Izuku's Kitties [MHA]

Summary: Izuku saves Kota's life from Muscular, as we all know. But this time around Mandalay asks him what he would like for payment, and he asks for a date!

But one faithful day after they begin dating, Shino's Roomies peak on the couple after hours...


Izuku's past two years were... How should he even put it? Amazing? No no, that didn't quite work... Extraordinary, yeah, that's more like it. Extraordinarily exciting, extraordinarily emotional, extraordinarily fun, and impactful. Yeah, extraordinary was a fantastic word.

The first extraordinary thing that happened: He had met All Might himself! Pretty cool, right? Well, that led to the second and third: The discovery of his injury and how later on, after proving himself worthy, he was entrusted with the awesome power of One for All!

Next, the ten-month training to get into U.A. And from the moment he stepped through the gate, his life changed forever and I'm sure you know the rest. One way he did NOT expect it to change, however, was when he met the Wild, Wild Pussycats.

I started out simple enough: Stay with the pussycats with his class for a while for training, sounds fun, right? He had always looked up to the pussycats, even with weak quirks on their own they had become a nearly-unstoppable team, why wouldn't he look up to them? Well, first they through them off a cliff

NEXT, they made them fight nonstop through a forest for what, 6 hours?

THEN was the hellscape that was their training, in which by the end everyone was sick, bruised, passed out, begging for mercy, or all at once. And that wasn't even the end, the 'end' was a haunted forest trail which only led to the MOST fucked up thing:

The League of Villians had attacked them somehow, setting the forest ablaze and attacking everyone there. It's where Izuku had to push beyond the limit of 100% to save the kid Kota, turns out he just had a bit of a grudge against heroes and Izuku didn't have a grudge against him, even after the dick-punch.

Later on, the villains had left with Bakugo. Thankfully no one was gravely injured besides Izuku, which was some kind of silver lining. Fast forward a week and a half: Izuku had woken back up, Bakugo was rescued, U.A University had dorms, All Might's retirement, a lot of crap had happened. And then Mandalay showed up at the dorms wanting to speak with him...

He was nervous, of course. The last time he saw her, her friends\teammates were beaten up, Ragdoll had her quirk stolen for the biggest and deadliest villain in the world, and he had almost lost his arm protecting her nephew. So yeah, outside of small talks or instructions they didn't have the most pleasant memories of their time together.

When she picked him up, however, she noticed that he was a bit taller and wider than her (Which made a bit of sense, seeing how the only times she saw him was when they were talking about Kota or he was hunched over in exhaustion or pain). Then, she had taken him to a cafe in the town below the hill U.A sat on, where for about six minutes they sat and drank tea awkwardly before she had cleared her throat, calling him to look at her.

She had on a red shoulder-less sweater that showed the tops of her curvy bosom, also her smooth, soft, and perfect skin. "So... Midoriya-san." She said, putting down her cup. Her voice was a bit low yet comforting, it was quite a calming and motherly tone. "I wanted to talk to you, about what happened during camp..."

'Getting right into the point...' He thought to himself, putting his cup down as well. "Y-Yeah? What about it?" Her brown eyes quivered a bit, she looked worried and grateful at the same time.

"I learned about how serious your arm injury was, and how it linked back to what you did for Kota, what you did for me at the camp." She explained, her eyes darting to a scar and back before he noticed. "... And I never quite had the moment to-" She saw him staying completely still with his arm on the table, she rested her hand on top of his, making his eyes go wide and make him blush a little as he looked into her eyes. "- The moment to say, thank you. For keeping my Kota safe."

Izuku gulped and sighed. 'Oh, so that's what this is about.' He thought, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand. "You don't need to thank me for that, you know..? It's what heroes are supposed to do, plus: Kota's a good kid. It really was an honor." He tried explaining, but she looked like she was having none of it.

"Midoriya, please." She said, putting her other hand on his. "That might be true but still... This is different. He's my only-!" She took a moment to calm herself, trying not to shout or get emotional. "... We're both the only family we have, and if you weren't there-" Suddenly, his free hand went up with a 'stop' sign, silencing her.

"I know... But he helped me out too! He doesn't owe me a thing, and he was nicer when I saw-" He tried explaining again, but she shook her head.

"Well, I do!"

"B-But you don't need to!" He retorted, watching her scoot forwards which made her cleavage jiggle, almost causing his jaw to drop. Although he tried not letting distract him, so his eyes only darted to it and back to her eyes.

"But what if I want to?" She countered, noticing his little peek. "... What I wanted to say is:" She sighed, letting go of him and bowing her head until her forehead touched the table.

"W-Wha-?!" He muttered, blushing brighter as he was looking around and searching for a scapegoat. Luckily and unluckily for him, the cafe was empty, and therefore nothing to change the subject to.

"Midoriya Izuku. I am more in for more debt than my life, but my family's." She said before getting back up, making sure to lean in for 'obvious' reasons which made him blush deeply. "That's why I'm going to reward you... You may have or make me do whatever you w-wish." She said, realizing how that sounded out loud.

He noticed it too, feeling hotter than magma and his face redder than blood. "I-I ..." He gulped, looking her right in the eyes. "H-How about... A date?" He squeaked\presented.

She blinked once, then twice. Staring a bit at him. "A... Date? What kind?" She asked again, suspicious.

"I don't know... A movie, dinner? The Mall?" He shot off ideas from the top of his head. "E-Ever been to a cat cafe? Aizawa-sensei seems to be kinda wild about those..."

She gave a small cough, sitting all the way down. "I see... But why, Midoriya? I mean, I-I'm almost twice your age!" She said, knowing the young man was about 18 while she herself was 31.

His blush somehow intensified, making him stratch the back of his head. "I-I think older, mature women are... Are..." He gulped, averting his gaze, and sighed before turning to her. "R-Really gorgeous. Sorry for being so bold!" He apologized with a small bow.

Shino was stunned for a moment, looking down at her body. Sure she was fairly fit, but she was afraid that she's been... 'Piling on the pounds' as of late. Her stomach wasn't quite as thin as she liked it to be, and her hips and chest felt and looked bigger. 'He really thinks I'm beautiful..?' She shook her head mentally and got back to the task at hand. "It's no problem, Midoriya-Kun. So, do you have any other plans for our date?"

He seemed to be more focused, even cracking a small smile. "Well... After that, we could go to mine or your place and...-" He trailed off a bit, grabbing something from behind his back.

'H-Here it comes...' She tells herself, preparing for whatever he had in mind. But seemed to be quite stunned when he pulled out a notebook from seemingly nowhere like a cartoon character.

