2 - Tonks's Vacation [Continuation]

Heat, arousal, pleasure... denial... skin on skin, shifting, shuffling, touching, arousal, pleasure... denial... groping, moaning, kissing, arousal, pleasure... denial... excitement, passion, delirium, arousal, PLEASURE... DENIAL...


After suddenly returning to full and crystal clear lucidity, Tonks whipped her head from side to side with wide eyes and an extremely flushed face. She was… naked, on a bed, on a lap, in the middle of the cruise ship's busiest hallway, smack dab in the middle of the Lido deck, and there were dozens of people walking around them on every side...

Holy Hell!…

Looking down, Tonks immediately whimpered as she experienced a level of arousal that was of several magnitudes more powerful than anything she'd ever felt before. Fleur Weasley… The Fleur Weasley, was buck ass naked, kissing at her inner thighs, and seductively waving her ass in the air behind her. Not only that… Someone else was squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples from behind… Casting a glance over her shoulder, Tonks confirmed that she was indeed sitting on Harry Potter's lap with his arms wrapped firmly around her waist…

Merlin's ghost!..

"Where… why?" Tonks asked in an overwhelmed and breathy voice.

"We're exactly where you think we are Tonks, but I've cast a weak Muggle-Repelling charm and a strong Remember-Me-Not charm around the three of us," Harry offered in a quiet but mischievous voice. "We had a mishap with Fleur's allure that knocked you for a loop, so we've decided to make it up to you by getting a really exciting memory on the recording orbs…" With a wave of his hand, the recording orbs floated down from where they were waiting near the ceiling.

"Oh oh my giddy aunt," Tonks loudly moaned out, as Fleur licked a trail closer and closer to the soaking wet folds of her pussy, and Harry returned to pinching and groping at her sensitive nipples. At the volume of her outburst, several nearby Muggles of both sexes stopped in place, peered down at the three of them, and then gaped in surprise at what they were looking at.

"Better be careful with the volume of your voice Tonks," Harry whispered with a smile in his voice. "We'll have those Muggle's undivided attention until they finally look away from us, at which point they'll forget we even exist. Thing is… You girls are both so unbelievably beautiful... I don't think any of these people are going to be looking away anytime soon…"

Sure enough, of the 3 women and 2 men that had caught sight of them during Tonk's initial outburst, only one woman had turned away to flag down her friend, at which point she'd instantly forgotten about them and walked away. Harry, Fleur and Tonks still had a viewing gallery of 4 people, and although they were being pressured to leave by Harry's weak Muggle repelling charm, they were far, far too captivated to actually look away. They were stuck. They were captive. They were staring…

Tonks almost climaxed right then and there as a rush of sudden and extremely unexpected arousal assaulted her body and left her pussy lips clenching desperately on nothing but empty air. She twitched with excitement. She gasped in surprise. Then she turned to give Harry a scathing look because she knew exactly what this had to mean. "You read my mind, Harry," she immediately accused. "You found out about kinks that I hadn't even realized I had."

"I found you nearly catatonic with an allure overdose, so I checked out your mental state," Harry corrected without even pausing in his groping. "I found out a few things about your sexuality while I was leading your overexcited mind back to the here and now, but I promise I didn't read anything that wasn't free floating in the vicinity..."

"Then you know exactly what I want from you, do you?" Tonks whispered in an increasingly heated tone of voice.

"Look where we are Tonks," Harry replied with an evil little smile on his face. "Do you think I'm afraid to go the distance? Any second now, the Muggle repelling charm that I cast will reach the end of its power and a barrier ward that I've inscribed under the bed will kick into gear in its place. This new ward will keep the Muggles from trying to reach us, but it'll do nothing to keep them from noticing us. I have every intention of making a huge public spectacle of you Tonks. I'm going to fuck you senseless in front of hundreds and hundreds of people like the hopeless little slutwife you are, and you're going to fucking love it."

In an immediate reaction to Harry`s plan, Tonks shivered in arousal, grabbed his chin and kissed him hard on the mouth.

It was during that moment that Fleur decided it was time for her to stop playing around. She completed a long, slow lick of Tonks's pussy lips, from bottom to top, giving extra special attention to her clit in passing. Harry also pitched in by pinching both of Tonks's nipples and pulling them out from her body to the very limits of their elasticity. For the next two minutes, Harry held a squirming Tonks in place by the meat of her tits, and Fleur pinned her to Harry's lap with her tongue in her pussy.

Then it happened.

