Flower Power (A-maze-ing Grace)

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. English might have been a pigdog language, but that was an expression that resonated with Fleur. And surely there was no woman who felt as scorned as she.

After the events of the First Task, she had waited for Harry to come and claim her. And waited. And waited some more. She laid in her bed, wearing her sheerest, sexiest, powder-blue nightie in anticipation of a ravishing that never came.

It couldn't have been because of the dragon; Harry Potter had retrieved his golden egg with the utmost ease compared to the other three champions. Fleur's seduction plan had been remarkably successful based on Viktor and Cedric's pathetic performances, while her own attempt had luckily been largely unaffected by her aching hips and wobbly legs. Putting her dragon to sleep hadn't required quick, athletic movements, and if anybody had noticed that she was moving a little gingerly around the arena, they certainly hadn't said anything to her.

Flushed with success and anticipation, Fleur had retreated to her room to recuperate and prepare, but the fourth champion never showed. She had lain awake for hours, desperately trying to chase her own pleasure with fingers and toys, shaking in rage and frustration at being abandoned, unable to bring herself to climax even as she fell into a fitful slumber.

Fortunately or unfortunately for Fleur, the adrenaline of the day and the small amount of rest she managed had mostly doused the flames of her anger and arousal. Her initial plan to march straight up to the Boy-Who-Lived during breakfast and demand answers had quickly been discarded. She was Fleur Delacour, the most desirable witch in France, if not the world. Men threw themselves at her feet, not the other way around, and she'd be damned if anyone saw her losing her mind over some wizard.

A deadly calm had settled over the veela as she reminded herself of her reason for coming to Hogwarts in the first place: to win the Triwizard Tournament. Her plan was still mostly intact despite her previous setback. The corrupt judging meant that Harry hadn't received nearly as many points as he deserved, and while he was still in the lead, it wasn't by as much as it should have been. Fleur had finished second, and the two weak boys distantly brought up the rear.

Fleur's patience had been tested the very next morning, however. Whilst she had refocused her efforts on bringing her competitors down, the sight of Harry practically being spoon-fed by two beautiful witches during breakfast brought her anger roaring back. There was a svelte, black-haired Slytherin pressed up against his left, cooing in his ear, while a busty redheaded witch sat on his other side, whose tits were even larger than Fleur's own. They were stroking his arms and giggling, and Fleur felt an unfamiliar feeling welling inside her that she vaguely recognized as jealousy before she ruthlessly tamped it back down.

Instead she had reinforced her resolve to see the emerald-eyed wizard brought low before her. A task that was much easier said than done. The night before the Second Task, Fleur had attempted to employ her same strategy, but both Cedric and Viktor had apparently found both a girlfriend and their spines in the months previous. Cedric and his Chinese date had practically fled when Fleur approached them, while Viktor's girlfriend, the bushy-haired witch Fleur had encountered at the Gryffindor common room the night before the First Task, had sent a single glare at Fleur, twirling her wand between her fingers which had been enough warning to send the veela in the other direction.

She couldn't even locate Harry that night, nobody that she asked had seen him either, and she was frustratingly forced to retreat with her plan in shambles. Without her significant advantage from the First Task, Fleur had performed rather poorly. She was a creature born of air and fire- swimming through a cold lake was not her idea of paradise- but being defeated by grindylow and having to rely on another champion to rescue her sister was almost more indignity than she could bear.

However, the sight of Harry Potter emerging from the lake carrying Gabrielle in his arms like a romance novel hero sent a pool of lust straight to her core, and she didn't know whether to thank or curse the mediwitch for hustling him away before she dropped to her knees and blew him right then and there. Instead she settled for kissing his cheeks and mumbling "merci" before they split to attend to their respective hostages. The way Harry's green eyes had glimmered with amusement suggested some knowledge of the effect he was having on her, so Fleur desperately tried to focus her thoughts on the safety of her sister, and not Harry's massive, throbbing, hot, co- Fleur shook her head and wiped away a bit of drool before that image could fully materialize.

