Seals of Magus Slut [ 2 ]

"I still can't believe Arilyn just lied about me writing such a weird note," Claude voiced while sitting in the academy's library. He was faced with Irene who stroked her black hair while reading some new books she had found.

"It's not that she does it on purpose, just when she tries to get out of trouble," Irene replied with a calm melodic tone. Nothing in her expression showed that she knew anything about the note she herself had shown to Arilyn a few days ago.

"But still, I did not think she was like that... I don't know how I should feel about having a tutor that can throw me under a cart like that," Claude kept talking. He had no trouble staring at Irene's beautiful side profile as she was not looking back.

"You get used to it, it's not like the archmagus believes her at this point," Irene replied and shifted her eyes to Arilyn who had walked from behind a shelf.

"I'm so glad both of you came here just as we agreed," Arilyn voiced and sat on the desk next to Claude. She only used the chair to lift her legs on it to hitch her green robe hem a bit to reveal her silky legs a bit more.

"I take it we have a mission?" Irene asked without shifting her tone. Like nobody had heard anything she did not intend to be heard.

"Since our dear Claude has recovered, it was decided we should take on one of the tasks from the king, as a team-building exercise," Arilyn voiced and the blond man in grey robes suddenly felt even more troubled by Arilyn due to her polite tone. There was no way she had not heard at least part of the conversation.

"I heard some of the missions involve combat," Claude said. He looked down just not to feel weird about Arilyn staring at his crotch.

"Don't you worry about that, it's my duty to protect you, and the first mission is a simple disappearance case in some remote castle town," Arilyn mused with a tone that Claude was sure was delivered in an as unnerving way as possible on purpose.

"We leave today?" Irene asked.

"With the first riverboat, we manage to get to. Prepare for at least one week trip," Arilyn voiced and stood up to leave.

"Is it far?" Claude asked. There was a glimmer of confused fear on his blue eyes. Though even he was not sure what was unnerving him the most.

"How should I know, you can read the details on the boat," Arilyn shrugged and left. Claude immediately felt more relaxed as Irene just read the notes like nothing had happened without any improper behavior.

** * **

Claude had barely slept the first night at the riverboat. The group of three had only one cabin with four bunk beds. Arilyn had insisted to sleep on his top while Irene just laid there like a sleeping beauty a few steps away from him. So it was no wonder Claude had gotten to the deck to stare at the sunrise the moment he was sure no more sleep would come to him.

The river water was murky and the forest at the shore looked like one could easily get lost in it. It was the first time Claude had ever ventured this far from the capital city that was located near the mouth of the river.

"Did you notice I sleep naked?" a familiar voice suddenly whispered into Claude's ears. "I can suck your cock if you are bothered."

"What's wrong with you?" Claude uttered and shifted to save his ear from being licked. The fact Arilyn felt his arousal despite his reactions, urged her to keep pushing like he was a fascinating puzzle she wanted to play with.

"I'm bored, but the offer is real. There is not a single passenger with even one seal, so unlucky," Arilyn shrugged and reached for Claude's hand on the railing. It retreated away from her even as he did not take the steps.

"I was just fine when I went to sleep, did you do something to me during it?" Claude asked. His hand crossed over his lower stomach almost like to hide his cock Arilyn knew to be erect.

"I did think about waking you up with a blowjob but Irene was kind of ruining my mood, did she do it instead?" Arilyn asked and leaned over the railing like to present her ass, the green robe clung to in her new position.

"Not now, back when I supposedly went out of control," Claude almost flared while refusing to look at Arilyn's ass.

"Would you trust what I say more if you tortured me with a fat cock first?" Arilyn asked. "Or your fist?"

"How do you suppose I could trust you when you speak like this?" Claude voiced and swallowed hard.

"Then don't, stick to Irene for the whole duration of our mission like hot cum to unshaved pubes, to stay safe from me," Arilyn said before a long lick of her soft lips. Claude did not even want to retort and simply walked away.

"Looking for company?" a fancily dressed middle-aged man asked from Arilyn once Claude had gone below deck. It triggered her to turn around with a slight smile.

"Not from you, come back when you are possessed by a demon or something," Arilyn replied. Her cold tone was more than enough to drive him away long with her ability to kill any arousal he had. So the redhead elf focused to enjoy the sunrise alone while hoping to sense some rogue demon or something in the woods she could lure to the boat.

** * **

When the group arrived at the pier of the castle town late at night, they were not even allowed to enter the walled area so late. Even the letter from the king they had had not been enough to let them in.

"Where are we going next?" Claude asked as the group stood next to the large gate. The small door the guards had used to talk to them was locked shut.

"Go find us an inn, I'll track you down later," Arilyn shrugged and looked at the buildings around the river port.

"You are going to investigate?" Claude asked.

"Naah, just spotted some tasty lust nearby, I think some orcs are having an orgy," Arilyn mused and did a show about hitching up her hem above her knees and lowering her cleavage. It was more than enough to make sure the other two did not bother asking more questions.

** * **

Arilyn followed the ooze of lust along the wall until it came clear the source was on the other side of it. Then she looked around in the darkness to make sure nobody was observing her. It was a relatively simple task since she sensed lust focused on her. So she took some seductive poses before using her telekinetic ability to sling herself over the wall. She landed in a narrow corridor between two houses with a little magical slide.

