Elara's Green Shame


Elf king's strongest Royal Guard Elara was tasked to infiltrate the orc clans by any means to find a stolen holy sword. But even as she eventually managed to do so, the green brutes began desiring her nubile elf body more and more while some powerful entities meddled with her fate.

Tags: Elf X Orcs, Public Sex, Big Green Cock, Exhibitionism


It was rare for an individual guard to be summoned to meet the ruler who was chosen by the Sun God of the elves. So Elara knew she was either going to be rewarded or severely punished in his large golden hall.

"Faithful Royal Guard Elara of House Highsun greets the Sun King," Elara voiced on her left knee in front of her king's throne dais. She wore a golden armor that almost matched her long silky hair that flowed along a special crevice of her backplate like a decoration.

"You may rise, I have a task for you," the Sun King stated from his golden throne that matched his robes and eyes. Eyes that were a sign of true royalty. Unlike the green ones Elara used to stare at her king's feet even when she stood up.

"As you may know, the Prince of Dawn was slain in battle by the northern savages. You are to find his sword by infiltrating the orc clans and return it," the Sun King commanded. Even if his voice was filled with unquestionable authority, his words made even one of his guards doubt him for a moment.

"My king, I mean no disrespect but how am I supposed to infiltrate... an orc clan?" Elara asked with more confusion than anything else. But the noble warrior let none of it show on her perfectly sculpted elven face.

"You have proven to be the most competent of my guards, so that is for you to figure out. But you must succeed in retrieving the sword. Those savages must not be allowed to possess one of our holy relics," the Sun King clarified even as agitation grew in his voice.

"My King, lend me a thousand frontier rangers, and you will have your sword," Elara tried to plead without daring to look up.

"I have already sent five thousand of them to those cursed grasslands, you may have a token to command their corpses," the Sun King boomed and threw a silver token from a tray held by a servant. It landed next to Elara's armored feet.

"You have your task, find the sword or your house will pay the price," the Sun King commanded before Elara had time to think anything she dared to say. So she simply bid her farewells and parted the hall with the token.

** * **

Three weeks had passed since Elara had reached the frontier of the northern grasslands. Even as the disguised Royal Guard had been received with hospitality at each of the elven hunter settlements, nobody seemed to know more about orcs than she already did. And since the hunters lived on the forest hills dangerously close to the main territory of the orcs, it seemed really suspicious.

"I'm sorry but dealing with orcs is illegal and deadly," Elara muttered to herself the reply many hunters had given her. She was sitting in her simplistic inn room while combing her golden hair that was a rarity among the frontier elves. After all, it was a sign of nobility given by the Sun God himself to her bloodline.

Even if Elara's unnaturally silky hair did not really need the intensive care she gave it, she did so to show her respect to the Sun God, and to calm down before sleep in such a rustic place. Though today the noble maiden felt like doing something else on top of it since it had been a while. So after she tied her hair into a tight ponytail, she stood up in her white nightgown and walked to her travel bag. From there the elf with a gaping smile took out a large alchemist-made dildo. It was just like any elf cock but way bigger.

"Hello there, Mr. Hunter," Elara mused with a tilted smile before kneeling to the edge of her bed and lifting her hem to reveal a perky elven ass. She slid the tip of the dildo to her already soaked vulva. Then she channeled her telekinetic magic to take control of the object that was just an inanimate object regardless of the appearances.

"You can cum inside... as long as you tell me about orcs," Elara voiced while she slid the dildo deeper to spread her elastic walls wide open just right. Image of a coarse hunter that had refused to tell her anything useful was in her mind. She had never seen such a big red beard on an elf before him.

"I bet a city elf like you is not used to a cock like this," Elara grunted with the lowest voice her melodic tones allowed. The tip had reached her inner gate and she shifted the flow of the telekinetic energy to simulate someone squeezing her clit.

"Please keep your promise, this is so disgraceful, I'm not a whore," the lustful elf replied to herself with a more ragged version of her normal tone. Her hands moved to bury her face while the shameful nature of the act filled her.

"Don't try, I saw your brand, just be a good cunt or I'm showing it to all my hunter buddies," Elara said with her rough tone while referring to the white text on her lower stomach. Brands like it were common among the female soldiers of the kingdom to prevent unwanted pregnancies that would hinder the service. Though it also did sexual acts more pleasurable.

A momentary wicked smile spread on Elara's lips before she made her magic pull her ponytail to tug her head. The perverse act of using her gifts from the Goddess of Serenity to toy with the holy hair of the Sun God made her nubile body burn in ways she lacked words. All the while she bathed in the deep sense of shame the act caused her.

"Please not my sacred hair, you are offending the Sun God," Elara pleaded to herself and made the dildo press into her as hard as she was barely able to tolerate.

"Don't try, a slut like you must be used to this by now," a playfully rough female voice replied that was not Elara's. It made her head tilt to see a beautiful black-haired woman in a skimpy purple dress. The strange's purple eyes had no shame and just stared at the dildo sticking out of the elf warrior. Not to mention there was an otherworldly aura about her.

"I know my sin, I did not start like this... I just could not... stop it from escalating... year after year," Elara stuttered and hid her face back into her hands even as she did nothing to hide her ass. "I'm ready to submit my body and soul to the punishment of the gods."

"I'm not here because of that, I'm Hestia, I heard you are interested in orcs," a playfully soft female voice stated in a confusingly casual tone. It made Elara swallow hard while she thought about her options. If it was really someone sent by the gods to punish her, it could be a test of some kind.

So Elara stood up without letting the dildo drop as it felt like the more shameful option for her in her sudden panic. Her heart had never beaten so fast and her body tingled and burned all over. But she still dragged down her hem to hide her hip.

"Noble lover, is it?" Hestia grinned while her piercing purple eyes trailed down Elara's body.

"How do you know?" Elara uttered as the woman had said what read on her lower stomach with a white text. Choosing that as her chastity brand was one of the most shameful acts of her life. At least so far.

"I'm not the only one who sees potential in you, consider yourself blessed," Hestia mused and suddenly leaned into a hug.

"Huh?" Elara gasped while a hand rubbed into her stomach and caused it to tingle.

"Blessed with this orc dictionary," Hestia declared and backed away like she had sensed that Elara was about to attack her. Even if the Royal Guard had been caught off guard, her first reaction after recovering was to consider the situation dangerous.

"The rest will depend on you," Hestia voiced and slapped Elara's face with a notebook. By the time it fell down, the woman was gone.

Elara almost took steps to go give chase when she noticed the door looked as locked and barricaded by a cabinet as before. Not to mention the dildo dropped out of her a moment later with a shamefully wet sound. It triggered her to kneel.

"I know my faults, I will dedicate my life to complete my holy mission. please have mercy on my immortal soul," Elara pleaded without getting any verbal reply. But a strong throb pulsed her lower stomach and she quickly pulled up her gown only to cover her swollen clit again. This time the noble warrior was too ashamed to masturbate and simply prayed to the gods the whole night without being able to sleep.

** * **

It had been over a month since Elara had been given her task, and she was still just sitting on a bushy hill overlooking the orcish grasslands. The seemingly endless short grass being waved by the wind would have looked almost peaceful if not for the row after row of spikes with skulls on them. They formed a weird barrier at the edge of the land of green and the hills.

Ever since the visit from the mysterious woman, Elara had been plagued by wet dreams about being caught. But even as she was completely certain it was connected to her brand, she had not dared to ask assistance from the traveling doctors of the frontier. If her brand had been shameful before, asking for help related to wet dreams was so much worse. So Elara had dedicated her time to hunt down the woman as unsuccessfully as she was with getting more information about orcs.

Elara's knuckles were tensed around the silver token the Sun King had given her. Besides that, she only had a rune-steel sword and some leather armor to fight the endless hordes of the green brutes that could run down a horse or tear limbs from a normal elf.

The hand not clutching the silver token held an open notebook that supposedly contained a dictionary to the orc language. Even if it felt like a scam from Hestia, the diligent Royal Guard had still memorized all of the words just to pursue something that could help her.

"Just what I'm supposed to do," Elara flared and tapped her head to the tree she was leaning to. Part of her hoped the orcs could just spot her and she could fight them to the end. But she had not seen even a single one of them moving in the endless sea of green.

While Elara was biting into a piece of dry meat from her bag, she noticed a small caravan moving along a dirt road that led to the grasslands. She had picked her hill just because it gave her vision over the path that looked used by carts even as no sane elf should ever come here.

