Beast Boy's Super-Heroine Harem [Continued]


Super heavily cowled and perpetually androgynous looking Raven… had a body fit for a runway model, or even more likely than that… porn. The woman was sexy… She was so, so, sooo freaking sexy, with an ultra-tight and lithe little body that flared out dramatically into a glorious pair of tits and a big beautiful bubble butt designed to make dicks hard...

Well I'll be… Azarath does really good work...

At first, Garfield actually thought that he would've been better off not knowing that Raven's body was a sexual wonderland, because A) Rae was his friend and now he was hot for her, and B) he knew for a fact that she didn't want that kind of attention from him…

But that was the moment when Gar's newly enhanced sense of smell fully kicked in, and the scents that were wafting off of Raven's body ended up being suggestive in the extreme.

As it turns out, Rachel Roth, Raven or Rae for short, was unbelievably turned on…

With his head resting upon Raven's lap, Gar's nose was just inches away from his female friend's exceptionally sexy inner thighs, and the scents that were coming off of her dripping wet little pussy were enough to start making him light headed… Raven's body was giving off all of the pheromones that he'd expect from a woman hoping to get fucked to within an inch of her very life, and yet her demeanour and outward appearance was no different than any other time that they'd left his psyche…

Oh… Well then… Damn.

Apparently, Raven had been leaving their meditative sessions all hot and bothered this whole entire time, and Gar was far, far, far denser than he ever would've imagined...

After pulling in a very deep breath in a desperate bid to control his own rapidly mounting arousal, Gar started murmuring nonsense in order to indicate his imminent return to consciousness. Sure enough, Raven was very quick to remove her fingers from within the wild curls of his hair, and then levitate him onto his back with his head resting comfortably atop his pillow. By the time Gar cracked open his eyes, it was to find Rae sitting several feet away, where she was looking down at him with a completely inscrutable cast to her luminous purple eyes…

"I can't thank you enough for all of the help you've given me," Garfield immediately offered as he slowly curled up into a seated position.

"Thank me by letting me be the first to see the results," Raven replied without moving a single muscle.

Needless to say, Gar was extremely impressed by Raven's self-control... Even as he rose to his feet in order to respond to the woman's request, Rae's super-heated pussylips were leaking torrents of sweet smelling fuck-juice to soak through her underwear and coat her inner thighs. On the other hand, both the woman's posture and her bearing were that of a woman that was completely at ease and under control… Was arousal different from emotions in her mind? Was arousal a purely physical state and beneath Raven's notice? Did she even care about the condition of her poor little pussy?

Well, either way, Raven's movements didn't reveal anything at all about her current arousal even as she sidled up to the edge of the bed and followed Garfield's movements with her eyes.

After walking a few meters into the center of his bedroom, Gar stood facing Rae with a look of intense concentration on his face. What he was about to try wasn't going to be the least bit spontaneous. For almost ten whole years now, Gar had been pushing and straining his body in order to finally figure out how to pull off partial transformations, and for just as long a time, he'd been planning out how he'd make use of the skill once he learned to use it…

Gigantopithecus blacki is the name of the world's largest ever prehistoric gorilla species, and it was a favorite of Gar's whenever he needed to adopt an immensely powerful form complete with opposable thumbs. Well, now that he could partially transform his body, Garfield was going to lean on that form's nearly miraculous muscle density in order to make his normal human body nearly thirty times its regular strength. This strength, along with the fast twitch muscles that made up a cheetah's limbs, would assure that Gar was both faster and stronger than all but the world's A-list superheroes…

But that wasn't all...

Argentavis is the scientific name of a prehistoric bird species that was as large as a human adult and had an absolutely massive wingspan to match. It was these enormously powerful wings that were about to make Gar a far more versatile variety of superhero…

It was time to begin...

