Learning Her Place (Harry Potter)

Summary: Arthur Weasley has gotten himself in some serious trouble and unfortunately for Hermione, Draco Malfoy turns out to be the only man who can help out her father-in-law out of the jam he's in. Still, it can't be that bad right? Malfoy can be bargained with...


Draco Malfoy was not a nice man. He wasn't even a very good man. In fact, if asked in private what the majority of people thought of him, their answers would invariably be somewhere along the spectrum of Pureblood Bastard to Blonde Poofster. Even those who would try to claim him as a friend, even his wife and his child did not think much of him.

But the blonde didn't care about that. He'd never truly cared about what anyone thought about him, not like his father and his mother had. Draco had always been sure of his place in the world. Right on top, regardless of the outcome. While that belief had been shaken quite badly by the events of the Second Wizarding War, in the end his belief had been vindicated once again.

After all, despite all that he and his parents had done in the Dark Lord's name, when it came time, the idiot do-gooders had let them switch sides at the drop of a hat. Sure, Lucius had had to make several rather large donations in order to truly smooth things over, but that didn't change the fact that they should have all served jail time. Draco was no idiot; he understood that he'd dodged the hell out of a terrible fate.

And in the end, the blonde hadn't been able to keep up the same lifestyle as his parents before him. He'd had to actually get a real honest job. Well, honest was a bit of a stretch, but it was certainly real. Using what contacts the Malfoy family still had left within the Ministry, which to be fair, was actually rather substantial even after everything, Draco had gotten himself a position in the magical government.

It had seemed right to him in the end, even if he was stepping out of the cushiony lifestyle that his parents had raised him on. Draco was also getting to step out from under his father's shadow at the same time and that more than anything else was a godsend. So now here he was, part of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It was the Ministry of Magic's largest department and Draco proud to say that he'd managed to ascertain a position as a Deputy Director in short order. The Director over him was also quite old and crotchety; Draco had every expectation that the decrepit wizard would soon drop over dead or at the very least retire.

Either way was acceptable to Draco, as he knew he was next in line for the position. It would put him under the Head Auror himself, sharing the second highest rank in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with the other directors of the Department's divisions. Draco had no desire to actually reach farther and become the Head Auror after that, for one simple reason. Harry Potter had already set his eyes on the job.

The young savior of the Wizarding World was a powerhouse and a force of influence that even Draco would not go up against; the blonde had to begrudgingly admit. He owed Potter a lot, but that wouldn't stop him from backstabbing the man in the back if he thought it would advance his goals in even a slight way. But Draco was smart enough to realize that Harry was essentially untouchable now. While a boy, Harry Potter had been subject to the Wizarding World's every whims. They'd turned their opinions on the young man back and forth so many times even Draco's head had begun to spin.

Now though, now that the Dark Lord was dead at Potter's hand with hundreds of witnesses, now that his forces were either locked up, dead, or lying low, Harry Potter truly was Wizarding Britain's savior. And to the dark haired boy's credit, he hadn't squandered that. Though Draco suspected that not all of it had been purely Harry's idea. Even when they were peers, Draco had realized that Harry Potter wasn't very self-motivated. The savior of the Wizarding World was led along by those more intelligent and more ambitious than him. Dumbledore had been the most obvious, but these days Draco suspected it was Hermione Granger-Weasley and Ginny Weasley that whispered in the Lord Potter's ear.

Draco chuckled to himself. Still, it didn't matter who was whispering in Harry's ear. The young man would always be a powerhouse of a wizard and a force to be reckoned with. The fact that he'd turned that magical strength towards politics simply meant that Draco had to keep his head down and stay out of the other man's way. Harry Potter would become Head Auror and Draco would become a Director before perhaps moving onto the Wizengamot when it became time to do so.

The Malfoy Scion was completely and utterly fine with that. Let Harry have his little reforms, so long as they let Draco keep the piece of the pie he was carving out for himself. Not that Potter had had much luck beyond the Auror Office. His influence, while great, was slow moving against tradition stretching back hundreds of years. People were so very slow to change when they were in a rut a mile deep.

No more was that obvious than with this latest bit of amusing news that had found its way to Draco's desk. Arthur Weasley, the bumbling buffoon, had gotten himself in no small amount of trouble. The Weasley patriarch, using the word 'patriarch' oh so loosely, was currently in jail in the lower levels beneath Draco's feet at this very moment.

More than that, Ron Weasley was in a bit of trouble as well, having actually punched out the Auror sent to investigate his father's crimes. While the younger Weasley's fame from being the Boy-Who-Lived's friend had kept him out of a cell right next to his father, Ron was still facing a trial date of his own and at the very least a large fine that would more than likely eat into his and Hermione's meager savings.

To be honest, Draco was still shocked that Hermione had married the red haired fucker. Sure, there'd been quite a lot of drama between the two of them throughout their years at Hogwarts, even Draco had seen that from afar, but that didn't mean they were meant to be together. It was ridiculous that a witch of Hermione's caliber, muggleborn that she was, would debase herself at Ron's feet.