The caravan drove to an area that lacked the spikes with skulls like it had been cleared for this purpose. Elara did not want to make guesses about what was going to happen even as things were definitely odd. Though her eternally beautiful face kept distorting a bit from puzzlement while beings that were clearly elves began setting up a camp. They did not keep their voices down and definitely did not try to hide. Like they did not know about the beast-like creatures that had set up the skulls nearby.

Elara laid down into the bushes of the hill as well as she could while keenly observing the camp below. She knew the orcs would come but there was no way the caravan did not know it too. But her puzzlement turned into shock when the ten male elves began to strip around their campfires. They sat on mattresses and it was clear most of the space they prepared was not being used by them.

Suddenly several orcs walked to the edge of the camp. They were all tall green brutes with tied long hair. And Elara could have sworn they had just teleported there. Though she spotted weird distortions in the grass where even more orcs appeared. She had seen the weird haze many times before but she had thought it had just been light playing with her eyes.

There was no way Elara's mouth would not have gaped open when the orcs stripped their leather loincloths instead of attacking. They carried several bags to the elves and sat around the campfires with them. All the while some of the green brutes stood fully armed at the edge of the camp. Elara had only seen them in drawings before that had not done justice to their muscular bodies. Or at least these orcs did not look as abominable as she had imagined.

The two groups changed trinkets, rocks, and all kinds of random items. Though as Elara locked her keen eyes on what they were doing, she could not ignore the large green cocks resting on the orc thighs. Just from how the elves were all one head shorter and way thinner than the green brutes, she could tell that the orchid manhoods were really big.

"Their... things are the size of my dildos... how can a real thing be so big," Elara muttered while her thoughts shifted to the dildo in her bag that could pleasurably stretch her elastic elven walls more than any real cock could. Though it also pulsed her body to remind her that she had substituted masturbation with prayer for two weeks by now. It was the longest she had been able to do so in years.

Once the two groups were done with the trades, they took out kegs and began to feast. They did not attempt to hide any more than before and Elara even heard individual words carried by the wind to her position. Though most were too distorted for her to be sure what they meant in the orcish language even as they somewhat matched the words in her notes.

But even as Elara's thoughts kept shifting between the green cocks and dildos, her eyes kept reminding her of the loose barrier of skulls on sticks. Once this odd meeting was done, she would follow the elf men and make them speak everything they knew about orcs even if she had to make some of them swallow her sword. Though that made her immediately think about swallowing the green swords herself.

In Elara's aroused mind, there had to be a reason why none of the elves were women. Maybe if the orcs saw one, they would be overcome by lust and ram their cocks down every hole they could find. With their strength, they could easily fuck most things to death. Just imagining such a shameful fate made the noble warrior's nethers throb.

The party at the camp lasted at least a few hours but when it ended, the participants simply laid down on their mattresses and began to sleep. Even the armed orcs outside the camp just laid down and most of them seemingly slept.

Even Elara let herself doze off while leaning to her hand. It granted her moments of sleep and when her head fell, she would wake up. After all, she had been traveling on the hills most of the day before finding this location. And weeks before that all around the frontier.

A weird dream came to Elara, in it she was sitting face to face with a big muscular orc. He was holding a golden sword she recognized in one hand, his big dildo-like green cock in the other. The elf maiden's bare hands were reaching for both while strange shadows lingered.

In the next moment, Elara jolted awake, her face was sideways on the ground, and her lips were covered in drool. She wiped her face but it was clear she had failed to wake up as she usually did. Though there were no changes in the camp. The male orcs and elves slept side by side as soundly as before.

Elara wanted to curse the fact her pussy had also gotten as soaked as her lips. There was no reason such a short and weird dream should make her feel so aroused. But it did not change the fact her nipples and clit were rock hard and her chastity brand pulsed.

One of the orcs had gotten hard in his sleep, it was still around the size of Elara's dildo, and it attracted her eyes while she kept observing the camp. And her clit and brand kept pulsing in a way that distracted her focus.

Even if all of the brutish faces were borderline revolting in Elara's mind, their bodies kept compensating tenfold. Like someone had wanted to create a dildo with a big green body just for one purpose.

The burning urge eventually made Elara focus her telekinetic energy into the folds of her pussy. She was going to show these orc brutes that she could satisfy herself without them. So the elf warrior bit into her lower lip while the vibrating magic filled her. She used it to emulate an object the size of her dildo.

As an image of a fellow member of Elara's guard came to her mind, an almost victorious grin spread to her lips. Her magic pulsed in a slow but forceful manner to make as little sound as possible. But her eyes kept staring at the orc with an erect cock. And suddenly she was imagining that it was the green brute behind her.

"What am I doing?" Elara uttered too loudly for her liking even as it did not seem anybody heard her. Her mind suddenly realized she should not be doing what she was doing. But before the elf warrior managed to decide the fate of her masturbation, she heard loud angry grunts. The orcs at the edge of the camp had multiplied. And they were clearly in two separate groups.

The ones who had been naked were dressing up quickly while the ones at the edge of the camp were loudly grunting at each other. But suddenly the two groups began to fight all the while the elves hurried to get their carts moving. Like they had been ready for a quick departure the whole time.

Even Elara prepared to move, she locked her sword scabbard to her belt before taking some small rocks into her left hand. Her plan was still to follow the caravan but if she could save them from orcs, the survivors might be more willing to tell her all she wanted to know.

While the strongest Royal Guard sneaked in the hill bushes, she noticed that some of the orcs in the new group were giving chase to the caravan even as the fight continued. Their strong green legs carried them very quickly, and one of the carts was kicked to roll to its side the moment they reached it.

The driver clearly died from the violent flight from the cart but one of the orcs still found the time to impale him. It soon became clear none of the elves could even reach the small dirt road between the hills. Though as only five orcs had chased after them, the number was nothing a self-assured elite warrior could not deal with.

Elara dropped her bag to a bush she could remember and dashed down the hill. One more cart had been kicked over before she reached the grass and a third flew before the orcs noticed her approaching with inhumane speed. Only one remained but Elara aimed the rocks in her hand with serene focus at the orc before he managed to kick it.

A burst of telekinetic power sent three small rocks with a visible air distortion across the field straight into the leading orc's head. It imploded a bit and he fell to the ground. The four others immediately focused on Elara even as they kept chasing the cart but she had plenty of more suitable rocks in a pouch at her belt.

The cart was almost kicked over before Elara managed to focus on the next burst to send three rocks flying. But she killed again just one orc and so delayed the fate of the cart by seconds before it was sent rolling on the grass. Once again the impact of the fall seemed to be enough to deal with the driver and most likely the ones who had been within the cart.

Elara unsheathed her sword to reveal her runic silver blade to the orc that charged at her. It swirled with telekinetic power and cut through the ax of the towering brute to slice his head. She used a focused pulse of power to block his last wild arm swing before his body collapsed to give room to the ax of the next orc.

A loud roar echoed in Elara's pointed ears that she silenced by emptying the rocks in her left hand into the orc's face with a short-range barrage. As long as she could focus on her telekinetic power, there would be no challenge to her from these brutes even if one of their hits could unseat riders, or shatter infantry formations.

Another group of orcs was approaching behind the last one so Elara did not waste time to gut open the remaining one who had been chasing the carts. Though as she shifted to face them, the leading orc lifted his hand.

"Calm your blade warrior, unless you wish to fight to the honorable death," the big orc with well-tied black hair and bulging muscles voiced. His group was armed with ridiculously large spears and axes that looked very sturdy despite being a bit crude.

"You speak to me?" Elara uttered as the green brute spoke the common tongue of the elves. But her main shock came from the tingling reaction of her body. She had never seen muscles of such ridiculous size and firmness before so close. Though at least her warrior instincts had let her ignore it during the fight even if she suddenly became aware of her wet state.

"For the first time, I'm glad an elf broke his word, did not expect that old man still bring a hidden warrior," the orc kept talking. "Too bad he was too faithful to bring more."

"He did not bring me, I'm just a wandering blade," Elara voiced and shifted her sword to a side to imitate the way the orcs held their axes. It seemed something had triggered the group that had come to attack to scatter.

"Wandering blade that beheads the First Blade of an orc chief?" the orc grinned. His face looked more pleasing than from afar but it was still the area Elara was the least attracted to. So she focused on it to keep her arousal in control.

"I can't really tell the difference," Elara replied as the orc had used a term in his language she had trouble connecting even with the dictionary notebook. Though as it sounded like a title, she could guess what the rough word had meant based on the translations.