'I need a new plan,' Fleur had thought idly as she slowly stroked her pussy one night. Her sexual tactics had been rendered ineffective, and once Bagman had explained the rules of the final task, she had to come up with a new strategy. After the events of the Black Lake, Fleur was in last place- impossible!- meaning she would enter the maze a couple minutes after Cedric, who'd enter just after Viktor, while Harry would enter first.

As she considered her options, Fleur had realized that she was still their superior with a wand, and while the other tasks had been battles against external forces, there was nothing stopping her from taking out the competition in this one. Thus, she decided to hunt them down one-by-one until she got to Harry, then she'd put him in his place and make him service her, the way she should have done from the start. Giggling to herself, Fleur had fallen asleep dreaming of her vengeance.

The day of the Third Task dawned bright and humid, a fact that Fleur despised. How was it that even when British weather was warm it was still unbearable? At least her family had been able to visit from France and come see her, and in that meeting room she noticed Harry talking to a delectable redheaded man, who would surely make for a fitting reward fling after she had humiliated Potter and won the tournament.

At the start of the task, Fleur, dressed in her sky blue tracksuit, barely paid any attention to the other three champions entering the maze. When it was her turn to go, she took off like a shot, moving swiftly and following the trail left by her competitors. She ran into Cedric mere moments after starting.

"Fleur? Wha-," was all he had time to get out before a jet of red light hit him in the chest, stunning the Hufflepuff before he could react as Fleur raced past him. She briefly considered sending up red sparks for him, but she was in a vengeful mood, and left him to rot instead.

Fleur mumbled incantations under her breath, spells she had learned from her Papa, used to track criminals, although here she was using it to hunt her competitors. Signs from Viktor's passage glowed with magic, and traces of his own spell use left a trail of breadcrumbs for her to follow. She followed the maze for dozens of turns until she suddenly saw Krum standing before her.

Viktor was more prepared than Cedric had been, and started firing spells at her the moment she had appeared in his peripheral vision. Fleur didn't know if Viktor even knew it was her, as opposed to some obstacle conjured by the task, but she gracefully weaved her way around his every attack regardless. Her own spells were being deflected by the Bulgarian's hastily erected shields, and Fleur knew she might not win a straight up duel, but luckily there was no such need.

She fired another Stunner slightly to his left and a charm aimed far off to his right which he predictably ignored. A mistake on his part as the hedge behind him suddenly sprouted long, thick vines and looped themselves around his limbs, pulling him tight to the shrub and preventing him from moving. Viktor snarled and thrashed against his bindings as Fleur slunk her way right up to him, before blowing a kiss and stunning him just as she had done to Cedric. "Imbécile," she spat as she ran off again.

The battle with Viktor had slowed her down a little, but considering the maze was still intact, she must have had time to catch Harry. Fleur hurried down path after path, thanking the long hours of ballet from childhood and the training Madame Maxime had given her for keeping her fit, as most magicals would have been out of breath long before then. Occasionally she hit dead ends, but forged relentlessly onward, the pathetic obstacles offered by the maze little more than speed bumps for her ire. Eventually, she heard the sounds of battle coming from around the corner ahead of her and slowed as she peeked around the hedge.

Her target was standing there, breathing heavily, while the remains of a monstrously large, scorpion-like creature oozed green blood beside him, clearly dead. Harry hadn't noticed her yet, and she forced herself to be calm as she quietly emerged behind him. "Expelliarmus," Fleur whispered under her breath, her disarming charm hitting Harry square in the back and sending his wand flying toward her.

Harry barely reacted, even as Fleur pocketed his wand and strode up behind him, practically purring. "Bonjour, 'Arry, fancy meeting you here."

"Oh hey Fleur, congratulations on making it this far. I know the last task was challenging for you," Harry said, finally turning to face her.

Fleur flushed angrily for a moment, but Harry hadn't said it mockingly, more as a statement of fact, and she settled herself, she was in control now. "Yes, well, it seems ze foot is in ze ozzer shoe now. 'Ow does it feel to be ze 'umiliated one?"

