Noble Elf Slut Alariel [2]

A loud knock came from Alariel's cabin door almost the first thing in the morning. She had slept well while the swan ship had cruised downstream the calm wide river.

"Captain Kurt here, me and the mates want to have a word with you," came a loud shout through the door. Despite his initial bravado, there were no further calls before Alariel dressed up in simple red robes and headed for the deck. She was greeted by most sailors of the ship that were not occupied by tasks, even the ones who should be sleeping.

"You wish to have a word with me?" Alariel voiced with a calm tone. She would be more than able to burn most of the ship in minutes along with anybody on board so she was not exactly worried about any mutinies. Then again that option was always bad for the morale and she was not able to sail the ship alone.

"We were talking and realized that we haven't really been paid the agreed salary for months now," captain Kurt voiced with nodding from the crowd. Only a few of them were taller than the pure elf with a perfectly sculpted beautiful body.

"And the food been worse than usual too," one of the crew offered with a shout and got responded with more nodding and agreeing grunting.

"The deal was, once we get back. I will pay all I owe you with a bonus," Alariel replied with an eye roll. It was clear the humans had simply been blinded by their greed and they thought they had some leverage over her.

"The thing is, we risked our lives on the orc territory in a glorified leisure ship. So the least we should get is a portion of the spoils you got," Kurt said with a low tone and the stares of the crew intensified like in a pressure attack to push the noble elf to agree.

"Not on the table," Alariel declared before even the captain got to mention shares. She was not going to give a single hard-earned gem away even if she would need to abandon the ship in ashes and take the boat to attempt sailing back on her own.

"I got a good feel of those bags. Must be a small fortune in them. Just one gem to each of us and you would still have more than enough for yourself," Kurt kept talking like he ignored Alariel despite the sweating on his forehead. The elf's green eyes were intensifying and a genuine fear of his head bursting into fire filled him.

"The bags are not on the table but we can talk about additional details to your bonus," Alariel replied with a tone that gave little negotiation room. "I can double your contract bonus."

"Sounds reasonable, enough to get a whore each night for a week," one of the crew pondered out loud.

"Don't be dumb. Just one of those gems will get you one of the top whores back at the city for a month," Kurt flared despite his increased sweating on his bearded face. Despite the moral support from the crew, it almost felt like all threatening heat radiating from the fire mage was aimed at him.

"They aren't that expensive before processing into actual magic gems," Alariel shrugged. "And we would spend weeks picking out gems for all of you and still everybody would get a different value. Some might even get something that is a little better than a rock. We can't know before processing."

"Yeah, but all know the value they can fetch from just about any store at the city right about now," first mate John flared. It immediately made Alariel suspect he was the one who had gotten this idea into the captain's head.

"Final offer, I will triple your contract bonus," Alariel voiced while calculating the price she was willing to promise to placate the men. If she sold using the current scarcity of new magic gems at the city-state, after her craftsmen were done with them, just one of the completed jewels might fetch a high enough price to cover the bonus.

"If you flash your tits like you did to the orcs," one of the crew offered despite hiding behind the crowd. It made Alariel's eyes twitch while her mind blanked for a moment. More than vivid memories of her showing her body to the goblins and orcs filled her thoughts. And along it came a rush she would have wanted to ignore that she had been subjected to while walking naked through their camps to and out of the mining warehouse.

"Coming naked like that, I bet she did far more than flashing," another brave hero hiding behind most of the crew shouted. By now it was clear on their faces that some of them had alternative motivations for agreeing to the aggressive negotiations. Even if the ones who had decided to test the waters were not first on the line to be burned into ash.

"The only way that is happening is if you give up on your bonus and be satisfied by the current pay," Alariel shrugged with a taunting grin on her beautiful face. She had said it out on a whim after accidentally trying to calculate her value. If she was going to let orcs fuck her, the least she could do is to let the humans see her if it gave her financial benefits.

"Is that for more than flashing? Just how much more are we talking about?" the previous brave voice from the back of the crowd shouted. Alariel was barely able to suppress the lewd grin that almost showed on her face from the memories of her bouncing on the orc chief's cock while being stared at by a large crowd of the green brutes. Though there was no way she would start the bargain from something like that.

