5 - Daphne, Narcissa and Astoria's Plan

When a sharp pricking pain suddenly hammered home into the meat of Harry's thigh, he immediately startled awake and scanned the Potter Estate's master bedroom with sleep blurred eyes. Tonks's naked form was exactly where he'd left her, curled up against his left side and sleeping like a gleefully perverse little baby. Clearly, she wasn't the source of the sudden discomfort in his leg. On his right hand side however... there was an indistinct black blur that was slowly forming into something more detailed. Fleur Isabelle Weasley was kneeling on the floor to the side of his bed with her younger sister crouching nervously just behind her…

What in the hell?

"Did you just inject me with something, Fleur," Harry asked in as casual a voice as he could muster. Since he had a feeling that he already knew the answer, he slowly began propping himself up against his headboard. In his peripheral vision, he saw Tonks's eyes suddenly snap open and her mouth drop open in surprise. At the very least, it was good to know that the woman he spent the evening fucking wasn't a part of this sudden assault...

"Yes, 'Arry. I just injected you with a triple dose of rare purified Veritaserum mixed with a calming drought designed to slow down large magical creatures," Fleur admitted in a businesslike tone of voice. "My mozzer's advice regarding Gabrielle's eemprinting on 'ou was zat we needed to break 'er free of ze 'ero worship she 'olds for 'ou...."

"And what better way to do that than to force me to reveal just how shitty a person I am in my own words," Harry finished in a deadpan tone of voice. "I'm not feeling a desire to do much of anything at the moment because of the calming draught in my blood, but as soon as I get my emotions back, I'm going to demand that you return the force summoner, get the hell out of my house and forget that I even exist…"

When the Veritaserum coursing through Harry's bloodstream gave his words absolute credibility, Fleur bodily flinched, swallowed heavily, bit her bottom lip, shook out her head and then squared up her shoulders. "I am sure 'ou will listen to reason when ze time comes, 'Arry. I'm not merely doing zis for Gabrielle after all. I am also doing zis for 'ou. As I'm sure 'ou already know, eemprinted Veela are extremely territorial and possessive. Unless 'ou are eentending on mating and zen marrying Gabrielle, eet ees for ze best zat we break 'er free of 'er… preoccupation."

"Your mother sent you both here because she desires that you both lose your preoccupation," Harry pointed out in an increasingly relaxed and carefree voice.

"Isn't Harry a little too expressive for the amount of Veritaserum that he's currently dosed with," Tonks whispered with her chin resting on Harry's upper thigh.

"Good point," Fleur mused before slipping onto the bed and looming over Harry's body. "Eet's for ze best zat I make sure zat eet's working… 'Arry… What ees ze most embarrassing zing zat's ever 'append to 'ou during sex?"

"The summer after I graduated Hogwarts, I had sex with a Veela for the very first time and I came less than 5 seconds after penetrating her," Harry immediately admitted.

Scoff… snicker….

"Hoookay… The Veritaserum's definitely working," Tonks giggled out through the hand covering her mouth. "You do have to admit that the man's come a long way though," she added, as she affectionately patted Harry's crotch. What Fleur and Gabrielle didn't catch in the darkened room was the moment when Tonks's eyes widened and her hand slowly started snaking underneath the blankets. She'd just encountered an interesting consequence of Harry recalling his first Veela. Tightly contained within a stretched taut pair of boxer briefs, was a cock that was trying desperately to break free of its restraints. Tonks figured she might give Harry a little tender loving care even as her Veela friends gave him the third degree.

"Yes, yes, ze man 'as become quite good at sexing Veela now, but we must focus on ze task at 'aand," Fleur pointed out with a small sigh of resignation. "'Arry… Did 'ou save Gabrielle from ze bottom of ze Black Lake because she was beautiful or because she mattered to you?"

"No," Harry immediately replied.

Gabrielle shrank just a bit from where she was crouching behind her sister.

"In order from most important to least important reasons, I saved Gabrielle because I thought it was abhorrent to let an innocent little girl die, because it was the right thing to do, because it was what my friends would expect of me, because it would make Dumbledore happy, and because I saw how desperately Fleur fought before getting knocked out by the Grindylows..."