"Is that what this is about? Well, I'm sorry for not delivering on my promise, but I had better, hm, things, to do that night, if you catch my drift."

Fleur, unsurprisingly, did "catch his drift", and she practically stomped her foot in anger. He hadn't come to fuck her because he was too busy with his other salopes? Oh, how she'd make him pay for that. "As punishment, you are going to use your tongue and worship me," she told Harry.

"And why would I do that?" he questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

"Because if you want zis back," Fleur said, indicating Harry's wand, "zen you will do I want, yes?"

"I guess I have no choice then," Harry affected a sigh, dropping to his knees before her. Fleur nearly came right there at the fulfillment of her revenge and the sight of the powerful wizard preparing to service her, but she wasn't going to let him off that easily. There was a distinct lack of fear or frustration in Harry's eyes, but by the end of their tryst, he'd be putty in her hands.

Harry reached up and slowly peeled Fleur's tracksuit bottoms down her legs, exposing her creamy hips and thighs. The veela's puffy pussy lips peeked out around the front of her tiny, light blue thong, the little bit of lace looking more like string than anything substantial. It was already damp in the center where her juices had started leaking, and as Harry moved her underwear to the side, he was greeted by the wondrous sight of Fleur's glistening folds.

Poets and artists alike would go mad trying to capture the beauty of Fleur's cunt, but Harry was hardly given a moment to enjoy it before his face was forced in deep. "Lick," the French witch growled at him, humping her hips slightly for emphasis. Harry complied, forcing his tongue in deep and licking her, enjoying his first exquisite taste of veela pussy. He was never one to shy away from going down on a girl, but Fleur's unique, heavenly flavor was addicting and any reluctance he might have felt was quickly wiped away.

Fleur groaned and took full advantage of Harry's subservience, carding her fingers through his hair in a way that would make any other witch fiercely jealous. His gorgeous green eyes were shining with lust as he obediently lapped at her pussy. Perhaps she would find out if he could be transferred to Beauxbatons so he would always be available to serve her?

"Mmm, zat's it, 'Arry, now lick my clit," she moaned, tugging on his hair. Harry moved his attention immediately, now flicking his tongue against Fleur's swollen button. "More! Harder! Are you a man or was all your talk just 'ot air?" She grinned in cruel amusement as she finally broke through Harry's uncaring mask, seeing a glitter of anger in his eyes now.

Then her own eyes rolled back in their sockets at the sudden, furious oral lavishing Harry gave her. The veela didn't understand what was happening, Harry's tongue was moving faster than humanly possible, rubbing back and forth, up and down at a pace that was threatening to drive Fleur into sensual delirium. There must have been some magic involved, the heat flooding through her body was unlike anything she had ever felt.

"Wha-, 'ow are-, what is zis?" Fleur wailed and clenched her fists impotently. Harry just tightened his grasp on her hips and kept her close, refusing to give her a moment's respite. Fleur wouldn't be getting answers, just unceasing pleasure as Harry neatly turned the tables on her, turning his "submission" into a position of strength. His tongue moved sibilantly, rapidly flickering in and out of his mouth, moving like a snake as he worked her little nub all around, driving Fleur closer and closer to the edge.

"Oui! Right zere, 'Arry! I'm cumming!" Fleur cried, and proceeded to do just that. Her pussy quivered, squirting her release until her juices dripped down Harry's chin. His mouth glistened wetly as his tongue lapped at the fluid coating his face, the lewd sight even more beautiful than Fleur had dreamed of for this moment. She even would have told him so, but the veela was finding it hard to form words at the moment. Her legs were shaking and mind blanking so badly that all she could do was pant and try to remain upright.

"Zat was, zat was passable," she gasped when she had at last caught her breath.

"Hmph, can I have my wand back now?"

Fleur pretended to think for a moment before shaking her head. "Non, I do not believe you have earned it yet."