"Dance around the mast naked for a quarter-hour, I bet you can't buy a dance like that from a noble elf in any brothel," Alariel pondered. At the same time, she was trying to figure out just how much she would save and how much she would be willing to offer. She knew from experience the human sailors would tell all kinds of fucked up stories about her regardless so it would not matter if she could benefit from it.

"No amount of naked elf skin is worth that bargain, no matter how rare," John smirked and most of the crew grunted or nodded in agreement. Though some were clearly thinking about their options.

"Set up a gloryhole, I can jerk all of you once, that should be special enough considering who it is," Alariel offered while memories of what the orcs had done to her kept filling her mind. There was a small but growing part of her that kind of wanted to go back to just have a bit more of raw green meat that she wanted to suppress. But right now humans were the only option present.

There was sudden loud whistling on the deck and some nodding. But not everybody looked satisfied. So there were several more rounds of bargaining that went from anywhere between private lapdances to gangbangs on the deck. All the while Alariel's arousal from all the dirty options was making her own body turn against her mind. Like how bad it would be if she fucked all the humans just this once, it might even be enough to make her forget the orcs... at least for a while.

"Okay, final options, one gem each or public use cumdump for the whole duration of the return trip without bonus," first mate John irked like he had the winning cards. The crew looked extremely excited about this offer and just from the grins on most of their faces Alariel knew they did not really want the gems. She might have denied any kind of gangbangs before but now her body was almost screaming her to accept even this depraved offer. Not to mention the rest of the crew would pressure John to accept if she agreed.

"Fine," Alariel flared while her brain overheated with vivid images. Due to just the sheer amount of time she had gotten to spend with the male sailors during the years she had read more than one book about fucking them. Though still, she had agreed almost by reflex without really thinking. But now that she had done so, it suddenly felt like the cheapest way to get what she wanted.

"Good, now... why are you stripping?" John uttered while Alariel opened some buttons from her dress.

"I don't want to get another robe ruined. I will be back in a moment," Alariel muttered while walking back into her cabin. Wide but confused grins were spreading on the crew's faces. Even John had one.

Behind the closed door, Alariel froze to stare at herself from a mirror for a moment. Her face was heavily blushed and a single drop of rain or something had spilled down her cheek since it definitely was not her saliva.

"W-why did I agree to that? What did I think? Their filthy human cocks... using me... using me to pay their bonus," Alariel panted while removing her robes. "I'm their bonus... I'm the bonus to a bunch of... sweaty human sailors with... tanned muscles."

Only moments later, every pair of eyes dilated when naked Alariel marched to the deck even without her tiara. The only things she wore were a magic string to tie her hair into a ponytail and a pair of simple shoes.

"So here I am, public use cumdump and all that," Alariel voiced while trying to suppress her heavy breathing. Hands were covering her pussy and nipples like she was pretending to have decency despite what she had agreed to. Her words and bare form was enough to send most of the crew into a mindless single direction charge since they were not going to miss their chance to defile the willing beautiful elven noble.

"Order, we will have order, I will not have a fucking orgy tilt this ship," Captain Kurt boomed with enough authority to stop the charge on its tracks. "First Mate, help her into the stairs to ensure order... during public use of Lady Alariel."

"My lady, please lay through the fifth step. I will get you a pillow... to have better rest on the barrel," John voiced while pointing at the steep stairs leading to the quarterdeck. Behind it was several tightly packed barrels that were protected from the sea by an elevated wall that flanked the outer side of the stairs.

"You have a system?" Alariel irked with thin lips. Even if she had agreed to it, she was not going to look happy about it. If she could have her way, none of these sailors would ever learn she actually enjoyed even a moment of anything they would do to her.

"When bringing whores on board while in port," John replied. He was taking off his jacket and laid it on the fifth step clearly as a mark where the elf was supposed to go. The relatively low height would force her to spread and bend her tall legs a bit but still be high enough to give good access to her nether holes.

"You have fucked whores on my ship?" Alariel asked even as she walked towards the designated spot. Her graceful movement was watched like a show in itself and several whistles seemingly echoed in the air. Especially the bouncy movement of her perky ass that made more than one sailor drool.

"Is that going to be an issue now?" John irked. His hands were presenting the laid down coat in an almost mocking manner. For the moment the crew was calmed down by getting the full enticing view from behind of Lady Alariel even as the excitement of getting to actually touch her was making their heartbeats audible to the elf's keen ears.