Harry was deep enough in an Veritaserum daze at this point, he didn't even blink when Fleur gasped.

"'Ou… 'Ou saw me get subdued by ze Gryndelows and 'ou deed nozzing?" At this point Fleur's fists were white where they were clenching his blanket. She looked like she didn't even want Harry to answer her question.

"I saw you get knocked unconscious from a distance," Harry repeated. "I didn't do nothing… I retrieved you from the Grindylow cave at the bottom of the lake. I towed you to the surface before your bubblehead charm completely failed. I Buoyancy spelled your body. I sent off a signal flare with your wand. I saved your life… You're welcome.... "

"Ahhhooohhh," Fleur groaned out as she realized that she'd just assumed the worst to a completely insulting degree. With a sick twisting feeling in her gut, she remembered once again that Harry was going to remember every single word that they were saying… Shit…

"Hey Harry," Tonks suddenly interjected, with her cheek resting on Harry's abdominal muscles and her left hand massaging his cock and balls. "In the past, I've seen your magic protect you from dangers that haven't even happened yet… How is it you got caught in this here little ambush?"

"My magic protects me from danger," Harry replied with emphasis on the word danger. "If my health and safety isn't on the line, my magic may allow me to suffer misfortune if it believes I need to learn something. My magic was correct to let this happen. I am going to be extremely upset when this is all over, but I'm learning several very important things right now…"

More and more as time went by, Fleur's face was going pale as she began to regret a great many things. What had she been thinking?… How had she thought Harry would react?... Did she think that Harry was hopelessly pussy whipped like all of the other boys she'd been with in the past?

Gods and Goddesses...

"On a scale from 1 to 10 where would 'ou say 'ou stack up morally, 10 being a saint and 1 being evil," Gabrielle ventured when her sister suddenly froze up.

"I present myself as a 5. I pose as someone who's completely indifferent to the people around me, but that's mostly so that I'm not constantly stuck saving people's cats from trees," Harry breathed out. "In reality, I'm far closer to a 7 because no man is an island. I enjoy people, I just refuse to be a pawn. I will not be used… ever. I would rate myself higher than a 7 on the morality scale because I save the world so often, but I can't... I sleep with a lot of married women..."

"Why do 'ou sleep wiz only married women, 'Arry," Fleur asked as curiosity trumped her growing trepidation.

"Not just married women, but women in general," Harry immediately corrected. "The only reason I specified that I sleep with married women just now is because it lowers my perceived morality…"

"'Ave 'ou slept wiz many women seence ze 2 of us started 'aving sex," Fleur suddenly blurted out. It was immediately obvious that that question had essentially forced itself out of Fleur's throat. She even reached out towards Harry as if she could drag the question out of the air and back into her mouth.

"Not many but several," Harry immediately replied as if there was an important distinction somewhere between those 2 words.

"Eet's only been a leetle over a month and Tonks 'as been sexing 'ou for almost 'aalf zat time," Fleur ground out between pursed lips. "Hoo and under what circumstances?..."

"Woah, I don't think that's a good idea," Tonks tried to interject, but she was too late and Harry was already talking….

"A few days after you and I had sex for the first time, I returned to England for an afternoon, for a meeting that I'm obligated to attend once a year if I want to continue holding CEO status over the Black family businesses," Harry began in a completely deadpan voice...…




".....And with that I've once again cut the Black family's yearly business expenditures down by half through the use of my off planet resources, Muggle business practices and my ICW contacts… I've saved us all several million Galleons," Harry drawled in a very bored and unconcerned tone of voice. "The Black family holdings and businesses are as healthy as ever and they shall remain that way for the length of time that I am in charge. Now… If you medieval society level bumpkins would kindly allow me to get back to the real world. I have far more important matters to deal with outside of this backwards and depressing little island..."

Sitting across the boardroom table, Draco Malfoy nee Black, Narcissa Malfoy nee Black, Theodore Nott nee Black, Astoria Malfoy nee Greengrass and Daphne Nott nee Greengrass of the Black family business board of directors, stared back at Harry as if he had 2 heads.

Harry didn't give a damn. The meeting was over and the Family businesses were his to run as he saw fit. They could all go drown in the money that he'd made them for all he cared.