"I ate you out, that was the deal," Harry said shortly.

"Too bad, I 'ave decided I want more, now be a good boy and lay down so I may use you," Fleur demanded. Harry glared but said nothing, doing as she commanded and laying down in the grass, the evidence of his arousal undeniable by the way the outline of his cock was pressed against his jeans. "Ooh poor 'Arry, zat must be so painful, do not worry, I will take care of you," she mocked, rubbing her foot along his bulge.

A wave of Fleur's wand saw Harry's pants vanish and reappear folded on the ground next to him, his bitchbreaker now on full display and standing proud like a mighty pillar of flesh. Just as it had done the first time, the sight of his massive cock took Fleur's breath away, no matter how much she had tried to prepare herself mentally. Crisscrossed with veins and throbbing angrily, the object of Fleur's desires was finally before her and she wasn't going to waste a single moment of it.

"Zis is a better look for you, non?" she smirked at the Gryffindor, slowly starting to stroke him in preparation for the fucking to come. It didn't take long for beads of precum to begin dripping from the tip, Fleur occasionally letting a strand of spit fall from her mouth to add to the liquid mixture lubing up his cock. Fleur couldn't help but marvel at the way it jumped in her hand, and the way his hard, meaty shaft filled her hands to the point where her slim fingers couldn't even reach the full way around it. "It 'as been too long, lucky I 'ave you now to take care of me," she sighed.

Divesting herself of the rest of her clothing beside her thong, Fleur crouched over him and lined herself up so she was directly over his crown, making sure it was angled correctly against her slit. It was still an intimidating position, she barely had to bend her knees and already he was pressed against her folds. Fleur took a deep breath and sank down just far enough to engulf the head of Harry's cock, it was a tight fit and stretched her walls to their limits. "Can we hurry this up, I still have a tournament to win," came Harry's bored voice from below her.

"Such a joker, 'Arry," Fleur replied, "Non. I will take my time and zen I will win zis tournament. Now, tais toi." Harry rolled his eyes but obediently closed his mouth, perfectly content for now to drink in the sight of Fleur making a mess of herself on top of his dick. She was bouncing just a little further now, every flex of her thighs lifting herself up just a little so she could slide down further on his shaft, moaning every time her greedy pussy gobbled up more of Harry's shaft.

Fleur was having no trouble sinking deeper, the slickness from Harry's cock combined with her own soaked snatch allowed for easy penetration, even as her velvety walls tried to clench tight around his girth. The veela settled into an easy rhythm, moving up and down a few inches at a time as she saw stars, Harry's prick hitting perfect spots inside her every time. "Yessss," she hissed, "zis cock is mine. What is it you Brits say, lie back and zink of England?"

Again, Harry glared but didn't respond as Fleur moved even faster now. His cock was beginning to kiss her cervix deep inside her, but Fleur rode on, undaunted. Every jab sent little spikes of pain that mingled deliciously with the overwhelming pleasure radiating from her cunt. This was exactly what Fleur deserved, a hung stud below her as she selfishly took her pleasure from him.

She was practically bouncing in his lap now, long, quick strokes that were punching through the entrance to her womb, despite the fact that she hadn't reached his base yet. She rode him like he was her favorite dildo, just an object meant for her pleasure, but none of her toys could make her feel like this. The way her entire pussy stretched to accommodate him, the way his hard cock scraped along her walls, and the warmth filling her were more than enough to make her head spin as she hurtled toward a second orgasm.

"Parfait! Like zat, 'Arry! Per'aps I will keep you after all! Mon dieu, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumm-Aaaagnnh!" Tired of Fleur's snide remarks, as she had lifted herself up for what might have been the final stroke, Harry swept Fleur's feet out from underneath her, sending her crashing down to her knees on his dick all the way to its base, stabbing deep inside her womb.

Fleur let out a howl of pain and pleasure as came explosively, lines of white hot lightning racing through her as he impaled her on his cock. Harry took a firm hold of her hips, giving her a few additional powerful thrusts as she quaked on top of him, her pussy walls twitching as she shook through a series of climaxes, ecstasy driving all rational thought from her mind as she lost herself.