"Definitely a demon... maybe two... new flavor," Arilyn pondered and headed towards the source of the lust. There were only a few people around, and even as her attire attracted attention, none approached her. Like they were scared of an unknown street whore.

"Odd, down here?" Arilyn muttered and looked at the ground below her. "Don't tell me it's the sewers again."

"Who goes there," a loud voice suddenly asked a moment after Arilyn felt lust aimed at her. A group of guards in blue tunics was pointing their torches at her.

"A woman looking for company," Arilyn smiled and took a pose that made her shapes shine through her robes. Though her bare upper bosom and legs did not need such assistance to shine in the scarce light.

"Do you have your license?" the guard sergeant asked and walked closer. "You must be very new to not know how dangerous it is. Many people have gone missing lately."

Arilyn teasingly bit her lower lip while thinking about how she wanted to deal with the decently looking male. But then she realized something interesting that could be more worth her time than just playing around.

"You have some of that lust rubbed on you," Arilyn mused and leaned in to smell the sergeant's leather armor. It clearly had traces of having been close to a demon lately.

"Huh?" the sergeant voiced while Arilyn slid her agile hand along his belt.

"Are you hiding a big bad demon by any chance?" Arilyn asked with a lick of her lips. The lingering traces of otherworldly demon presence was unmistakable on the sergeant's armor. Even if the redhead magus was not able to tell what kind of demon had been near him, she could tell it had to be strong enough to be worth her time to feast on. Not to mention dealing with rogue demons praying on the mortals was supposed to be one of the main tasks of magi.

"Are you really a whore?" the sergeant suddenly asked and stepped back. The woman who had clung to him did not follow and simply crossed her legs into an oddly teasing pose.

"That's an odd question to ask, you can just give me a few silver and fuck me with your big bad demon to find out," Arilyn grinned and hitched up her robe to almost show her pussy.

"Arrest her for public indecency," the sergeant uttered like he was flustered from far more than just the promiscuous advance. Two of the guards moved to quickly put metal cuffs to lock Arilyn's hands behind her back.

"Do I get to pay my fine with raw sex?" Arilyn asked. Her seals pulsed a bit like they assumed that the only reason for multiple men to touch her was an upcoming gangbang.

"Damn you are thirsty, too bad we no longer do that to whores," one of the men holding Arilyn's shoulders voiced. Though his hand did lower to feel up her ass.

"Why not?" the redhead elf pouted. She was more than able to tell the men felt some serious levels of lust towards her. Which actually made her more suspicious about the scent of the demon on their sergeant.

"Nothing you need to worry about... but damn pity to miss an elf cunt," the soldier grinned and patted Arilyn's ass.

"Who says you have to miss it? Just fuck me and let me go," Arilyn voiced and leaned into the man's tunic.

"Not a chance, full silence," the sergeant flared and the guards stopped to talk to Arilyn after that. And since they were not taking the nubile elf in to fuck her, it was clear her comments about a demon had motivated the sergeant's command.

** * **

Arilyn was brought to a guard tower that served as the office to the officer in charge of the night patrols. It had a sturdy metal door and guards who looked more imposing than most city guards she was used to.

"Who asked you to bring a whore tonight?" the lieutenant sitting at the desk grunted. He oozed faint traces of demonic lust, so Arilyn was on the right track to find magical semen dinner.

"She was acting suspicious, asked if I was hiding a demon," the sergeant replied.

"And you brought her here?" the lieutenant flared. His stare was cold but Arilyn could tell his lust focused on her. Though he was also a boring-looking generic older man in a blue tunic.

"What else should I have done? We need to interrogate her," the sergeant said to his defense.

"Fine, bend her over the desk," the lieutenant commanded and Arilyn was pushed to bend over with the help of the oak table. The men did not need any extra order to pull up her hem to see that she was not even wearing panties.

"Who sent you here?" the lieutenant asked while looking at Arilyn's pressured cleavage. She did not use her abilities to focus his lust as it was clear the demon was not in here, and his mortal seed was not worth her time.

"Please show mercy, some guy told me to ask about demons. He promised to give me two silver if I find any clues," Arilyn voiced with an odd mix of desperation and lust. The soldier behind her had landed his hand on her ass and was feeling up the left cheek.

"What does that guy look like?" the lieutenant asked.

"Blue eyes, around my height, short blond hair. Wears grey robes. I think he's a magus... or at least I hope he is after he... did such a thing to me," Arilyn voiced while looking down in an ashamed manner.

"Check around for that description but do not do anything to alert them yet," the lieutenant commanded and some of the men left the tower room. Then he grabbed Arilyn's jaw to lift it up.

"And now you, are you really a whore?" the lieutenant asked while feeling up Arilyn's teeth through her cheeks.

"I can suck your cock for a few silver, if you have any doubts," Arilyn offered with an awkward smile.

"Heh, I guess you get to choose your fate," the lieutenant mused. "Either you are going to be a good obedient whore, or you get sent somewhere with no return."

"I'm a good, whore, I would do anything for silver," Arilyn pleaded. This time she actually reduced the arousal the lieutenant felt towards her as demons and places with no return went hand in hand.