"- Talk about your work! I've never really interviewed any pros besides the ones working at U.A!" He said with a geek-ish charm. "I-If you're okay with that, that is. I've just loved everything about heroes ever since I can remember. And I really look up to rescue heroes!" He reveals, putting the book back with his atheistic smile back at full force.

"Huh? Oh, right. Of course, we can!" She says, rubbing the back of her neck. 'I thought for sure he'd ask for... A-Ah it doesn't matter.' She just smiled and put her hand down. "Helping the next generation of heroes is what I live for!"

"Thanks so much! When are you free?"

She looked into his nervous, anticipating, and joyful young eyes and giggled a bit. "Tonight."

"Me too! How about I pick you up at... 7?" He asked carefully, finishing his drink while beaming in excitement.

"Yeah, 7's just great!" She said, getting excited herself.

"Awesome, I-I guess I'll see you later, Mandalay-San!" He said, putting the money for his drink on the table. But she reached forward and gently put a hand on his, making him look back up at her.

"It's Shino-Chan, for now, Midoriya."

After a moment he nodded. "Right. I'll see you at 7, Shino-Chan... And please, call me Izuku."

Izuku showed up a couple of minutes early, greeted her with a bow and took her to dinner, then hung out at a cafe for dessert. To the surprise of Shino, Izuku never tried to make any lewd moves on her. He was honestly a perfect gentleman through and through. She thought of him to be sweet, gentle, understanding, intelligent, and Grade-A Husband Hero material. Plus, he was fairly cute and muscular, a thought she kept to herself with a small blush.

And for him, he saw her as a nurturing, funny, stern, wise, and mature woman. And going off the Pussycats and Kota, she was an incredible leader, teacher, and mother-figure.

The date had ended, and they had decided to take a nice walk to burn it away. The air was still and warm, summer nights were truly the best in Shino's eyes. "Mido- Izuku-Kun... I'm a little surprised. That was... Well, great." She said with a small giggle, hiking up her jacket.

"Heh. I was thinking the exact same thing... You're, Y-You're a really amazing woman, Shino-Chan." He said with a deep breath and smile. "I never thought I'd ever get the chance to date you... And it's more than I ever imagined." He confessed.

"You're a great man as well, Izuku-Kun." She said, looking up to him with a kind smile which made him blush and want to turn away. "I haven't been on a date ever since I took in Kota, and you reminded me why romance was so fun." She flirted playfully while moving a bit closer to him.

"W-Well it's an honor!" He said, chuckling before letting out a relaxed sigh. "... Best reward ever..." He said, then after a moment, his smile faded.

'O-Oh... Right. This was a reward... I only get one. Damn... M-Maybe she doesn't even like me... She just wants to make us even-' He thought to himself before she gently patted his shoulder, making him turn to her.

Her eyes glowed brighter and became more stunning in the moonlight. "I-Izuku-Kun... can we do this again?"

He looked at her in happy shock before making a realization and getting sad again. "We don't have to... I-I know you're just doing this becuase I saved Kota. I won't waste your time anymore-" He tried to explain to her, but she had interrupted him yet again, this time pushing her soft, warm, slightly-experienced lips into his. She placed her hand on his chin and closed her eyes as he stared at her in shock.

'HOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAP!!' He screamed mentally, trying to understand his situation for a few moments before she pulled away. They both gasped for air and stared at each other, and after a few moments, they both giggled slowly as her half-lidded eyes stared wantingly into his. "So... How about that second date, Izuku-Kun?"

"O-Of course... Just tell me when you're free." He answered with a quick nod.

And so began their relationship that carried to the present day: Two years into the future, where Izuku was half-way through his last year at U.A University.

Kota yawned, covering his mouth and slipping off his red sneakers as he entered his house. "Hey, is anyone home?" The home was fairly large in general, more than enough to hold the four adults and himself. Well-kept wooden floors led to light-painted walls that had slightly-clashing decor choices from the number of people living here.

"We are, Kota!" Shino answered from the living room.

Kota lifted his hat a bit to scratch his forehead as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing a can of honey and green tea as he walked towards the voice. "Who's 'we'?" He asked, popping it open as he saw. "Oh, hey Old man." He took a sip.

"I just barely turned twenty, Kota!" Izuku yelled back, listening to his girlfriend giggling then going back to some book she was reading. They sat on the couch together that was parallel to two comfy armchairs and the T.V

Kota raised an eyebrow, taking off his book bag and putting it in his hand. "Twenty? Dang... Your days are more numbered than I thought, geezer." Shino let out a crude and short burst of laughter.

The older man just rolled his eyes. "Haha very funny, Kota... Why don't I tell Eri-"

"You leave her out of this, geezer!" He said, looking a bit provoked as Shino began slowly rocking back and forth, trying to hold in her laughter.

"Did I strike a nerve, Kota-Kun?~" Izuku shot back, imitating Eri and making his girlfriend cackle as she dropped her book with a small, under-the-breath, "damnit!" between her laughs.

Kota just rolled his eyes. "Careful there, old man... Get that heart rate up too much and you collapse." He warned with mock concern, leaving his aunt in tears as he left to go to his room.

Izuku huffed in annoyance and amusement, turning to Shino with a thin smile. "Y'Know who he got that from in the family?" Shino giggled and rested her book beside her as she put her head at his side.

It took her a moment to calm down, but she sighed then answered, "If I had to guess: His granddad. Mine, and his mother's father." Izuku let out an 'ahh.' of understanding with a nod as Shino pulled away and looked at him. "Sorry about Kota, Izu."

Izuku just shrugged and gave a small chuckle, pushing aside her bangs leaning in to kiss her forehead gently. "No, it's okay Shishi." Shino blushed at her nickname and gently wrapped her arms around his waist. "He's a fine young man... And I know just the gorgeous cougar to thank for that."

Shino giggled with a small blush then leaned up to kiss his nose. "Thank you, Izu. But you influence him so much as well, he's practically your nephew too or big brother... And his hero." She said, hugging him.

"Yeah yeah, but I've got nothing on you, babe." He countered, putting an arm around her.

"Nothing? Izuku Midoriya, He LOVES you!" She said sternly, getting up a bit to look at him. "You're so good to him... To us." She said, kissing his cheek. "You're more than just the guy who saved him... AND we're both more than just his aunt and uncle." She said in a lower tone, her mood slipping downwards.

Izuku caught on, rubbing his lover's cheek. "Yep... You're an amazing mom if Kota has anything to show about it." He said, trying to get her back up.

"Yeah? Well, I know for a fact you'd be an AMAZING da-" before she could finish, she threw her own hand over her mouth as her eyes widened. She stared into his eyes, watching gears turn in his head as he looked her up and down.

