blush nervously with embarrassment before he got up.

"I'm thirsty, time to go grab some orange juice and get refreshed. I lost a lot of fluids inside of each of them, but it was worth it. So worth.~" Izuku said, flashing the sleeping women a smile as he went down the stairs, leaving the demolished bed to be dealt with later or until his Mom got home. He would have to tell Nana to buy her a new one, preferably one with steel reinforcements and built-in shock absorbers.


Turning her key in the lock and stepping inside of her house once more after a fresh workout at Ippanjosei's gym, Inko Midoriya walked in on the sight of seeing a naked Izuku sitting at the kitchen table with a thick pitcher of orange juice in one hand. He was sweaty too, for the obvious reasons that she already knew about, but Inko was still just happy to see her son naked, chiseled, and happy as he flashed her a suave smile.

"Good afternoon, Izu-Kun. Heheeheh, did you have fun with those women that came in with you?~' Inko asked knowing full well what happened yet finding it puzzling Izuku rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"I certainly did, but I also have great news to tell you, mom. Looks like you're getting a new bed. On me, and Nana-chan, and Mirko-chan too since we....went at it like wild animals today." Izuku chuckled nervously, making Inko's face space-out a bit before she ran up the stairs to check on the damage done to her queen-sized bed.


"Gyaaagghhhh!" She squealed loudly in panic and fright, making Izuku nervously drink more of his orange juice as she came back down the stairs and flashed him a flustered look on her face from above the banister.

"Izu-Kuuuunn.....you and your girlfriends are replacing that immediately and making it better than before. It should be able to withstand such...ferocity, okay? I know I could always sleep in your bed when I want, but that was a wonderful Queen-sized mattress that we made love on top of many times." Inko pressed, blushing feverishly with embarrassment despite feeling very turned on by how wild they went.

"Hehehe, yes, Mom. Sorry about that." He apologized and saw the woman start lifting her sports top, flashing her naked yet sweaty pair of tits before twirling the top on her finger and sending it away.

"But first, you're going to make it up to me in your bed, right now.~" Inko proposed, making Izuku chuckle softly to himself as he lifted the pitcher to his mouth again, ready to lose more electrolytes already, only this time with his Milf of a mother.

"Right after I finish drinking my pitcher, mom, I feel I'm going to need all the fluids," Izuku answered as he drank down its contents.