"You don't seem to understand your position, have you been fucked by an orc before?" the lieutenant asked. His grin was turning more sadistic than aroused.

"No, not an orc, I don't think I can handle an orc," Arilyn voiced. "Unless you give me at least twenty silver."

"You think you are going to be paid? Stop talking about money or I'm really sending you to the place where no whore ever leaves," the lieutenant flared. "Hey, green brute, you get to have fun with an elf this time."

"Thanks, boss, I will be sure to make her beg to serve us free," a heavy-footed orc grunted behind the bent-over elf. He wore the blue tunic of the local guard without even the leather armor. The soldier holding Arilyn's ass gave him room.

"Please no, I need to be paid, I will do anything if you pay me," Arilyn begged while the orc grabbed her ass to joust his tip onto her vulva.

"It's a whore all right, all wet," the orc grunted and pressed in. Arilyn's walls that were used to demons easily parted even to his mighty green rod. Soon after the first hip slap into her ass echoed a bit in the tower room.

Arilyn gritted her teeth while the lieutenant grabbed her straight red hair that spread on his desk. Most of her struggle came from not looking like she was having fun. Even if the orc was not going to fill her with magic, his bulged veins were more than enough to make sure her lust-demon seals were loving it.

"Repeat after me, you did not find anything about a demon, your just a useless slut," the lieutenant instructed. He pulled from the elf's hair to tilt her face up while pressing it down to apply pressure. All the while the orc thrust faster.

"Repeat after me, you did not find anything about a demon, your just a useless slut," Arilyn voiced with an uttering tone. It immediately triggered the lieutenant to pull harder while his other hand went for her throat.

"You mocked me?" the lieutenant flared. His fingers focused the squeeze more on Arilyn's jaw than anything else.

"Please no, it's just this cock, I can't think and you told me to repeat," Arilyn stuttered while putting more effort into her act.

"Listen here elf, if you don't start to focus, something bigger will either tear you apart or fuck you to death, or both," the lieutenant threatened.

"Please no, I'm a good slut, but at least pay me, I only need five silver or my pimp will sell me to the pit," Arilyn begged. The orc was nearing his climax but she focused her ability to stop it. It immediately triggered the green brute to slam into her faster.

"I guess your pimp agrees with me that you have too much rot in that brain," the lieutenant exclaimed. Arilyn could tell he was immediately more amiable to the idea to make her disappear after hearing about her strained relationship with her supposed pimp.

"I have good holes, just a few silver, and I can pleasure all your men," Arilyn offered again like she really did not understand the situation.

"You know what, I don't think you are sane enough to be trusted not to fuck things up," the lieutenant voiced and let go of her face. "Send this whore to the pens, I'm sure he can find some use to her."

"Boss, I haven't cummed yet," the orc complained as he did a few faster thrusts. Though he would not be able to cum before Arilyn would let him with her succubus seal magic.

"This is not some whore house, go use her outside duty once she is ready," the lieutenant flared and the orc pulled out. Two other guards came and lifted Arilyn from the desk while she used telekinetic pull to make sure the seals on her lower stomach stayed hidden under her slutty robe.

While Arilyn was half-carried by the soldiers, the orc climaxed all the seed into his pants with enough force for it to drip down his thighs. The elf grinned at it even as one of the soldiers escorting her was groping her ass.

** * **

Arilyn was led down a complex network of underground tunnels and doors until they reached a large laboratory.

"Hey alchemist, we got a new subject for you, I think boss wants her to be turned into a fuck-puppet," a soldier announced to a black-robed man with a silver mask.

"Your boss can want whatever he wants. I did not ask for more, unless it's one of those magi," the alchemist growled. He was seemingly too occupied with his work to even look at the people who had come through the heavy metal door.

"This one is just some whore but sergeant is checking out the magi," the soldier added.

"Good, remind him to be careful and stick to the plan. I just need a weak one with one seal," the alchemist voiced and gave one look at Arilyn. By now it was clear to her that this man did not possess even one seal, let alone considerable magic. Though many objects and entities nearby did possess some magic.

"Will do, what about this one?" the soldier asked and pushed Arilyn a bit forward from her ass.

"Put her to the cage, I might play with her a bit when I'm done," the alchemist commanded and the redhead elf was pushed to a small cage that barely allowed her to kneel straight. It was locked with a simple metal lock that was no challenge to her telekinetic powers.

For several minutes, Arilyn just stared at the alchemist work with a crystal wand and some gemstones. They did not have that much magical power so her focus drifted to two large metal coffins and to the words that had been said. As far as she knew, there was only one one-seal magus in the town.

"There are street-thugs with one seal running around in the capital slums, you could get one of those, and nobody would care," Arilyn voiced since the black-robed man seemed like someone who only cared about substance in conversations.

"You know magi not affiliated with the academies?" the alchemist voiced with mild agitation.

"I have seen them, some watched me get fucked once," Arilyn shrugged. She puffed her chest a bit while channeling the man's arousal. Though as she did so, she sensed something a bit demonic hiding in his robes.

"Really? How did you know they were magi?" the alchemist asked. He stopped fiddling with the gems and examined the elf's face.

"They had flaming fists, and they were able to fight with a big bad demon. Kind of like the ones you have stuffed into those coffins," Arilyn mused. It took for a moment for the silver-masked man to react.