Slowly and without ever uttering a single word, Malfoy and Theodore rose to their feet, and stalked to the side of the room, all with a somewhat dazed expression upon their normally smug faces. It never failed to shock the 2 men completely stupid that Harry was such an ingenious businessman and entrepreneur, and that he kept making them so much damned money. What made what would normally be a very enviable situation hard on the two men was that Harry took quite literally zero pride in anything related to his noble lineage, which was the core of what made them feel special as individuals. For old school, albeit reformed, English blood purists such as Draco and Theodore, it was a distinctly painful experience to have Harry Potter providing them with such enormous wealth, while simultaneously disrespecting every single little thing that their wealth was supposed to represent…

It was… humiliating...

Long story short, for the 4th year in a row, as was becoming their new custom, Draco and Theodore were about to go to a nearby bar, where they were going to get rip roaring drunk to "celebrate" their good fortune. At least this year they could find solace in the fact that their perennially disapproving wives planned to go shopping together instead of watching them nurse their wounds...

Not even a minute after Harry Potter wrapped up the Black family meeting in such a gloriously disrespectful manner, Draco and Theodore were meeting their women just outside of the door of the Diagon Alley rental office, giving them all a few quick nods, and then Apparating the hell out of there."

Of course what the 2 men didn't see happen was the moment when the three ladies turned on the spot and walked right back into the meeting room.

Due mostly to the fact that the boardroom was paid for in advance and had quite the comfy little side sitting area, Harry had taken the opportunity to pull out some of the paperwork that he still had to fill out regarding his various other side ventures and businesses. He was completely swamped at the moment and he had Fleur to blame… On the other hand, it had to be said that his sexual tension was currently at an all time low…

Unfortunately, he was just a man so that situation could change on a dime...

When Harry looked up from his paperwork and saw the 3 Black family women reentering and then locking the door to the boardroom, all while giving him a very familiar series of what they thought were covert looks, he almost immediately grew hard in his slacks. This was despite the fact that every single one of his self preservation instincts were screaming the word trap at the top of their lungs...

Narcissa Malfoy nee Black was a tall, curvy to the point of being called thicc, brunette, with the whole Dita Von Teese burlesque look completely mastered down to the smallest detail. Her black lace corset was peeking out of the top of her far too low cut cream coloured dress to cup her generous tits almost high enough to spill out, her lipstick was a very dark cherry colour, and her legs were fine fishnet stockings all the way down to her almost unnaturally tiny feet. The woman was Draco's mother which meant she was at least in her 40s, but in magical society where people can, and frequently do, look young until they're well over 100 that wasn't quite the turnoff that it would be in Muggle society. The woman was a pale skinned, dark brown eyed, veil hat wearing, high society muckety muck, and that self importance lent an air of unattainability to her naturally abundant charm… And she was charming. There could be no doubt about it… The fact that she was a multi mastery witch and a registered accountant always seemed to come secondary to her powerful charisma and flouncy sexuality.

Standing on Narcissa's right was the one girl that absolutely everyone back at Hogwarts wanted to have like them even though they had no freaking clue what her personality was like. Daphne Greengrass was a quiet, preppy, reserved, scholastically inclined, "A" lister, with uncompromising standards that leaned heavily towards the conservative. As a result of her personality, Daphne only ever ended up associating with a grand total of maybe 5 people in the entire time that she attended Hogwarts, and all of those people were either in her own house or in Ravenclaw. Point of fact, Harry had never, not once, not even in the last four years that he'd spent as the CEO of house Black's various businesses, heard the woman say a single Godsdamned word… Of course, the reason that Daphne was popular at Hogwarts despite her unbelievably stoic character was because of the waves of dirty blonde hair that seemed to cascade forever down her back, her auburn coloured eyes that seemed to peer directly into your soul, and her ultra tight, ultra high spec, fitness model body. Case and point, the woman was currently wearing a conservative white blouse and pants combo, which on paper was a pretty family friendly getup, but because of the way she wore it so damned tight around the perky curves of her body, Harry almost felt like he could see her nipples through the thick cotton fabric. Much like her in-law Narcissa, Daphna also had multiple magical masterys and a business acumen honed by her potion factor father.