"Same is true to me, but you definitely are different even if you claim to not belong to the clan of the old man," the orc said. He seemed far more eager to speak than any frontier elf Elara had met in weeks.

"I take it you knew each other?" Elara asked to keep the conversation going.

"I will wish that he will find a worthy body of a strong warrior in his next life so he may enter the Skyhall, regardless, it is time for us to part," the orc suddenly voiced and turned around. Even if Elara thought she understood what the orc spoke, it seemed like he carried a bit different meaning with the words than her.

"Wait, is it possible to talk with your leader?" Elara asked as her latest lead was seemingly dead even as she was actually speaking to an orc after many weeks.

"Talk? Since when is just a wandering blade seeking to talk?" the orc asked and turned around again to face the elf that was one head shorter than him.

"I'm seeking employment and a place to live. That is not on elf lands," Elara voiced while thinking of a background story she had developed for herself without knowing if it mattered to orcs.

"You wish to come to our lands? Then that is easy, just live our ways and respect Koraga," the orc announced and spread his hands to the sky. It triggered Elara to step closer but the orcs suddenly lifted their weapons a bit.

"You stepped towards us with a weapon. You are an outsider until our chief approves you," the orc explained like he was able to tell Elara might not have understood the situation.

"Then what must I do?" Elara asked and lowered her blade completely with a step back.

"Show us your intent to accept a new clan. Leave everything you had behind and let us guide you to our chief," the orc explained.

"Everything?" Elara uttered and images from the weird naked party around the campfires filled Elara's mind. Though she did not need to imagine the mostly exposed green muscles in the front of her. They looked disturbingly edible to the elf maiden. Especially after she recognized the owners of several cocks she had stared at most of the night.

"Such are our ways, when a warrior seeks to join another clan, they must show they are willing to leave everything behind," the orc explained. "And start anew with only things given by the new clan."

"Don't waste more words on an elf, we have what the chief wanted. No elf is truly going to live our ways," another orc voiced with an impatient tone. He used the orc language but even to Elara's surprise, she understood the meaning of the coarse words with half-guesses. The notebook had not been a complete scam after all.

"Your chief will employ me if I leave everything behind?" Elara asked. Her eyes kept trailing on the green muscles. It was clear that the woman who had messed with her was connected to the orcs, and at this point, it seemed this green brute was more helpful to her than any frontier elf.

"That is up to him but the chief would dishonor himself if he did not accept a warrior who is willing to leave everything behind," the orc explained even as the ones behind him acted with increased restlessness.

"Can you wait for me for a moment, I go leave everything behind... over there," Elara voiced while pointing at the bushy hill behind her.

"You have as long as it takes us to give our respects to the fallen, and pick up things," the orc replied and waved some command to the warriors behind him.

"Can't you pick up the things I leave behind?" Elara asked while suppressing an urge to do an awkward smile.

"It would bring us dishonor to pick up things a warrior left behind to start a new journey," the orc replied.

"Right, will be right back," Elara uttered and rushed towards the bushes. In her mind, there was only one reason why they would want her to leave everything behind, and that was to turn her into some kind of a sex toy.

** * **

Elara watched the orcs decapitate every corpse on the field of battle, they buried their bodies but placed their heads on top of the mounds. Then they used the carts to make sticks for the heads to elevate them. It made the elf crouching naked in a bush feel so wrong.

"They are still... waiting for me... just what am I doing," Elara stuttered. Part of her hoped the orcs would just leave before she could decide if she wanted to march to them naked. The elf warrior had already hidden all of her gear except the token from the Sun King. She clutched it in her hand while thinking about his instructions to infiltrate the clans.

"Is this my divine punishment? For my immoral acts?" Elara suddenly exclaimed with a weird grin. "To offer my body to these brutes."

"It is as the Sun King commands, I will infiltrate the orc clans," Elara eventually uttered and wrapped the silver token to a cloth and dug it into the ground with a burst of telekinetic energy.

The orcs observed Elara approach them from the bushes. The distance between them and the broken carts felt far longer to her this time. As her durable immortal skin was barely bothered by the grass, the biggest issue the elven warrior had was the shame of showing what was written on her body.

"What am I doing?" Elara uttered to herself a few times with a stop. But she kept walking again only after seconds. By the time she reached the orcs, she could swear they were grinning at her, but she no longer wanted to think.

"Are you hiding something?" the leading orc from before voiced. His harsh tone was almost enough to jolt Elara's ears.

"No, I left everything behind," Elara uttered while her mind wondered when the orcs would start fucking her. Even if it was an utter disgrace for her house, it could not be helped if it was a mission from the Sun King.

"Then why are you clutching your stomach like you are holding something?" the orc asked. It made Elara part her hands to show her chastity brand. "Noble Lover" read with white letters on her lower stomach.

"I take it you are female?" the orc asked almost like he was not sure.

"Yes?" the woman with sizable breasts and a wide hip uttered. Even if she had some athletic tone, it was not lessening her feminine shapes. Then again all of the orcs were one head taller than her and way wider in muscular bulk. Not to mention the elf maiden was not sure she could tell them apart from the brutish faces alone.

"My manhood seems to be reacting to your body, it is odd since you don't look like a great warrior. Must be that my libido is sensing your inner ability," the orc explained. Elara gasped and her eyes shifted to the ground with a surge of shame due to her excited state. The orc was clearly going to start fucking her at any moment.

"May we exchange names so we can find each other even in death, I'm the First Blade Rekar of Clan of the Dire," the orc voiced. Elara looked up to lock her sight into his face without letting it trail. Though as the orc stood far enough to force her to see his towering torso, it barely helped with her shameful arousal.

"Elara, just Elara, since I left everything behind," the elf grinned. Her hands kept covering her brand like it was the most embarrassing part of her body even as several of the orcs were clearly staring at the other parts.

"I have to say, for your size, you have decent-looking breasts. You must have given birth to many warriors," Rekar stated. It made Elara's green eyes attempt to dilate even more while she stared at his brutish face that did not show any signs of joking or mockery. Though as she felt a line of liquid trail down her inner thigh, she looked down in shame.

"I take it you have not as you are ashamed to say it, you must have had weak seed since you are so capable," Rekar said after a pause. The more he kept talking, the more it seemed the orc was just attempting to humiliate Elara in some very complex way. And the weird sense of excitement from it was not making it any better. Like she was expecting feral sex that the brute was not giving her that easily.

"Ready," another orc came to grunt. Even as he seemed less amused by Elara than Rekar, he still stared at her without inhibitions. For a moment she thought that all of them would do her at the same time when ready.

"Now we shall go, if you are too weak to follow, ask me and I will carry you," Rekar voiced and it triggered oddly hostile stares from the other orcs Elara did not understand. But they still jolted to run while carrying their bags. The speed was something the elf could keep up only if boosted with her telekinetic magic.

For several minutes, Elara lagged behind on purpose to not have a large group of green brutes to stare at her behind. She estimated she could keep up a few hours without breaks by burning her magic to the end, so she really hoped the destination was within her reach without the humiliation of being carried. Though just thinking about it made her unconsciously slow down a bit more.

At some point, Rekar came and matched Elara's pace. He stared at her for a moment before speaking. It made the elf warrior feel shame from having almost drooled while looking at the back of one of the orcs. His moving muscles had just looked far too edible in some deranged way.

"The mark on your stomach, what is its purpose?" the orc asked like it had puzzled him for some time.

"Just a tattoo, like the ones in your arms," Elara voiced. She felt suddenly very relieved by the fact the orc was unable to read it. Then again she did not think these feral brutes even knew what love was since the notebook did not have a word for it in their language.

"Odd spot to display your marks of honor, or do those tell how many warriors you have birthed?" Rekar kept asking.

"Huh?" Elara uttered.

"Interesting idea, my mother would be honored to carry my kill count on her body," Rekar mused. "You truly have great breasts, and now that I look at it. Even your hip seems more suitable for breeding than at first glance."

Elara's eyes were locked to the back of the orc running ahead of her. The strain on her body just from the speed was making her blush, and her breathing ragged. And the comments from the orc were not helping her focus.

"You have to tell me more, but now, we have been lagging behind. Let me help you to keep up but you will owe me a favor," Rekar voiced and suddenly grabbed Elara to his shoulder. She was too shocked by the weird aroused pulse from her body to even attempt resisting.

** * **

By the time Elara was lowered to the ground outside a massive multicolored yurt camp, her brain felt like it had turned to mush. Not to mention her inner thighs had leaked juices to the orc's back he did not seem to have noticed. But Elara still held her face in shame.