"Fifth step was it?" Alariel asked and bent down. She barely managed to get her breasts through the gap and without cushions, the top of the barrel was not exactly comfortable. Though now her rear was presented to the deck with invitingly spread and bent legs.

"Once the crew gets their, eagerness under control, we can think of alternative positions," Kurt came to mutter next to Alariel. The familiar calm tone did little to distract her from the pressuring sensation of knowing some of the crew might now realize her clit had already gotten a bit swollen and pushed through her tight vulva even in this position.

"I don't care, use me how you want," Alariel flared and flipped her head to look at the cover wall behind the barrel. Though only a moment later John had found a blanket and a fluffy large pillow and she laid her torso on it.

"We use the order in the shift lists, no excess crowding to block the stairs entirely," Captain Kurt kept instructing while John set up a curtain to block the tops of the barrels like Alariel needed a bit more privacy. Though her shapely legs and ass had none along with the holes the noble elf tried to stop from twitching before someone would actually start using them.

"Won't she get pregnant if we put it in raw?" one of the crew shouted. Whores were usually infertile one magical way or the other but nobles were usually not.

"Don't worry, I'm purging all you put in with fire," Alariel exclaimed from her partially hidden spot. Despite the invitation of her spread legs and tight pussy her words made the crowd suddenly hesitant. Most humans had at least one or two personal tales about the elven nobility demonstrating their notable magical powers in some awe-inspiring or horrifying ways.

"So who's first? I promise it won't hurt," Alariel shouted through the sudden silence with an irk. She was suddenly hoping the humans would start using her before her increasingly aroused body would force her to beg them to start.

"If you burn my cock, the deal is off," the one who had been getting first in the line stated.

"Makes sense," Alariel mused with a tone that did not cause extra confidence. Though she did sway her ass in the air for a bit hoping someone would take the bait. Even now she felt how the lukewarm sea wind was teasing her already soaked pussy and it would only take moments for at least one drop of transparent juices to drip down her thigh giving away her arousal.

"Only brave men find treasure," another guy voiced and rushed past the line. None stopped him but instead watched him with interest in case this was some devious trap the bored noble elf had come up with.

One strong sailor hand grabbed Alariel's rear cheek while he jousted his tip into her vulva. He did not waste time to thrust in and in moments sounds of loud slaps washed through the deck. Once he had gone in he had not held back.

"It's not burning, it's fucking wet like a seasoned whore... apologize for my language, Lady Alariel," the sailor using the noble elven pussy like a cheap gloryhole loudly voiced. It triggered a loud cheer as many eyes watched him go.

Alariel gritted her teeth really hoping she would not let out even one sound that would come even close to a moan. Her body had accepted the human manhood with ease and her elastic elven walls were even adapting to his shape.

"You better enjoy this since this is never going to happen again," Alariel flared with a sudden rush of anger. Her words were almost more to her own body than to the men eagerly waiting for their turn. Her pussy was pulsing to the relatively soft human cock like it was something to be enjoyed and not be disgusted by.

"We will... thank you Lady Alariel," the crew shouted in almost unison. It made a tingle go through the elf's body and her pussy walls convulsed around one of the first human cocks that had ever had the honor of entering her.

There had never been any real benefit for Alariel to trade with a lower-class human. Even the manhood that was shaping her elastic walls right now felt coarser than an elven cock. Like it was simply a more barbaric and less refined cousin of the silky elven peers. Though it did not mean she was not getting enjoyment from it but the human was definitely getting more than her. At least during the short time he lasted.

"Ooh fuck, I'm cumming into an actual noble elf," the human's words jolted Alariel from what was going to happen into what was currently happening. Loud slaps were pumping raw semen into her womb that could make her bear infertile half-elves if she did not do something about it.

The magical fire Alariel lit in her womb only made her feel hotter as her walls squeezed on the cock like to milk all he had to give in to her core. Saliva spurted through her teeth while suddenly her greatest wish was not to moan.

"High-class Lady Alariel, truly a high-class cunt," the sailor declared while suddenly pulling out. He even gave a loud slap to her ass like to show there was no danger but pleasure here. Alariel sighed in relief as she hoped to be able to hold back any moans if all of them were this low in stamina.

Cum that had not managed to enter the purgatory of the elf's womb was trapped by her tight vulva. For a moment there was like a waiting pause to see if any would come out on its own. But it lasted only seconds before the real first in the line stepped forward.