"Shino... Do you... Do you really think so?" He asked quietly, holding her tighter and tilting his head. "D-Do you honestly think that?"

After a moment, Shino nodded and removed her hand. "Yeah... I think you'd be a great father, you're already an amazing father-figure for Kota... I'd be honored to call you the father to my kittens, Izuku."

Without a response or warning, Izuku leaned down and kissed Shino right on the lips for only a moment before pulling away. "Wow... I don't really know what to say. I guess being a d-dad entered my mind a few times... A week." He confessed with a nervous smile, giving her another kiss which she gave back gleefully. "I can't think of another person in the entire world I'd rather have a family with, Shishi."

Shino sniffled, her eyes watering slightly as she leaned in to kiss him once more. "You make me so happy, Izuku... Let's do it tonight!" Izuku was taken aback for only a moment before he chuckled.

"Agreed... Let's go to bed early tonight, I want to spend dusk till dawn with my favorite kitty in the world." He declared with a bit of sultry in his voice, making Shino quiver in delight.

"Yeah, let's do it, Izuku," Shino confirmed, losing almost all her shame as she leaned in to kiss his ear. "Make me a Mommy, Izuku. Fill my belly with kittens." She whispered, flicking his ear with her tongue on the last L.

Izuku just let out a small chuckle, rubbing his girlfriend's back and kissing her neck gently. "As if you even had to ask, Shishi~"

Say whatever you will about Ryuuko Tsushikawa, but let it be known that she notices the little things. Shino and Izuku had been more giddy and happy than normal, even having a bit more energy ever since she and Tomoko had come back home.

She took one of the last few bites of her meal, a Spicy pork cutlet bowl with mixed vegetables and rice, and watched as Izuku hummed to himself while putting away a leftover serving for Tiger for when he comes back home tomorrow from visiting his parents.

Meanwhile, Shino walked up and dumped her empty bowl into the sink then turned to her boyfriend with a smirk, wrapping her arms around his back gently and kissing the back of his neck. "Thanks for the meal, Izu~" She said as Ryuuko looked at Izuku's face and almost flinched at what she saw.

He looked greedy, eager, and almost villainous. He just chuckled as he turned his head enough to look back and smile at her, his look now gone. "It's my pleasure, Shishi." He said in a gentle and loving tone, reaching back to pet the side of her hair. "I'm glad you liked it."

Shino just giggled and walked away with a yawn. "Well... I finished cleaning before dinner, I think I'm just gonna hit the hay early, everyone." She told them everyone except Ryuuko missing Izuku's expression flashed back to the wicked one for just a second.

Tomoko swallowed the last piece of pork and waved her goodnight. "Sweet dreams, Shishi!" The greenette teased as Kota finished as well. Shino patted Kota's head and leaned down to kiss his head.

"Goodnight, Kota."

Kota looked up from his bowl, "Yeah, goodnight, auntie." Shino smiled softly and walked to her room, a few moments later they heard the door shut close.

Everyone had gotten done, putting their bowls away and getting to chores: Ryuuko began on dishes, Tomoko began sweeping while Kota took out all the trash in the house, then went up to his room to study.

A few minutes later, Tomoko only had the kitchen left while Ryuuko had finished on dishes. A moment later, the blonde turned to her humming friend with a question. "Hey... Tomoko?"


"Have Izuku and Shino seemed... Weird to you today, in any way?" Tomoko thought about it, almost stopping.

"No, not really. But they did seem pretty happy today! Why do you ask, Ryuuko?" She answered with a shrug, sweeping the last of trash and dust into the bin.

"No clue... Do you think something happened?"

"What, like they're going on a date? It has been a little bit since they have." She pointed out, pouring away the trash and leaning on the counter to talk to Ryuuko.

"You see, you'd think so, but they tell everyone in advance. It might be... something else." She concluded, grabbing a paper towel to dry off with.

Tomoko just giggled, pushing her bangs from her face. "Oh really? Well then... Why don't we find out?~" She suggested, watching Ryuuko turn to her then split into a wide smile.

"You know me too well, Tomoko." She said jokingly as she tossed the towel into the trash. Adventurous and 'eternally young', Ryuuko was always 100% on board with most things that would be considered daring or adventurous. "Let's get'em!"

Giggling, Tomoko shushed the blond and signaled her to follow. "C'mon... If they're up to something, they probably aren't done yet." She pointed out, going to the hallway, then getting low and almost crawling as she came closer to the door, Ryuuko eagerly in tow.

Tomoko turned back with a small smile and nodded, making Ryuuko nod back and get to the other side of the door, making enough room for them both to look in through a crack.

Grabbing the doorknob, Ryuuko turned it so gently that no one would notice unless they were staring at the door, which seemed unlikely. Then, the two women pried it open gently, then peeked inside, blushes evident on their faces. But they weren't prepared for what was behind it, their eyes widened greatly and their blushes turned to full-on neon red glows.

Inside, Shino was on her knees, her face and hands pressed to the floor while butt naked. Meanwhile, Izuku had his foot on her head, his heel pressing against the back of her head, but what was even odder, was what he wore.

He had on black suit pants, with a matching sleeveless vest and a white long-sleeved undershirt, finished with a blood-red tie and dress shoes. He smirked at Shino, sitting on the bed, looming over her and grinding his heel into her head. "Good evening, Mandalay... I see how eagerly you've been waiting for my return." He said in a cold, cryptic voice as his other foot came closer to her hand.

The two onlookers couldn't look away, the scene was too lewd and entrapping to. They watched their friend struggle to nod under her boyfriend's heel, where it was then that they noticed a black collar with spikes around her throat.

"Tell me... How has my adorable, feline hero whore been today?" He asked, not noticing the gasps from the hallway.

"Great, Master Deku... I've been dreaming of you all day~" She confessed, whimpering as he pressed into her more.

"Have you know..? Any details?" He said in a bored tone, lightening up on his pressing.

She nodded. "Dreaming of being used, Master Deku~ Of fulfilling my purpose."

'Purpose?' the girls repeated in their heads, leaning in more. Deku, meanwhile, chuckled lightly and leaned down more. "Is that so, alright then, whore: Tell me your purposes to me. Why do I even let a pathetic hero like you live, or be graced by my presence?" The two outside quivered, noticing how Izuku had some kind of... God complex, it seemed.

Eagerly, Shino nodded. "M-My purpose is to please my Master, my God in any way he seems fit... Letting him use any part of me as he wishes." She explained as if she had recited this sentence a thousand or so times over. "And my second is to be my Master's rape toy:" She said, making the other two reel back just a bit.

"M-My Master shall use my body to relieve his anger, by hitting, fucking, spitting on, or whatever else he wishes to me. Also to punish me for being a hero, and standing in his way." Izuku nodded in pride, moving his foot off her, although she didn't move.