Before the veela could fully recover, Harry threw her off him and rolled to his feet, eyes glowing powerfully as he glared at the spasming slut. "I think that's enough of that," he snarled at her. "It was fun for a while, but I think you've gone without cock for so long that it's gotten to your head. You're my cocksleeve, you exist for my pleasure alone, and it's time I reminded you of that."

"Non," Fleur moaned, "I am strong, I am in control."

"You're a slut, and a stupid one at that. If you had just come to me after that first day, I would have fucked you like I did before. But no, you had to be a stuck-up bitch and pretend like you were too good for it. Did you really think I didn't notice the jealous glares you threw at me, or the way you've practically stalked me since the First Task? Well now you're going to get your wish, after all you still owe me one last hole."

With that, Harry grabbed Fleur's ankles and pushed them up until her knees were pinned to her shoulders, her arse raised to the sky. He tapped his cock, already slick with their combined filth against her backdoor as he prepared to unleash himself upon her ass. Fleur's eyes grew wide and her body shook with fear and anticipation as Harry pressed himself against her tight pucker, groaning with exertion as it fought him.

"How is your arse this bloody tight?" he grunted as he repeatedly tried to enter her, until at last her ring gave way and he shoved himself partially inside her. Fleur let out a keening wail as he finally penetrated her behind, her wand had been the only thing to ever enter her anal passage, and that had been more than half a year ago, so her asshole was supernaturally tight around his cock.

Once Harry had finally breached his veela slut, progress came much quicker. The angle he was fucking her at allowed for maximum downward force, every thrust of his hips driving his cock deeper into her anal passage. With a normal witch, Harry might have paced himself, but Fleur seemed genetically designed to get dicked, as despite her initial tightness, Harry was rapidly bottoming out inside her.

Fleur, for her part, was in pure carnal heaven. How had she gone this long with Harry's cock? He was fucking her ass with unbridled ferocity, her neglected pussy just as heated-if not more- as it had when she was riding him. Her hands scrabbled uselessly across the ground as she tried to find some way to anchor herself against the tidal wave of lust crashing over her. "Oui, oui, oui, 'Arry! Maître! Fuck me! It feels so good! Please! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" she babbled in cock-drunk bliss.

"Nobody needs to hear you talk," Harry said dismissively. With a negligent wave of his hand, Fleur's thong was yanked from around her hips and stuffed itself into her mouth, muffling her squeals. "That's better, could barely hear myself think," he muttered as he once more refocused on piledriving her into a brainless mess. All of Fleur's weight was centered on her head, neck, and shoulders, her silvery hair fanned out underneath her, as Harry furiously pounded her upside-down into the dirt.

Fleur's eyes rolled in her head as her mouth was suddenly filled with the taste of her own heady arousal. Harry's unrelenting pressure on her ass was already more than she could handle, never had she thought that sex could feel so good, let alone anal. Every time Harry thrust particularly deep inside her, her pussy contracted in yet another orgasm, spraying her chest and face with her quim. The scent and taste of her own lust was so potent that it kept her trapped in a series of seemingly never-ending climaxes, each one forcing her deeper into a state of mindless delirium.

"Mmmph, mmmph," she mumbled around the lace in her mouth, hoping her eyes were giving voice to the thoughts she couldn't say. Harry assumed it was something along the lines of "fuck me harder", because he did just that. Pressing harder on Fleur's knees now so that her feet were planted on the sides of her head, Harry loomed over his veela cumdump to revel in the sight of her beautiful blue eyes turning glassy under his assault.

The pillaging wizard slowed his thrusts momentarily as he leaned in close to Fleur and whispered harshly in her ear. "Listen close, whore, because I'm only going to say this once. You're my pet, my bitch. No more of this perfect princess shite. When I say fuck, you fuck, got it?" Feeling Fleur nod weakly against him, he chuckled. "Good, and now, so you don't forget."