Especially when she should be debasing herself at Draco's ins- A knock on her door shook Draco out of his musings and he blinked, clearing his mind of the deliciously lewd mental imagery that had been filling his head. Clearing his throat, the blonde lifted up his wand and opened up the door to his office with a negligent wave.

Daphne Greengrass stuck her head into the office. Having the Ice Queen as his secretary was rather delicious schadenfreude in Draco's mind. Even more delicious alongside the fact that he'd married her younger sister and Daphne had been left out in the cold by her parents when she refused proposal after proposal, his among them.

The Wizarding World wasn't quite so backwards or behind on the times that witches were forced to marry who their parents ordered them to. Daphne had had the choice to refuse all of the matches the Lord and Lady Greengrass had come up with. And they'd had the choice to toss her out on her ass as she became an adult. In the end, the young woman had been on her last legs and Draco had snatched her up. The older Greengrass sister was a beauty, but Draco had grabbed her for her intellect, recognizing the quick mind resting under her long blonde locks. So far, he hadn't had cause to regret his decision.

Daphne's features were a mixture of apathy and amusement as she looked at him, the corners of her lips threatening to turn up. The blonde didn't like him, but she respected him and that was all Draco cared about. Still, it was obvious she was enjoying this as much as he knew he was going to, but didn't want to let him know it.

"Malfoy, your three o'clock is here."

Draco cocked an eyebrow at her and didn't say a word. After a moment, Daphne rolled her eyes.

"Mr. Malfoy, your three o'clock is here."

A chuckle escaped Draco's lips as he gave her a simple nod. The uppity little chit rolled her eyes again and stepped back from the doorway. As Draco heard a familiar voice thank Daphne for announcing her, he reflected that his secretary might just be in need of a little corporal punishment for her behavior. He quickly wipes the smile that spreads across his face at the thought away as Hermione Granger-Weasley steps past Daphne into his office.

When Draco had heard from Daphne that Hermione wanted a meeting, he'd jumped at the chance, even going so far as to clear his schedule for the day in anticipation. While he'd assumed that Harry or the woman's short-tempered husband would be by his office first, having the beautiful brunette stopping over for a chat had pleased Draco beyond belief.

Not that he would let her know that of course.

"Ms. Granger. I only have a half hour before my next meeting, so let's make this quick."

Hermione nodded as she walked up to his desk, standing before it. Draco didn't offer her a seat and she didn't take one.

"It's Mrs. Weasley now Draco, you know that. And I suspect you know why I'm here as well. Let's not insult one another's intelligence."

The corners of Draco's mouth turned up despite himself as the blonde looked into the muggleborn spitfire's chocolate brown eyes. Letting out a put upon sigh, Draco leaned back in his cushioned office chair and steepled his fingers together, pursing his lips before finally responding.

"Of course… Mrs. Weasley. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I haven't the foggiest idea of why you're here. Please, lay things out for me."

Draco could see Hermione's teeth grinding. She stepped forward and planted her hands on his desk, leaning in and giving him what he suspected was a completely accidental view down her blouse. Draco didn't let his eyes linger on it though, wanting to savor the view in his peripheral for as long as possible. The blonde knew it was accidental because Hermione was not at all seductive or coy as she answered him in a harsh tone, practically biting out the words as she threw them at him.

"Fine, I'll be blunt. I know you can help with my father-in-law's case. Arthur Weasley does not belong in Azkaban. Frankly, nobody belongs in that wretched place, especially since we know now how utterly flimsy the Dementor's loyalty to the Ministry is."

Draco stiffened and from the slight smirk on Hermione's face, the Malfoy scion knew that was as much a crack at him as it was at the Dementors. Subtly done though, Draco had to give her props for that. If he was someone stupider like say her husband, it would have flown right over his head. Still, Hermione continued on like nothing had happened and Draco didn't interrupt to call her out on it.

"You have the authority to intervene on his behalf Draco. The centenarian that you answer to is a doddering old fool who ultimately ends up following your every whim. And HE's in charge of Arthur's sentencing, which means that you're the one who's truly in charge Draco."

Draco eyes Hermione in silence for several long moments before letting out a defeated sigh.

"It's not that simple and you know it. While true, I do have a good deal of influence over my direct superior, the fact is, this whole trial has become a media circus. There's far, far too much publicity around this thing and I can't afford to take any hits in the public eye right now Mrs. Weasley, not after the war. Arthur's crimes are documented and numerous. His experiments endanger the greatest law of our world, the Statute of Secrecy. Surely you can understand why the public is clamoring for a harsh sentence. On top of that, there's a fear of nepotism."

Hermione's eyes widened at that and she stared at him incredulous, as if she couldn't believe HE would be bold enough to suggest such a thing given his circumstances and upbringing.

"Nepotism?! How does that even play into this?"

Draco just shrugs his shoulders, adopting a fake sympathetic smile.