Izuku smirked then spat on her back, making them all flinch. "That's fucking right, Mandalay. You're only here to be my cumdumpster, and by disposed of when I get bored of you." He reminded her, placing a shoe right in front of his face.

"Yes, Master. I'm so grateful you decided to use me, Master Deku! I'm grateful just for being spat on like trash!" She said with a moan, shocking the girls to their core. "Please, remind me of my place, Sir! At your feet!"

Izuku just let out another proud chuckle of amusement. "Good whore! I'm glad you're not completely braindead just yet... You have some kinky ideas from time to time. Although... A good bitch should learn to stop thinking." Mandalay nodded, eyeing his shoe.

"Hm? Oh, right. Prove your loyalty: Kiss the bottom of my shoe, you piece of shit." He commanded, leaving the ladies outside their door in a frozen, slightly turned on by the site of the normally sweet man standing over their friend in total sexual domination.

She leaned forwards, licking the front of the black leather shoe and then kissing the bottom a couple of times over. "Mm~... Nya!~ Your shoe tastes of b-blood, Master Deku."

By now, Tomoko and Ryuuko had pieced together this was some kind of deprived roleplay and hoped the blood part was a part of it as Izuku smirked. "Congratulations, whore, You're right... Even more of you hero scum fell to me today." He said in disgust, spitting on her face, making them all flinch again. "Does that turn you on, you disgusting cat?" He used his other foot and placed it over her hand. "Do you like the idea of your Master beating the shit out of them?"

Mandalay nodded, kissing his shoe one last time and pulling away. "Yes, Master Deku~ A God like you should be crushing them under your heel!" She announced, licking the top of his shoe.


Tomoko and Ryuuko flinched, watching as Izuku's hand stayed in place, he had just slapped Shino. Shino quivered, her free hand going over to rub her cheek as she looked him in the eyes. They were filled with pain, lust, and joy. "... T-Thank you, Master Deku..."

"Mm~... Like that, slut? You like how I treat hero scum like you?" He asked, making Shino nod as the other two pieced together that he was playing a villain on a hero-conquering quest.

"Please beat me more, give me all the anger you've been-"


Deku back-handed her and watched her almost fall to the ground. "And who the fuck gave you permission to tell me what to do?!" He gripped her chin and forced her to look up. "I want you to know that I SHOULD do much worse... But today is special: You have another use for me." Ryuuko quivered, rubbing her thighs together as Tomoko bit her lip

Mandalay's eyes lit up as the other two leaned in closer to hear. "Anything, Master... I'm yours to use, I'll do anything you want!" Deku just scoffed and chuckled, letting her go.

"Your third purpose: Is to be my breeding slut; you're going to spend the rest of your days on a leash, being impregnated over and over again and giving me heirs, understood?!" He barked and ordered, making all three women's eyes go wide, (Although Shino faked her shock). "That's right, you've proven your loyalty over and over this past year, so this is your reward, being my breeding cattle." He announced, pulling on her breasts with one hand, making her let out a loud moan of pain and pleasure.

"Oooh~! Of course, Master! I'll carry as many kittens as you please, I'll give you litter after litter until I can't anymore." She promised, getting down and kissing his shoe again in excitement. "I'm so happy!"

Izuku let out a small growl, feeling his cock threaten to tear apart his pants. "Good, good whore. Now make yourself useful, take out my cock you slut." He said while snapping his fingers, making her jump up and begin undoing his pants.

Ryuuko shook her head, looking at Tomoko who had her hand between her thighs, and watching intensely. She gulped and continued watching, silently begging for more.

After a moment longer, Mandalay had undone his pants, pulling them down and revealing dark boxers that had a MASSIVE bulge pressing against the front, barely able to contain his cock. The duo gasped, shivering as they imagined the size of the cock under the cloth. "Do it, hero filth. Pull out and worship my cock, the only thing that you even live for anymore."

Tomoko pulled away a bit, still staring at the scene as she whispered in Ryuuko's ear. "I-I can't take it anymore... I need to get in there." Ryuuko simply nodded in agreement.

Nodding, Mandalay grabbed his boxers and pulled them down, letting his cock slap her across the face in fury. Ryuuko's and Tomoko's jaws dropped, Deku's cock from their angle was a bit longer than Shino's head and neck and wider than her arm with a large tip at the end and huge, round, Tennis ball-sized nuts. "You're fucking swine... Suck my cock and swallow my cum you greedy pig!!" He commanded, reaching down and grabbing her hair.

"Of course, Master Deku~" She said, yelping as he pulled her hair back and up, then aimed his cock towards her lips. "Thank you, Master Deku! Thank you for giving me your amazing milk! Nya~!"

Deku smirked evily, forcing her to inhale his entire tip, making her instantly begin sucking and licking his huge cock eagerly. He took his free hand and smacked her face again, making her whine loudly over his cock as he forced her deeper. "This is the only thing you're worth, bimbo! To milk my fucking cock and have my kids!!" He roared, dragging her further down, making her loudly gag and choke. "Fucking choke you bimbo, you're so pathetic!"

Shino gagged happily, loudly slurping on his cock as her basketball-sized tits and massive bubble butt bounced and jiggled as he forced it up and down. Deku smirked and let out a creepy and triumphant laugh. "That's it, you swine!" He insulted her, finally standing up, towering over her, and shoving another few inches into her bulging throat.

Deku huffed like a bull, then shoved his entire cock into her throat with a groan to the sounds of her choking and gagging loudly. "That's it, kitty-bitch... Actually, with tits like those and an ass like that, you're more of a Cow than a cat!" He decided, bringing out half his cock then shoving it back in, he made this his pattern, dragging it out then back in with increasing speed until he was outright skullfucking her by her hair.

Tomoko snapped, pulling off her panties completely and beginning to whisper in Ryuuko's ear, every second she had Ryuuko smiled brighter and brighter.

A full few minutes had passed, Deku getting to fully show his impressive endurance as he barely showed mercy with Mandalay. "Oh, Mandalay! You're certainly a keeper, worship that cock you bitch!" He commanded, watching as she desperately tried to please him more as well as her bouncing ass.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, making the couple jolt. "M-Master Deku..? One of the guards sent us up." It was Ryuuko, she sounded WAY more shy than normal.

Not looking to Shino, he put two and two together, then his smirk etched across his face even wider than before. "G-Good. I ordered you two to be up here earlier!" He barked, watching as the two other female pussycats came in, naked as the day they were born.

They both had clear, smooth skin, with long hair that went to their backs. Ryuuko blushed deeply with a wide, lustful smile across her face while Tomoko rubbed her arm, looking just as lustful but more nervous.

