Remus Lupin and a School Full of Bitches [3]

One Susan Bones chose to spend her breakfast peering suspiciously at the Professor's table. At the new DADA professor to be precise. Voluptuous hufflepuff couldn't quite put it into words, but there was something off about the man. He was no ordinary male.

Tips of Susan's ears reddened, when a couple of suggestive images popped into her overeager mind. Yes, there was a lot a healthy young woman like Susan could appreciate about Professor Lupin, but surely it wasn't just her hormones playing their games?

Susan's gaze flicked to the slytherin table where an uncharacteristically quiet Amalthea Malfoy was eating her breakfast, paying no mind to the chatter of her two posse. Young miss Bones was ready to dismiss her suspicions when she saw Amalthea glance at the professor's table and blush.

"Oh yes," Susan thought, glad to have her hunch all but confirmed. "Something definitely changed since Professor Lupin had Amalthea in detention."

There were any number of things it could mean, but Susan felt confident to assume that Remus Lupin abused his position as a teacher to take advantage of a student. Even if Amalthea was a complete bitch, she didn't deserve the 'hot' terrible violation at the hands of that 'hunky' disgusting man!

Not to mention….

Susan stared at Rose Potter, who seemed to have a more than unhealthy interest in the DADA professor. It was easy to imagine Girl-Who-Lived falling prey to the professor's beastly desires, turning into nothing more than a reluctant slut existing solely to pleasure the man's doubtlessly giant cock.

She herself might not be safe either. Humble and friendly as she was, Susan didn't want to compare herself to her housemates. Alas, there was no denying that out of the entire Hufflepuff House, Susan Bones was the hottest piece of meat.

From copper-coloured hair and her sizable teats and long esteemed bloodline, she was a complete package. Yes, Hannah Abbot, that cow, had bigger tits. Sure there were some older years that had her beat in terms of experience. Nevertheless, if Remus Lupin were to cast his lecherous gaze on the House of Friendly and Hardworking, Susan Bones was bound to be at the top of his list.

It made perfect sense to strike first, before Professor Lupin had time to establish and entrench himself with Hogwarts staff and student body. Luckily for all of the women of Hogwarts, there was a powerful ally on whose support Susan could rely on.

Her aunt - Amelia Bones was sure to help, but only if Susan could provide some definitive evidence. As convenient as it would have been to simply grab criminal scum and lock them up in Azkaban, like in the case of Death Eaters, DMLE required either hard proof or sizable bribes to get things going.

Susan's allowance, though big, would not be enough for a bribe.

Young Hufflepuff felt a smirk tug at the corners of her lips. Hogwarts was indeed quite fortunate to have her here. Amelia Bones taught Susan a lot when it came to investigations. A two bit crook like Remus Lupin was going to be no obstacle to a witch taught to spot and combat genuine dark wizards.

Yes, it was bound to be a piece of cake.


Susan Bones plotted unaware that her negative intent did not go unnoticed.

Normally, Remus would have paid little mind to the feelings of the students while in the Great Hall. The little buggers were by and large storms of hormones, teenage drama and petty anxieties. They were 'noisy' individually, and as their numbers grew, so did Remus' stress levels.

Even Minerva's hand jacking him off did little improve his mood. Not that he did not enjoy receiving a handjob right under everyone's noses. Truly, loose robes the magical world favoured were modern suits of armour for every red blooded male.

Nothing but chance let Remus spot the hostile hufflepuff. And wasn't that a lovely little oxymoron? Remus almost wanted to pinch the little redhead's cheeks, she was so adorable despite her body made for sex.

He was busy studying the students, trying to think of the next target for his 'special one-on-one sessions' when a spike of determined, focused animosity caught his attention.

"Remus, something on your mind?" MInerva asked, her voice perfectly mild and polite, hiding the displeasure slutty headmistress felt at being ignored.

Remus smiled.