"My turn Lady Alariel," the next in line declared, this time there was way less fear in his eyes as he hastily jousted his length into the semen filled pussy. Like before, the elven walls adapted perfectly to his shape and clamped on him to make pulling out almost harder than thrusting in despite the extra lube that spurted out a bit from his first thrust.

"Welcoming my cock with warm love," the human playfully grinned while he felt up all Alariel's elven walls had to offer. Even as he swayed his hip to stir her pussy with his notably sized cock he was resisted by the tight opening in every direction despite the elasticity. Not to mention the pure joy of the magically heated soaked hole was giving him in the sea breeze.

"I could never love a human cock, even orcs have better," Alariel flared while the memories of orc meat and the filthy human slums of the city-state filled her. Though she had no idea why her aroused mind would dig up such memories like it wanted to humiliate her. To make it clear to her noble mind just what kind of creatures were defiling her noble body while causing her pleasure.

"What was that now Lady Alariel? You prefer an orc over a human cock?" the human taunted while he let his rough hands slide up Alariel's sides between the stairs. He felt up her stomach while he began quickly moving his hip like a rabbit. The sounds from it were fast and loud and his cock suddenly began drilling her in a feral manner.

"I do not," Alariel flared as her mind suddenly understood what she had said. Even if most humans were poor and filthy, orcs were still brutish monsters that could not even be used as proper slaves.

"Too late, we all heard how you love orc meat," John irked and loud laughter made Alariel's body tremble. Despite it making her aroused she did not truly like where this was going so she had to protest.

"It was an accident, I love human dicks far more than any green brute's big fat cock, even as both disgust me," Alariel exclaimed and even swayed her hip like to prove to the cock in her she loved it. Though the human's rapid thrusts made her quickly stop to prevent even any potential moaning.

"Methinks lady protests too much, she must really enjoy raw sailor meat," yet another human shouted with even more laughter. In Alariel's heated mind she was unable to realize that anything she would now say would be discounted by the wet slurping slaps from her pussy.

"This is nothing but trade, I'm just paying your bonus with my body. The least I can do is enjoy it," Alariel explained while her brain went into full overheat mode. She had just confessed something she had wanted to hide the most and she really wanted to take it back.

"Hear that? Lady Ariel is enjoying to be our public cumdump," John declared. He was leaning into the support pillar of the stairs. Alariel could easily reach him with her hand. If she wanted to that is.

"I'm not enjoying this, you filthy smooth ear humans disgust me. I would never let you touch me if you didn't coerce me to this," Alariel flared even as another dose of fresh semen was shot to the purgatory of her womb. This one came really close climaxing her just from the fast pressure rubbing of the cock.

"Are you saying your body has less value to you than a few raw gemstones," John irked. He reached his hand past the curtain he had set to feel up the smooth elven back. Alariel had no place to hide on top of the barrels so she had no choice but to feel aroused from the intruding touch. Even saliva rushed on her lips from the passing thought he would make her swallow his filthy sailor meat.

"You don't understand, I can't let my house fall. It has lasted for a thousand years, the legacy must be preserved," Alariel declared. She really hoped the humans would buy the lie she had told herself for decades. Though part of her hoped she would believe in it again instead of accepted she was just a deranged pervert.

"I'm sure your ancestors would be proud knowing the current head of the Goldshine family is whoring herself to humans and orcs," John kept irking even as his hand had a gentle caress. It was not as bad as an insult as it might have been to others since Alariel knew her family line had been big fans of orgy mansions and fucking paid servants was only a little different from this in her adjusted mind. But there was one word that bothered her that she needed to refute.

"I'm not a whore, I'm just trading sexual favors for benefits," Alariel uttered while a group of sailors watched cum ooze from her presented pussy. She had not fully noticed when the man had pulled out but he had done it in such a way that let her gape enough for a moment to spill.

"Leave poor lady Alariel alone if she says she likes human cock more than orc cock. We should believe her," the man who came for Alariel next declared and inspired some laughter from the nearby crowd. Especially when he quickly slapped a familiar tune with her rear cheeks.

"At least once we are done with her, all holes in her body will be accustomed to raw human meat," John voiced as he saw the next cock to be forced into Alariel's ass. It made her grit her teeth while hoping that no sound indicating any enjoyment would escape her lips while that shameful place was used.