Ryuuko had the widest hips of them all, with a slightly chubby waist and thick thighs that pressed together, all leading to the fattest, bounciest ass of the pussycats. Tomoko had a well-kept waist with slightly flared hips, but she was the proud owner of the biggest bust of the squad: Large balloons of milky flesh that seemed to defy gravity and science itself.

Deku growled at them, slapping Mandalay's face as he picked back up the pace. "You whores are late... Thankfully your whore of a leader kept me entertained." He said in a bored tone, subtly thrusting harder in excitement.

They both bowed, Ryuuko answering. "Apologies, Master Deku. We will never allow that to happen again!" She promised as they looked up to him rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, besides: It's Mandalay's mealtime, isn't it, bitch?" She let out a loud grunt and moan in agreement as he pushed her off his cock. She loudly coughed and whimpered to the ground. "Get your bowl, whore."

Nodding, Mandalay crawled away and brought over a bowl in her teeth that read: "Mandalay" Smirking, Deku sat down and stroked his cock, pointing it down. She knew exactly what to do, leaving the other two in amazement as she placed the bowl under his tip. With a grunt, Deku began pouring liter after liter of white cum into her bowl, staying there for a bit more than a full minute as he finished, making it overflow.

"There. Eat while I deal with the other two rodents you call teammates." He commanded, watching her eagerly place her face to her bowl and lick up cum with moans of happiness.

Deku turned to the other two, his cock standing straight and not hindered at all. He smirked as the two women nervously kneeled in front of him at each side, looking up at him eagerly.

"Well well... Pixie-bob and Ragdoll, do you know what you are?" He asked, stroking the base of his cock.

Ragdoll gulped and answered. "H-Heroes..?" Suddenly, Deku grabbed her hair and pulled up, making them both gasp, and in Tomoko's case, let out a loud and pained groan.

"No. You're filth... Filth whose only goal in life is to please me and my cock. Understood? You're going to be my pets until I get bored of you." He declared, slapping Tomoko's tits, making her yelp in surprise and pleasure. "Although I must admit... You're quite soft and gorgeous for filth." He shrugged, positing her between his muscular legs. "Take off my pants whore, I want you as close as possible."

Nodding, Tomoko fumbled to pull his pants, shoes, and socks off all at once, then scooched forwards and placed her massive milky tits around his cock and against his thighs. She looked up at his cold, unamused eyes as she hugged her breasts, wrapping the pillow-like flesh around his cock with a gentle moan.

Looking over to Ryuuko, who stared at the display, Deku grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her in, making her wince and groan. "Watch close, Pixie-bitch, I'm using you next." He growled, glaring at Tomoko. "What's with the hesitation? Are you a virgin, My slutty doll?"

Tomoko shook her head, squeezing his cock in her tits and moving them up and down slowly. "N-No, Master Deku... It's just..."

Deku just smirked. "What? Is this just the first time you've seen a real man's cock? One that can own you like the slutty kitty you are?" He said, smirking as her lip quivered, a few moments passed but she nodded.

"Yes sir. I'm in love with your manly cock! You're so much better than those hero pricks!!" She declared, making him smile wider which encouraged her to stroke his entire length.

"Good to hear, Slut-doll! Now, you'll control this tit job, but don't you dare think you're in charge." She nodded, moaning as she began bouncing on her heels, making him moan in pleasure. His mighty rod almost disappeared past her flesh each time, then coming back as she pampered his lower half.

He let out a small, pleasured growl as she went faster. "That's it... 'Nya' for me, whore. Meow like the braindead kitty-whore you are!" He growled out, feeling his cock twitch eagerly.

Ragdoll bit her lip, staring into his eyes lustfully. "Mm... Nya~! Please fuck my fat tits, Master Deku, Nya~!" She obeyed completely, even growing more excited and bouncing faster. Deku simply chuckled at her quick submission.

"Damn... You broke way faster than your bitch of a leader. But I guess you just always wanted this, huh? Or you just LOVED watching that whore being shown her place, and you followed like the obedient whore of a kitten you are?" He asked slyly, making her moan softly in pleasure and squeeze his cock harder, entrapping most of his length in her soft flesh.

"Yes, Master Deku! Nya~! I loved watching Mandalay being treated like dirt! Nya~! Punish us for even daring to be in your way!" She begged, almost shocking Deku out of character with how much she was into this.

"I intend to, you fat hog!!" He said through grit teeth and a wide smile, like a demonic child getting everything they wanted.

For the next few minutes, Tomoko Nya'd and cooed as she bounced her tits on his lap. Eventually, Deku let out another growl that led to a low moan. "From now on: You'll only bathe in and drink my cum! It'll taste more precious to you than water, whore!" He promised, feeling his cock twitch wildly and pressure build in his loins.

She was ecstatic, her eyes booming with hearts as she hung out her tongue. "Thank you for blessing me with your cum, Master Deku~... Paint and mark my body white, please!" She begged to open as wide as she could while looking up into his eyes.

Deku smirked and looked to the side at Pixie-bob, who panted wantingly, her eyes also filled with tiny pink hearts at the site of Deku asserting his dominance over Ragdoll. "You love watching this shit, don't you? Watching the big bad villain step all over hero scum like you? Well, get used to your new life, whore!!" He barked, lightly slapping Ragdoll's face which made her grunt in pain then coo in pleasure.

"Take it you skank!!" He roared, blasting her face and breasts with wax-hot cum that seemed endless, blasting and caking every inch of skin in at least two layers of cum. "That's more like it... You look much better covered in cum, bitch! That's how all heroines should look, don't you think? On their knees, beaten, submissive, and covered in my cum." He decided sinisterly as his cock shot out its last few drops of cum.

With a groan, he pulled out of her sloppy, warm tits and admired his handiwork for a second. He smirked and allowed her to sit back, focusing on Pixie-bob for now. "Well well well... The 'eternally young' Pixie-bob. I'd assume for a thrill-seeker such as yourself, you're no virgin, correct?"

She nodded, eyeing his now messy cock. "Correct, Master Deku... But this is, this is something else!" She fawned over it, licking her lips at the musky smell and intimidating twitching. "And I'm ready to be its fucktoy, Master!"

Deku chuckled lightly in satisfaction, rubbing the back of her head and stroked her hair. A few seconds in, he wrapped a few locks of hair around his broad and slightly scarred fist until her entire ponytail was wrapped around his hand like a chain. "You two are so pathetic... Although I suppose seeing your dumb bimbo of a leader succumbing makes you not want to put up a fight." He ranted, shaking his head as he dragged the blond to his tip as he stood up.