"It's the mark... it's just the mark," Elara stuttered. There was no way in her mind that it was natural that she wanted to fuck these creatures more than they wanted to fuck her.

"What is this mark you speak of?" Rekar asked even as he glanced at the white text on the elf's lower stomach.

"Don't mind me, my head got a bit dizzy... from the ride," Elara uttered. The trip on the orc's shoulder had been non-stop stirring and sexual confusion. The noble warrior had even been forced to resist urges to masturbate several times.

"You better focus when you meet the chief, I will vouch for your ability but you might need to prove it if you... then again, even my word might not be enough to vouch for your ability without demonstration," Rekar suddenly pondered while staring down at Elara. By now many orcs had noticed the group and began staring at her from the distance.

"Can we go?" Elara uttered even as it meant going deeper into the camp. Rekar only grunted and turned to walk away. Elara followed him close behind in a way that she mostly just saw his back while ignoring everything else.

"Chief Neuver, I bring with me the objects you asked for and an elven warrior Elara that left everything behind to join our clan," Rekar boomed after suddenly stopping.

"I already heard you brought an elf, where is it?" Neuver asked, it triggered Elara to step from behind Rekar to see a large hulking orc stare at her. Many beastly skulls hung from his torso with an elegant golden rope that was definitely not made by an orc. Though even then the large scars that littered his green skin competed with her attention just because of how rare they were on a fast-healing orc.

"I take it this one is female, she is making my cock react," Neuver mused while staring at Elara. "I have never seen an intact elf this long."

"That she is, but I can only vouch for her ability to fight and not her ability to breed," Rekar replied. It jolted Elara with a desire to move the conversation away from breeding. There was no way she would survive if every orc around her did her at the same time.

"I'm seeking a new place away from elf lands to call my home. I mourn the loss of my house to the treachery of my kind and wish to leave everything behind to hone my skills as a warrior," Elara declared with orcish words as well as she could. Though her made-up tale seemed to make the orc chief more confused than anything else.

"You mourn the loss of your house? You building lovers never stop to amaze me," Neuver said. "Regardless, as long as you live our ways and respect Koraga, you are welcome to stay."

"I will live your ways and respect Koraga, you have my promise," Elara pledged with a small bow.

"Then the only question is how strong you are," Neuver declared with lifted hands. "Will you honor Koraga by showing us your strength in an honorable duel to submission?"

"If that is what Koraga desires," Elara voiced. Though she was still not entirely sure who this person was that the orcs seemed to treat as a god.

"Groaaa," Neuver let out a strange roar and Elara immediately noticed movement around her. The nearby orcs and some goblins moved away to clear out space in front of the chief's yurt. It revealed a large ring of stones that were sunk to the ground. A clear oddity in a land that only seemed to have grass.

Suddenly Elara's focus shifted to the muscular goblins that barely wore anything but leashes. The orcs were using them like pets or slaves to carry smaller things that were not worth their time. Especially one of the short green men was loaded with bags while being almost dragged by a big orc. It suddenly filled the elf warrior's mind with images of being treated the same even as she tried to shake them away.

As the camp was relatively close to the elven lands, Elara was suddenly puzzled by the lack of anybody that was not green. Almost like they considered others not to be worth even being slaves. But that contradicted with the fact how oddly well the orcs had treated her.

"First Blade, I trust you don't dishonor yourself by letting her win even as you recommended her," Neuver voiced with a hushed tone Elara barely heard.

"I will not, Elara is worth being called a warrior. I'm willing to pledge to take her as a pet if she is too weak," Rekar promised. It made Elara's body jerk even as she thought she had misunderstood the words of the rough orc language.

"Very well, take your positions," Neuver mused with a wave before stepping back to assume a position in front of his yurt. It was just outside the circle of sunk stones.

"The rules are simple, no strikes, just power of the push. The one who submits or gets pushed out of the circle first loses," Rekar explained while Elara's green eyes dilated. "Assume a position to face me with honorable distance before we start."

Rekar quickly removed what leathers he had and dropped his sturdy spear on top of them. He walked past Elara to the middle of the large circle with a throbbing erection with no shame even as the elf warrior blushed just from looking at it.

Elara swallowed hard while images of Rekar dragging her around with a leash and fucking her whenever he pleased in public filled her mind. Though she still walked to face him even as she had trouble removing a mental image of a goblin pet of another orc trying to mate with her. And Rekar would just laugh with the other orc while their leashes twined.

At that moment Elara swore she would never lose. If that happened she would die from pure shame even if it meant her ancestors would eternally mock her soul in the Sun God's flaming halls. So Elara focused on the fact that every green brute around her was just an orc. There were no elves anywhere close to the place and no noble elf would ever demean themselves by even attempting to communicate with the wild savages.

"Arousal is just a natural state of the body, regardless of the cause," Elara muttered with almost glazed eyes. She needed to find serenity even in her current state if she wanted to boost her body with the powers of the Goddess of Serenity.

"Did you say something?" Rekar asked as Elara had used the elven language with an accent that she hoped not even the orc would understand as a mutter. If his muscles had looked edible, then his dildo-like cock was beyond that.

"I will not think, just act with serenity, and accept the flow," Elara voiced. Though the longer she stared at the orc, the less sure she was about the mantra. Regardless of the outcome, she would be eternally tainted by this moment of her greatest shame.

But even as Elara aimed her focus entirely on Rekar, she was almost surprised by the strength of the power coursing in her body. She almost needed to suppress it to prevent the air around her from wrinkling. Like she was close to unlocking some obstacle that had prevented her from getting stronger for a long time.

The long hairs of both of the warriors were loose in the warm grassland wind. Elara was not sure if it was honorable to grab it but if it was, she was definitely in bigger trouble as the hulking orc was towering over her. So she focused some of her energy to keep her blond hair flowing to avoid being grabbed.

"Fight to honorable submission, begin," Neuver boomed and Rekar immediately charged at Elara with calm focus. She barely managed to take it head-on with her comically small hands in compression to the green brute. But she still managed to do so even as his cock's tip pressed into her stomach like a perverted spear.

For a moment Elara just closed her eyes while focusing on the flow of the telekinetic energy. Though Rekar tried to rotate with the locked hands in ways that made his tip trail around the elf warrior's stomach.

There was a limit to how long Elara would be able to keep her focus to the required level without interruptions so she simply began to walk while pushing the orc. But even as Rekar slid backward by the oddly powerful smaller being, he did not attempt to disengage from the locked hands. Instead, he just pushed harder with bulging muscles. Though as he was not fighting against physical power, he had no hope to stop being pushed out of the ring.

Elara only realized she had won when Rekar let go of her hands and backed away. It triggered her to open her eyes while hoping the orcs saw nothing in what had happened as too strange.

"I see no dishonor in being below such a mighty warrior such as yourself," Rekar declared and fell on his back on the ground. "You will find my seed worthy despite my defeat. I swear that I will make sure no warrior grown from it shall disappoint you."

"Wait, you mean... we doing it here?" Elara uttered. "Can't we go to a tent?"

"Are you ashamed to take my seed?" Rekar boomed and lifted his head.

"Huh?" Elara gasped while trying not to stare at the fat cock that laid on Rekar's lower stomach. Though none of the green-skinned creatures around her had any issues burning her form into their minds.

"Just look at that frail elf form, she is ashamed of her inability to breed with a warrior as strong as the First Blade," someone from the crowd shouted and others grunted in odd agreement. Considering their number, the audience was oddly silent to the point it added to Elara's internal confusion.

"If you do not find my First Blade pleasing, you may have your pick among our warriors. But it is almost as disrespectful for a warrior to refuse to fight as it is to breed," Neuver declared. The odd condemnation in his tone made Elara feel guilty in a strange way.

"Even if you bested me, my seed is worthy, but if you don't see that, I will live with this shame for the rest of my life," Rekar boomed and closed his eyes. Elara could have sworn it looked for a moment that he was about to cry.

"Elf, I wish to challenge you to prove the value of orc seed," one of the audience declared and stepped forward. He looked far more aggressive than Rekar to the point Elara doubted her chances. Especially after she realized she was heavily drained all the while her ability to focus was decreasing.

"T-there is no need, I will breed with the First Blade," Elara declared with a weird distortion in her melodic tone. The deranged shame of saying such a thing in public almost made her ears twitch from twisted shame.

"I'm glad you saw my value as I saw yours. I will do my utmost best not to disappoint you with my seed," Rekar declared while laying like a dead man. "There will be no dishonor being under the stronger warrior."