Over the following ten to fifteen seconds, the well-toned muscles of Gar's baseline body started rapidly expanding, only to shrink again and then fill out as they began thrumming with untapped power. While Gar did end up allowing his body to grow about a foot in height, with a proportional amount of width in his hips and shoulders, he maintained a relatively slim and compact body type in order to maximize his speed and agility.

At the same time that Gar's body rippled, grew taller, thickened, and became increasingly muscular, a massive pair of bright green wings started expanding outwards from his shoulder-blades, absolutely shredding his tank top to teeny tiny little pieces.


When all of the most dramatic alterations to Garfield's body were finally completed, he turned his attention towards adopting a layer of extremely tough scales within the deepest layers of his skin, and then incorporating a chameleon's color changing ability into the topmost layer. In a moment that was almost anticlimactic in nature, Gar's lime-green skin very suddenly returned to its natural healthy tan color for the first time in well over a decade...

It was done… for now… The form that Gar was currently wearing was still only a prototype, and one that Gar would need to play around with in the weeks and months to come, but all things considered, it was already a massive success… He was about six foot ten inches tall, had the muscle tone of a God, the wingspan of an Angel, and the best collection of strengths and senses that the animal kingdom had to offer.

He was also mostly naked now and straining his boxer shorts to the breaking point around his enlarged waist, ass and thighs.

"Your hair and eyes are still green," Raven quietly pointed out, completely ignoring the fact that her inner thighs, panties and now the cloak resting underneath her hips were wet with her pussy juices.

"My original eye color was green, and no animal on the planet has the ability to change their hair color at will," Gar explained with a shrug. "I'm sad to say it, but I'm always going to look like a wannabe Joker minion, or at the very least a disaffected millennial."

"Green suits you," Raven conceded, seemingly by accident, as she began floating up off of the bed and creating a portal a few feet behind her back. "You've learned all that you need to know in order to master your mind and discipline your instincts. You don't need my assistance anymore… Goodnight…"

The timbre of Raven's voice held a quality that Gar didn't like at all, and he absolutely hated the idea that Raven was going to stop spending time with him. His response was already leaving his mouth before he ever even composed it in his mind… "I want to continue meditating with you," he called out even as he allowed the size of his body to decrease back to his regular five foot ten inches.

After freezing in place for several seconds in a row, Raven slowly dropped back down towards the bed again and allowed her portal to disappear. 'Why?"

Gar was well-aware that Raven had zero intention of becoming truly close with anyone on their team... It wasn't in her nature. It wasn't in her upbringing. It wasn't something she welcomed. Nevertheless… It felt important that Gar keep the woman from distancing herself again... "I enjoy these sessions," Garfield revealed with a shrug. "I enjoy getting to spend time with you."

"I end up completely immersed in your memories every single time we meditate together," Raven repeated after floating back towards the edge of Garfield's bed and staring up into his eyes. "Your most embarrassing moments, your fears, your insecurities, your most shameful desires, everything that you've ever done is revealed to me… Aren't you relieved to finally have your privacy back?"

"No... I'm going to miss you," Garfield admitted.

"But don't you see? That's exactly the reason why I need to let this end," Raven protested in an urgent sounding voice. "I'm not capable of returning those, or any, of your feelings. You shouldn't grow too attached to me. I'll hurt you..."

"Is that why you're concealing how beautiful you are underneath all of those thick and baggy robes," Garfield quietly asked.

"Maybe your so-called advanced senses aren't as impressive as I thought they'd be," Raven deflected with a scoff.

"Don't give me that bullshit," Gar persisted after crouching down to eye level with the woman. "I see you Raven. I can sense you like very few people on the whole entire planet can. I know what you look like Rae. I know what you're hiding. I know exactly what you're hiding…"

All of the sudden, Raven's luminous violet eyes locked onto Gar's, and she began staring at him with an unblinking intensity. Garfield merely let it happen. He wanted to let his female friend in. He wanted to break down the barriers that were keeping her still and silent and alone… Trying to keep Raven from reading his mind in that moment would've been counterproductive…

"I take it back… Your senses really are extraordinary," Raven finally whispered in a truly rattled little voice. Even as she said those words, a pitch black portal grew into place directly behind Raven's back, and she started floating backwards in its direction.