"There's worry that Arthur Weasley will get off light, despite others before him being punished far more severely for his same crimes, simply because of who he knows. After all, the father-in-law to Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, and the actual father to Ron Weasley… Arthur has friends in high places, doesn't he? Or at least, to the public it certainly seems like he does. If he goes free so easily, there will be civil unrest."

"T-that's ridiculous, I…"

When Hermione trailed off, clearly struggling and failing to come up with a counter-argument to Draco's logic, the blonde simply shrugged again.

"And on top of that, there's Ron's actions regarding the Auror sent to investigate the Burrow. That doesn't look good either Hermione, you know that. Honestly, I'm surprised that neither Ron nor Harry have shown up here yet. I was expecting one of them to barge in here demanding my assistance."

Hermione suddenly flushed and glanced away. Draco's grin widened slightly.

"Oh now, did Ms. Granger not share with the class? You didn't tell them did you, that you'd found out I could help. Hah! You're just as worried about nepotism as the public, aren't you?!"

Draco stood up from his desk even as Hermione straightened, stepping back. The blonde grinned wickedly at the brunette bookworm.

"So you've come to me, hoping to keep Harry's name out of things. You expect me to take the hit for you lot, don't you?"

Swallowing thickly, Hermione looked back at the Malfoy scion with defiance.

"Well it's only right, isn't it? After everything we've done for you Draco. You owe us. You owe Harry."

Draco's face hardened.

"I owe nothing. House Malfoy owes you nothing. Without my mother, the Dark Lord would have won. Narcissa saved Harry's life. As far as I'm concerned, we're even."

He hated the thought of being in debt to any of these people. Even if he truly did owe them, Draco would never admit it, not out loud, hell not even to himself in the privacy of his own thoughts. His conviction must have shown in his eyes, because Hermione visibly deflated, giving up on the guilt trip route.

"You want something Draco. I can tell. Just… what will it take for you to stick your neck out for once?"

The wicked grin came back in full force and Draco stepped around his desk towards the muggleborn witch.

"There's only one thing I want from you."

Clearly unsettled, Hermione straightened up, tensing as she stared him down. It was obvious she wasn't going to ask again, so Draco eventually just shrugged and said it.

"Get down on your knees and give my cock a kiss. Then, I'll help out your father-in-law."

Hermione's eyes widened dramatically as she processed what he was saying. The anger came swiftly, as Draco expected. Outrage etched across her face, the beautiful brunette clenched her hands into fists and grit her teeth.

"How dare you Malfoy! What kind of a man are you?! I always knew you were vile, but this is a new low!"

Draco kept his smile on his face, showing off rows of perfectly straight pearly whites as he shrugged again. Hermione let out a growl and whirled around, walking towards the door to his office at a clipped pace. Behind her, Draco spoke up in a casual tone.

"It seems a small thing to ask, in return for requesting a Ministry official interfere with a family member's court case as a personal favor."

The brunette's steps stuttered to a halt as she hesitated at his words. Slowly, Draco walks up behind her, taking his time like one would when approaching a frightening magical beast. As he arrived at her side, Draco saw Hermione's eyes momentarily rake up and down his tall handsome form. Her face was already flushed with outrage and anger, but Draco liked to think just a bit of the red color in her features was a more positive feeling.

Reaching up, Draco gently laid an arm around her shoulders, preparing to turn the hesitant woman around and lead her back towards his desk so they could talk about their arrangement in further detail. This proved to be a mistake and Hermione proved not an ounce of her angry flush was arousal when she whirled away from Draco and slapped him smack dab across the face before barging out of his office in a huff.

The blonde is left standing there, a hand coming up to lightly touch his stinging cheek. Oh yeah, that'll probably leave a mark. Wincing, the Malfoy scion turns back to his desk and his paperwork. He'd struck out, plain and simple. But at the very least, he could rest assured that Hermione wouldn't tell a soul about their encounter, for her own personal pride if nothing else.


When Hermione trudged back into his office a week later, Draco was almost giddy with anticipation, though he hid it behind a stoic mask of professionalism. The Malfoy Scion had been hoping that the muggleborn witch would crumble, but it had still been a pleasant surprise when Hermione had requested another meeting the day before. Without Draco's assistance, the case against Arthur Weasley had only gotten stronger in the last week and they both knew it.

The evidence was iron clad and so here Hermione was yet again, hopefully this time to submit properly. Draco was a little surprised though, that Potter and Weasley still hadn't shown up. It was obvious that the brunette hadn't told either of them about Draco's ability to help still, or they would have been in his office already, demanding he use his influence to benefit them. The blonde young man didn't mind though, as his eyes raked up and down Hermione's body.

Upon stepping into his office, Hermione had closed and locked the door behind her before removing her long cloak to reveal the short skirt and half-unbuttoned blouse beneath. It was as unsubtle as a pile of bricks and as Draco gazed upon the beautiful young witch's perky tits and curvy hips, he wondered if this was the kind of thing Ron needed in order to get it up at night. Not that it wasn't working on Draco, but it was still a bit on the nose.