"How?" the alchemist uttered but as the metal locks that bound Arilyn clicked open, he rushed to open the two coffins, both of them housed a big purple demon. Neither had cock rings even as they were similar to magi that had been fully possessed by their seals. Though that only mattered since what had happened to Claude.

Arilyn stepped out of her cage casually and approached the demons. Her smile was more inviting than anything else. She reached her ability to entice lust into their bodies and it took only moments to realize they were in a sleep-like state.

"You have no hope of winning. Both of these match the powers of a three-seal magus," the alchemist declared. "So surrender before your body is torn to pieces."

"Are you sure they won't just want to fuck me instead? They feel really horny," Arilyn mused and pushed her breasts up a bit. "And I doubt their power is barely worth two-seals in the state they are in."

"Kill that impostor whore," the alchemist commanded but the demons just kept staring at Arilyn. Not only had their lust been amplified, but the weird dream-like state that was used to control them had also been turned into a very graphic sex fantasy about a certain redhead elf that took their full focus.

"Odd... I don't think these demons have seals," Arilyn mused and reached closer to pat the cock of the closest demon. All the while the alchemist was backing away from her.

"I guess you never considered the bad sides of having weak-willed minions," Arilyn grinned in a way that made the alchemist attempt to run away. Though a telekinetic blast pushed him to the floor while flames engulfed his body. But only his clothes burned away.

"You sure have some interesting fashion choices," Arilyn commented while she stepped next to the man. He now only had the silver helmet that was revealed to be locked to his head at a closer inspection. It only had a small hole for his mouth and weird obsidian crystals covered his eyes. Though the elf's attention quickly went to his purple cock that was clearly demonic in nature.

Arilyn moved closer with a devious smile only to boost her strength to drag the alchemist into a nearby crouch cage. Then she grabbed some hand binds and used telekinesis to make the man lift his arms up from the cage to lock him kneel to its edge. It was just perfectly positioned for his half-erect purple cock to peek out of the cage. Though it began to harden the moment Arilyn focused more lust on it.

"Let me guess, you did not do all this just to have a bigger cock," Arilyn mused. The only reply she got was for the cock to twitch in its full demonic glory. The purple veins bulged and the mushroom tip bloated.

"How should I interrogate you?" Arilyn asked with a head tilt and used a telekinetic burst to playfully tug from the alchemist's cock and balls. He just kept staring even when the tall elf stepped closer to hitch her hem to her hip. Though he did tilt his head a bit to see all the way to her crotch.

"Oh well, if you are not going to talk, I just need to examine what you were up to," Arilyn shrugged and went to look at the gems. Though the smell from the nearby cauldron shifted her focus.

"Hmm... this potion smells like demons," Arilyn mused and used a silver spoon to take some of the purple liquid into a flask. "I guess you need to taste it to find out what it does."

Arilyn stepped again to tower over the cage with her firm legs and tilted the flask over the alchemist's masked head. She rubbed the glass into his bound hands while letting his cock touch her leg almost like by accident.

"It transforms the part of the body it is applied to by corrupting the flesh," the alchemist uttered. Though his tone that was a bit distorted by the helmet did not tell if he was more motivated by fear than lust. By now he defiantly felt both even as Arilyn could only sense one of them.

"So you mean if I dripped this to your hand, it would turn demonic? Just like your cock?" Arilyn asked while rubbing the tip into her bare calf almost in sync with the flask into his arm.

"Yes," came a grunted reply. It triggered Arilyn to crouch down in a way that almost landed her crotch to the alchemist's tip. Then she tilted the flask only to push her own finger in to feel up the liquid. The following sensation was similar to when a demon would attempt to corrupt a mortal, but it was clear the substance was a bit more refined than that even as Arilyn had no trouble resisting it.

The alchemist observed silently Arilyn's weird insertion play with her finger and the flask until she was sure she could not draw any magic from it. Then the peckish elf sent the glass object flying back into the cauldron while she focused on the big purple cock.

"Now, be a good prisoner, and let me test the potency of your seed," Arilyn grinned. Even with her prisoner's body revealed, the only redeeming part of him was his cock. He was a thin and pale man who clearly spent more time in the dungeon than anywhere else.

"What are you planning whore?" the alchemist uttered even as Arilyn turned around to present her exposed rear to him.

"You can't still be a virgin?" Arilyn asked back and pressed the man's mushroom tip to her vulva. She backed a bit so her feet entered the cage but kept her hip in the teasing position. Though it enabled the alchemist to shift his kneeling position to plunge half of his length into the waiting elven folds.

"So eager, I knew you were a virgin who just wanted a bigger dick," Arilyn teased and pushed her hip against the cage bars. It enabled the man's tip to slide into the elastic top side of her inner gate.

"Like a filthy whore like you could agitate me, I have fucked many of you into subservient slaves," the alchemist irked and focused on feeling the folds in a planning stage of the upcoming assault.

"Ooh really, I don't think you could even make me beg with this size," Arilyn retorted and moved her hip like she wanted the man to go faster already. It triggered him to start his awkward assault against the cage bars with his hip.

"Such insolence can only come from ignorance," the alchemist grunted even as his thrusts tried to chase Arilyn's hip that retreated to hinder his moves. Though just half of his length entering her was enough to drive him towards a climax. Though as he reached that moment, he realized something was denying it from him.