Later on, Gar wouldn't be able to describe exactly what made him do what he did. There was no extra-sensory perception assuring him that he'd be forgiven for his impulsive actions, but he went ahead and did it anyway. Lunging forward with all of his newly attained preternatural speed, Gar cupped one side of Raven's face, caught her tiny little waist with his other arm, and gently drew her body back away from the portal. As if those actions weren't daring enough, he also eased off the hood concealing Raven's face, even as he drew her body to within a few inches of his own...

And by some miracle… the woman didn't resist…

"Beautiful," Gar confirmed out loud, while cupping Rae's chin to keep her eyes locked on his... Rachel Roth AKA Raven or Rae was powerfully blessed by her God of choice, and that much couldn't possibly be denied. The woman had a heart shaped face framed by lustrous purple colored hair, massive multifaceted violet eyes, full pouty lips, a cute button nose, a graceful swan-like neck, and a ruby red gem affixed to her forehead. Raven was beautiful, and he wanted her to see that fact reflected in his thoughts.

"Why are you... doing this to me," Raven slowly breathed out in less than a whisper.

"Several compelling reasons," Gar growled out as he pressed Raven's body down into his lap so that she was straddling his thighs. "I like you. I miss you whenever you isolate yourself. I'm hot for your body. I know that you want me in return. I've decided to use sex as a lure…"

"I'll never fall for you," Raven warned, even as her hands splayed out atop Gar's shoulders and began rubbing down every square inch of his chest, ribs, and stomach muscles.

"I'm not looking to make you fall in love with me," Garfield clarified while drawing aside the front flap of Raven's cloak to find a skintight black leotard contained within. "I'm looking to coax you out of those private rooms of yours. I'm looking to seduce you into spending more time with me. Most of all, I'm looking to get my cock balls deep in that hot, tight, dripping wet little pussy of yours..."

While at first Raven's mouth opened up, most likely intending to say something sarcastic or defiant, in the end the woman merely pressed her face down into the crook of Garfield's neck as she allowed her cloak to be drawn away from her body.

Now that Raven was free from her ultra baggy cloak, Gar was finally able to see her body for the very first time, and every single one of his more obscure senses were immediately vindicated… Rachel Roth had an ultra-tight, and flexible gymnast's body type that only served to make her perfectly formed C-cup tits and unbelievably curvy bubble butt that much more arousing…

For several moments in a row, Gar just sat there with his hands resting atop Raven's flared out thighs, as he took in her sexy as fuck body and everything that it had to offer. Then he reached up, gently cupped Raven's chin again, and stared into her eyes from extremely close range. He willed the woman to feel his appreciation, and understand just how hot he was for her body…

And it worked…

Slowly but surely, the pale grey skin of Raven's face started flushing a rosy pink, her body temperature rose by a significant margin, and she started trembling in unconcealable amounts of excitement. The woman was boiling over. The woman was hot for him. The woman was ready to go…

Without saying another word, Gar transformed one of his fingers into a razor sharp claw, cut away at his boxer shorts to free his rock hard cock, and then arched an eyebrow at Raven and her skintight black leotard.

"It's not actually a physical substance at all, but an extension of my powers," Raven panted out as she gestured at the pitch black material hugging tightly to her body. As if to confirm what she was saying, the leotard immediately started vaporizing into an inky black mist, allowing Rae's absurdly sexy breasts to drop free and rub against Garfield's chest. Soon enough, Rachel Roth was as naked as the day she was born, allowing Gar's angrily twitching cock to hotdog her dripping wet pussylips and press up between her asscheeks.