Tonks came. She came hard. She came hard and she wasn't subtle about it. She howled into Harry's neck, then she screamed when she pulled away. She kicked the bed at Fleur's sides and she beat down on Harry's thighs with her hands. Oh Great Scott and Merlin's ghost! She'd needed this soooo bad, and she'd been kept on edge for soooo fucking long!

For over 10 seconds, the black haired Fleur lookalike shivered and bucked as her pussy spilled juices into the sheets of the bed. The people watching from the sidelines gasped in a mixture of shock and arousal, and their reactions only served to make Tonks cum that much harder.

Get on your back Fleur," Harry quietly ordered as he slowly pushed Tonks's body forward off of his lap. By the time he'd pushed Tonks down into a doggystyle position, Fleur was being pressed down into the bed under the Metamorph's body, was groping and rubbing at her body as much as possible, and was drawing the woman into a passionate kiss.

As soon as Tonks and Fleur's lips met and then parted into a fantastically erotic makeout session, the black haired mock Veela started shivering from head to toe, and her pussy visibly clenched in need of something to fill it. Harry had every intention of being that something. Without a word, he lined himself up behind Tonks's thick and meaty ass, rested his hands on her splayed out hips, and then began pushing the head of his dick against the woman's virginal little pussylips. Then he stopped in place. There was one more thing that he needed to do before he got this show on the road. After choosing a nearby Muggle man at random, he released a small tendril of magic that caused the man's image to waver and become that of Charlie Weasley.

"Pulling away from Fleur's lips at the feeling of Harry's dick pressing against her pussy lips, Tonks's original intention was to ask what the holdup was. Then she caught sight of the Charlie Weasley clone standing right in front of her, and a broad/evil smile swiftly grew across her face. "You really are very good to me Harry," she purred over her shoulder as she waved her large, heart shaped ass in the air for his viewing pleasure. "Come Harry… Split ol Tonksie open on that stupidly huge dick of yours. Make me moan. Make me scream." Then Tonks looked back up at the random man wearing Charlie Weasley's face and she stared him in the eye. "Remind me what it feels like to be with a real man…" As soon as those words left Tonks's mouth, her eyes snapped open as wide as saucers, her back arched back like a tightly strung bow, her pupils drifted up into her head, and she released a long ululating moan filled with so much sexual satisfaction several of the nearby men cupped their crotches. By the time Harry's cock was just halfway inside of her, she was panting like a racehorse, her red flushed skin was covered in goosebumps, and her thighs were visibly shaking. Then Harry began performing small grinding thrusts of his cock to break new ground inside of her tightly clenching pussy, and a continuous stream of frothy femcum began dripping down her inner thighs.

"For fuck's sake Tonks," Harry loudly called out as he pressed his cock against the woman's persistently tight, squeezing, and slow to break in pussy. "Your cunt can be any Godsdamned shape you want to be. Let… me… in!" With every word that came out of Harry's mouth, he thrust his cock just a little bit deeper into the woman's almost irritatingly tight and clenching depths.

"Not a chance you donkey dicked motherfucker," Tonks yeowled directly into a cushion made of Fleur's unbelievably beautiful tits. "I spend my entire sex life making my pussy so much smaller for my husband, the last thing I'm going to do is make myself looser for a real stud like you! Now do it! Shove it in there! Ruin my soaking wet cunt around your massive fucking dick you beautiful, womanizing bastard!

"Fleur, rub at Tonks's clit for me," Harry demanded of his full time lover, as he continued to grind his dick into the Metamorph's molten hot, dripping wet, and truly uncooperative little pussy. Then he grunted in pleasure right along with Tonks when Fleur did exactly as he asked, but also began rubbing at his balls with her other hand. The woman was the best at what she does and there could be no doubt about it. With all of the extra enthusiasm that he put into his next thrust, Harry managed to shove an additional 2 and a ½ inches of his cock inside of Tonks, and they both groaned in a mixture of relief and oversensitivity. From there, as if Fleur had pulled some kind of slut magic on the 2 of them, Harry made quick work of hilting himself balls deep inside Tonks's pussy. Finally, with a loud growl of satisfaction, Harry slapped his testicles against Tonks's inner thighs and clapped both of his hands down into the meat of her abundant ass cheeks.

"Full! So fucking full! You've impaled me on that horse appendage you call a dick," Tonks bleated out in between passionate kisses with Fleur and hungry little sucks on the Veela's nipples. "I'm ruined! You've ruined me! I tried to fight it, but you battered your massive cock into my poor little pussy!" Even as she said those words, Tonks actively tightened up her insides so that they were strangling Harry's shaft, and she even went so far as to massage his flared out cockhead with the opening to her womb.