Elara swallowed hard and walked next to the green brute before kneeling down to his side. Her skin was burning from all the stares almost as much as her brain was melting from just staring at the obscene cock that was attached to a mass of bulging muscles.

"Are you doubting your ability to breed?" Rekar asked as the elven warrior just stared at the pulsing green veins for what had felt like a tortured eternity to her. She was suddenly hoping the orcs would have just turned her into a mindless sex toy that would not have needed to think or act on her own.

"Huh?" Elara uttered. Her mind began a proper slideshow of all the things that she had done with her alchemist-made dildos. None of them looked as feral as the orc cock even if they were in the same size range. Not to mention the veins were actually pulsing on the green meat that was too heavy to lift up on its own.

"It is a shame a mighty warrior like yourself was born with such a feeble frame," Rekar said with odd sadness. "I'm willing to bear the dishonor of letting you force my seed out without proper breeding."

"Think what you say, you can't stay as the First Blade if you let yourself be humiliated in such a way," someone from the audience boomed even as it was Elara who was getting aroused in public despite the surrounding green brutes.

"I will not change my mind, I will share this dishonor with Elara, may Koraga see our value in how we fight but not in the way we breed," Rekar boomed like going to breed in a yurt was still not an option.

"Elf, I accept you as one of our clan, but the shame you bring on my First Blade, I will never forget," Neuver declared. "Once you are done humiliating him, my bonds with him demand me to challenge you to a fight to honorable submission."

"I'm taking it, I will do it, I will," Elara uttered and moved to kneel on Rekar's hip. Then she lifted the cock to point at her vulva while biting her lower lip. Suddenly Elara no longer wanted to think, this was just a part of her holy mission from the Sun King, and she was no longer able to deny how edible the cock was.

"Do not let your shame ruin your body, even if you lack the ability to breed with strong warriors, you can still compensate in battle in the eyes of Koraga," Rekar voiced with odd concern while Elara's opening parted to take in his tip. Her wet state competed as the focus of her shame as the transparent juices even dripped down along the green veins.

"I can handle this size, just shut up about my shame," Elara flared and sat down in one go. A move that her mind was too pulsed to even regret. The tip slid into the elastic space at the side of her inner gate. Even as it pushed her womb, it still allowed all of the orc-meat to enter her without issues.

"S-see? I took it, I-I really t-took it," Elara stuttered while holding her stomach. The pulsing brand was a bit bulged by the mighty shaft. Though her biggest issue was all the delayed sensation that slowly burned her body and mind more and more. Even her ears twitched while saliva rushed to both of her lips.

"This elf warrior can take a true warrior's manhood," Neuver gasped. He and several others walked closer and some knelt down to have a better look at Elara. She closed her eyes while her entire body blushed from a deep sense of shame she lacked words in any language to describe. It almost burned her more than anything else inside of her and felt like excitement in a very perverse way.

As the mass of green brutes blocked the wind entirely, their strong breathing brushed Elara's skin in uneven assaults from several directions. They were like hot blasts of disgustingly deranged air that made the elf warrior shiver from within. Though what devastated her senses the most was the orc's strong pulse.

There was odd silence among the crowd while Elara's heartbeat suddenly matched Rekar's. She was able to feel it with her legs, with her palms that leaned to his firm stomach, and most of all with her inner folds. The sense of being one with the green brute was more than enough to fry her mind to the point she just wanted to cum on his cock. A feat that she was able to tell would be humiliatingly easy.

Without words or opening her eyes, Elara began lifting her hip. Her folds trailed the bulged veins that were dragged a bit by her lift. A wet suction sound echoed in the nubile elf's mind while she reached the optimal point to go back down.

"Just like a pleasure dildo, nothing more," Elara muttered in a melodic accent of elven language that ended up sounding far too much like a pleasurable gasping to her ears. It made her bite her lower lip while she slid down the cock.

"This elf gets wet like a proper warrior," one of the orcs commented with a coarse tone. It was followed by agreeable grunting all around Elara. It made her press her eyes close harder even as it did nothing.

"Indeed, I thought their females were only good with fighting but now that I see one naked, they are even able to breed with a real warrior," Neuver mused while Elara kept lifting on the cock only to fall down again. Her walls clamped hard enough on the green meat to force her to exert her thigh muscles despite the simple movement.

"Show some respect, Elara is now one of our clan warriors," Rekar flared. It forced the mentioned noble elf to flash a twisted grin that she quickly swallowed along with his cock.

"My mistake, Elara, from now on, who does not address you with the respect of a warrior is dishonoring our entire clan," Neuver boomed.

Elara thrust her hip down with more strength than usual but it only triggered a convulsing climax. For a moment it took most of her strength and she just sat on the cock with twitching ears. Her entire focus went to not let any humiliating throat sounds indicate her climax.

"Elara, how many strong warriors have you birthed and how many kills they have?" one of the orcs asked but the elf warrior just gritted her teeth. The pulses from her climax had not yet stopped but the meaty rod inside of her felt as sturdy as before.

"She might have great breasts, but she does not have the honor of having birthed strong warriors. It brings her too much shame to admit," Rekar explained. His voice sounded far too casual for Elara and it made her almost annoyed without knowing why.

"No wonder she sought a new clan, it will be our duty to see to that she is able to breed with worthy warriors," Neuver mused to an echo of agreeable grunting. The agitation swell within Elara and her hip jolted up like she needed to prove the elven ability to breed. Her sudden urge to do so made another confused smile flash on her lips.

"Hear that Elara, despite your frail form, many strong warriors are willing to offer you their seed," Rekar said. It drew Elara to assault his cock with hard hip thrusts, but the harder she did so, the bigger risk of her climaxing again was.

"Just cum already," Elara flared and gyrated a moment on the dick that was resisting her forceful moves. She had never experienced the shame of cumming before the man.

"Even if it honors me that you ask my assistance, I will not dishonor you by not letting the victor take my seed on her own," Rekar replied. It triggered Elara to lift up with a sway of her hip but then she lowered back down the cock like she was considering the best ways to attack.

Elara swore to herself she would not cum a second time before this oddly polite green brute. So she shifted her position to crouch on the cock with support from her hands. If she just focused on that, there was no way she could not just milk him dry at leisure.

The crowd observed Elara with silent interest. Though their breathing still tingled her skin and her eyes stayed as tightly shut as before. But it did not hinder the elf warrior's determination to slam her hip down and rapidly lift it in repeat.

Even as Elara's new position did not allow her to take all of the green rod in, it let her move her hip in a mechanical fashion that milked the cock with ease. There was even some natural sway that tilted some of the length within her in a way that especially attacked the tip.

Strike after hip strike, Elara's confidence in her ability to make the orc cum increased but he did not let out any sounds to indicate it. So excited fear filled the elf warrior from the risk of being made to cum over and over again on the fat green cock.

"Elara's breasts are very arousing," one of the orcs commented and others grunted in agreement. It made Elara realize that the way she moved made her breasts sway. By now every orc around her should be rock-hard and just the mental image of it caused her breathing to turn more ragged.

"Elara's breeding is arousing, I will never see frail metal-clad elf warriors the same way again," Neuver mused. His rough orc words echoed in Elara's mind all the while the hard cock burned her hard enough for her to suspect she could never forget it.

"Elara, tell me, is your ability to breed exceptional among your kind?" one of the crowd asked. It made Elara just move her hip faster without caring if it would be too much to the durable green meat.

"A warrior of few words, who lets her actions speak, you truly honor our clan by choosing it," Neuver declared.

Elara gritted her pearly teeth and just focused on maintaining her mechanical movement even as her ears suddenly twitched. It was weak enough for her to deny it even being a climax but a moment later when a hot pulse surged into her core, the orc had definitely climaxed the first time.

"I offer you my seed, may it take root and bring birth to a great warrior worthy of your ability," Rekar boomed while Elara collapsed on top of him. It spurted out a lot of the seed and the orcs almost gasped in shock. The white creamy substance oozed out of her while her nether holes convulsed in sync with her ears.

"Behold the potency of the First Blade of our clan," Neuver declared. In the next moment, Rekar pushed to stand up and grabbed Elara's legs to keep her hanging in the air. She was far too hot and bothered to resist even when several more orc hands landed on her skin.

"G-gangbang n-now?" Elara uttered while hands intercepted the seed that dripped down her stomach. It was rubbed to her skin like tingling paint.