The last of the 3 women standing behind the other 2, Astoria Greengrass, was two years younger than both Harry and her sister… and she was a fucking bitch, plain and simple. She was a short, mouthy, cunty little bitch that was well suited to being married to someone as rude as Draco. This was despite the fact that her appearance was completely angelic, with a short and cute body, a button nose, big doe eyes the colour of milk chocolate, shoulder length reddish brown hair, and an innocent expression that she'd practiced to the point of absolute perfection. Still… What a bitch. A common joke back at Hogwarts had been that the best view of Astoria was when she was leaving a room. This was due to the fact that she was extremely unpleasant the lion's share of the time, and the fact that her huge fucking ass was absolutely mesmerizing, especially in contrast to her tiny little body. Today Astoria was wearing what might have looked like a schoolgirl uniform if such a thing still existed, with a blue and grey plaid skirt, a short blue blouse and blue knee high length stockings. And no… Astoria wasn't also some kind of business marvel or potion master on the side. She was a vapid, fawning, trophy wife, who married rich and barely graduated Hogwarts…

What a bitch...

Say what you will about Astoria's personality and lack of education, Harry still couldn't honestly say that he wasn't extremely intrigued by the lineup of women standing in front of him.

His instincts still couldn't stress this next point enough though…. trap.

"Lord Potter, Black," Narcissa began in a very businesslike tone of voice as she dropped a thick sealed envelope into the middle of the table. "This is a formal petition to have you removed as the Lord of the Black family based on the fact that you're no longer a citizen of Magical England. Please read it so that you'll know when the Magical Council meeting will be held."

"Ummm, no. I'm not going to be able to read that for you," Harry replied with a small quick shake of his head.

"What… Why?" Interjected Astoria from the sidelines.

"Chiselled into the the Elderwood vellum contained inside of that envelope is an unbelievably strong Runic compulsion spell that would have me raping the 3 of you until the sun goes down even if you screamed for me to stop," Harry casually explained with his chin resting on the palm of his left hand.

"What? How? The Runes don't even contain any magic until they're revealed," Astoria choked out in her state of profound shock.

"Well... I had reason to scan the envelope with a probe of my own magic, owing to the fact that the 3 of you are so unbelievably suspicious," Harry answered in a tired sounding voice. "All 3 of you have multiple memory recording, visual recording, sound and magic recording charms cast in and around your bodies. You all have fingerprint reveal spells on every inch of your skin to show where and how much I touch you. You have body fluid tracer magics in place inside of your sexes to verify if my seed is left inside of you. Long story short, you all have a ton of magical sexpionage happening inside of your bodies, so I thought it… prudent, to check the contents of that envelope with my magic. It seems to me... the 3 of you wanted to have me arrested for raping you, or far more likely you wanted to have incontrovertible blackmail material over me..."

"Uh..ohhhhh," Astoria breathed out as her unintentionally voiced question was very, very thoroughly answered.

"What… what will you do now," Narcissa asked in a newly demure tone of voice.

"Nothing," Harry immediately responded as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I'm far too strong to ever fall for any of your Most Noble and Ancient Lord-esque backstabbing chicanery, so all you've done is prove to me once again that your entire social class is a shameless pack of slavering degenerates. This kind of nonsense is the entire reason why I only come back to this backwater bullshit country once a fucking year."

Very suddenly and surprisingly Daphne Greengrass pulled out her wand and pointed it at the ceiling.

"Wait don…" Narcissa began as she reached out towards her step-daughter's sister.

"I, Daphne Elaine Greengrass, swear on my magic to tell the truth and nothing but the truth until I leave this boardroom. So mote it be," Daphne called out in a crystal clear but unbelievably soft spoken little voice. Then her ambient magic was bouncing around the entire room as her magical oath was solidified.

If Daphne Greengrass lied even a little bit while still inside of the boardroom, she would immediately die...

"Woah," Harry breathed out, while staring at Daphne as if she were a ticking time bomb. "I suggest you walk out that door there and then come back inside Mrs. Greengrass."

"I want your dick, Harry," Daphne belted out at the top of her lungs which was really just a somewhat loud indoor voice. "I've had the hots for you since I was 13 and I haven't had sex in almost 2 years. I want you to fuck me as hard as you can all damned day! And yes the 3 of us were trying to blackmail you, but you're making us all enormously wealthy so we have no desire to interfere with your leadership or business methods. Instead, we just wanted to have you at our beck and call so that we could enslave you sexually!"