"Just wondering about the hufflepuffs, Minerva." Werewolf felt the Scottish redhead squeeze his cock. "I've yet to give a lesson to their third-years. Who knows what I might need to know about them. After all, Minnie, you know how I value individual approach."

Remus looked straight into the headmistress' eyes, enjoying the look of frustration and lust swirling there.

"Perhaps, you should ask Pomona. She is responsible for the Hufflepuff House." Minerva moved to pull away her hand, but Remus gripped it tighty and a moment later all the fight fled from McGonagall.

For all of her prodigious magical might and esteemed position in the society, in his presence Minerva was just another female every ready to be used and ravaged by a superior male.

"Fine." McGonagall huffed. "Let me guess, tall, busty and a redhead?"

Lupin's smile gained a feral edge, which prompted a blush from the headmistress. Aside from her house, Minerva fit the description very well.

"You know me so well, Minnie."

Minerva rolled her eyes, but continued.

"Susan Bones. Heiress of House Bones and a niece of Amelia Bones."

"Head of DMLE?" Remus asked.

"The one." Minerva said. "I would have thought you would be well acquainted."

Remus rolled his eyes.

"I am flattered, dear, but no, I haven't fucked every witch in Britain." Remus lowered his voice to whisper into Minerva's ear. "After all, that's why I am in Hogwarts."

The Scottish Headmistress blushed prettily, but didn't refute his statement.

"Still, best to nip this in the bud. I would be wasted in Azkaban."

Minerva was silent for a long moment, before saying quietly.

"I wouldn't let you...I mean...they are not taking you if I have anything to say about it."

That...that meant a lot. More than Remus cared to admit. Instead the werewolf just squeezed Minerva's hand in silent appreciation and returned his gaze at the Hufflepuff table. Best make sure, it wouldn't come to that.


Days passed and Remus did little to handle the redhead Hufflepuff.

It was a tad embarrassing but the hassle of teaching proved to be more time-intensive than Remus once thought. Really put in perspective all the trouble he caused during his time as a student.

Lectures, homeworks, tests - they all blended together in one big stretch of time. Looking back on the past few days, Remus struggled to remember anything other than sitting hunched over stacks of parchment, wading through the often barely readable handwriting.

"Good thing there are students eager to assist their professor." Remus thought with a smile, and patted young Malfoy's bobbing head.

Amalthea was once again spending her free time in a position most appropriate for a once snooty heiress - on her knees, gagging on Remus' fat cock. He couldn't see her face, but from prior experience he knew that slobber and spittle were dripping down Amalthea's chin, as the poor girl struggled to keep the whole behemoth in her tight little throat.

The office was filled with the sounds of sucking and gagging, muffled moans echoing off the empty walls. This was not the only sign of the carnal activity taking place - Remus reckoned it didn't take werewolf senses to smell the slutty slytherin's arousal dripping between her thighs and onto the cold stone floor.

Amalthea Malfoy's desire and eagerness and thirst for an orgasm were all but palpable. Over the last few 'detentions' with him, the young slytherin became quite an adept fellatrix. Her lips, mouth and throat became almost her third orifice.

Amalthea was desperate for an orgasm and with Remus forbidding her from masturbating without his permission, her only course of action was to fuck her throat on her teacher's cock, hoping the filthy act and degrading position would get her slutty self off.

How unfortunate for young Lady Malfoy. Remus made sure to place a simple little, almost benign curse on her, that would prevent Amalthea from reaching that much desired climax.

Remus wanted his first student plaything to be nice and ready for what came next.

The barest hint of movement was enough to catch Remus' attention. Without making it apparent that he was aware of the surveillance, the professor glanced at the door, which shifted just a bit. Enough for a certain nosy hufflepuff to spy on her professor.

It took all of Remus' self control not to show the hungry smile appear on his face.

It wouldn't do to spook his juicy prey.


Truth be told, this was not Susan's first choice of a plan. Despite this being the time of day when few students visited this particular corner of Hogwarts, there was still too much risk of being discovered.