"Consider the favor you owed repaid, not only have you taken my seed but let me experience the excitement that can happen only between two great warriors," Rekar explained. "So let us help you keep my worthy seed."

Elara really did not want to care anymore even as she locked her eyes tightly shut. Her supposed mission was proceeding more than it had in the past month and her life belonged to the Sun King. And since this was his will, she should have no objections to it. Though despite the elf warrior's internal reasoning, a gaping smile still spread to her lips for a moment.

There had never been such a strong reaction from Elara's brand just from being touched. Especially the fingers that trailed the letters were tingling with radiating pleasure. Though it was overshadowed by the hands that dared cup her perky breasts. They were more than a handful even to the orcs that felt them up from multiple directions.

Once the external semen was thoroughly rubbed into Elara's skin. Rekar spread her legs a bit more to let other orcs push their fingers into her pussy to spurt out more seed for their perverted purposes. Especially one of the fingers kept rubbing her swollen clit more than others.

"Ighii hiii," Elara let out a couple of feral sounds before she gagged her mouth with her hands. Her walls had decided to start convulsing around the fingers in her pussy and she definitely did not want to admit it being a climax.

"We shall feast to honor the feats of our new warrior who still achieves greatness in any way she can despite her frail form," Neuver boomed and the crowd cheered. Elara felt and heard them move away soon after and she parted her eyes for a moment to see the orcs spearing out to sit in ways that gave enough space for others to pass through the area.

"How long you plan to keep me up like this," Elara muttered while being ashamed by her lack of disgust from the drying up orc seed on her skin. Or at least it should have been all over her skin, but even as it was mostly gone, she did not want to focus on it.

"As long as your need me to," Rekar replied. His sturdy grip around Elara's knees definitely did seem to indicate he could go on forever.

"Then you can let me down now," Elara voiced. She did not need the rush of blood to make her any more mentally confused about everything.

"If you are sure the seed had taken root," Rekar mused and lowered Elara down. She immediately jolted to her feet with mild disorientation. Though no more seed burst out of her.

"Do you have baths?" Elara muttered while feeling too gross to even touch herself. She suddenly hoped her ability to think straight would never return.

"It might rain soon," Rekar mused and looked up. Elara really hoped he had just used a wrong word and not meant that orcs only washed with rain. They had an odd lack of smell for being so unhygienic.

"So, where are the females?" Elara asked. Even if she had not been able to focus on it, she was suddenly worried her mission might end in being tied up to some breeding cave.

"The curse of the female warrior, in no time you will join the others with warriors inside of them to wait for their birth," Rekar explained. "But now, let us feast."

"Join where?" Elara asked while Rekar sat down.

"The yurts of the mothers, of course, you elves do not secure your carrying females into closed houses?" Rekar replied with a confused head tilt.

"How do you know who to enclose?" Elara kept asking.

"When they ask for it, do not worry, you will be served by the feeble members of the clan and you will lack nothing," Neuver declared as he came out of his Yurt. He too was suddenly naked, it made Elara look away just to discover that every orc she could see had stripped. Only the goblins in leashes still had their rags even as some of them had large boners that grew out of them.

"Right... I will be sure to say when I feel pregnant," Elara muttered and knelt down. There was no way she would sit on the grass as casually as the green brutes seemed to be able to do.

"You must be the elf warrior Elara, I'm the Shaman Kolkat," an orc with swirling blue body markings boomed. It made Elara focus as she knew that some rare orcs actually understood some feral magic enough to use it in battle. This shaman looked as muscular as the rest and Elara's focus shifted to his bare cock that grew to full glory while she stared at it.

"Definitely a female, with nice breasts," Kolkat declared and sat down even closer to Elara than she had sat to Rekar. When Neuver sat down, the elf warrior realized the four of them had formed a group of their own, like many others around the camp.

"That she is, it's a shame you missed her to make our First Blade submit to breed," Neuver voiced. "But there is always the next time."

"Elara, do male elves expand to the size of a true warrior like you spread to fit a true warrior?" one of the orcs nearby asked. It made Elara freeze while she closed her eyes again. The orcs were clearly going to just keep publicly humiliating her with words and actions to no end.

"Are you ashamed to admit the fact male elves lack potency and size?" the orc warrior exclaimed.

"You know they are lacking in size, you have seen the ones who are not too ashamed to bear them with pride," Rekar voiced like to defend Elara.

"I have to know, is it true your kind expands to fit the new warrior?" Kolkat suddenly asked.

"Huh," Elara gawked while she once again doubted her understanding of the orcish language.

"It has to be true just from looking at your size, especially how your breasts have grown so well," Kolkat mused.

"Elara, do not let this magic-crazed old warrior bother you," Neuver voiced. "Here comes the meat."

A swarm of wrinkly but muscular goblins came and placed large juicy pieces of meat on the orcs laps. One of them was placed even on Elara's thighs and she swallowed hard just from the size.

** * **

By the time Elara had eaten close to half of the big piece of meat on her lap, most of the orcs at the camp-wide feast had finished several. Though what agitated her the most was the odd pity Rekar kept looking at her.

"At least with a smaller frame, you consume less, so you need to hunt less," Rekar mused with a pat of Elara's back. She was almost dizzy from the strong spice even as she had been able to drink from a questionable-looking leather bucket the goblins used to carry water to them. It had been oddly refreshing all things considering.

"I wonder, will the warriors you birth be twice smaller than an orc while twice stronger than you," Neuver mused. He had no shame of just stroking his cock while staring at Elara's erect nipples.

"What makes you even think elf can even breed with an orc," Elara shrugged and lifted the remaining meat from her lap to a nearby bucket. It was immediately picked up by Rekar who bit into it.

"Because we just saw it happen," Neuver exclaimed and several nearby orcs grunted in agreement.

"Right," Elara muttered and splashed some water from a nearby bucket to her thighs. Several orcs looked at her almost shocked but the noble elf was not going to leave the traces of the spicy sauce on her skin. It had not been fading away like the semen had.

"Neuver, is the elf that killed my son in here?" a loud voice boomed through the camp and a big orc brute marched through the sitting crowd. He had no weapon and he was ripping off the last of his leathers while his bulging muscles looked like they had been strained.

"Chief Groler, I see you heard my summons for the feast across the grasslands, take a seat," Neuver voiced.

"Like I would rush here to taste your inferior spice, I'm here to know why you helped an elf to kill my First Blade," Groler exclaimed. He was one of the few orcs around with a completely flaccid cock.

"There is no reason for you to ask me that. The warrior who took his head is right there, as a member of my clan," Neuver declared with a proud tone that even irked Elara and made the other orc chief stare at her with fire.

"I can't believe an elf like you took my son's head in a fight," Groler voiced after staring at Elara for a moment.

"She is no longer just an elf but a member of my clan," Neuver stated like the other chief had missed that part.

"Then I demand to fight her to honorable death. She can have my clan if she is so capable," Groler exclaimed. It jolted Elara to think that as an option to find the holy sword, but it needed some further study in case there was some weird rule about a female chief needing to breed with all of her warriors or something that would take too much time.

"There is no reason to fight to honorable death, I know she is a potent warrior. Just fight to submission and if your seed is worthy, she can give you a new worthy son," Neuver offered.

"An elf worthy of my seed? Is she even capable of taking it?" Groler boomed.

"She is, we have all seen it," Rekar stated and stood up. It distracted Elara from figuring out the logistics of fucking an entire orc clan.

"Only those who have passed the Trial of Koraga are worthy of my seed, regardless of other ability," Groler stated. "Fragile elf like her who is not even redeemed by her arousing breasts will never pass it."

"Your shame of having a weak son is no excuse to mock the warrior who took his head," Rekar boomed.

"Calm your voices, this is a simple matter to solve, no reason to ruin a feast over it," the shaman Kolkat voiced. "Just let Elara try. There is no harm in trying, if Koraga accepts her in his embrace, she will only gain from it."

"Elara, prove to this disrespectful fool that you are worthy of his seed before I can no longer tolerate the shame of letting him live," Rekar declared.

"I have no issue fighting you to honorable death, unworthy First Blade," Groler exclaimed.

"One grievance at a time," Neuver boomed. "Elara, do you have enough courage to face the Trial of Koraga?"

"Can you tell me how it's done?" Elara asked. Even if she had recovered a bit from before, she was not confident in her ability to kill an orc without making it clear she had used magic. And she was still not sure how they would react to that.

"Jump as high into the air as you can and yell, take me Koraga for I am worthy," Neuver explained and spread his hands to the sky.