"Not even lubed, Lady Alariel sure has a well-trained ass, to take me this well," the human commented while Alariel's elastic elven opening let him slide with almost magical ease despite the ring-entrance clamping on him hard.

"You perverse base humans make me sick," Alariel flared. But even as she spoke she hoped the cock-owner would not touch her cum stained clit that was throbbing hard as a sign of her arousal. If she would climax now, everybody would think it was from her ass.

"Haven't you heard? Our Lady here got through all the elf cocks in the city-state and got so bored she moved to orcs and now humans," John loudly declared like to answer the man deeply holstering in Alariel's ass while ignoring her.

"I did not, only a fool would not get all benefit from lustful creatures controlled by their erections," Alariel announced while loud hip slaps hitting her ass echoed her words. She even closed her eyes and jaw tightly shut but it only made the pressure feel stronger in her.

"Fuck this elf ass, call me a fool and squeeze me tighter," the sailor grunted and gripped the wooden stair a step higher from Alariel's ass while staring at her bare lower back. Slowly but surely the crew all around the deck began clapping a rhythm for his hip.

Alariel jerked when hot liquid dripped on her ass cheek. It did not need much imagination from her to realize the sailor had spat on her while using her opening to milk the base of his shaft. Despite the loud slaps from his quick hip movement, the way he was doing it would grant him longer stamina than with full thrusts. Especially since the tightest part of her ass was the entrance.

The fact Alariel had masturbated many times while thinking about the sailors spatting on her was not lessening her arousing disgust. Even now in her cabin, there were several books she had read about human sailors rebelling and using the elf ship captain and officers like sex slaves. In all of them, they had been forced with some weird anti-magic thing that did not really exist but right now Alariel was committing something far more perverse all her powers intact.

"This is some sickness, it has to be... the orcs infected me with something... or was it that councilor," Alariel silently muttered while the almost thunderous clapping in her keen elf ears made her spine tingle. The more her body showed signs of liking what was happening, the more the noble lady was sure her flesh had been corrupted by something. So she might as well enjoy what was happening to her since it was not her fault.

Saliva burst through Alariel's gritted teeth due to her ragged and wet breathing. Even with all the arousal building up to this moment there was no way her cumming from her ass was normal. At least she hoped it was not normal when her swollen pussy was not able to take more and it squirted between the sailor's legs to the deck. It was welcomed by a loud cheer from the crowd all the while her elven walls kept convulsing in a strong feral climax that was fed by the pressure from her ass.

The sailors did not even bother cleaning up Alariel between taking turns on both of her tight holes. Some even swapped between them like they wanted to experience both. But as the time went by, the less Alariel was letting herself think and she simply stared with a glazed grin at the wooden side wall of her small enclosed space.

But no matter how hard the sailors used her, Alariel's elven holes did not loosen up. Not even when it became clear round two had started with some who had gotten their cocks hard again. Though then the rain began landing on Alariel's cum and saliva stained rear.

"Set up the water collectors," the captain's voice boomed on the deck. "And take Lady Alariel to wash up and rest in her cabin."

Soon two men came and began dragging Alariel out of her resting place between the stair steps. She did not resist even as they supported her to stand while groping her body more than they would need to. She was far too occupied by the hot semen that was especially filling up her tight ass.

"Not so fast," John boomed and came to stand in front of Alariel. She did not even bother looking up from his feet like he was not worth it. Though she also realized he had not touched her with his cock yet.

"Just let her rest, there is a day tomorrow too," Captain Kurt declared from the quarterdeck.

"Not what we agreed, so what say you Lady Alariel, you going to stick to the deal and stay public use nonstop?" John asked while reaching to force eye contact from Alariel's jaw. He and both of the sailors were a bit shorter than the well-shaped pure elf.

"Just use me, I don't care. I'm not liking this, do what you want, I'm not giving any gems," Alariel voiced while trying to sound as calm and not aroused as possible. She hoped none of them would notice her throbbing clit that seemingly kept convulsing her pussy like demanding more cock. The fact her body seemed to get hungrier the more she got did not make her happy at all.

"Hear that, tie her to the mast and wash her," John ordered while giving way to the two sailors to move the elf that was almost letting them carry her.