"Alright, Pixie-bitch: Your tits are good, but I feel like I should make an example of you: That a whore's throat is for taking your Master's cock, not speaking." He said in a condescending manner, waving his cock in front of her lips. Suddenly, he thrusted a third of his cock into her wet throat. She looked up at him and gagged as his cock bulged in her throat. "That's more like it, Pixie-bitch!! You hero filth deserve this shit!!"

He growled, beginning to pound her throat ruthlessly, forcing in more and more inches of raw meat into her throat. "Damn... Suck that cock, bitch! From the moment I saw you in that costume, I knew you'd make a better prostitute than a hero!" He said, smirking as he forcefully hilted inside her throat.

She coughed and gagged, but still moaned after a few moments, reaching her hand down to gently rub her pussy. Then, he began thrusting in and out of her mouth, forcing her tight throat apart to make room, making her choke as he growled and moaned in pleasure and amusement.

Meanwhile, Mandalay pushed aside her empty bowl, content with her full belly as she looked over to Rag-doll who was licking and sucking the cum from her skin. The brunette smirk and crawled over to her on all fours, licking the side of her neck.

Dazed, Ragdoll turned to her leader and gave a dopey smile, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "Mm~... Hello, Mandalay. You didn't let any of Master's seed go to waste, did you~?"

Mandalay giggled, reaching up to massage her tits. "Nope! I love my Master's seed too much." She confirmed, taking a swab from Ragdolls tits between her fingers and inspecting it. "It's too thick, y-yummy, hot, and precious to waste any of it!" She declared, popping it into her mouth and suckling on it, moaning at the taste as Ragdoll began to tongue-bathe herself.

Back with Deku and Pixie-bob, he let out a loud grunt. "I'm about to cum, Pixie-bitch!! Take it all you pathetic piece of shit!!" He growled, smacking her face and hilting inside her. She let out one last loud moan, screaming into his cock as it expanded. And with one last roar, he came deep into her throat, straight into her stomach. So much so, that her stomach bulged in an obscene way as he pumped load after load of potent cum into her.

The other two crawled to each side, cooing as they watched the blonde being choked and fucked. A minute or so later, Deku growled as he pulled out, letting his cock stand up straight yet again, this time completely covered in spit with some strands leading to her mouth.

He let go of her hair, letting her moan and cough with a lustful Ahegao face. "F-Fuck... More..!"

"Hmm?" He couldn't help but smile at her, watching as the other two gazed into his face with equal lust. "Speak clearly, Pixie-bitch!" He smirked wider,

She gulped, groping her breast and fingering her pussy with three fingers. "R-Ruin my throat more, Master!" She begged, her voice now hoarse.

Deku just chuckled, getting onto the bed and laying in the center. "Maybe later, whore. But we have more important matters at hand..." He said, snapping his fingers and pointing down, signaling them to come forth and to him.

Catching on, or from being trained in Mandalay's case, all three pussycats crawled up. Mandalay sat between his legs on her knees, while Ragdoll to her right and near his thigh while Pixie-bob to his left.

Deku smirked, resting his arms behind his head. "Mandalay, you know your new purpose... So get to it, slut." He demanded coldly, removing his tie and unbuttoning his vest. "And you two: Today IS a very special day, so make her feel important." He said to them, causing Ragdoll to suck Mandalay's right breast while groping her meaty and muscular thigh while Pixie-bob licked the brunette's ear while molesting her fat ass.

"Mm... So obedient... I'm glad heroes have a use other than being a pain in the ass!" He declared with an evil chuckle, smacking Ragdoll's and Pixie-bob's asses, making them shake and wobble. "Now straddle my cock, bitch! Impregnate yourself in front of your equally whorish friends!" He barked out his order, resting his hands on their meaty pillows of ass and squeezing.

Squealing in delight, Mandalay instantly placed her pussylips on the tip of his cock and let it split her lips as she bit her lip. "To the new ruler of Japan, Master Deku! And the new heir!" She announced, dropping herself halfway down his cock and howled in pleasure.

Deku squeezed on the other two harder as they went to work on pampering Mandalay's lewd body. He felt her pussy tighten around his rod as she forced in the other half inch by inch with a loud groan of pleasure. "That's it, bitch! Now bounce on it, milk my fat cock in your worthless pussy!!" He roared, making her mewl and moan.

Her face split into the widest smile she could muster, then began to bounce on his cock, taking out a third of his cock before slamming her hips back down with a loud scream. "F-Fuck me, Master! Fuck your kittens into my womb!" She pleaded, bouncing with enough force to make her asscheeks clap against his thighs and balls.

Ragdoll groped used her free hand to grope Mandalay's breast while sucking it as if she was trying to get milk, while Pixie-bob slapped her bouncing booty, making Mandalay scream and moan louder in pleasure.

"That's the plan, Whore!" He barked, smirking wide as he watches Mandalay bounce on his cock while being molested by her own friends. He unbuttoned the rest of his vest then his shirt, tossing them both to the side and laying back down, letting all three of them awe his more than impressive physique. "Do you like the site, bitches? This is what your ruler looks like!"

Spurred on, each member began working faster: with Mandalay also bouncing harder, Ragdoll pulling on her nipple with her mouth, and Pixie-bob licking the brunette's cheek. "M-Master Deku!! I'm g-gonna cum~! I'm gonna cum all over your mighty fucking cock!!" She screamed, wailing in pleasure as his cock hit and abused the deepest part of her pussy.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, possibly from a sensory overload as her hips moved as quick as lightning. She pounded herself on his cock wildly for the next few moments, panting and moaning as sweat covered her body. "C-Cumming~!!" She screamed, planting her wobbly ass onto his lap, her pussy tightening as she came over his cock, making him growl in pleasure as she screamed in delight.

She sat there panting, her tongue hanging out stupidly as she revealed how hot her body felt. She sat there until Deku snapped his fingers, making her look at his unimpressed face. "Who told you to stop, Whore? Or do I have to do THAT too for your dumb ass?" He growled in disappointment, which made her bow low for a few moments.

"I'm so sorry, Master! I'll milk your fat cock!" She promised, continuing to bounce on him. A few minutes had passed, Mandalay had come twice more before he smacked her swinging left tit.

"S-Shit, I'm going to cum you bitch!! I'm going to fill your pathetic pussy with my child!!" He roared, bucking his hips into hers, making her scream in pleasure. By now, she was practically a braindead, pleasure-fueled zombie bouncing on his cock. She could only let out a loud moan of excitement.