"I knew it already, but… your dick is really, really big," Raven murmured, as she pressed her body down into Garfield's lap and his cock slid up her back to run parallel with her spine. The bridge of Gar's dick was pressing flush against her pussy, spreading apart her asscheeks, and then rubbing up against the small of her back…

"I am capable of altering my cock to be smaller for you," Gar offered with a glance down at Raven's completely immaculate and virginal looking pussy…

"No!... Don't… If I'm going to lose my virginity at all, then I insist that you take it using every last inch of your gigantic veiny dick… and I never had a hymen in the first place, so that's of no concern…" Even as she said those words, Raven started rubbing her dripping wet pussylips up and down the base of his cock as if she was marking him with her sweet smelling cunt-juices.

"Are you sure you don't have just the tiniest bit of a crush on me," Gar whispered into Raven's ear, as he lifted her up by the meat of her fantastically sexy ass and then pressed the head of his bulbous cockhead against her ultra-slick and dripping pussylips.

"I value you... You're a good person, a good teammate," Raven replied in what she clearly hoped was a purely clinical tone of voice... It wasn't… Not in the least... The woman's voice was growing both husky and threadbare in her rapidly mounting arousal, and her breaths were quickening to match pace with her rising heart rate. Even more revealing than either of those things, was the sexy way that she was biting at her bottom lip as she stared down at his cock, and how her slim but powerful legs were twining together around his back…

Gar didn't need any of his brand new hyper-advanced senses to know exactly what Raven wanted from him…

She was going to get what she wanted...

With a meaningful look up into Raven's brilliantly bright and intense purple colored eyes, Gar slowly started allowing the woman's body to drop back down towards his lap. After a brief moment of resistance, his overlarge cockhead suddenly split open her pussylips and then began spreading apart her red-hot clenching depths. Immediately after Rae's pussylips snapped tight around the man's invading cockhead, both Gar and Raven gasped, moaned into each other's bodies, and then shivered in overstimulation. Not even a second later, they both started moaning once again when Raven's soaking wet pussy suddenly transformed into a miracle of velvety soft, skin-tight, hard clenching, cum-milking muscle.

"Oh Christ, your pussy's magic," Garfield gasped out in surprise, his back arching in pleasure and his fingers sinking deeper into the meat of Raven's astonishingly sexy ass.

"Yours… it's your magic pussy," Raven immediately panted back, even as she gyrated her hips in order to draw more and more of Gar's stupidly huge cock deeper inside of her body.

In response to Raven's surprisingly submissive words, Gar suddenly leaned forward to press her body up against the side of his bed, and then he drove the rest of his thick and heavy cock up and into the deepest, hottest depths of her amazingly possessive pussy. Instantly, he was moaning again right along with Rae, because her pussy really was just that fucking incredible, and he was pressing his body flush to every milky curve that her tight little body had to offer. Only then, when Garfield finally finished hilting his entire massive dick womb-deep inside of Raven's excessively tight and rippling cunt, did he gently bite on the woman's ear and reply to her earlier words. "I agree... From now on… this pussy is mine…"

"Yes, Gods yesss. It's yours. It's all yours," Raven moaned as she wrapped her arms tightly around Gar's shoulders, scissored her feet together tightly around his back, and started undulating her curvy little body within his tightly restraining arms. Her creamy soft tits were flattened between their bodies as they slid up and down Gar's chest, her thick, sexy thighs squeezed and rubbed his waist possessively as they drew her pussy up and down his dick, and her well-toned little tummy belly-danced around his cock in a way designed to milk out cum...

With every single squelching slap that Raven's soaking wet pussy made while being scrubbed up and down the length of Gar's bitch-breaker dick, her legs tightened up just a tiny bit more and her riding motions became just that much more intense. Within a matter of just one or two minutes, the woman was frantically humping her obscenely O'd out pussylips down around the base of Gar's cock, and a string of extremely vulgar words were beginning to erupt from her adorable little mouth... "Dick!... Monstrous, grotesque, veiny, cunt-stretching, womb-battering, cum-spilling, dick!... It's filling me up! It's coring me out! It's fucking my wooooomb!... Cumming!... I'm cumming all over your gigantic fucking caaawwwwk! Hoohhhhhgaaaaawwwwds!"