Slowly, Hermione walked up to stand in front of his desk again. Draco didn't say a word, simply leaning back and steepling his fingers as he raised an eyebrow in her direction. Gritting her teeth, the brunette bookworm spoke through a clenched jaw.

"I was wondering… if your offer was still on the table. Kissing your cock, while disgusting, is a small price to pay for my father-in-law's freedom."

Draco's mouth curled into a big wide grin. It was more than he could have hoped for, having the self-righteous Hermione Granger standing before him and asking him to allow her to kiss his cock. Unfortunately for Hermione, demand for his services had only increased with Arthur's trial quickly approaching. And when demand goes up, so does price.

"Unfortunately no Mrs. Weasley. The stakes are higher now I think we will both agree. I won't insult your intelligence by claiming otherwise. A kiss on my throbbing hard member is no longer nearly enough. Instead, I'll need much more. Put bluntly, I want you to spend the next week servicing me in whatever capacity I see fit to use you in. Only in this office of course, but while we are both in here, alone, you will do everything I tell you to do without hesitation and without fail. Understood?"

The outrage on Hermione's face was as delicious as ever. But even more delicious for Draco was watching the beautiful witch bite her tongue, swallow her no doubt caustic words, and nod her head in agreement. The grin across Draco's face takes on a distinctly predatory edge as he leans forward.

"Very good. Well, to start with, I'll be hard at work fixing this mess that your father-in-law has gotten himself into. You can help by relieving the stress and frustration I'll soon be experiencing on your behalf… by crawling under my desk. Go on girl, get down here."

Blushing furiously, Hermione walked stiffly around his large wooden desk, falling to her knees and sliding into the space beneath the large piece of furniture while Draco watched her. Smirking, the blonde man spread his legs apart, allowing Hermione to settle between them as she looked at his lap and them up at him.

"I think I'm owed an apology for you hitting me the other day. So why don't you pull my cock out and give it a big long kiss in recompense."

Embarrassed and humiliated, Hermione clearly felt she had no choice but to obey. Unbuckling his belt and then moving onto his pants, the muggleborn witch was soon pulling his throbbing hard shaft from within its tight confines. Draco has been growing hard since the moment Hermione removed her cloak and showed off her slutty little outfit.

A loud gasp of shock leaves Hermione's lips as she stares at his huge cock. Draco smirks at that, suspecting the reason to be because of his size. The Malfoy Scion is well-endowed, that much is for sure and he's quite proud of that fact. Judging by Hermione's reaction, Ron Weasley is not at all close to his size. Her eyes the size of dinner plates, Hermione just kneels there, slack-jawed and holding onto his massive member as she stares at it.

"Really Mrs. Weasley? And pray tell my little pet, how much bigger am I than the 'esteemed' Mr. Weasley?"

The insult to her husband finally grabs Hermione's attention. As the brunette realizes she was staring, her expression morphs into something closer to anger and she glares up at Draco from beneath his desk.

"Well I nev-, It is MUCH smaller Malfoy, I assure you!"

He can hear the lie in her voice obviously, but Draco ultimately decides to not call Hermione out on it. Instead, he simply adopts a mocking tone as he grins down at her.

"Oh, that's good then. It should be very easy for you to please me. In fact, why bother starting with an unsatisfactory kiss? Get to work slut, suck my cock for dear old daddy-in-law."

Gulping hard, Hermione began to do just that, opening up her mouth and letting his shaft slide betwixt her lips as she began to bob up and down on as much of his shaft as she could get in her mouth. Draco grinned wickedly and placed a hand in her hair before leaning forward and getting back to his work. Oh yes, this next week was going to be quite fun.


That first day, Draco was relatively nice about matters. He let Hermione simply kneel beneath her desk and suck on his cock. The muggleborn witch was a little shocked by just how long he could last though. It was hours before Draco finally grunted and told her he was cumming. When she quickly pulled back, he held onto her hair and kept her head in place as his seed spilled all over her face and her blouse. Hermione had flinched and sputtered in disgust, but the Malfoy scion had been entirely uncaring of her plight.

She'd left, and it wasn't until the next day when they saw each other again that Draco decided to escalate things. After a few minutes of letting Hermione get situated under the table, her lips once more around his cock, he smiled and curled his fingers through her long brown locks once more. Hermione's chocolate eyes looked up at him and then widened as he pulled her head down more of his member than she'd ever taken before.

The woman immediately gagged, choking on his cock and flailing to try and pull back. Draco let go and allowed her to push off of his length, backing up against the inside of the desk and breathing heavily. Leaning down, Draco looked under his desk and grinned at the startled witch.

"I understand that you were taken off guard sweetheart, so I'll let it go this time. But if you disobey me again, even an unspoken command, I will have to punish you."

Draco could see the emotions that flickered across Hermione's face before she ultimately settled for resignation. Shuffling forward as Draco leaned back up, the intelligent young woman once more settled back between his legs, taking his cock into her mouth and looking up at him with wariness and fear in her big brown eyes. It was delicious, having the witch that had shown him up time and time again back in school on her knees like this. Draco paused for a second, savoring the moment.