With another wave of his hand, a black collar materialized out of nowhere and cinched itself around Fleur's dainty throat. It was made of fine leather, a silver lightning bolt dangling from the front, and picked out in golden thread was the word BITCH. "That's better. Now you just need a matching leash, but that can wait for another time."

Fleur mewled as she came again, her lust increased by Harry's dominance and his casual display of magical prowess. Why had she spent so long denying herself this? Harry was right, she had been a bitch, but now that he had reminded her of her place, she was determined to make up for it. She was permanently hooked on his dick now, any time she spent without him buried inside her was time wasted.

"That's a good slag," Harry praised as she looked up at him with lust and devotion. "Now play with your knockers." Fleur still retained enough presence of mind to do as he asked, groping her perfect plump tits and playing with her aroused nipples, all the while moaning around her gag. The sight of this proud whore folded beneath him, squeezing her own chest simply because he demanded it was a heady rush of power unlike any he'd ever felt.

He was nearing the finish line now, mercilessly plowing onward as he chased his own peak. The Gryffindor pounded downward with incredible force, he wanted to leave a Fleur-shaped impression in the turf so that years from now, Quidditch players flying overhead would know the site of his conquest. He drove his cock to the hilt with every thrust, his aching balls clapping against Fleur's perky ass.

Harry's slams were becoming ragged now, his rhythm faltering as he neared climax. He was driving in such long, slow strokes that Fleur could feel them reverberate throughout her entire body. Every powerful thrust slammed his hips against hers, reddening her pale, heart-shaped ass. His cock plunged repeatedly into the depths of her backdoor, the formerly tight ring having been bored wide open by his girth.

Finally, Harry shunted himself one final time into his drooling cumdump and exploded, flooding her bowels with gallons of his potent spunk. He blasted rope after rope of cum deep inside Fleur's ass, every drop swallowed by her greedy asshole. It felt like he was frozen there for minutes as he rode out the rest of his orgasm, the flow of his seed seemingly never slowing.

Fleur had long since passed out in fuck-drunk bliss, her constant climaxes taking a toll on her psyche until she eventually just shut down as Harry shattered her mind. She didn't react when Harry finally pulled free of her squeezing asshole, only the rise and fall of her heaving tits signifying that she still lived. Her legs and arse, no longer supported by Harry's hands, immediately flopped to the ground as she lay insensate in the grass.

Harry frowned as his cum immediately began spilling from Fleur's ravaged sphincter, even her veela side wasn't enough to retighten her ass immediately from the brutalizing it had just experienced. He pulled her underwear free from her mouth so she wouldn't choke while she was unconscious, before letting the sodden rag fall to her face with a wet splat. In a casual gesture of dismissal, he spat once on her chest, his spit adding to the shiny, sticky mess coating Fleur's chest, a combination of her sweat, saliva, and quim.

From there, he rolled her over onto her stomach to halt her wasting of his seed. Now instead of dribbling to the ground, it pooled and sloshed in her guts, an excellent way to remind her of her place when she finally awoke. Speaking of which, while the collar was a nice touch, Fleur deserved a more permanent mark for her earlier defiance. Finally retrieving his wand, Harry knelt behind the facedown veela and took a moment to appreciate her divine derrière before focusing on her lower back.

Slowly, black ink filled in the shape of a lightning bolt to match the one hanging from her neck. Tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration, Harry continued to mark his bitch, inscribing "Property of Harry Potter" around the magically tattooed tramp stamp. Chuckling to himself at the thought of Fleur discovering his brand when she looked in the mirror, Harry grabbed a handful of his cumdump's formerly sleek blonde hair and used it to wipe the last remnants of their combined filth from his cock. One day he'd get her to clean his prick with her mouth, but that would be a lot more fun when she was conscious.

From there, Harry regathered his belongings and straightened himself as best he could before proceeding through the maze. He had zero hesitation leaving his veela whore passed out behind him, after all he still had a tournament to win- and a victory orgy to attend.