"For how long?" Elara asked with a head tilt. The image of her doing that while being stared at by the green brutes suddenly filled her mind.

"Until you give up, or succeed" Neuver shrugged. "It's not unusual to take days until you are noticed by the greatest warrior."

"I don't think your god will... notice me even if I did that," Elara voiced.

"There is no harm in trying, if Koraga accepts you in his embrace, you will only gain from it," Rekar declared.

"Let us stop wasting time, I demand a space to be cleared for our duel to the death. The only honor I seek is that elf's head," Groler boomed. It triggered most of the elf's clan to stand up and stare at the chief like they were going to stick his head on a spike.

"Elara, please attempt the Trial of Koraga so we can avoid a war of honor," Neuver voiced. It made Elara stand up. There was no reason for her to care if the orcs fought each other, but she should at least act like she cared to appease the chief. Not to mention she did not know if it would benefit her in finding the holy blade.

"Take me Koraga for I am worthy," Elara said and jumped into the air. To everybody's surprise, her body froze to float in the air while her green eyes stared into nothingness.

** * **

Elara was suddenly in a small oddly lit cave. There was a pool of clear water in one end and a rocky surface on the other, and there was no entrance anywhere.

"Hello? Koraga, are you here?" Elara asked with an awkward grin. She had definitely not expected any kind of communion with the orc god but since it happened, she should try to take advantage of it in some way.

"I mean, your faithful Elara is here to seek your blessing, oh mighty Koraga," she suddenly voiced and fell to her knees. Though she got as little of a reply as the first time.

For several moments Elara just stared at the small pool. Her initial assumption was that she should drink from it to gain the god's blessing but considering it was an orc god, it might as well be a test to see how long she could go thirsty.

The longer the elf warrior waited, the more she thought about how the orc god's cock would compare to regular orcs. So the longer she stared at the pool, the thirstier she came to drink from it. So eventually she moved to it on her knees and bowed down to kiss its surface.

"May you find in your grace to let me taste your sacred waters," Elara voiced and drank deeply from the pool that was far more refreshing than she had expected. If there was some pure form of divine water, the contents of the pool were most likely close to it.

A green glimmer floated in the water and Elara looked up to see a green muscular leg. It jolted her back to see a large hulking orc body tower over her.

"Warrior Elara greets mighty Koraga," she uttered and bowed down. Though she received no reply, so she looked up to see a massive boner above her head. It made her swallow hard even as it did not look that special in comparison to Rekar.

Elara backed away to see the green brute's head, but no matter how far she moved, she did not see it. By the time she had backed into the wall of the cave, it was clear the body lacked anything above its shoulders.

"Definitely some test... but of what," Elara muttered while she tried not to look at the throbbing orc boner. Though just seeing the edible muscles was more than enough to drive her arousal.

"Please show me what is desired of me, oh mighty Koraga for I am worthy," Elara suddenly boomed with raised hands. The move basically presented her breasts to the headless orc but there still were no reactions outside of his cock suddenly seeming a bit tastier to the elf.

"If there is no sign soon, I'm just going to touch that... it's what you want, right?" Elara suddenly blushed. It was one of the first times in her life she had initiated an active sexual advance. And on top of everything else it had been so coarse.

"I mean, I will worship you... green thing... your mighty green thing," Elara uttered with increasing confidence. Suddenly the sexual advance no longer felt so embarrassing but something she needed to do.

Elara made her way back to the headless orc on her knees and reached for the cock with her hands. Unlike most of its size she had seen so far, it was able to curve up a bit so she had to lower its tip to her lips.

"Let me, kiss your holy tool, oh mighty Koraga," Elara voiced while her fingers explored the lewd organ that was hard and soft at the same time. Just feeling it was more than enough to make her brand and clit throb.

A twisted smile spread on Elara's face while her eyes tilted to look down at the mighty thing she aimed at her lips. A moment later her soft lips pressed on the tip that had a weirdly raw but pleasant taste. But then she suddenly tilted her head back.

"Is this not enough? You desire more?" Elara stuttered even as she lifted her left hand that had tried to sneak to rub her swelling clit.

"I mean... I already serve two gods... and I haven't done this even with them... not that they would want to," Elara uttered. "Can't you just tell me what you want?"

"You should throat every orc that lays their eyes on you," a teasing female voice came from the darkness. Even if Elara had heard it only once, it had haunted her dreams for weeks now.

"Hestia? This is... all your doing?" Elara flared and stood up to see a naked woman with black hair leaning to the side of the headless body.

"No it isn't, I just gave you the notebook... nobody told you to use it to get rammed by green meat," Hestia voiced. "Not that I can blame you."

"I knew you were a devious tempting demon," Elara flared and backed away while thinking her combat options. The strange woman lacked any sign of combat stance and her breasts were pushed against the orc's arm.

"Am I tempting you?" Hestia grinned before a long lick of her lips.

"You are clearly trying to tempt me away from the Sun God and the Goddess of Serenity," Elara declared. "I have seen through your plans."

"You are giving me far too much credit right now," Hestia shrugged while treating the orc body like a wall to lean into. "But time to cut the chitchat."

A highly decorated golden runic sword emerged from the shadow and the headless orc took a grip from it. He presented it while Elara recognized the object she was sent to find.

Telekinetic energy cracked around Elara for a moment as she charged up an attack but the shadows in the cave intensified. Unfathomable endless darkness swirled around the warrior elf until she let her magic fade away. The sheer terror from the hostile magic was enough to make her give up.

"I take it you want something for the sword?" Elara asked. Despite everything else, she was still aroused by the orc body and tried not to look at it.

"Not much, just that you show one of the orc chiefs that he can still keep worshiping Koraga even as he is obsessed with the goblin lust god," Hestia voiced. She had stepped away from the orc like she did not especially want to be close to the divine artifact of the Sun God.

"Why are you asking me to do that?" Elara voiced a bit confused.

"You happened to pass by... and I have something you want, and Koraga does not like it when I make choices on behalf of his followers," Hestia shrugged.

"Then why are you?" Elara asked.

"You want the sword, right? Then stop asking questions and do what I ask of you," Hestia replied.

"How do I know that sword is even real," Elara stated.

"Just ask where the golden elf blade went, even Rekar should know that, after all, he was in the crowd when I picked it up," Hestia winked and faded into shadows with the sword without even saying goodbye. A moment later darkness filled Elara's vision.

** * **

Elara woke up from dropping to the ground. She was surrounded by the orcs that stared at her silently for a moment.

"No living orc remembers anyone who Koraga has accepted only after one jump. Even I needed to jump from dusk till dawn," Neuver suddenly declared.

"Fine then, clear the ring. We will see if the elf's ability to breed is as great as you tell me," Groler boomed. He had become rock-hard during the communion Elara had with Hestia.

Even if Elara was not that keen on having another duel, the orcs were clearly not giving her room to back away. All of them stared at her while the chief stood close to the center of the stone ring. Though this time she was more than aware of what was required of her even if she won. She would have no choice but to mount the fat green cock once again.

So Elara walked to face Groler while suppressing her urge to gape a grin. If she could make this orc chief submit to her one way or the other, it might help her in solving the task Hestia had demanded of her. Or at least the elf warrior convinced herself she was just doing it to get closer to getting the sword and not just to have another taste of the green meat.

"Fight to honorable submission, begin," Neuver boomed. It triggered Groler to charge Elara with full strength. The elf warrior prepared to take him on just like she had done to Rekar. Her telekinetic energy turned her into an unmovable object that took the green brute head-on.

Groler slammed into Elara as hard as he could. They locked hands but the chief was not satisfied just with that, the moment it was clear he lacked the strength to push Elara, he crouched down a bit to press his entire body against her.

A fully erect green cock was pressured against Elara's stomach while her face had to tilt to not have her nose mushed by bulging chest muscles. Groler was clearly putting everything he had into the push and even his balls slapped into Elara's puffed pussy. Not to even mention her breasts that were being massaged by the sturdy muscles in a confusingly arousing way.

Pulses of lust filled Elara's body and the fear of losing crept in her thoughts. The moment her focus would shatter, the brutish green creature would make her submit and breed her. The image of the orc just lifting her into the air and ramming her into his cock flashed into her mind.

Suddenly Groler crouched down entirely, the speed he did so took Elara completely off-guard as she was fully occupied by keeping her focus while suppressing her mental images. Her legs had already been spread for support so Groler just needed to aim his tip to thrust up.