Then, he reached down and grabbed hold of her hair again. Hermione stiffened but didn't resist as Draco forced her further down on his cock, a bit more slowly this time around. He pushed until his bellend slipped down the back of her throat, delighting in the soft choking sounds Hermione was making as she tried to relax and calm her gag reflex.

"Hulgkh… Hulgkh… Hulgkh"

As Hermione quietly gagged on his dick, Draco groaned at the tight feeling her spasming throat made around his shaft. He didn't stop either, not until he had buried every inch of his member inside of Hermione's delectable throat. Only when her nose was finally pressed against his pubes and his balls were resting against her chin, only when Hermione was slobbering and her makeup and mascara was running as she teared up, did he finally pull back.

Just a single time down his shaft and the muggleborn woman's face was an utter mess. Draco smacked his hot pulsating cock against Hermione's cheeks a couple time as he appreciated the view. She flinched but didn't try to move away or stop him, simply keeping her eyes down now and not looking him in the eye, not until he tugged on her hair and put his dick back in her mouth. Then, Draco began to truly throat fuck the prissy know-it-all slut.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

His cock went down her esophagus as he fucked Hermione's face as hard as he could, taking out quite a lot of pent up aggression, frustration, and anger at the witch out on her. She was supposed to be inferior to him in every way! She was supposed to know her place! Instead, Hermione fucking Granger had over achieved at every turn! She'd shown him up time and time again, leading to his own father looking down on him for failing to put a 'filthy mudblood' in her place!

But this wasn't for his father. As Draco did indeed finally put Hermione in the place he thought she belonged in, he took great pleasure in the fact that this was ALL for him. Grinning savagely, the Malfoy scion grunted and thrust forward, going deep down Hermione's throat. This time, he did not tell the witch that he was about to cum. Instead, he simply did it much to her consternation and surprise.

The already choking girl gagged further on his cum as it tried to spill down her throat. His white hot seed exploded out of the corners of her mouth and her nose as well, leaving her face even more of a mess than it already was. Not that Hermione was all there for it, her eyes having fluttered shut from the lack of air by the time he finally finished down her throat. As Draco pulled out, Hermione hacked, coughing hard and breathing in raspy gulps of air as she knelt under his desk. Once she was sufficiently recovered to be able to glare up at him through bleary eyes and a messed up filthy face, Draco just smirked at her in response.

"You've left a mess on my dick cunt. Clean it up."

Hermione blinked stupidly and then her eyes fell to his softening slobber covered, cum covered shaft. Realizing she had no choice, the muggleborn leaned in and began to lick his dick clean with her tongue, every inch of it. Of course, this had the exact effect Draco intended. By the time Hermione was done cleaning his member off, it was beginning to rise once again in the face of the attention lavished on it.

A chuckle left Draco's lips as Hermione glanced up at him in a mixture of surprise and dismay. Then, without him even needing to say it, she sucked his hardening cock back into her mouth. Draco let her do so, settling back in and getting some paperwork done as Hermione suckled at his member for the next couple hours.

When she finally left his office, she was quite messy and disheveled. Draco heard Daphne make a snide comment as Hermione passed her desk, and then he heard the footsteps of the brunette speed up in response as Hermione hurried away, no doubt humiliated.


Hermione stared blankly at the potion Draco was holding out to her. The witch was once more knelt between his legs, ready to suck his cock. But today, the third day of the week he had her for, Draco had held off on shoving his shaft down her throat and was instead offering her a potion that Hermione did not recognize. Which was quite the red flag for the bookworm, leading her to look up into Draco's smiling face with some trepidation.

"What… what is it?"

Grinning down at his little cum dump, Draco shook the potion vial up and down for a bit.

"This little thing? Oh, you'll want this you silly slut. It will repress your gag reflex and leave your throat just a bit more flexible for my cock. So long as you learn to properly breathe through your nose while deep throating my member, you'll never gag or choke again. Nothing but enthusiastic and eager sucking for the rest of our time together."

Hermione blushed furiously, staring at the vial and clearly weighing her options. Draco scoffed at the look on the muggleborn witch's face.

"Stupid girl, did you think I was offering it to you? This is an order cunt. Drink the potion."

He shoved it into her face and Hermione reared back, instinctively reaching up to grab it from his grasp. Swallowing the lump in her throat, the brunette witch uncorked the vial and did as she was told, drinking every last drop of the elixir down. Draco watched with a smirk on his face, taking the empty vial back from her and leaning back to observe her as she felt the changes it was making to her throat.

Really, to think that Hermione would be so dumb as to drink a potion just because he ordered it. Draco could have given the stupid bint any sort of thing he desired. She was lucky he was being honest and the potion did exactly what he said it would. A raspy cough escaped Hermione's throat and then she settles down, blinking and looking up at him. The potion's effects are finished. Raising an eyebrow, Draco gestures at his crotch as if to say get on with it.