Heat rushed to her cheeks, when Susan imagined what she must have looked like, crouching next to the professor's door, spying on him like some stalker, or worse - a schoolgirl with a crush. Susan didn't think she would survive the rumours if that happened.

Unfortunately, Susan was not a patient person and after several days with no result, the chance to catch Professor in the act with Amalthea was too much to pass up. If she was lucky, this would all be over tonight.

Susan allowed herself a few moments of daydreaming, her fertile imagination conjuring scenes of Minerva McGonagall thanking her and her auntie congratulating her. Yes, the future seemed bright.

Now she just had to follow through on her plans.

Young Hufflepuff strained her senses trying to make out what was happening inside the teacher's office. Malfoy's detention began half an hour ago. Surely that was enough time for that beast to begin his filthy act?

It was...unfortunate that she had to use Amalthea as an unwitting bait. But for Susan, well-being of her friends was far more important than some pureblood bitch's dignity. If to accomplish her goal Amalthea would have to be ravaged, completely defiled from head to toes and her body stuffed with cu-

Susan pinched her arm, trying to banish unwanted images. The last she needed was to get wet while on a mission.

Once again, Susan tried to peer into the room, but her heart froze when a voice called out:

"Do come in, Ms Bones."


"The girl's wasted on Hufflepuff." Remus thought with a wry amusement as Susan Bones stepped into his office.

The young woman was blushing, with delightful red beginning at the tips of her ears only to disappear behind a tantalising stretch of fabric that concealed the redhead's fine breasts.

However, despite her embarrassment at being caught, Susan Bones stood with her head held high and nothing but fierce disdain and determination burning in her pretty caramel eyes.

The werewolf's cock twitched imagining ruining that expression.

Remus could feel as much as sense, the undercurrent of fear and excitement in the maiden before him. It was going to be so easy to rip the prim and proper facade from her and reveal to young ms Bones her own true nature as his breeding stock.

He could not wait.

"So, what brings you here so late at night?" Remus asked, leaning back into the chair.

Briefly, he looked down at Amalthea's questioning gaze and only nodded. Soon after, the blowjob continued, young Ms Malfoy no less desperate for a load of his cum now that her slurping and whorish moans could be heard by someone else.

Remus watched with interest as a myriad of expressions flickered across Susan's face. Would she do it? Right now both of them were hiding behind a veneer of propriety. As if they were nothing more than a teacher and a student discussing something meaningless regarding the latter's education.

As paper thin as the veneer was, it still existed and until it was broken, Remus was not going to do a single thing to young Ms Bones.

"I had a question about that essay you gave us. You know, the one about boggarts." Susan said once she regained her composure.

Remus didn't hide his smirk. It would be oh so nice when the bitch broke down.

"Yes, what about it?" Remus said innocently. "During class you struck as a diligent student. Surely an essay is no problem. I am certain you have nothing to fear in my classroom. Not boggarts at least."

As he spoke, Remus pressed the sock of his shoe to Amalthea's naked cunt and sent a jolt of magic through it.

The Malfoy slut squealed as pleasure lanced through her body, the sound muffled by Remus' cock.

Nevertheless, Susan Bones could not have missed what just happened.

Remus just stared at her, daring the redhead to make her move.

The future slut did not disappoint.

She whipped out her wand and pointed it right at Remus' chest, its tip bright with crimson spark.

"You pig!" Susan hissed. "Let her go or I'll show what my Aunt has taught me. Azkab-"

Ms Bones jumped when the office door slammed shut, accidentally sending a spell at Remus. He batted it aside with his hand, his own werewolf nature granting him just enough magic resistance to deal with a miscast spell.

Before Susan could gather herself, Remus stood up, not bothering with covering up his throbbing cock.

Susan froze, her eyes bound to his cock twitching in the room's chilly air. Remus could see her eyes trace green lipstick his slytherin slut left all over his cock. Particularly the ring of it at the base of his dick.