Elara's swollen walls parted with ease to take the shape of the intruding cock. The first strike found its way straight into the elastic side cavity of her inner gate and bulged her lower stomach. It also sent a wet squirt down the warrior elf's thighs while the orc's hands lifted her up from her armpits.

"Same weakness as orc women, you were made to breed after all," Groler grunted while Elara gawked for air just from the sudden lift. All of her focus had been shattered and her mind was too disoriented from it to even hope to readjust with fast enough speed to stop the orc.

"I'm going to humiliate you by making you admit submission while we breed," Groler declared. Elara barely registered how she was held in the air and how the orc was tilting backward to have her legs naturally spread to the sides of his wide muscular hip.

"But there were not supposed to be any strikes," Elara slurred while her legs moved in a desperate attempt to find the ground. She looked to her side but none of the surrounding orcs seemed to have found anything to complain about. Most of their cocks were fully erect to the point Elara had to struggle not to stare at them.

"This is no strike, but a push to breed you to submission," Groler mused. His thumbs were positioned under Elara's breasts to push them up. Though he only made the left bounce with weird gyration of the finger.

Elara closed her eyes while the orc made her right breast bounce with his thumb in turn. She had really done it now, this orc was really going to toy with her body.

"Impressive breasts, do all elves hide these under the cowardly metal?" Groler declared. He got no reply even from the crowd.

"I see you submit to your fate with a wet hole, like your frail form was designed only to be bred," Groler taunted. An urge to reply something was filling Elara even as she knew that it was just what the brute wanted. He wanted to humiliate her and make her admit her twisted desires. But the elf warrior was not going to give him that pleasure and simply gritted her teeth with heavy breathing.

"Chief, I see you found the elf, is she a clan warrior?" an exhausted-looking orc exclaimed from the side of the stone ring. Several others soon pushed their way next to him.

"Nice for you to catch up, now see how your chief breeds a female warrior of another clan into submission," Groler boomed. "This one was made to take my seed."

There was no sign of strain in Groler's hands even as he held Elara elevated from her armpits with straight hands. Though what pushed his body the most was the backward lean of his back that made it look like Elara was sitting on him from his cock. A feat that was amusingly easy with the comparatively slender elf whose legs just hung to both sides of his wide hip. The awkward spread made it almost impossible for them to attempt any kind of counterattack.

Elara felt moments of odd admiration for the position that was designed to make her body submit. As almost all of her weight was on her armpits, it made her limbs feel weak and uncontrollable. Even her fingers were spread open like some impulse thought it would help with something.

"Ighi," Elara let out a strange feral sound when the first hip thrust pulsed the top of her pussy with pressure. Especially her clit felt like it was pumped to the maximum hardness. Her legs twitched like they were hugging to the sides of the green hip while saliva spurted to her lips.

"Hear your pet elf rather moan on our chief's cock than submit," the first of the newly arrived orcs boomed.

"Elara is not a pet but a clan warrior," Rekar boomed even as wet sounds originated from Elara's heavily pounded pussy. No orc who stared at her felt shame to have their erect cocks on display.

"Hurak, do not insult this elf, she is strong enough and has good enough ability to breed to be called a warrior," Groler commanded without stopping his hip. Strike after strike his moves turned harder and it looked like Elara was riding him with widening jerks of her legs.

Saliva flowed on Elara's chin while her pointed ears began to twitch. The pressure on her clit was too much for her to properly climax but it did not stop the rest of her body from reacting. An oddly excited fear filled the elf warrior about the chance that she would experience her life's most powerful climax the moment the orc stopped assaulting her.

"Chief, don't tell me you like this leaking elf as much as she likes your meat," Hurak boomed back. Elara's vulva trailed the veined green meat and her juices were soaking even his balls.

"Can't blame her, might offer to join our clan later," Groler declared and the orcs of his clan grunted in agreement. Neuver and his clan just stared at the event with mostly dead silence. Though some of them were stirring more than others.

"Elara is a proud member of our clan, she would rather endure this indignity than verbally admit defeat," Rekar boomed. "And for that, she deserves our respect."

Loud agreeable grunting filled Elara's head. The sheer absurdity when combined with the pulsing pressure was more than enough to make her lips twitch to an awkward smile. At that moment she felt as persevere of a being as the green feral brutes were. If their existence was just one of walking muscular dildo created to tempt her, then she was just a perfect hole for them to use.

"He... hehe... hi... hiighii," Elara began to laugh in a highly hysterical manner that turned into weird moans. She was thoroughly one with the fat cock and there was no resistance to it in her body, just her mind felt unimaginable shame for it out of some sense of morality. And it just added to the perverse exciting pleasure that filled the elf warrior.

"Chief broke her, he broke her with his cock," Hurak exclaimed and it only made Elara laugh harder as it had clearly been a team effort. Though even as she laughed, she felt odd clarity in it all. It just truly was pleasure and lust, no matter the cause.

"Your chief broke nothing, Elara is just laughing at how pathetic his attempt to please her is," Rekar declared. "Just her wetness is proof enough that she is the one enjoying this moment while your chief is struggling to climax."

"Graa," Groler roared and with one simple motion, he let go of Elara's armpits and grabbed her hip. It was followed by a fast and relentless assault into her soaked folds. Loud slaps echoed in the air while her body jerked from every hit.

Elara's head hung with wide gaping lips while drool spilled even to her still closed eyes. Only her legs did not seem to go limp as they wrapped around the orc's hip. Like despite the strikes jolting them, an instinct was telling them the most optimal position.

"Take my seed, worthy elf," Groler boomed and slammed his cock deep into Elara. It was followed by an explosive burst of heat and pressure. Though only a moment later, she was dropped to the ground only to have more thick semen shot on her.

A strong convulsion almost shifted Elara's pussy and she pressed her teeth as close as she could. Her hip trembled with burning radiation, hard enough to make her ears, toes, and fingers twitch. The release of the climax devastated the elf maiden's body to the point she was not sure what was even happening.

"See my unrivaled potency elf, if you want all of it inside of you next time, join my clan," Groler declared while he kept jerking his cum on Elara who just laid on her back in the pool with a gaping grin. Especially her breasts took the brunt of the after shots from the fat green cock.

"Elara, do you wish to leave my clan behind and accept a new one?" Neuver shouted and Elara was forced to gasp for air for a moment to say anything.

"Chief, I came here just today, I'm not ready to leave," Elara slurred even as Groler kept jerking his cock on her. The convulsions of her body were not stopping like she had been overloaded by his green meat.

"As she says," Neuver stated.

"Very well then, a year from now I will come and see if my seed was the victor," Groler grunted and knelt down over Elara's hip. His hands landed on her breasts to rub his seed into them. It tingled her skin while her breathing managed to get even more ragged.

Elara did not even want to think what else the orc wanted to do to her. Her body was a perverted disgrace for a noble elf that deserved anything that was done to it. So even as her eyes were locked closed, her mind began projecting images of deranged future possibilities despite her wish not to think about them.

"We are done here," Groler suddenly declared and tapped Elara's cheek before standing up. The last thing she wanted to think about was how her skin once again felt far too clean despite just being drenched in abundant cum.

Heavy steps moved around Elara but she refused to open her eyes. At this point, everything would be so much simpler if the orcs just made her into a slave. She would no longer need to think and her body could be endlessly punished for being such a disgrace. Though a twisted grin was trying to get to her lips even as she thought such a pathetic fate.

"I respect your decision to lose to him on purpose to repay his son, but I won't agree with it," Neuver boomed.

"I did not lose on purpose," Elara muttered while lifting to sit.

"It disgraces you to lie when we all saw how you just gave up after his breeding tool entered you," Neuver stated.

"You can't blame Elara, she was born to be a female and any chief has potent seed," Rekar voiced an odd defense that irked Elara enough to make her agitated even in her post-climax bliss.

"Then Elara, I challenge you to a fight to submission, I refuse to accept that my seed would lose to that impatient fool," Neuver declared.

"My seed entered her first, I can guarantee that Groler will have no available soil to root into," Rekar voiced.

"Why can't you just fuck me? I don't care, just fuck me," Elara flared. But even as she did so, her face jolted and she clapped her hands to cover her mouth.

"Just let her sleep off her shame, tomorrow is another day to breed," one of the crowd exclaimed. Several others grunted in agreement. After that, Elara was escorted to a yurt where she managed to pass out from exhaustion even as several naked orcs slept around her.

And so Elara successfully infiltrated the clans. Though for the first time, the elven Royal Guard did not feel proud of her accomplishment and wished nobody outside the grasslands would ever learn of her triumph.