Getting the message, Hermione reached for his belt as she always did and within mere moments his cock is out of the tight confines of his pants and in her mouth. Draco curled his hand into the muggleborn witch's hair and took great pleasure in thrusting straight into her nonresistant throat. There was no gagging or choking to accompany his brutal thrusts, and with a wicked grin on his face, Draco kept it up, forcing Hermione up and down his member again and again.

The witch never had a single problem from that point on, at least with her gag reflex. Swallowing down his seed still proved to be a bit of a challenge for her, especially when he didn't even bother giving her a single warning that it was coming. In the end, that was how Hermione spent her third day at Draco's feet. Deep throating his cock without any of the unpleasant physical side effects, but still humiliated and embarrassed to be in her position at all. And maybe, though Hermione would never admit it in a million years, maybe just a little wet as Draco used her how he liked.

The fourth day went much the same as the third. But on the fifth day, Draco simply focused on his work and told her to fuck her own throat on his cock. At this point, it was becoming routine for Hermione. She did as she was told, sucking at his prick and bobbing her head up and down, her throat stretching to accommodate his massive shaft each time she went all the way to the base.

"Very good slut. You've learned well these past few days. Keep it up and it will all soon be over, won't it? I'm going to miss our time together though. But I'll always have the memories, won't I? The memories of teaching the great Hermione Granger her right and proper place. At the feet of me, your pureblood master. God yes you filthy chit, keep going, take it deep."

A groan left Draco's mouth, almost but not quiet drowning out the muffled whimper that left Hermione's throat. Even as Draco denigrated her, the muggleborn hadn't stopped sucking his cock. And as she did so, as he spoke so rudely to her, Hermione's hands had moved between her thighs. She was soon moaning around Draco's shaft and the vibrations caused the blonde to stop what he was doing and properly look down at her.

Hermione froze up, three of her fingers deep inside of her needy cunt as she deep throated his shaft. The bookworm had been unable to help herself, masturbating right there under his desk while sucking his cock. She'd thought that perhaps Draco wouldn't notice and she could get some relief before he finally finished in her throat or on her face, but she'd not taken everything into account. Draco hadn't heard her fingering herself, or seen her doing it, but he'd felt her moans and that was enough to tip him off.

As their eyes locked together, the blonde pureblood's lips curled into a sadistic smirk.

"I should have known you wouldn't be able to resist you silly slut. Couldn't help yourself, could you?"

Hermione immediately withdrew her fingers from her pussy, utterly ashamed of what she'd been doing. She forced her hands to rest palm down on the top of her legs and dutifully went back to sucking Draco's throbbing member. The blonde laughed in response to her reactions and his smile took a distinctly cruel bent.

"Now, now darling. Don't stop on my account pet. You have my permission to pleasure yourself as you use your mouth to please me. So long as your work does not suffer, I have no issue with it."

And then, as if that was the problem here, Draco turned back to his paperwork, discussion over. Hermione's eyes were wide as she processed what the blonde had said, all the while continuing to bob up and down on his length. She wouldn't though; she wouldn't fall for his scheming or his treachery. She wouldn't allow herself to enjoy this. This was a transaction, a horrible thing she had to do in order to right an injustice. Hermione wasn't allowed to enjoy this… right?

A few minutes of slurping and sucking as Draco did his paperwork, not bothering to pay any obvious attention to what was happening beneath his desk. Then, the muffled moans came back, sending vibrations along his massive member. A small smile spread across the Malfoy scion's face. Good. Very good.

The sixth day was much the same, with Hermione being much less subtle about her masturbation as she worked her fingers in and out of her cunt while at the same time sucking his cock. The cunt was getting more experienced as time went on, but she still managed to reach multiple orgasms in the time it took him to release down her whorish throat even once.

The seventh and last day was when everything changed.


Hermione stared, wide eyed, at the vibrator in Draco's hands. Then, the brunette reached up and snatched it from between his fingers. She ignored the smile on Draco's face even as she spread her thighs wide and pushed her panties aside. The witch was almost eager as she inserted the vibrator. With the low setting turned on, Hermione settled in between Draco's legs as she had the last six days, bobbing up and down on his cock with an eagerness she'd never shown before.

Draco's first cum load came fast but Hermione was well-trained by this point. The muggleborn witch swallowed down every last drop and just kept on going, not at all surprised by this point when his massive member failed to soften in the slightest. Hermione had become quite the pro-cock sucker and Draco was having a hard time keeping his calm as he tried to focus on his paperwork. Leave it to the bookworm to turn into a perverted minx on the very last day he had her.

Of course, Hermione did not stay as enthusiastic when the door to Draco's office suddenly swung open and two familiar voices reached hers and Draco's ears.

"Malfoy, we need to talk to you."

"Yeah you pompous git, we finally found out the truth! YOU'VE been holding out on us!"

While Draco's lips curled into an easy smile at the sudden appearance of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley in his office, Hermione froze up entirely, eyes widened as she looked up at the Malfoy scion with a fearful gaze. He glanced down at her and his smile turn on a distinctly evil bent. A subtle wave of the man's hand and the vibrator softly buzzing away in her cunt shot up to its highest setting.