"Just in time as well," Harry grunted, as he slowly pulled his cockhead from Tonks's insistently sucking womb and then resisted the magic that she was performing on his shaft. "The Muggle repelling charm is just seconds away from disappearing. You're about to be completely manhandled by Fleur and I in front of this cruise ship's entire dinner rush. You're about to stop traffic with your whore body and lewd little pussy."

"Gods yes," Tonks yelled with her head held high and her attention directed to the crowd of watching bystanders. "Come watch me get fucked stupid by a strong, powerful, stud with a big fat dick! Come watch me get stuffed full with cum like the hopeless little slut that I am!"

"What in the hell is that woman talking about," a muggle woman suddenly gasped out. "Is she really intending to start having sex with that man in front of all of us?"

"Stop being such a daft cunt," a second, older woman immediately replied. "Use your eyes girlie! They already are having sex!"

"No waaaay," a teenaged boy called out with an excitement that he didn't even try to conceal. "Those are the 2 hottest bitches I have ever seen in my entire life! They're like… fucking perfect!"

"I don't remember signing up for some kind of avant garde nude art exhibit or anything," a middle aged man remarked even as he held a hand over his crotch.

All around the bed that Harry, Fleur and Tonks were occupying, the din of surprise, astonishment and or excitement grew louder and louder.

With a small nod of his head, Harry notified Fleur that it was time for her to quiet down their audience so that they were less of a distraction. As he'd grown to expect from her, she'd been anticipating his gesture, and she immediately began releasing widespread waves of low power allure to wrap around their entire audience. The allure wasn't domineering, but it was suggestive and it appealed to the audience to watch what was about to happen very, very closely. Soon enough, upwards of 50 plus people were crowding around the edges of Harry's barrier ward, and staring down at the 3 of them as if they were a 5 star Hollywood film. Good…

The stage was set…

"This hot piece of ass on the end of my dick is named Nymphadora Weasley AKA Tonks," Harry called out in a loud voice to the gathered audience. Then he was forced to grab ahold of Tonks's ass and give it a slap when she suddenly tried to pull away from him. "Stop it Tonks! Revealing your real name is important... It's important that these people understand that you're a married woman!... It's important that they understand that I'm not your husband!... It's important that they witness just how deep my cock is buried inside of your hot little cunt!... It's important that they realize just how fucking desperate and slutty you really are!... And last but not least, it's very important that all of these people hear and understand the cautionary tale of Charlie Weasley, the absolute buffoon of a man who neglected his wife, only to get himself cucked in front of nearly a hundred people!..." As Harry yelled out that last sentence, he pointed over at the Charlie weasley lookalike standing at the corner of the bed, and well over 50 people turned to look at the man with shocked and appalled looks on their faces.

"Ooohhhh Gaaawwwwds Haarrriieee! You're a terrible, awful, beautiful maaannnnn," Tonks moaned out in a broken and throaty voice as Fleur softly scratched at her scalp and hugged her face against her breasts. Then her thighs started shaking again, her soaking wet pussy heated up to well above sauna temperatures, and she began trying to push her pussy back up the length of Harry's cock. He didn't let her. He held her ass firmly in place. Tonks immediately started whimpering piteously…

"You want me to fuck you in front of your husband and all of these people," Harry prompted in a loud but low pitched growl. "Then beg me to do it Tonks… Beg me to take you, right here and now."

"Please, I beg you, Harry," Tonks instantly called out with no hesitation whatsoever. "Please, for the love of the Gods split open my whore pussy on this bitchbreaker of a cock, and then pump my guts full to bursting with your cum! Show my husband how depraved little sluts like me need to be treated. Show him what he's missing and what a fine piece of ass he's losing out on in the process!"

"Done," Harry barked out as he slammed his cock balls deep into Tonks's dripping pussy with a grunt, an unnaturally loud squelching noise, and a noticeably evil smile on his face. Then he was fucking the Metamorph in looong, hard strokes that had her entire body jostling forward, and her face bouncing in and out of Fleur's cleavage. Fleur, the minx, immediately began rubbing at Tonks's cock bulged belly, her clit and Harry's balls as if she were attempting to force the 2 of them to cum on each other as quickly as possible.