"Enslave me… Well that's… unkind," Harry breathed out in his surprise. Daphne did in fact have a voice, albeit a quiet one, and she was a lot more of a firecracker than he'd ever imagined.

"You'd have grown to appreciate being our sex slave," Narcissa assured with a confident look on her face.

"I have sex with Veela on a regular basis," Harry argued in return.

"Veela straight up refuse to work together," Astoria interjected with an impish smile on her face. "We've grown to enjoy each other's company as a result of our marital circumstances…"

"My selfish and self serving husband has landed himself in prison for life," Narcissa pointed out with a raised hand.

"Draco's almost certainly gay," Astoria sighed out in a tone of long suffering. "Not that I care mind you, but if he's determined to get bent over by hordes of random men, the least he could do is give me permission to do the same."

"Theodore needs to use 5 different virility potions just to get it up for 20 minutes, and he seems to resent me for putting him through the trouble," Daphne added.

"Uhhookay then," Harry allowed in a nonplussed voice. "Why me though? We're not close and this little plan of yours would've actually worked on anyone but me…"

"What part of I want your dick do you not understand," Daphne quietly yelled as she stepped closer to Harry's workspace. "You… I want it to be you… I want your dick filling my pussy over and over and over."

"Uhhh, hey. You okay Daph," Astoria asked as she sidled closer to her sister. "You're not usually so… unhinged."

"You should try this whole magical oath thing," Daphne replied with a manic smile on her face. "My magic appears to be protecting me by compelling me to recklessly say the whole unadulterated truth without reservation. Feels good. feels… freeing…"

"We need to get Daphne out of this room," Narcissa began.

"Naw, I think I want to ride this out," Daphne immediately replied. "For 5 whole years back in Hogwarts I wanted to have my way with Harry, but my very sensible brain simply wouldn't let me. Now I'm leaking the truth like it's nothing and I want to see where this goes. I also want Harry to grab a fistful of my hair, bend me over the boardroom table, and have his way with me over and over. Oh, and I want him to cum inside of me every single time even though I lied about taking an anti-conception potion and took a fertility potion instead. You know, it really is just too bad that we failed to use that Runic array on him. I'd have been knocked up by the end of the afternoon for surMMMMM!…"

And then Astoria had a hand covering Daphne's mouth and she was attempting to bodily drag the girl towards the door. Too bad for Astoria, Daphne was both much taller and fitter than her and she ended up resisting her efforts with ease.

"Hoookay, I think I see the direction that this particular 3 ring circus is heading in," Harry sighed out as he ran a hand back through his hair. "Since I don't want to ignore the direction that Daphne's dangerously obsessive thoughts are leading her, and I can't easily keep the woman at a safe distance, here's what I'm willing to offer... If you ladies all make magical oaths not to give away or sell any of my confidential information, cast magic on me, Rune enchant me, drug me, steal from me, blackmail me, take out a hit on me, or do any of the things I just listed to the various women that I'm romantically involved with, I'll appoint the 3 of you as my ICW office secretaries on a part time basis. If necessary, you can even tell your husbands that you asked for the position so that you can spy on me, and I'll spoon feed you various interesting but useless intel."

While Narcissa immediately grinned because she could see where Harry's line of thinking was going, Astoria didn't have a single fucking clue... "And why would we want any variety of part time job, Harry? We're already enormously wealthy."

Harry could only shake his head at how vapid and airheaded the youngest Greengrass really was. Then he realized that her question was real, and he was expected to really answer it… Sigh... "Well, it's like this Astoria… I can't make any firm promises regarding exactly when, but if I find you girls making yourselves useful in my extremely well warded and private ICW office suites, I'll more than likely find the time to give you the... attention that you desire of me."

"Waiiit Daph, waiiit! We don't even know if he's a good fucker yet," Astoria called out when Daphne immediately began pulling out her wand to make the oath. "At least wait until we find out if he's as good a lay as he thinks he is!"