It was at that point that Raven completely lost her ability to speak, as her body started shaking and shivering from her head to her toes, and an unbroken string of low and throaty moans began leaking from her newly slack jawed mouth. For the following forty plus seconds, the woman twitched, jerked, trembled, and squirmed, as she fucked her way through a mind melting climax upon Garfield's deeply rooted dick.

By the time the orgasmically vacant expression retreated from Raven's face, Gar had one of her nipples drawn into his hard-sucking mouth, her other breast spilling out of his skillfully massaging hand, and his deeply embedded cock causing a visible dick-dent to form just above the woman's belly-button. As a result, the orgasm that Raven was only just coming down from... ended up lasting quite a while longer...

For an indeterminable amount of time, Raven rode Gar's cock like an absolute maniac and she pawed desperately at his muscular body for the entire duration. Then her bouncing motions came to a very sudden end, when a wave of orgasmic overstimulation stole away all of her leg strength and she collapsed into Garfield's arms…

For the next several moments, Gar simply held tight to Raven's newly limp body, as her thighs and stomach muscles trembled violently, and she gasped for air as if she'd just run a marathon.

".......Gods… I'm Ruined… You've ruined me… Your big fat fucking dick has spoiled me forever," Raven quietly moaned directly into the skin of Gar's neck...

"Are you sure you don't actually have like… a massive crush on me," Gar whispered into Raven's ear as he ground his deeply embedded dickhead within the woman's tightly squeezing core.

"That'll never happen. No emotions, no love, no romance... Never," Raven whimpered into the muscle of Gar's shoulder.

"I could tell you were completely serious when you said that your pussy is mine," Gar pointed out, curiosity in his voice.

"I'm absurdly hot and horny for you, and that's not something that I can suppress like I do my emotions," Raven explained in a series of tiny little gasps. "So… Yes… My body's yours. My self-regenerating, virgin tight, unnaturally talented, half-demon pussy... is yours to fuck and fill with cum… Just don't expect me to cuddle with you whenever we're done..." By this point Raven was beginning to ride Gar's cock again and she was massaging the dick bulge that was forming in her tummy...

"So you want me to treat you like nothing more than a cumdumpster then... " In a direct contradiction to his words, Gar very carefully carried Rae's body when he suddenly rose to his feet and then kneeled atop his bed.

"I insist that you doooo, "Rae squealed as she was suddenly pressed down into the bed by Gar's body weight. Then she started moaning piteously when he withdrew his cock from within her tightly clenching pussy and flipped her over onto her belly.

"Your ass… I can't even believe how big, round and sexy it is, especially in comparison to your well-toned little body..." Gar growled in approval. He really liked Raven's ass. That much was obvious even before he dropped his hands down atop her butt, and then sank his fingers deep into her cheeks.

"Pervert…" Despite the single word that Raven gave in reply, she also started waving her ass back and forth in the air in an intentionally erotic fashion… The woman's objective was obvious. She wasn't finished with Gar's dick quite yet, and she wanted to get back to the fucking as soon as physically possible…

She was going to get what she wanted...

After pulling Raven's body up onto her hands and knees, Gar leaned in over her back, cupped one of her tits in his non-load-bearing hand, and then pressed his mouth against her neck just an inch away from her ear. With the scene set up for maximum impact, he slowly started shoving his cock back into Rae's persistently tight, wet and coiling little pussy even as he began whispering into her ear... "If you're going to be visiting my rooms every single day to get yourself some dick, then I expect you to continue taking part in the meditations…"

Raven shivered and shook the entire time Gar plunged his dick back inside of her, spreading her apart until his cockhead reached her tightly sucking core and ground against her cervix… but it was his so-called 'expectation' that had her moaning directly into his bedsheets and fisting the blankets at her sides.