Arilyn pressed her ass again against the cage just to drive in the point that the alchemist could not cum. Though he did not stop trying and even thrust faster. The elf's vulva traced his soaked length but no matter how tight her walls were, the cock thrusting into them was not able to release.

"What are you doing to me?" the alchemist uttered. He did not slow down on purpose but the strain from the repeated movements was starting to be felt by his scholarly body.

"If you want to cum, tell me something that will satisfy me," Arilyn replied with a glance over her shoulder. She even swayed her hip a bit but it only made the man's urge to cum worse. So not even the small twisting bend helped him with it.

"I serve a power far more powerful than anything you can dream of, you should submit to him," the alchemist boomed after a pause. But despite his declaration, he still kept plunging into the elf's hole in a quest for a climax.

"I might, just tell me more about this power," the elf replied with an increasingly playful tone. All the while she focused her succubus seal abilities to maximize the man's lust towards her.

"Don't take me as a fool, I'm not so weak as to be swayed by an elf slut," the alchemist flared. "My master will offer you to be my slave if I ask of it."

"Sounds like a caring master, why do you serve him?" Arilyn asked and again retreated with her ass. Then she bent down even more and reached with her hands to spread her rear cheeks. A move that only served to tease the alchemist as it reduced the length he was able to enter her due to the limitations of the cage.

"For power, and to fuck bitches like you," the alchemist declared and did a few stronger strikes just like to drive in his point. Though even as Arilyn kept him rock-hard, the lack of stamina in the rest of his body was making his breathing ragged. And the constraining silver helmet was definitely not helping with that as it did not have a separate hole for the nose outside the mouth.

"And to get a get a fat demon cock to impress ladies," Arilyn added and pressed her ass back against the cage. Then her hands grabbed the bars on the sides to help balance her torso to lean down.

"Your wet elf cunt sure is impressed, takes me like a good demon whore," the alchemist irked. Arilyn's vulva was almost glued to him and dragged along his bulged veins like a suction cup. Transparent juices had even spilled down to his balls.

"I love it when you talk dirty, time to cum, cock-slave," Arilyn declared and used a telekinetic burst to slam the cock as deep into her as possible. At that moment it exploded with raw heat and the alchemist did not need extra encouragement to pump his hip. His demon-tainted nectar washed the elf's insides and coated every fold only to be slowly absorbed.

For several moments Arilyn just bit her lower lip while experiencing the pulses of her seals that made her womb tingle. The reaction of her body had been stronger than she had hoped for even if it could be contributed to the lack of sex for a few days.

"Not that potent, but it has exotic flavor to it," the redhead elf mused while she felt the demon magic flow into her. Even if the man had no seals, the semen from his mutated cock compared to stronger imps.

"Potent enough to make your cunt drip," the alchemist declared like he was taking pride in something even the weakest demons with a cock could inflict on Arilyn. Though she still retreated from the cock while presenting her ass. Her hands went even to spread her cheeks to show the masked man how his seed almost dripped out of her before it absorbed into her vulva.

"You know what to do if you want more," Arilyn voiced while making magically sure the man had no way to get naturally flaccid as long as she stayed close to him. Not to mention he still had enough to drip the remains of his seed to the floor.

"I won't betray my master, but I can give you something to boost your powers. I have developed a special gem that absorbs the seed of demons. It seems to suit your tastes," the alchemist voiced. "The left-most iron box."

Arilyn stood up and walked to the shelf while making sure her hem did not drop below her hip. There she took out a red pearl from the mentioned box. Even if the trinket would not have any value to her, playing along a bit could reveal more secrets.

"Just test how well it converts semen to power, drip some of my seed on it," came further instructions. Arilyn sensed barely any power from the pearl even when comparing to the other trinkets in the laboratory.

"You are telling me that if I push this gem into my cum dripping pussy, I will gain great powers?" Arilyn asked while walking back towards the cage. But she had already absorbed all the semen she had gotten.

"Sure, do that, and you will have powers of your dreams," the alchemist promised. It triggered Arilyn to drop the pearl to the floor for it only to roll into some of the spilled cum from before on its own. The pearl distorted and suddenly lunged towards Arilyn. She focused as strong of a telekinetic blast as she could to stop it but the pearl pierced through the level of magic she managed to muster. Though it was enough to redirect its trajectory past her only for it to fly at her from behind.

A sharp pulse filled Arilyn's ass that was strong enough to shake her knees. In the next moment, the tall elf fell to the floor with a convulsion. Foreign will suddenly crawled along her spine and she gasped. Though in seconds it was clear it lacked the power to be anything more than an annoying pulse to the four-seal magus.

"Such a dumb bitch, only use you have is your holes," the alchemist still irked like he was unaware of who had won the short struggle of control. "Now be a good obedient slut and come open this cage."

Arilyn stood up with as a blank expression she could and walked to the cage to manually open the hand binds and the hatch. The alchemist climbed out and gave a hard slap to her ass. As there was no reaction he leaned to her tall back and stretched the robe to free her notable breasts.

"You will be my personal pleasure hole, just a holster for my needs," the alchemist breathed into Arilyn's neck while twisting her nipples. "I wanted a one-seal for my experiments but who knew I could get someone stronger. Even I underestimated my abilities."