"You feel really hot, must be a fire mage thing. So little cooling off should not be an issue," the sailor left of Alariel breathed into her ears. One of his hands was holding her ass while the other supported her torso.

"Be sure to be gentle with that rope even though that seemingly silky elf skin of hers is as thick as orc's," John instructed while Alariel was made to stand against the central mast. The incoming rain was enough to calm down her knob in combination with the longer break from the stream of cocks.

"It's not... it's just more durable than ordinary mortals," Alariel muttered even though she had decided to ignore the humans multiple times. The less she spoke, the less likely it was for the short-lived humans to discover how much her body was enjoying being defiled by them.

"Be sure to lift her breasts with the rope so they can be used to gather water," John further instructed while observing the event from a distance.

Alariel tried to look as uncaring as possible while a rope was loosely spun around her torso. It basically did only two things, seemingly locked her hands against her sides and lifted her breasts up a bit to block her vision down her body. It took barely seconds for her immortal elven skin to adapt to the mild tingling from the rope and she soon barely felt it. Especially since the downpour was getting increasingly intense on her bare but magically heated fire mage skin.

At no point had the fire in Alariel's womb died away and it alone was heating her body enough to make her breathing form mist. Though a keen eye might have noticed her whole body was forming a bit of it in the rain.

The two sailors who had skillfully tied Alariel immediately began admiring their handiwork while warming their cold hands on her skin. One of them was even brazen enough to feel up her inner thighs that now dripped with semen on top of what had already dried there. Though he did not block the rain and used it to scrub her clean.

"Get your dirty hands off of our lady," John shouted with a grin and waved the two sailors away.

"First Mate?" one of them asked with a head tilt even as he backed away from the bound elf with one last feel of the highly erect nipple of her left breast. The quick twist almost made Alariel gasp so she gritted her teeth shut while trying to hide any tilted smiles with a fake frown.

"Our Lady deserves someone with experience to clean her noble maiden body," John declared and even Alariel's head tilted to a quick smile along with the laughing sailors.

"Sure, if you say so," the sailor grunted and spat to the deck before going to his duties. The spot it landed was only inches from Alariel's' feet but she had already become more than accustomed to saliva being aimed at her.

Meanwhile, John dropped his pants and embraced Alariel to a hug that heavily pressured her rope-lifted breasts. His jacket was still on the stairs where he had left it under the elf and his sailor shirt was soaking wet. So he could use some of the magical warmth radiating on the elf's skin.

"In case you did not notice, I haven't used you yet," John voiced close to Alariel's ears. She tilted her head away but it only helped him to breathe on her neck. He even gave it a quick wet kiss in the lukewarm rain that was going to bother him far more than the fire mage.

"I wanted to have my first time with a noble elf a bit more close and personal," John kept voicing. Alariel did not bother replying to him and instead tried to suppress the almost disturbing amount of arousal in her body. Having her body rubbed with rainwater in such a way was almost so perverse her mind was barely able to comprehend it.

"Ooh, and the captain hasn't either. You know he respected you right? And now you look like nothing but a whore to him I bet," John kept talking while exploring Alariel's tall elven body. "I bet nobody on the ship can ever look at an elf the same way before, all they will now see are dirty pent-up whores who are just waiting for an opportunity to be fucked by any cock."

"I did not cause any of this, just use me for your pleasure and give the next one some room," Alariel flared and was rewarded by John backing away and reaching to drink fresh rainwater from the top of her breasts. Almost like he had planned it when he told them to have her perky breasts pushed up.

Alariel saw from the corner of her green eyes how thirstily John drank from her bosom. The rain was getting increasingly intense so almost just licking her skin was enough to get some to his thirsty lips. Though he still found time to playfully feel up her breasts.

"So caring, I sure love tall women, you being an elf is only a small side bonus to me," John mused once he was done with all of the water that had accumulated so far. Alariel tried to ignore him again even as he pushed his decent-sized cock between her thighs. It curved against her nethers and John positioned to make her kiss his shaft with her vulva.

John gave a hard hug around Alariel that pressed her breasts while she once again escaped a kiss by tilting her head. It gave him the full reign over her neck once again as her hair was still tied to a ponytail.

"I never thought a noble elf would ever subject themselves to this, you sure must love your raw gems," John taunted between his wet neck kisses. He kept sucking her skin from the fresh rainwater like some special sweet juice. Though he still focused enough to keep slowly fucking her thighs and vulva.