Even as he smiled over his achievement, Gar rose back up to a vertical position on his knees, and palmed Raven's fantastically sexy asscheeks back and forth in an affectionate manner. He understood. He really, really did...

Rachel Roth was never going to be able to admit that she enjoyed their meditation sessions together, even to herself… She couldn't... To do so would force her to confront the fact that she was feeling several different emotions, including but not limited to joy and affection…

Long story short, Gar wasn't going to hold his breath...

On the other hand, Gar didn't actually need Raven to tell him anything at all… In the end, the way that his brand new lover was humping her big beautiful whooty ass back against his lap with all of the skill and finesse of a professional stripper was definitely conveying her appreciation…

Then it turned out that Rae had every intention of thanking him, but she was going to do so in a way that suited her interests...

"I'll do as I'm told, Master, because I'm completely obsessed with your big fat dick," Raven crooned towards the ceiling, her voice somehow both submissive and slutty in the extreme. "In return, I want you to take responsibility for what you've done to me... My body's yours now... I've become your obedient little fuckpet… and just like any other fuckpet, I expect to go to bed every single night filled to the brim with your cum..."

When she was finished making her return demand, Raven suddenly allowed the side of her face to press down into the mattress, freeing her hands so that she could reach between her thighs and start fondling Gar's heavy hanging balls...

The woman was on a roll… She was learning how to whore at a completely astonishing rate.

It was well past time that Gar did his part as well…

Pulling his hands away from the heart shaped globes of Raven's ass, Gar wrapped them around her tiny little waist instead. He was going to need a good handhold for what was to follow because as it turns out, Rachel Roth wasn't just some mundane level fuck.

With every sexy as all hell response that Raven had to receiving dick for the very first time, Gar was becoming increasingly certain that the woman's body really was built for sin, and that was without factoring in how fucking active her ridiculously tight and possessive little pussy was...

Keeping all that in mind, it was probably okay for him to give her the full D without holding anything back...

After slowly dragging his cock out from within Raven's persistently sucking depths until his flared out crown was tugging on her skintight pussylips, Gar suddenly slammed the whole damned thing right back inside of the woman, causing a breathless keening gasp to explode out of her mouth. Then he did it a second time, and a third, and some more, and he growled low in his throat when Rae stared over her shoulder at him with a lust crazed and orgasmic expression upon her face...

But then Raven started retaliating by licking and biting at her bottom lip, waving her astoundingly sexy ass back and forth within his grip, and massaging at his balls whenever his cock pumped inside of her... and he knew...

Rachel Roth was pure, unadulterated slutty perfection, and she was determined to drain his balls...

With yet another growl, Gar grabbed up Raven by the meat of her tits to pull her body up flush to his own, and then he dropped one of his hands so that he could begin rubbing at her clit. Without even a moment lost in their fucking, he continued driving his cock up and into her core with nearly her entire body weight resting upon her cockstuffed little pussy.

And in response, one of Raven's hands immediately drew up to cup at the back of Gar's head, the other started massaging the dick-dent in her tummy, and she continued to squirm her ass back against his waist in a way that had his cock spasming balls-deep inside of her…

It was official... The woman was a phenom… an innate sexual genius...

"Okay, I'll admit it…," Gar finally groaned out, when Raven's pussy somehow managed to continue milking his cock with her entire body held still within his arms. "You are, by far, the best fuck that I've ever had in my life. No comparison. No competition. Just incredible… But!... You haven't experienced everything that I have to offer just yet…"

At the tail end of those words, Gar started using his newfound strength to lift Raven's pussy up and down the length of his cock, using her body as if she was a sex-toy or a cock-sleeve, and he rubbed and tweaked both her clit and her nipples the whole entire time.