As there was still no reaction, the alchemist licked Arilyn's neck before pushing her over the cage. Then he gave her a series of loud slaps before moving away.

"Now stay there like a statue," the alchemist commanded and walked to the desk to fiddle with a mechanism under it. It opened the side cabin. From there he took out a notebook and began writing to it.

"I'm truly the greatest alchemist ever, not even a magus is a match for my genius," the man kept gleefully muttering. "I need to examine this method carefully, so I can turn every damn magus into my slave."

"First I need to figure out if you can hear me like the other sluts, and how many seals you have," the alchemist voiced and stood up. He walked behind Arilyn and slapped her ass one more time with his notebook.

"Stand up and face me, I want to see the despair in your eyes," the alchemist commanded and Arilyn straightened up from the cage. Then she slowly turned around but it was the one holding the notebook who had a moment of despair in his hidden eyes. The magus elf had turned with a wicked smile while holding her robe high enough to show all four of her seals.

"So you have a lot of juicy diaries hidden around, thanks a lot," Arilyn grinned and grabbed the notebook.

"Move back," the alchemist commanded only to have his neck grabbed by boosted power that far outmatched his mortal limits.

"As if, you greatest dummy, this is nearly not enough to control me. Back to the cage with you," Arilyn voiced while she locked the man back into his cage. "Just thinking what hideous things you planned to make my poor Claude do gives me the creeps."

"My master has unlimited power, a thief of magic could never compare to him," the alchemist boomed. The choices he had done with his words made a tilted smile spread on Arilyn's lips.

"Ooh, you serving a demon? That's lame, is that mask-like part of the eternal slavery contract?" Arilyn asked with an overly cheerful tone. The alchemist immediately realized he had given away a very important confirmation.

"I'm sure you have notes all over this place, so I'm going to examine your creations, and rank their cocks and semen," Arilyn grinned and headed for the two coffins that hid artificial demons. She was not going to pass an opportunity to use them like seed dispensaries since there were no prepared summoning circles around and she was getting a bit hungry for magic.

** * **

At first, Claude had been happy that Irene had gotten them two rooms at the inn. The women were going to share one and he had his own. That night he slept way better than at the riverboat and he was well-rested in the morning. He even ate breakfast on the ground floor before being bothered by the lack of any other customers at the inn. But a guard sergeant in a blue tunic came to Claude just when he was about to go check if the women still slept.

"You are the magus, right?" the sergeant asked with an oddly blunt tone Claude was not used to. Especially not after starting to wear the grey robe.

"That I am," Claude replied.

"There was a demon sighted and the lord has asked me to bring you to check it," the sergeant voiced. The more he talked, the stranger the strain in his tone became.

"Then I better find my senior magi before we go," Claude said and stood up from the table. The sergeant followed him to the door where his seniors were supposed to be but there was no response to the knock. Though as the door was not even locked he could look in to confirm that nobody was inside.

"That's odd, I don't think anybody even slept in here," Claude mused while looking at the well-placed sheet that did not match what was usually left after Arilyn.

"It's urgent, just come with me," the sergeant almost commanded.

"I'm sure my tutor is here somewhere, have you seen a redhead elf in green robes?" Claude asked and he could have sworn he saw the soldier's pupils dilate with a short delay. Then he swallowed hard.

"I have not... on second thought, we should locate your seniors before facing the demon," the sergeant uttered and rushed out of the inn.

"Don't tell me she whored herself to him or something," Claude muttered and went to study the books about controlling one-seal imp's powers in his room.

** * **

By now Arilyn was not sure how long she had been squeezing the fat artificial demon cock in her pussy. No matter how much she pumped out of it, the purple rod always had some more to give. Even if the seed was not that potent, it had still allowed the elf magus to replenish her magic due to the lack of alternatives.

"No need to hold back, just jerk yourself," Arilyn voiced to the alchemist that was still locked in his cage. He had been silently staring at the nubile elf mount one of the demons while deep throating the other now and then. One of them laid down obediently while the other just stood there with an erection that was heavy enough to make his dick stay horizontal.

Even as the alchemist's cock was rock-hard, he still only observed how Arilyn rotated her hip on the cock she was crouching on while tapping the other to her face. She had not removed her green robe but she had neither hid her breasts back under it.

"Just how much more can they give? Will they turn into dry husks if I keep going?" Arilyn asked before sliding her tongue along the bulged veins to make sure they did not dry up from her saliva. She was not sure if the fast cycle they produced semen was intentional or accident and the caged man refused to tell her.

Arilyn's hands slid to stroke the demon's bloated balls while she lifted his length with her face. For a moment she playfully milked the multitude of marbles that were hidden inside the leathery sacks.

"So you sure this is all the notes you have hidden away?" Arilyn suddenly asked. She had not just been fucking the demons in the past hours, she had also examined most of the laboratory and piled all the notebooks and papers she could find on the desk. Though she had not bothered to read properly any of them as none of it was applicable to enhance her own magic in a clear way.

"You found these just fine on your own, why would I help you now?" the alchemist flared. He had the perfect sideways view of Arilyn like she had positioned the demons just for him to see the action better.