"Or are you just a dirty whore who loves sex as much as men," John whispered and Alariel's lips almost gaped to give a positive reply. But there was no way she would let herself admit that to a human. Especially since this was far more than just sex, this weird genital kiss was something she had done many times but never in a way that was this perverse. Even her clit was throbbing hard just from this next level of degeneracy.

"You are just my paid servants, that can't even pleasure their master properly, pathetic," Alariel voiced an alteration of something she had heard one of the councilors say to a group of human sex slaves that had disappointed him. That night she had spent sucking his cock while making sure he would grant her loan guarantees for her failing workshop.

"Are all elves really sick degenerates like you or are you special?" John asked while again threatening a kiss with his lips. Though in the end he was satisfied just by licking the flowing rainwater from Alariel's cheek. Her heated skin was making it warm and her hair dripped it with a steady stream.

"I could kill all of you in seconds, this is only happening because I let it," Alariel flared. Her throbbing clit was sliding against the cock between her thighs and she was glad the rain was hiding her own wetness.

"That my lady, only makes this so much sweeter," John replied. "My beloved sick degenerate elf."

Alariel gritted her teeth but really did not want to glorify the human even with a retort. He was clearly going far beyond anything decent in an attempt to humiliate her. Attempt that was only adding to her arousal.

"I made you steam?" John exclaimed and only then Alariel realized the water was starting to evaporate from her skin. There was a limited connection between emotions and magic and most of her training had been to sever it as well as possible.

"Just admit it, you love being fucked," John exclaimed and really began thrusting Alariel's vulva in a way that threatened penetration. "Fucked by beings you could kill in seconds but you won't."

"What are you trying to do?" Alariel flared while her breathing was turning increasingly ragged and heated yet again. Even without penetration, the deranged lust aimed at her from this human was enough to cause her more shameful arousal. Though the fact, he kept leveraging her clit with his cock definitely added to it in a more direct way.

"Take all I can out of an opportunity... to play with the body of a willing noble elf," John explained with an almost evil grin. "You said this is never going to happen again so even if you were to change your mind... I'm going to make sure I and the crew are getting so much enjoyment out of you... and stories, so many vivid and detailed stories."

Alariel's eyes tilted just from thinking just what kind of tales her actually fucking the sailors would inspire when after the trips she had not done so the fables had been already pretty graphic. They would paint her as the most deranged creature that had ever existed and just thinking about it made the noble elf tremble a bit with a tilted smile. Though as John grinned like he had caused it she tried to get it under control.

"I'm loving this so much, despite how much you heat me up my balls are almost frozen stiff. I might be able to keep going for hours," John voiced. It made Alariel realize his voice was showing signs of coldness and his lips and face were a bit blue. Though it did not hinder the hunger his cock was trying to part her vulva as wide as possible.

"Tell me, do you want me to cum or do you want me to keep going?" John asked. He breathed mist to Alariel's neck and she saw how most of the sailors on the deck were breathing small clouds.

"Do what you want, I don't care," Alariel flared. Even if John would freeze to death in the rain that was getting colder it would only mean one less person needing salary once they got to port. Though then Alariel realized how odd the sudden spike in freezing was. Several options came to her mind and none were that good. Especially when the rain was not turning to snow.

"Sea dragon on starboard," came several shouts from the spotters almost simultaneously. But there were no alarm bells as it would only serve to agitate the dragon even more, so the shouts kept echoing down the deck until sailors with magic-tech rifles began coming to the deck.

John did not even need a command to untie Alariel and she headed straight to the side the spotters were pointing at. A large blue creature was sliding in the water in a distance that was barely visible in the rain. The feral dragon had spotted a target and it was using its inherent ice magic to test its reaction and to slow it down. Though as Alariel began pointing the dragon with her finger and charging up a targeted blast of raw heat it almost immediately dived down in a hurry.

"One of the smart ones," Alariel mused and let her magic discharge as she knew the dive from a feral dragon was a sign it had decided the prey was not worth the trouble and had fled. There was a loud cheer from the crowd as an actual fight with a sea dragon would be troublesome and might even damage the ship or at least get a few of them killed.

Even as the temperature kept rising Alariel kept observing the water and trying to spot any magic spikes while leaning into the railing. But then hands grabbed her hip and John slammed his cock into her pussy with a loud slap.