Hot… Soo fucking hot…

Tonks' Fleur-esque body was just a little bit fluffier than the original, and this manifested in her ass bouncing around like an upended cup of jello under Harry's persistently thrusting hips. It was this hypnotic swaying movement that had Harry slapping first her right ass cheek and then her left, and it was the suddenness of the abuse that drove Tonks' pussy to clenching and trembling in a sudden and violent orgasm. Harry never even slowed down. He fucked Tonks' rippling and sucking pussy through every second of her orgasm, despite the way her core muscles were actively pulling and drawing him further inside of her. Unlike Fleur's magically perfect pussy, Harry knew that Tonks was actively forcing her soaking wet insides to do all of the amazing and magical things that they were doing to his cock, and he found that knowledge sexy in the extreme. Tonks was actively massaging his shaft and sucking on his cockhead with the deepest depths of her unbelievably tight pussy. She was coaxing him deeper inside of her where the entrance to her womb wasn't the barrier that it was with other women. It was a desperately hungry little suction cup trying to drain his cock of all the cum it had to offer. Harry's eyes almost rolled into the back of his head in pleasure as he planted his fingers knuckle deep into the meat of her ass and continued giving it to her with everything he had.

At some point during his rough doggystyle fucking, Harry caught sight of Fleur rubbing at Tonks' back, kissing at the woman's neck and teasing her clit all at the same time. However much pleasure his cock was currently bringing Tonks, Fleur's hands, her lips, and her fussy attention to the Metamorph's sensitive body was also going a long way towards a driving the woman wild. Then Harry's eyes caught Fleur's staring right back up at him and he simply couldn't help himself. He broke character, he stopped rough fucking Tonks from behind, and he dropped forward to drape his body atop both of the girls. Even as his mouth made contact with Fleur's, her hand cupped the back of his head and her tongue wrapped intimately around his own, he continued to grind his cock balls deep inside of Tonks, causing the woman's body to twitch and her hands to clutch desperately at his ass.

"Hoooohhhhh you jerk! You womanizer, you scoundrel... You're just using my desperately needy pussy while focusing on another woman," Tonks accused in a voice that sounded thrilled rather than upset. "Even as your precum stains my womb, you're making out with someone else!"

"You're getting what you really need right now Tonk's," Harry corrected as he momentarily broke away from Fleur's completely delicious lips. "You're getting dicked by a man who knows what he's doing and can keep his women in line, right Fleur?"

"Oui, yes, yess," Fleur immediately agreed in a loud and excited voice. "On a daily basis, I throat myself on 'Arry's cock until my chin rests on 'iis balls, I gleefully swallow 'iis seed every seengle time, I moan as I take 'iis dick een every position eemaginable, and I zank ze Gods for my good fortune ze whole entire time!"

"Oh Gods, is this what will become of me," Tonks moaned into Fleur's neck and shoulder. "Am I to become one of Harry's harem of cock worshippers? Am I going to end up just another mouth on his dick and pussy full of cum?"

"There's no future tense about it Tonks," Harry corrected, straightening to his knees and drawing a guttural moan from her mouth by tripling the pace of his thrusting. "You're one of mine now. You're a Potter family sex slave and your pussy's mine for the filling."

"Oh Gods, oh no, oh yes, oh fuck," Tonks moaned out against Fleur's cheek and shoulder. "I'm ruined. I'm ruined. I'm being taken by a big, powerful, brute with a bitch taming dick and more cum in his balls than sense. I'm done for! I'm fucked!" As if to accentuate her words, Tonks began humping herself back at Harry like a woman out of control, bouncing the big beautiful globes of her ass against Harry's waist several times a second.

"Yes, yes you are," Harry growled as he continued thumping his crown womb deep inside of the woman and her pussy became tighter and wetter with every passing second. As the seconds turned to minutes and then several minutes passed, Tonks shivered and moaned and spilled pussy juices and clutched desperately at Fleur, and her pussy began to quite literally pull his length back into her every single time he thrust inside. Her pussy was twining around his length in eager little spirals of wet sucking flesh and it was becoming increasingly difficult for Harry to hold back his pleasure. It was official. Tonks wanted him to cum, and she wasn't being patient about it. Then her ass and thighs started vibrating again, and Harry found himself holding back his own orgasm for just a few more seconds at a time.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh Harrriieee, Oh Merlin, You stud, you stud, you animal, I'm cumming again, I'm fucking cumming! I'm cumming on that diiiiiick!" Somehow, with her entire body shaking from head to toe with her newest orgasm, Tonks still managed to slap the bed around her body, kiss Fleur hard on the mouth, draw her face down between the woman's wonderful tits, and then arch her back with an absurd amount of flexibility. By the time she was just halfway through her orgasm, she was presenting her pussy up at what she considered extra-hard fucking height, and shaking it on Harry's cock like a professional stripper using a pole. "I surrender Harry! I can't live without this dick! Destroy me for good! Paint my fertile womb white with your cum! Fill me up in ways that my asexual, fucktard of a husband never has! Show him what it looks like when a dickdrunk little bitch submits herself to an extra thorough breeding!"