"So you mean there is still more to be found?" Arilyn asked and turned her face in a way that slid the cock to the top of her head.

"Don't ask me, I'm just watching a dirty elf whore taking demon cock," the alchemist irked. He finally reached his hand to his purple manhood to start jerking it.

"Ooh, so you have been paying attention, good for you," Arilyn voiced and lifted her hip as it was the time for the demon below her to cum again. Though as she did so, she heard steps approaching the metal door of the lab.

"I guess we are getting company," Arilyn mused but did not stop the bulged veins sliding against her folds. The tip was bobbing in and out of her inner gate's elastic side cavity, and every time it did so, her womb pulsed in unison with her lust demon seals.

"Let's see how you fare against an army," the alchemist mused but then there were strong strikes against the door. They battered it hard until the hinges began to crack.

"I guess they forgot where they hid the key," Arilyn grinned just before the door slammed open and the city guards in blue tunics streamed into the room. They had shields and swords, and they pointed their weapons equally at anything in the room. Though they did keep their distance more from the elf and the two demons than from the caged prisoner.

"Are you the magus sent by the king?" the guard sergeant asked. He was a different one from the one Arilyn had met before. There was genuine confusion in the man's eyes from what he was seeing, but his first question hinted something had been explained to him in advance.

"What are you going to do with that information?" Arilyn asked with a tilted head. Her hip did not stop gyrating on the cock like she wanted to finish her interrupted meal before anything else. Not to mention every man who had come to observe her had varying levels of lust aimed at her.

"We are here to save you... not that you seem to need it," Irene's voice echoed in the dungeon as the sergeant just stared at Arilyn for a moment. The two-seal apprentice magus stepped past them with her usual calm looks.

"Good job in discovering this vile ring of traitors," the sergeant suddenly uttered like he remembered something. Meanwhile, some of the guards tried to poke the alchemist with their swords but burning hot balls of fire drove them away from his cage.

"Traitors, you say? I would appreciate it if you kept him alive, I don't care about the rest but the alchemist comes to meet the archmagus," Arilyn voiced and the sergeant waved his men to back away.

"The duke has commanded to execute all the traitors on the spot," the sergeant declared.

"Are you telling me the alchemist works for the duke and betrayed him?" Arilyn asked with a head tilt that pushed the cock. For a moment it twitched almost like it was going to cum but she knew there was no more seed in it at this time.

"No, he never worked for our lord," the sergeant replied. "My Lord would never hire such a vile creature."

"Then how can he be a traitor?" Arilyn shrugged and made the cock slide down her cheek. Oddly enough, her perverse displays did not seem to distract the sergeant that much.

"He is clearly the mastermind behind this operation, and been harming the citizen," the sergeant retorted even as his cock turned rock hard from a subtle lust attack from Arilyn. The change barely showed in his tone even if his eyes jerked a bit. He was clearly a well-disciplined warrior.

"Might be but he is clearly able to do all kinds of weird things with demons, so judgment about him is reserved for the archmagus and the king," Arilyn voiced while cleaning some of the salivae the cock had left on her cheek.

"Then we shall do as you say," the sergeant said after Irene stepped past him.

"Anyways, how did you find me?" Arilyn asked while focusing her eyes on her purple-robed tutee. Though she also pushed the cock to her forehead.

"Since you did not show up at the inn, I asked the night patrol to keep an eye on you. I'm so happy they communicate with each other so well," Irene replied without even a shift of emotion. Though her green eyes were more intense than usual.

"I did not know you cared so much about me," Arilyn grinned with another head tilt that dropped the cock to cover her eyes before she dove under it to have it rest against the back of her head.

"I just warned them to be careful in case they saw you, it did not take long until they realized some group of the guards had captured you unlawfully," Irene voiced. She was one of the few in the room who dared to stare at Arilyn's bare body directly. Though the side glances from the soldiers made it clear the demons were their biggest reason to look away.

"That duke sure has some issues hiring loyal minions, must be a very incompetent man," Arilyn said. Irene showed no reaction to the comment but some of the guards sent sharp stares at the redhead.

"So was this place at fault with the disappearances?" Irene asked. "The thing we were sent to solve."

"How should I know? Let's just bring all this to our master and come back later if people keep going missing again," Arilyn exclaimed and slammed her hip down to make the semen blast all over her inner walls again. She bit into her lower lip with a grin while the magic flowed into her body. The magus elf was so close to her maximum capacity that she did not really want to leave before reaching it.

"I'm sure the archmagus will be pleased, you might even ruin your reputation with this merit," Irene mused and suddenly walked out of the room.

"Don't worry, I'm sure to share credit... and speaking of sharing. I hereby request aid in the name of the king, you guards are to carefully pack everything in this room. And your duke shall provide us a transport ship to the capital," Arilyn instructed and the sergeant simply nodded. His men began doing the task while Arilyn continued her quest to reach her full magical capacity.

** * **

One of the first things Archmagus Fibular told Arilyn to do was to bend over after she returned to the academy. So the nubile elf was now leaning over a desk in her master's personal summoning chamber.

"Interesting, the gem also consumes all bodily waste," Fibular mused while sticking two of his finger into Arilyn's ass. "Perfect for someone like you, just let me disable the control strands... there."