"You almost forgot something," John irked while Alariel stared into the water. Her body was extra heated from the magic she had almost used and the coldness of the human's hands almost made her shiver.

"For Lady Alariel," John shouted while really making his hip slaps loud. Alariel gripped hard on the railing while she spread her knees and adjusted her hip to give the man better access.

"For Lady Alariel," the crew excitedly echoed. Some even began again clapping a rhythm for the thrusts.

"Ooh fuck me," Alariel flared loudly enough for the nearby crew to hear. Though most of her frustration came from the fact she wanted the next guy to take over. Even though most of them talked dirty or spat on her, John was somehow managing to be the one she was least proud to be aroused by.

"For fucking Lady Alariel," John declared and the crew cheered.

"Just cum already," Alariel muttered and only seconds later she felt the shot of raw semen assault her inner gate. Even though only the sea saw the grin on her face it did not make her happy at all.

** * **

Once the skillful sailors had started, it did not take long for them to take the rope-play with Alariel to the next level. She had been tied to horizontally hang from the roof of the mess hall in a fetal position while hugging her knees. Balanced in such a way that both her rear holes and mouth were easy to use at the same time. The ropes were connected to the roof and support pillars in a way that would let the crew adjust Alariel's height and alignment with relative ease.

Dues to Alariel's elastic elven skin, she had already adapted to the ropes and barely felt them. Though the fact she felt like she was floating in the air did not do much to lessen her mental confusion. Especially when constantly surrounded by cheerful and chatting sailors.

"Any chance we can get half the pay always like this, we would save a fortune on whores," the sailor currently making Alariel sway on his cock mused. He gripped the support rope and made her slide along his shaft. Like a toy for his pleasure.

"I'm not going to start competing on that market, just support your local whores," Alariel muttered. She did not know what it was but she kept giving retorts to the cheerful sailors even though she constantly kept telling herself to stop speaking before she would admit any sort of enjoyment.

"Yeah, she's a pubic use cumdump, that just happens to do the job of a whore better than any whore," the man milking his length inside the noble elven hole commented.

"Yes, I'm just public use, I'm not doing this for money... I mean I'm public use because money but not," Alariel began to stutter as she realized what she was saying made no sense. She concluded the constant swaying and cocks were really starting to mess with her mind so she decided to stop talking yet again.

"Ooh fuck, your cock broke Lady Alariel," one of the sailors commented but he stood up and slapped his own manhood on her face. He kept doing it until she took it in her mouth and began to suck it like sweet candy.

"There there, have your daily dose of my cock and calm down," the sailor voiced while gently stroking Alariel's blond silky hair that was still on a ponytail. The men loved playing with it while she served their cocks and some even used it to sway her.

"Third time today but damn Lady Alariel, just looking at you like this keeps making me hard even if I have barely any semen to give," the man releasing his watery seed into the elf's pussy declared. It made her glad her mouth was blocked or she might have accidentally thanked him again.

"There, now it should hang right," a sailor who had been working with a piece of wood and rope announced and stood up.

"Public Use Elf, Human Sailors Only," was engraved on the piece of wood in two rows.

"Give me that," the sailor holstering his dick on Alariel's mouth voiced and grabbed the highly improvised rope necklace sign. He helped it on Alariel's head and even cleared her ponytail from it before taking his cock out.

"What does a noble lady say when they get a gift?" the sailor asked with a grin while tapping his saliva coated cock to Alariel's cheek. He was clearly not letting her take it back in before she said the words the sailors kept trying to make her say after her first slip up. Though now she knew they were not going to give up before she did.

"Thank you," Alariel muttered but it was good enough for the sailor who let her suck his cock again.

"Well, time for my thank you gift. Been thinking your feet my whole shift," the sailor who had been adjusting the rope announced. Alariel's feet were tied together below her nether holes just for those who wanted to use them too. Their silky but durable skin was coated with dried semen but still, the sailor began rubbing his cock into them.

Alariel was only able to resist giggling because of the cock in her mouth. It made her glad since last time she had openly laughed when one of the creepier sailors had licked her feet clean.

By the time the ship reached the city-state, Alariel did not even notice how her crew kept fucking her for an extra day at the port. But eventually, she managed to transport the raw gemstones from the ship's vault back to her workshop with the cheap price of her body and most of her noble elven pride.