In his determination to show Raven the fucking of her life, Gar suddenly activated his electricity sensing ability to reveal the most sensitive and pleasurable spots within the woman's truly miraculous little pussy.... Physical pleasure is a sensation after all… and all sensations are carried by electrical signals directly to the brain...

What this meant was that Gar could actually 'see' Rae's pleasure within his mind, in the form of brief starbursts of light, and this perception allowed him to give the woman's body exactly what it wanted over and over again with completely flawless accuracy...

With every single thrust of his wrist thick cock into Raven's tightly coiling pussy, Gar adjusted the angle, speed, and strength of his thrusts, until the woman's g-spot, clit and womb were lighting up like a fireworks display to his senses. Not long after, Gar's more mundane senses could also detect the effectiveness of his efforts, when Raven's whole entire body started reacting in a series of extremely dramatic ways.

Raven's breathing slowly but surely started to grow long and labored before suddenly draining out of her lungs in a completely unintelligible, long-drawn-out and helplessly throaty moan. Her eyelids started fluttering over newly unseeing, pleasure-drunk eyes. Her hands desperately groped at Gar's ass and thighs as if she was holding on for dear life. Her ass, thighs and calves shook, shivered and tensed up erratically against Gar's body as if her entire nervous system was going haywire, and a rash of pale white goosebumps swept across her whole entire body... At exactly the same time, Raven's pussy tightened up like a vice around every last millimeter of Gar's deeply buried dick before releasing a torrent of slippery femcum to completely soak both his balls and his inner thighs…

"So, so fucking incredible… Not human… You can't be human. Good… Too fucking good," Raven breathlessly ranted directly into the skin of Gar's neck and cheek and jaw as she experienced yet another enormously powerful orgasm and started squirting all over the sheets of his bed... Then she was squealing happily as she was pushed down directly into the newly soaked bed-sheets, because now that she was on all fours again, she could hump her pussy back up at Gar's rapidly descending dick.

"I'm about to release pheromones from my body that'll increase your arousal and intensify your pleasure," Gar growled out after biting and nibbling on the side of Raven's neck. "I'm also going to start shifting the size and the shape of my cock inside of your pussy."

"Gods yes, please, please just do it. Scramble my brains out with your crazy fucking diiiick," Raven screamed, as Gar's hard pumping cock continued to pick up speed, slamming his thighs against her perfect, heart-shaped ass.

Then the dick that was already big enough to dent out Raven's tummy suddenly started rippling and bulging in quick but irregular intervals, and his cockhead started expanding whenever it was pressed directly against her cervix…

and the woman completely lost her fucking mind…

Gar ended up having to lean his weight upon Raven's lower back in order to keep her spastically humping body from bucking right off of his dick. Apparently, the pheromones he was releasing were far more effective than he'd imagined they'd be, and the woman's pussy was driving her fucking wild.

By the time the dust settled on Rae's newest, hardest orgasm. Gar had somehow flipped her over onto her back so that he could press his weight down upon her entire body and better hold her in place. In an immediate response to this new change in position, Raven's arms and legs snapped around his back like iron bands, and his face was pulled down into her sweaty bouncing rack. With almost no lost time at all in their fucking, Gar was slamming his cock balls deep within Raven's piping hot, soaking wet, and rippling little pussy...

For the following ten minutes, the only noises being made in Gar's bedroom were assorted slapping and squelching noises, accompanied by loud and slutty moans…

It was only after resurfacing from Gods know what number of orgasms that Raven's mind appeared to catch up with their current situation and she stared up into Garfield's eyes.

"I'll never, ever fall in love with you, Gar, but I promise you that I'll do absolutely everything else," Raven announced with both of her hands pulling Gar's face back into her cleavage. "I'll spoil your dick every single day with every single hole that I have, and I'll help you find love with someone that'll accept our arrangement… I'll support your goals, take care of your needs, and if I manage to survive into adulthood, I'll even bear your children. Just please, please put out the fire in my needy little pussy with your fattest fucking load… Fill me with cum, Master… I beg of you!"