"D-Do it, Master Deku~!! Fill my dirty, whorish, worthless hero pussy with your kitties~!! I'LL BE YOUR PERSONAL BREEDING PET FOREVER AND EVER!!!" She screamed, biting her lip as Pixie-bob slapped her ass again. "RAPE ME UNTIL YOU BREAK ME!! THIS IS MY WHOLE REASON TO LIVE: BEING YOUR COCKSLEEVE!!!" She cries, encouraging him more and more.

"Fuck!!" He roared, hilting inside Mandalay's pussy and cumming, her stomach bulging and deforming from how much was pumped into her. Eventually, she looked about 8 months pregnant until she slowly crawled off his cock and onto the bed, spreading her legs and supporting herself with her arms.

"Hm~... Master filled me with his spunk~... I-I'm going to have his kittens!!" She sniffled and rubbed her eye, genuinely overjoyed "I-I'm so happy!" She closed her legs and let out a gentle sob, making everyone stop.

Getting onto his knees quickly, Izuku went over to her instantly and hugged her around the waist, rubbing her back and telling her it's alright. "Sh... It's okay, Shishi. I'm happy too! W-we can stop the roleplay if you want!" He promised, kissing her on the cheek a few times over.

Meanwhile, the other two felt slightly out of place, going to the couple's sides. Shino wrapped her arms around him and kissed his neck. "I'm fine, Izu... I just can't wait to see them already!" She confessed, making them all chuckle a bit. Tomoko latched on to them, hugging them both.

"I can't wait to be an auntie!" The green-haired woman said with a wide smile as Ryuuko did the same on the other side.

"Same here. You two better give us a whole litter of cuties to spoil!" She said jokingly, kissing Shino's neck.

A minute later, Shino pulled away. "I'm fine, thank you all." She smiled at Izuku and spread her legs again. "Izu~... Your cum is so hot and filling, I'm your pregnant, kitty bitch now!" She cooed, making Izuku lick his lips, which everyone noticed.

Ryuuko giggled and leaned in. "My my... You have a pregnancy kink, don't you, you pervert~? Does the thought of filling your beloved Shino with your child turn you on THAT much?" The mischievous blond asked with a grin.

Tomoko made a small purr-like noise and nuzzled his other side, enticing him back into his dominating alter-ego. "I guess I can't blame you... If I was a man as strong, manly, and dominating as you, I'd be filling every whore I could get my hands on~" She said teasingly with a Cheshire cat smile. Shino just giggled and watched Izuku get back into 'Master Deku Mode'.

Deku put his arms around them both, pulling them closer with a smirk. "My thoughts exactly, Slut-Doll." He growled, pinching her ass as he swatted Pixie-bob's. "Y'know what? You two are being bred as well, I'm going to turn the entire Pussycats team into my breeding pets!!" He declared, watching as the two eyes widened.

And without hesitation, he grabbed their wrists, turning around and pushing Ragdoll to the bed roughly. He grinned madly as he placed himself over her and dropped Pixie-bob.

With both of his hands now free, he grabbed her legs and lifted them up with his tip at her entrance in preparation for a mating press. "Just a heads up, Slut-doll: But I'm not going to hold back at all... I'm going to breed you like the bitch you are, understood? I'm going to claim you as my property, bitch." He growled, teasing her lips with his cock and making her moan.

"Understood, Master Deku! I'll gladly be your breeding whore, please fuck me until I can't even THINK of being a hero anymore! Please punish me for being in your way!" She begged, grinding her pussy on his cock with an eager, bright red face.

With a satisfied smirk, Deku rammed half of his cock into her pussy and growled at how tightly she squeezed his cock while she groaned loudly. "S-Sweet mother of-!!" She yelled out, her eyes rolling back into her head.

"So tight... But don't worry, my little slut-doll! I'll just use your slutty pussy until it's perfect." He promised, beginning to move his cock in and out of her pussy slowly, picking up speed and force while pushing in more and more inches of cock. "Just... Like... This!!" He roared to the sounds of their fucking plus her loud moans for more.

It only took a few minutes, but Deku had managed to fit his entire cock into her pussy, sighing in relief. "Good start, whore. But we aren't nearly done..." He promised, and from that moment on; He began to jackhammer the fellow greenette's pussy, his hips blurring and glowing with power as he did, her legs squirming as she was subjected to more pleasure she had ever thought possible.

"FUCK ME, MASTER!! NYA~! NYA~! RAPE ME!! I WAS BORN TO WORSHIP YOUR FUCKING COCK! NYA~!! FILL MY PUSSY WITH KITTENS, TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU HATE ME FOR BEING A SKANK OF A HERO WHILE YOU RAPE MY PUSSY~!!" Ragdoll screamed lewdly, making Deku snort like a bull as he fucked her harder, crushing her smaller frame under his muscular one.

"Yeah!?! Thanks for proving my point you fucking bimbo!! Now shut up while I fill your worthless pussy, you pathetic whore! You're going to spend the rest of your life on a leash and at my feet you bitch!!" He roared, passion and anger weaved into his voice. He clenched his teeth together and thrusted into her harshly, making her scream.

"I-I'm gonna cum, Master Deku~!!" She announced, which made Deku smirk sadistically.

"Are you now, Bitch?! Is being raped by the big bad villain getting you off?" He asked tauntingly, lowering his hips down more so she could feel the full impact of his balls smack against her meaty ass. "HA! Just cum, you dumbass bimbo!!"

Screaming in pleasure, Ragdoll wrapped her legs behind his back as her pussy tightened around him. "Oh, GOD~!!" She had come over him, but he was still relentless. And so for the next half-hour or so Deku pistoned his cock into her tight pussy, making her cum several times over his cock, balls, and thighs. They fucked like animals. Sweaty, passionate, sex-starved animals.

Deku grunted, leaning down and licking Ragdoll's cheek. "I'm going to cum, Slut-Doll! You better take my fucking load, understood!?!" He barked, ramming into her as he slowly increased his force.

Ragdoll was practically brain dead, only feeling her red hot body along with his massive cock going in and out of her broken pussy. "D-Dump it all inside me, Master Deku~... PUT YOUR KITTENS IN MY WOMB!! TEACH MY WOMB WHOSE SEED IT BELONGS TO!!" She begged one last time, her eyes blank as her tongue hung out stupidly.

Growling, Deku hilted inside her then let out a roar as he exploded inside her pussy, feeling her belly bulge with the surreal amount of cum being pumped in but unable to leave as his bulging cock made the perfect plug to ensure as much cum as possible entered her womb.

"That's it, Slut-doll!! Take my villain load you filthy hero swine!!" He shouted, groaning as he pulled out and laid his messy, burning hot cock onto her stomach. "Jesus... You truly are nothing more than my cumdumpster..." He said dismissively, pulling away and smacking her on the thigh before turning to the last member: Pixie-bob.