Unable to help herself, Hermione moaned loudly and lewdly in response to the sudden pleasure, more than loud enough for both her husband and her best friend to hear her beneath Draco's desk. But neither man reacted and Hermione realized belatedly that Draco had cast a silencing charm on her. It seemed the man wasn't quite willing to be discovered by the savior of the wizarding world and the husband of the woman he was currently debasing.

In truth, Draco truly wasn't willing to piss off either Ron Weasley or Harry Potter, not so blatantly at least. Ron was entirely too volatile, the kind of man that one would expect to be the perpetrator of a crime of passion that resulted in someone's death. Draco had no intention of being that someone. Meanwhile, Harry Potter would almost certainly become Head Auror in the next few years. The man would be his boss, and it made sense to play for the side of the Fucker-Who-Always-Fucking-Won (Draco's private little title for Potter).

So, keeping that insipid smile on his face, his cock stilly firmly lodged in the throat of Ron Weasley's wife as he looked the red head and then Harry in the eye, Draco raised his brow.

"Yes? What can I do for the two of you?"

Ron opened his mouth to say something else undoubtedly caustic, but Harry lifted his arm and silenced the Weasley male. Draco shot Potter a quick grateful look but Harry just spoke on what business they had with him.

"Draco, Mr. Weasley's trial is tomorrow. Ron's father, my father-in-law… we understand that you have some influence with the Director that will be deciding his fate. More than some, we know that you can essentially sway things in either direction, if you were so inclined."

Draco looked at Harry's face, his smile morphing into an unimpressed look.

"Potter… no, Harry. Since we're on first name basis suddenly. You were never good at beating around the bush. Just say what you came to say, please."

Of course Ron took that as an invitation to butt in, stepping up to Draco's desk and slamming a fist into the enchanted wood, doing no damage but giving his wife quite a fright as she knelt right under where he'd hit, Draco's dick still in her mouth.

"It's simple Malfoy; get my dad out of trouble. And get this dumb fine dropped as well, that Auror was asking for it."

Draco's eyes slid from Weasley to Potter and Harry at least had the decency to look apologetic, though he didn't try to correct Ron in the slightest. Letting out a sigh, Draco leaned back. His hands fell into his lap, out of the sight of either man as he gripped Hermione's hair and began to guide her back and forth along his cock. The Malfoy scion just wasn't able to help himself, needing just a bit more fun at the muggleborn's expense and to a lesser extent the two men's as well. Even as he throat-fucked Ron's wife, Draco slowly nodded.

"I'll help, of course. Arthur will have to pay some fines but he won't go to prison, certainly not Azkaban. And as for you Ron, you WILL be paying your fines as well. You cannot assault a law enforcement official and expect to get away with it. I'm sure even Harry would agree with that, isn't that right Auror Potter."

Draco put plenty of emphasis on the word 'Auror' and was pleased when Harry instinctively straightened at the form address. The young man might soon be his boss, but at least for this moment Draco technically outranked him, even if they weren't in the same chain of command. Seeming to understand exactly what the Malfoy scion was saying, Harry stepped up alongside Ron and pulled the steaming red head back, being the voice of reason while his best friend's wife was forced to suck Draco's cock right under their noses.

"He's right Ron. You aren't above the law, nobody is. Not even I can just go around doing whatever I want. This is more than generous, and your dad will go free."

Ron scowled and it was clear that the red head knew they were both right. He still turned away, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Damn it Harry, you know we can't afford those fines."

Draco cleared his throat, stepping in.

"I'll do my best to mitigate the costs. I can understand if times are… tight. Perhaps Arthur can do some community work, pro bono, about the dangers of the misuse of Muggle Artefacts. After all, that is what he's spent his entire career working on. The irony that his illegal experiments into such things are now what has him in trouble is not lost on me, but if we can turn this on its head, we can change public opinion about Arthur."

Harry flashed Draco a grateful look but Ron was simply too disgruntled to even be begrudgingly grateful to the Malfoy scion. That was fine by Draco though, with Hermione still blowing him beneath the desk, he didn't need the Weasley's thanks to feel like he'd gotten one up on the idiot. Realizing a wicked grin was spreading across his face, Draco wiped it away, even as Harry and Ron seemed to come to a silent agreement and the dark haired young man inclined his head towards the seated blonde.

"Thank you again Draco. We'll get out of your hair now. I really appreciate this."

As the two men left, Draco had to bite down on a grunt. Hermione had just screamed around his cock and it sent him right over the edge into his next release. As the blonde poured his seed down the muggleborn's throat for the umpteenth time, Draco looked under his desk and realized that the scream had come from Hermione climaxing mightily. The witch had outright ruined his carpet with the amount of pussy juices she'd spilled beneath his desk and she had a glazed over look on her face as she suckled absently at his dick.