"I agree with Astoria even though I already believe the hype," Narcissa added in an amused tone. "My sources tell me that Lord Potter does indeed visit the Veela enclave several times a year and the Veela there fight bitterly over his attention. If Harry is that popular within the enclave then he's among the best lovers in the world… period. There can be no doubt…"

"Ohh… Well.. Okay, but…" Astoria began.

"Let me make one thing perfectly clear to you ladies," Harry interrupted as he released a thick outpouring of his magic to shake the very air around them all. "I'm not auditioning to be the solution to your various sexual circumstances. I'm not the one who tried to use a Runic enchantment to drive someone into an out of control, rapey heat, which I'm still pissed off about by the way… If any of you want to work under me, then you're going to need to prove that you're worth keeping around." At the tail end of Harry's words, a thick wave of magic exploded out from within his body, destroying the various sexpionage spells layered throughout the ladies' bodies.

Narcissa and Astoria immediately started shaking at the power and control that Harry had over his magic. Daphne reacted in a similar fashion except she also dropped to one knee as her limbs lost strength and her heart beat like a snitch's wings in her chest.

After easing back a little further into the plush and comfortable chair and a half that he'd taken residence in, Harry drummed his fingers along the wide padded armrests. "So… What will it be then ladies? I don't have any intention of punishing you for your unbelievably foolish actions today, so this is your last chance to just walk out that door… If you decide to stay, then you're admitting you want to become subservient to me for a chance to earn some of my attention…"

After smiling in an amused fashion and giving Harry a wink, Astoria immediately turned on her heels and started marching towards the door. Then she froze mid step as Daphne cast a silent Petrificus Totalus spell on her from behind.

"You must forgive my sister my Lord," Daphne quietly called out as she moved up behind her sister and drew a hand down the length of her back. "Astoria is completely incapable of being cooperative, to the point that her marriage agreement with Draco stipulates he cannot make demands of her. What that means my Lord, is if you want her, you must take her… but look." With no hesitation whatsoever, Daphne pulled up the hem of her sister's skirt to reveal how the globes of the woman's incredible bubble butt were swaddling a dripping wet pale blue thong. Astoria's arousal was beginning to run down the insides of her thighs as her postage stamp sized thong simply wasn't up to the task of absorbing it all. "As you can clearly see my Lord," Daphne continued as she cupped her sister's sex in the palm of her hand. "My sister has been anticipating having you fuck her silly all morning… Will you not give her what she desired from you? Will you not show her what she's been missing in the name of easy wealth and comfort?"

With a small nod of his head and a wave of his hand, Harry had Astoria's petrified body floating across the room to observe him from his right side like a statue. Then with another wave of his hand, he freed the woman's mouth.

Go fuck yourself," Astoria immediately panted out in a voice so heavely laden with lust her words were essentially meaningless.

"Not since I turned 18," Harry replied in a quiet and sincere tone of voice. "Not when I have women such as your sister and step-mother ready and willing to earn their place on my dick."

And just like that, Daphne and Narcissa were both gliding across the room and pushing Harry's knees apart so that they could drop to their knees in between his thighs. Without a single spoken word, the 2 women coordinated perfectly as they unclasped Harry's belt, unzipped the fly of his slacks and tugged the cotton material down the length of his thighs. Then Harry's massive cock was finally springing free from his tightly constraining boxer briefs and a synchronized trio of amazed gasps leaked from all 3 of the ladies' mouths.

Having completely forgotten that she was stripping Harry slowly and sensually, Daphne suddenly banished all of Harry's clothing onto the boardroom table and then leaned in towards his cock as if she was a moth drawn to a flame.

When her sister experimentally tried to wrap her hand around the base of Harry's gigantic dick, Astoria found herself flushing red as her breathing quickened and her heart rate elevated. There was nothing else she could do. Every single inch of her little body was as stiff as a board. Her hands were stuck at her sides. Her arousal was leaking down her inner thighs almost to her knees. She was stuck. She was revealed. She was being teased. She was being ignored. She was burning up… Astoria might have hurled abuse at Harry in a desperate bid to garner his attention, but by now she knew that it would have the opposite effect. Instead, she was rendered completely speechless as Narcissa leaned in to give Harry's cockhead a tentative lick, followed immediately by a much more hungry kiss.