"Even if the trinket is amusing, I don't see how it has the same value as all the material she lost," Vulas voiced. The black-haired elf was one of the two six-seal magi that were ranked only below the archmagus in the academy.

"It's not really my fault the duke gave us such a bad ship it sunk halfway," Arilyn protested. She had thought that even if the lord had been cooperating with the alchemist, he would not have had the balls to sink his own ship while being in charge of the escort. Especially since she had used the mandate from the king to have him bear the responsibility.

"It's your fault for not managing to save at least something more useful than this pearl," Elidyr mused. The blue-haired elf was the other six-seal master magus. They were keenly observing Arilyn's bare ass from both ends of the desk. The junior elf had rolled up her green rope up to her waist and she still had nothing under it.

"I did save Claude... and Irene is alive," Arilyn muttered while Fibular finally pulled out his fingers.

"Even if Claude has some potential, I would not dare to measure his usefulness," Fibular said and moved to leave the room. "Report to me if you find anything else unusual from her body."

"Would it be possible for us to give a private lesson to Arilyn, to help with her studies?" Vulas asked. Even if he had mirror-like black eyes, he somehow managed to get a devious glimmer show on them.

"Hmm, my dear apprentice did lose the prisoner, the demons, the materials, and the notebooks, so she does deserve some extra lessons," Fibular voiced. "Especially since Irene was so diligent as to save the cargo manifest."

"Master, even if I can't prove it, I'm sure Irene is up to something," Arilyn voiced even as she kept bending over the desk like it would give her more mercy.

"I'm sure she is, like all my students," the archmagus mused. "Just be sure to tell everybody that I will be gone for a few days. It would sadden me if someone took liberties with my academy during it."

"We will, there will be no trouble," Vulas eagerly promised.

"I trust there won't, or I might need to give out some more punishment," Fibular mused and left the room.

"Are you ready for your lesson?" Vulas asked while Arilyn straightened up from the desk without bothering to lower her hem.

"I'm so glad I have two such diligent seniors teaching me," Arilyn shrugged. Both of the men were passable looking for elves and their seed was very potent, so she did not really have anything to complain about.

"The first lesson, call six-seals masters, only four to five are seniors," Elidyr voiced while fixing his icy white eyes on Arilyn's green ones.

"Alright, my masters, what exactly will you be teaching me today?" Arilyn asked.

"How to resist being forcefully imprinted with the fifth seal before you are ready to receive it," Vulas replied while Arilyn's ass was reflected from his black mirror eyes.

"Ooh great, an actual lesson," Arilyn irked. Though despite the pretense, Elidyr had moved to the summoning circle to set up a metal pillory. The redhead elf was more than familiar with it due to all the times Fibular had used her to pay demons for their magic.

"You have always been in such a hurry to get more seals, so improving your magic resistance and control should benefit you greatly," Vulas explained. He moved towards the pentagram from the desk to invite Arilyn to do the same.

"Don't worry, we will be making sure the demon won't go too far," Elidyr added while locking the last piece of the standing pillory in place. It was positioned to be just where the anti-demon barrier's edge would be.

"So we better make sure she is safely locked in before we start," Vulas grinned. It prompted the other elf male to open the pillory to invite Arilyn to walk to it. Its height forced her to kneel a bit to spread her legs to let Elidyr lock the padded metal bar back to its place. He did so with great care to make sure her hair was not trapped with her neck.

"I was thinking my favorite Watcher of Abyss, Militriel should be well suited for this lesson," Vulas mused and began setting up the summoning pentagram. Meanwhile, Elidyr's hands landed on Arilyn's hip and they lifted her green robe over her perky breasts.

"I trust you know the principles of resisting a forceful intrusion from a stronger demon?" Elidyr asked while only the metal yoke stopped him from completely leaning into Arilyn's back. Once sure the green robe stayed up, his hands slid down to feel up the perverse-looking seals on her lower stomach.

"It's my first time with a five-seal, anything specific I should know?" Arilyn voiced. Her senior was not only feeling her up but playfully pulsing her with intrusive magic to make her lust seals tingle. They tended to react to anything hostile like it simply meant sex sooner or later.

"I keep forgetting how well you have been trained by the archmagus, being taught by an older human than you must fill you with perverse shame I can't imagine," Elidyr voiced while his hard cock pressed through his robe into Arilyn's ass. She had seen it only a few times but the aligned blue ridges made it very memorable.

"I'm sure he can help you imagine that, if you are so interested," Arilyn voiced and she was rewarded by having her red pubic stripe grabbed. Elidyr's tugs were strong enough to even visibly move her vulva and clit.

"Please pretend to be a proper lady even as you don't shave properly, nothing would turn me on more," Elidyr said. But he backed away when Vulas activated the pentagram. The anti-demon barrier formed through Arilyn's body with a tingling sensation that was only made worse by the fact Elidyr had managed to make her a bit aroused.

A red mass pulsed into existence at the center of the summoning area. It formed into one large red eye that only had one black pupil. It was the first time for Arilyn to see such a demon outside the drawings in the books.

"Vulas, such a pleasure to meet you again," Militriel said with echoing ethereal tones despite not having a mouth. "I see you have something prepared for me."

"We wish to invite you to teach this apprentice with us, I trust you have the time," Vulas voiced while the demon's black pupil focused