Snorting, Draco slid his chair back and his cock out of Hermione's mouth. The brunette blinked stupidly before finally coming back to herself. Realizing that Ron and Harry were gone and Draco was letting her up, the witch blushed deeply and slid out from under the desk, standing. Her face was a mess of slobber and drool and cum. She'd been smart enough not to wear makeup or mascara these last several days, but that didn't mean Draco couldn't leave her looking like a two bit whore.

"D-Draco… can I go now?"

He'd never heard Granger sounding so meek. It more than turned him on, it drove him forward. Standing up, the blonde pureblood wrapped an arm around Hermione's waist, pulling her in and then bending her over his desk face down. The muggleborn witch gasped but didn't struggle, whimpering and mewling in both fear and need at the same time.

"I think you're forgetting that I have you for several more hours cunt. Did you think I was going to let you go without getting a taste of this before I did? Time for the grand finale you silly little whore."

Hermione moaned out when Draco dragged the loud buzzing vibrator out of her cunt and tossed it to the side. Bringing his cock up, Draco fitted the tip against her sopping wet pussy lips and began to push in. At the same time, the man couldn't resist taunting the disgraced witch.

"I can't believe you came so fucking hard when I face fucked you with Weasley right there. He was standing not even a foot away from you and you couldn't help yourself, could you? You hopeless slut. Now you know though, don't you? This is your place. This is where you belong Hermione. Beneath me, taking this big hard COCK!"

Draco thrust in finally, having been teasing the poor squirming woman as he spoke. Hermione cried out loudly, but Draco didn't even pause as he began to fuck her hard from behind her. Soon enough, her cries of denial became involuntary moans of delight. The oversexed brunette couldn't stop herself. Her body had been prepared for this moment for the last six days and now that it was finally here, now that she was getting every inch of this giant massive cock, three times Ron's at its biggest, Hermione just couldn't handle it.

She lost control, moaning like the wanton whore Draco had turned her into and climaxing hard around his thrusting, plowing shaft again and again. Her pussy clenched down rhythmically around Draco's shaft and eventually she managed to milk his release from him. But that was just the beginning. Over the next couple hours, Draco fucked three more loads of cum into the poor witch, all while bringing her to more climaxes than she could count.

By the time Draco pulled out of her well-fucked cunt, Hermione could barely stand. She was delirious from a mixture of pleasure and sheer exhaustion, and her legs wobbled as her knees locked together when she tried to push off the desk. Her pussy, creampied and cream-filled, leaked betwixt her thighs as Draco helped her straighten up her short skirt and her ruined blouse.

Then, the pureblood scion, ever the gentleman, carefully led the beleaguered young woman out of his office, much to the amusement of Daphne. Luckily for poor Hermione, his secretary was the only one in the building at this time of the day. Greengrass' eyes went up and down Hermione's disheveled appearance and she snorted derisively at the girl's glazed over look. Draco ignored her, focusing on Hermione instead.

"Well my dear, this is the end. Unless of course, you wish it to be the beginning. I am not at all averse to continuing our sessions."

For a long moment, Hermione breathed hard and leaned against him and Draco dared himself to hope that the muggleborn witch he'd trained so thoroughly would take him up on his offer. Instead, the young woman showed that she still had a bit of defiance and more than that, a bit of strength left in her. When she pushed off of him, Draco let her go, watching as she ran unsteadily down the corridor. Hermione didn't even react when Daphne let out a wolf-whistle upon seeing her short skirt fly up and expose her bare naked ass.

Still ignoring his impudent secretary, Draco shook his head and turned back to enter his office. The Malfoy scion didn't lose often, nor did he feel regret. And to be fair, he didn't exactly regret his actions this past week. He did regret Hermione's final choice though. He was disappointed in the witch for her inability to accept her true feelings.

Closing the door behind him, Draco walked across his room towards his desk, deep in thought. He could still smell Hermione's arousal in the air, combined with his own scent from the multitude of times she'd brought him to a satisfying release. As he'd told her, he would always have his memories of their times together and with a pensive, those held even more value.

Still, memories were nothing compared to the real thing. Draco settled down into his cushioned chair, placing his hands palm down on his desk and staring at it in silence for a long moment. His eyes drifted to his crotch and for a brief second Hermione's head, bobbing up and down on his hard cock, was superimposed over his actual vision.

Then it was gone and he was staring at nothing but the stains she'd left behind. Draco would have to scourgify the carpet at some point, but for now he left it where it was. The blonde let out a low long sigh and pulled himself closer to his desk. As the Malfoy scion got to work, he made a promise to himself, a promise he fully intended to keep, no matter the risks.

One day, Hermione Granger would be his in mind, body, and soul. There was simply no other outcome that Draco would consider possible. The muggleborn witch was everything he wanted in a woman. An intellectual equal who knew her proper place in both society and the bedroom. While it was clear that the last two parts would be things Hermione had to be trained in, this last week had shown Draco quite clearly that it was possible. The seeds were there, planted in her mind.

Hermione was more than ready to fall to him. He simply had to find the right dominoes to knock over.