Without a word, Remus advanced on the young redhead. Gone was the plucky investigator, only a young maiden ready to be deflowered remained.

Susan Bones could do nothing but back away, still hypnotisied by the swaying breeding rod, but still with enough presence of mind to try to get away.

Neither said a word, but Remus heard Amalthea, cross at being left behind, stand up and plop her shapely behind on his desk. Remus could feel her hungry gaze. The young slut was eager to witness her first defilement.

Finally, Susan pressed her back against the wooden door. Her frantically beating heart was easy to hear. As easy as it was to smell arousal between her thighs.

Remus pressed his cock against Susan's stomach, letting the bitch see just how deep it was going to go.

"Your choice." Remus half-growled. "If you wish I can let you go, but if you stay…."

There was no need to elaborate. The last vestiges of resistance cracked and Susan Bones succumbed to the slut within.

Hufflepuff redhead collapsed to her knees, her face now level with the werewolf's cock. She attacked it hungrily, slathering it with her love, almost desperate to erase the signs of Amalthea's ministrations and replace them with her own.

Simultaneously, Susan plunged two of her fingers inside her drenched cunt, eager to try and fail at quenching the inferno of need that pooled between her thighs.

Susan tried to take the cock into her mouth, but all she did was slobber over its engorged head. Even that almost made her strain her jaw.

Finally, Remus had enough.

After almost thirty minutes of fellatio courtesy of Amalthea, Remus didn't have patience for an inexperienced virgin blowjob. His balls were straining with how much seed was backed there.

Susan yelped as her professor and new master grabbed her fine buttocks and lifted her up. The redhead slut grabbed onto his neck and held on for dear life as Remus manhandled her in full Nelson position.

Remus saw Amalthea make eye-contact with her new sister-slut, just as he felt Susan shudder with fresh arousal, now that she could no longer ignore the spectator to her deflowering.

"You've been a bad girl, spying on me." Remus whispered in her ear. "What do you say?"

Susan whimpered.

"Yes, sir." She swallowed. "Please, sir, punish your naughty student!"

Remus felt a wolfish grin stretch from ear to ear and in one fell swoop he dropped the redhead onto his throbbing dick.

Susan squirted and shrieked and clenched her anal muscles around the invading prick.

"W-wrong...wrong hole!" She wailed.

"I did say I was going to punish you." Remus nibbled at the redhead's neck, breathing in the fragrance of a young fertile body and letting his newest acquisition adjunct to the sheer size of his cock. "You'll have to make amends if you want me to plow your cunt."

And with that, Remus started to fuck Susan in earnest. The bitch bounced up and down on his cock, helpless to do anything but orgasm over and over as Remus used her for all that she was worth.

And she was worth quite a bit. With one hand, Remus pinched and twisted her nipple, the other was busy mauling Susan's second breast.

The room was full of smell of sex and sounds of rough animalistic mating. Amalthea wroth to be left behind, left the teacher's desk and swiftly approached the copulating pair. Remus didn't even need to order the slytherin slut to do anything as Amalthea attacked Susan's unattended cunt.

Judging by the renewed squeals of pleasure, Susan enjoyed Amalthea's attention. It seemed, young Ms Bones had been likewise unfamiliar with more sapphic areas of sex.

Well, what was school for if not for learning?

It didn't take long for the huffleslut to go cross-eyed and if it wasn't for all the prep-work Amalthea did, Remus might have broken the inexperienced young virgin completely.

As it was, Remus was eager to dump the load into Susan's stretched ass. For a moment everything stood still, as he dumped load after load of his hot cum into Susan's slutty behind.

Then, Remus gently lowered Susan on the floor and let Amalthea lick Hufflepuff's ass clean of his cum. And as his cock throbbed with new energy, ready to give Ms Malfoy's cunt some much deserved loving, Remus could only shake his head as he heard heavy breathing and fingers busy masturbating.

Rose Potter's corruption was coming along nicely.