"Well, Well... Looks like you're the only one who's been left out, Pixie-bitch. Not that you mind, right?" She simple nodded excitedly.

"Of course, Master Deku! I don't mind waiting when you're up to more important matters, or if you're breeding whole litters of kittens into my teammates~" She purred, getting onto all fours, facing him with a lustful gaze with bouncing her juicy rear up and down. "Do you like the site of this fat ass bouncing all over, Master Deku~? I bet you do... What are you thinking of doing to it..~?"

Deku smirked, grabbing her by the neck and pulling her up, watching her face go from panic to arousal. "You know, slut... I'm thinking of bending this fat ass over for all of eternity, fucking and abusing it as I please until you don't even remember your name." He growled out to her approval, watching as her thick thighs quivered with anticipation.

He threw her down, pushing her so she'd land face-first into the bed with her giant bubble ass up. "That's more like it... This is how fat ass whores like you always be. Don't you agree, you old, fat bimbo?" He sneered, smacking her ass and making her jolt.

"O-Old?!?" She squeaked, trying to move her head up but was stopped by Deku forcing her cheek into the mattress, which also brought his cock a few mere inches away from her pussy.

"Yep... But time is quite kind to you: This huge, fat butt." He said, slapping her butt again. "Perfect, healthy skin. Those soft lips..." He said, reaching his thumb down to rub her top lip a little, feeling her lick the tip gently. "And I can't even describe how much I admire your hips." He chuckled, rubbing and teasing her pussy. "Age is good, dear... Especially now that I'm about to make you a mother, right?"

After a few moments, Pixie-bob nodded. "Yes, Master Deku... I don't wanna be a young and free heroine anymore! I want to be your personal cumdumpster and pet, I want to be chained up and bred forever from your mighty cock!" She cried, pushing her ass back into him.

Smirking, Deku grabbed her hip with his free and pushed her face harder into the mattress. "I thought so, Pixie-Bitch," He growled, sliding in half of his cock to the sound of her loud and drawn-out moans. "Jesus you two are tight... You've never been properly stretched out, have you?" He taunted, rolling his hips in and out of her tight, hot pussy, only stretching her out further.

"No, Master Deku! No 'man' I've ever slept with can compare to you~!!" She said genuinely, biting her lip as he pushed in inch after inch of his cock into her pussy.

"Oh, you poor thing..." He smirked in delight, pulling her hip back and hilting his cock into her, pleasantly shocked by the fact of how fat and soft her behind was. It felt like he was resting his thighs on a warm pillow. "But don't worry, you've finally got a real man to treat you how you're supposed to!" He declared, beginning to pound her.

Gritting her teeth, Pixie-bob couldn't even hope to keep her body still or her sanity intact as the younger, stronger, hung man above her plowed her pussy with harsh, piston-like thrusts deep into her insides. "P-Please calm down~!! You're mixing up my insides!!" She cried, not sounding concerned at all with her over-joyed and moaning voice.

*SMACK!!* Pixie-bob screamed, her ass stinging from the impact. "Naughty bitch... You don't make the orders, slut! Learn your place!!" He shouted, beginning to fuck her harder and faster. "Just for that: I'm going to cum inside you everyday, JUST to make sure you're knocked up!!" He decreed, smacking her ass again and making her cry in pain and pleasure.

"N-Nya~! You're r-ruining me!! My mind is breaking, your m-mighty fucking cock is breaking me~!!" She responded with a goofy, fucked-silly grin and barely seemed to respond to Deku gripping her hair and pulling it back a little.

Deku simply groaned under his breath, sweat dripping off his body onto her jiggling, pleasure-drunk body. "Maybe I should make you all wear green collars that say: 'Property of Deku' with your hero outfits. I bet you'd fucking love it!!" He roared, continuing to jackhammer her pussy for minutes on end before he jerked her hair up and slapped her ass. "I'm gonna cum, Pixie-Bitch!! Have my kittens you bimbo!" He demanded, quickening his pace and groaning loudly as she moaned like a loud animal in heat.

"Do it, Master Deku~! Fill my belly, please! Turn this slutty hero into a mommy~!!" She begged, throwing her hips back into his as she stupidly drooled onto the pillow.

And with one, last, triumphant roar, Deku hilted inside her pussy and her cushion-like booty and came, his scolding hot seed filling and molding her stomach as some blasted from the sides onto each other's thighs. Deku dropped her head, letting her lie down, panting and twitching in the afterglow as she rubbed a belly full of cum. After a few moments of recovery, Deku grabbed her by the waist and gently placed her at the head of the bed, and lied next to her, one arm around her waist.

Seconds later, Shino crawled to his other side and snuggled him with a small purr of delight as Tomoko crawled onto his chest and laid there with a sigh. And so with that, Izuku let out a small chuckle and then a sigh of relief. "Tonight... Tonight got wild, didn't it?"

Shino, the one who recovered the most, giggled. "Yeah... I had no idea you two were into this kinda thing." She admitted, putting one hand on Tomoko's back and stroking her hair.

Ryuuko just shrugged. "I've experimented a little bit." She answered with a bit of a slur, obviously still trying to recover, her face still in her fucked-dumb smile. "But nothing like what Izu here gave me~"

Tomoko giggled, moving up and kissing his cheek with a derpy smile. "Same here... Why haven't we ever done this before?" She asked, nuzzling his neck and closing her eyes which made the other two girls chuckle while Izuku got comfortable. His brunette lover kissing the back of his neck and talking in his ear.

"I have no idea, Izu here could have had us all like this ever since our first date~," She said, making his eyes go wide and chuckle nervously.

"No no... I wouldn't have ever tried this without you saying you were into this kinda thing." He said, craning his neck to kiss her cheek. "Let alone our first date."

Ryuuko pulled herself up, placing her head on his shoulder. "So... You guys started this a year ago, right? How've you hidden this..? Izuku knows how to make a girl scream~" She said, watching the couple in question grin.

"Shino got this room soundproofed ever since we decided to officially start dating." He said, rubbing Shino and Ryuuko's backs while kissing Tomoko's neck.

Shino nodded in agreement with her boyfriend "Yep! So don't worry about anything... You loud-ass nympho." She giggled as Ryuuko scowled playfully. "Oh! Also, we have the morning after pills in the closet."

"Oh good." Tomoko sighed, "Goodnight, you guys..." She whispered as she drifted to sleep, listening to Ryuuko reply with: "Yep, goodnight." before they both collapsed into Izuku.

Meanwhile, the larger man chuckled and petted the back of Shino's neck. "You heard'em... Goodnight, Shishi."

Shino smiled, rubbing her lover's cheek as she placed a small, tender kiss on his nose. "Goodnight, Izu."