When Raven was finished delivering her sexy as all hell proposal, Gar's eyes were dilated wide in surprise, his balls were throbbing painfully between his legs, and his hips were nearly doubling the speed that they were slamming his cock down into her pussy. Without even really thinking about it, he suddenly found himself curling his arms underneath Rae's knees, in order to pull her legs up close to her face, mount her from above, and then start feeding her his dick at a completely reckless pace. "You want my cum," he growled out, neck deep in an animalistic heat. "Take it! Take it all into your womb!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yessss," Raven ranted in return, her eyes swimming with lust and her hands pulling insistently on Gar's rapidly humping asscheeks. "Fill me, fill me, fill meeeeeaaaaahhhhhh!"

Of course, Raven never did finish repeating the words 'fill me' three times… She didn't need to… By that point, Gar was already slamming his cock balls deep inside of her frothy little pussy, was expanding his cockhead to pry open the entrance to her womb, and was leaning down to press a hard, possessive kiss upon the woman's lips…

In the end, Rachel Roth reacted to receiving her very first kiss just as explosively as she did receiving her very first womb-deep creampie. She moaned long and loud and trembled as if she was having a seizure over how Gar's gigantic cumload was bottlenecking inside of her core and rushing into her deepest most fertile depths, but she also lavished attention on Garfield's mouth with her sucking lips and ever-twining tongue. She made out with the man that was thoroughly inseminating her as if they were the most passionate of lovers, and by the time Gar's cum managed to squirt out past the plug he'd made of his cockhead, her recently immaculate little womb was stuffed to the brim with his thick and gluey seed…

When Raven's hungry little pussy finally started leaking his cum, Gar eased back on his knees, aiming to spray his seed all over the woman's body. What he didn't expect to have happen, was that a series of black tentacles would suddenly appear out of nowhere, pick him up off of the bed, carry him up and over Raven's body and lower his continuously cumming cock down into her wide open mouth. Gar gasped and then moaned his surprise as the last half of his climax, along with a good portion of his cock, was drawn deep down into his new lover's tightly sucking throat.

"Azarath be praised," Gar hollered out, as he was lowered to the bed on his back, and Raven's hungrily sucking mouth followed his cock the whole entire way, For the last remaining moments of his orgasm, Gar stared up at Raven's beautifully gothic face and the wrist thick dick that was stretching the hell out of her pouty little lips…

One thing was for certain… Rachel Roth, AKA Raven or Rae, was a uniquely gifted and motivated lover (except in regards to the actual love part), and Gar really was feeling pretty damned spoiled… Case and point, for the next several minutes, Raven 'forced him' to lay back against the headboard of his bed, as she fastidiously cleaned and polished both his cock and his balls with her mouth, tongue and throat…

Needless to say, Garfield's cock didn't stay 'clean' for very long at all…

The next day…

"What did you do to make Raven this mad at you," Cyborg asked with an amused expression on his face. "I haven't seen the girl avoid you this blatantly since the first few months that we lived here."

"We all know that she can't stand the boy's immaturity," Robin added as he walked past the two men. and moved towards the kitchen.

After giving Robin's back the stink eye, Gar merely shrugged at Cyborg and then moved towards the door. "I don't know what's going on with Rae, but I'll soon find out. It's that time again…"

"Meditation time," Cyborg allowed with a nod of his head. "I wish you luck dealing with hurricane Raven..."

After nodding his appreciation at his closest male friend, Gar moved quickly through the building in the direction of his rooms. Raven would be waiting, impatiently, and she wouldn't be wearing very much at all… He couldn't wait any longer... He couldn't be distracted away from his goal…

He didn't notice someone floating just a few meters behind his back…