"Gods fucking dammit Tonks," Harry called back with a grunt, a feral growl and a rapid increase in the speed that he was fucking her. "I am not going to take responsibility for whatever number of kids I'm about to knock you up with! You better make arrangements with that loser husband of yours because I don't have any happy homemaker in my DNA!"

"Don't… gasp… mind, don't… pant… care! Give... me... that... seeeeeeeed," Tonks screamed as her red hot, dripping wet, clenching, sucking cunt, suddenly started spilling pussy juices all over Harry's cock and balls.

"You've really fucked up this time Mr. Weasley," Harry loudly called out with his eyes closed in pleasure and his face turned up towards the ceiling. "Your wife is one of the hottest, horniest, tightest, most talented, most flexible, most depraved, most enthusiastic fucks that I've ever had, and she's no longer yours to have and to hold! She's mine… and I'll prove it!" In the next instant, Harry pushed Tonks's shoulder blades down onto Fleur's body, pulled her ass even higher into the air until her feet were just barely dragging along the bed, and then began slamming his cock womb deep into her pussy from a standing position. "I'm gonna cum Tonks! Take it and remember the exact moment that you got knocked up!"

"Yes! Yesss! Yessss! Pump me full! Seed me, seeeed me," Tonks squealed as she shook and jerked her ass back and forth along the length of Harry's womb plundering dick. " I want it, I want it bad!... I, Nymphadora Weasley, want to have a belly swollen full with Harry Potter's babies!"

"Done," Harry barked out again while slamming his cock balls deep, his cock expanding and contracting as his cockhead docked perfectly with the entrance to Tonks's womb.

In response to the molten heat that was suddenly expanding the deepest depths of her pussy like a water balloon attached to a faucet on full blast, Tonks loudly moaned, then she groaned, then her eyes widened, then she clutched at the sheets beneath her, then she trembled from head to toe, then she bit her bottom lip, then her eyes glazed over, then she smiled like a drunkard, and then her eyelids fluttered closed…

For the first 20 seconds of Harry's powerful, toe curling orgasm, not a drop of his cum spilled or went to waste. That was the point when, very suddenly, a veritable flood of semen started squirting passed the skin tight plug that was Harry's cock. Unlike Fleur, Tonks wasn't a born that way sexual creature designed to pursue and then mate the strongest men around. Without a doubt, she was a uniquely magical woman, but that didn't give her the slut magic that Fleur uses to such great effect. No. Just ⅓ of the way through Harry's orgasm, her pussy was already completely filled to capacity with cum, and she was starting to leak all over his cock, balls and thighs. In response, Harry immediately pulled out of her pussy with a loud, wet, popping sound, aimed his cockhead a little higher, and thoroughly painted her ass cheeks and lower back in a sticky wave of pearly white seed. As a cherry on top to what was already a fantastically erotic orgasm, Fleur suddenly appeared out from under Tonks's newly limp "melting heart pose," bounced up onto her knees, and hungrily took Harry's cock deep into her mouth.

"Ohhh fuck, Fleur you're an angel," Harry groaned out as his dick was enveloped in his favorite blonde's tightly sucking throat. In return, Fleur gave him a smoldering look that he had a hard time identifying, and continued to swallow on every last inch of his cock. Harry sensed a wide variety of emotions couched behind that look, but he didn't know what to make of it yet so he just cupped Fleur's cheek and held on tightly to the back of her head.

After another 15 seconds, where Harry luxuriated in the fact that he was dumping his cum into the most beautiful woman in the world, he suddenly turned to look at their audience, and gave them all a questioning look. "Hey!… Perverts!... Don't you all have somewhere else to be right about now?!"


The bed, its 3 occupants and the four floating orbs, vanished into thin air…

Within the next 2-3 seconds, every single passenger present in the Lido deck forgot that Harry, Fleur and Tonks had ever been in front of them, and were left wondering why they were suddenly wet, hard or in the teenager's case sticky….


After reappearing in the cabin bedroom that the 3 of them had begun their evening in, Harry slowly removed his cock from Fleur's persistently sucking mouth, and then allowed his legs to drop him to the increasingly dirty sheets. At this point, he was just a little bit winded. It was probably time to take 5.

He wasn't going to get even 1…

Without a word, Fleur crawled up the length of Harry's body, sat down on his thighs, leaned in over his chest, and stared down into his eyes. "Ou mated Tonks…"

"Well yes and no," Harry agreed.

With an efficiency that left Harry reeling, Fleur took up his still rock hard cock, positioned it at her pussylips, and then rooted herself on him in one infinitely sexual movement. They both shivered. Fleur breathed out hard and her eyelids fluttered. Then her eyes cleared and she continued to stare down into Harry's face.

"I'm sensing you have something that you want to discuss with me," Harry prompted with a hand resting on Fleur's right thigh.

"Eef 'ou aren't ze least bit concerned about ruining your lover's lives, zen why am I not yet pregnant," Fleur suddenly asked in a thoroughly complicated tone of voice. Hunger, fear, desperation, love, hate, anxiety, jealousy, reckless abandon… All of those emotions were swirling around in every single word that she said.

"Uhhh Fleur," Tonks suddenly called out from the other side of the bed.

With a small growl full of resentment and annoyance, Fleur turned towards Tonks's still upraised, cum leaking pussy....

"While I did make Harry cum in my womb, my fallopian tubes are sealed shut right now and I imagine Harry could tell," Tonks explained from where her face was still pressing down into the sheets.

Fleur's eyes rapidly swiveled back towards Harry.

Harry just nodded his head.

For almost an entire minute, both Harry and Fleur just sat there staring at each other....

"I… I want 'ou to... forget zis…" Fleur finally breathed out in a teeny tiny voice.

"Never in a million years," Harry immediately replied.

"I want 'ou to… never mention zis…" Fleur tried again.

"At least now you're being reasonable," Harry allowed, as he slowly sat up and ran his hands up and down the length of Fleur's slightly trembling body. A second later Tonks was at Fleur's back wrapping her arms around the both of them and squeezing them tightly.

"Please… don't… make… big… deal," Fleur whimpered, losing her English as Harry and Tonks's combined attention brought an embarrassed red flush to her face.

"I thought I needed a break, but as it turns out I was wrong," Harry pointed out in a lusty tone of voice. "Hey Tonks. Can I get you to look like Septima Vector?"

"Oh wow! You have fantastic taste Harry," Tonks enthused as she slowly released her arms from around Harry's back.

"'Arry! "Your cock ees eenside of me right now," Fleur loudly reminded him.

"Yes, sorry, I'll explain," Harry replied with a hand gently cupping Fleur's angelic face. "Septima Vector was a very stern but gorgeous Arithmancy Professor while I was attending Hogwarts, and I always fantasized about her catching me with my lover in an empty classroom…"

"..........Go on....."

Tonks couldn't stop the ear to ear smile that she knew was growing across her face. So she was grateful that she was sitting behind Fleur's back...


2 Weeks later…

"Fleur!... Fleur I'm here!... Where are you?...


Gabrielle Delacour glided gracefully around Fleur's office in the ICW, looking for any clue as to where her very busy sister might be at the moment. It seemed like the woman only had an office for show these days, as whenever Gabrielle came to visit her, she was off either delivering paperwork or out on assignment.

"What have we here?..."

After looking through a series of drawers containing a metric ton of very boring paperwork, a frill on Gabrielle's long sleeved dress caught on an invisible pulley at the back of a cabinet. Then, after removing the false back that had come free from the cabinet, Gabrielle saw something that was both surprising and extraordinarily interesting…

Several dozen pairs of panties were stashed in neatly folded little rows, beside what looked like a very, very expensive looking Pensieve. Upon taking a closer look, the Pensieve ended up being paired up with one of those Government issue memory recording orbs…

Well, well, well… Gabrielle mused to herself with a sly little smile on her face. What kind of memory deserves to be reenacted with full sensory immersion and with a clean pair of panties waiting for you?

With a glance back at Fleur's fully warded office door, Gabrielle suddenly dropped cross legged into her sister's desk chair, rested the Pensieve atop the table in front of her, and then lowered her face towards it's milky white contents…

Later that night, when Fleur was completely swamped with the endless paperwork that Harry's exploits always seem to cause her, and was in need of a little pick me up, she broke down to temptation… again, and decided to use the contents of her secret cabinet.

What Fleur failed to notice in her rising excitement, was that a single pair of panties was missing from among her neatly folded little rows…