"Tastes absolutely divine," Narcissa breathed out into Daphne's ear as she pulled away to give her in-law a turn. Then she was leaning to the side to kiss and lick at Harry's inner thigh, testicles and shaft and Daphne was attempting to wrap her sweet little mouth around the man's obscenely bulbous cockhead. Between the 2 of them, they were able to give Harry's cock a much wider spread of attention than they'd ever have achieved alone because neither of them truly believed they'd be able to deepthroat such an absurd monster of a dick. No… This was a team effort, so it was to their benefit that they'd grown as… close as they had. Speaking of which…

"Godsdamnit ladies, that's so fucking sexy," Harry admitted when Narcissa and Daphna suddenly began making out with each other with the tip of his dickhead sandwiched firmly between their twining tongues and relentlessly smacking lips. One of Daphne's hands moved to fondle at his right nutsack while the other curled around the base of his shaft. Narcissa's hands did the same on his left testicle and the middle of his shaft. Then the two women were jerking his length towards their passionately kissing mouths and the sight of it was poetry in motion. The girls worked seamlessly and erotically as a single unit, making it very, very clear just how much time they'd spent pleasing and being pleased by each other, and Harry's cock twitched just as much at the imagery the ladies' teamwork evoked as the sensation of four plush lips and two slippery tongues rippling around every inch of his crown. Then Daphne pulled a few inches away, grabbed her wand and banished Narcissa's dress to reveal a black lace corset that was fighting desperately to contain the woman's massive tits. In an immediate response, Narcissa did the same to Daphne's blouse to reveal a set of bright pink lingerie that were barely even necessary to support her unbelievably perky, supermodel calibre body.

Harry's cock immediately performed an overly dramatic flip flop in a sudden spike of arousal that both women noticed and rewarded him for. Soon enough their hands, lips and tongues were fastened back around the length of his dick again and they were kissing their way up and down his shaft as if he was a cob of corn that they were sharing.

"Would you look at this," Harry called out to Astoria, his captive audience, as her two female companions serviced every inch of his cock and balls with their relentlessly kissing mouths. "Are you always ignored by these 2 as they please each other, or are you the needy type that gets all demanding of their attention? I have a hunch that you're secretly a needy little slut, which would have to mean you're feeling it pretty bad right about now…"

"Fuuck… Youuu," Astoria whimpered, as the wet and soggy material comprising her thong slowly bunched up and dropped down on one side of her thick vibrating thighs. It was hard to say whether or not her words were a curse or a promise, because her face was flushed and her smaller breasts were heaving beneath her ridiculously undersized blouse. The woman was in the thick of it. The woman's pussy was dripping more and more arousal onto the floor with every couple of seconds that passed.

The woman was going to have to wait.

After smiling up at Astoria's visibly and noticeably lust drunk expression, Harry waved a hand to magically seal away the woman's ability to speak. Then he returned his attention to the Noble Ladies tonguing every inch of his cock and saw them stare up at him in expectation and excitement. "Yes, yes, you're both very, very sexy. I'll give you that. In fact, if you ladies keep tonguing my cock like that, I'm going to end up cumming all over those gorgeous little faces of yours. Unfortunately, I'm not in the mood to make a mess of you just yet…" Dropping his hands into both Daphne and Narcissa hair, Harry slowly drew their noticeably reluctant lips away from his cock and then snapped his fingers to get their attention in the right places. "Narcissa! Get up, make a sexy little show of taking off that corset, and then wave those child bearing hips of yours for my enjoyment."

"Yes my Lord. Immediately my Lord," Narcissa purred as she rose up to her feet. Then she was rubbing and cupping her barely covered tits as she ran her hands down every inch of her tightly corseted belly in the direction of her black lace panties.

"Daphne," Harry barked out next. "When Narcissa finally takes me inside of her, she's going to need your help because my cock really is unnecessarily huge. When the time is right, lick her pussy and clit so that she has an easier time getting used to my size. I plan on using magic to make my cock both shorter and thinner to start with, but I'll only hold the transformation for so long."

"Yes my Lord." Daphne responded after popping her mouth off of the head of Harry's cock. When Narcissa had pulled away, the girl had taken her opportunity to make out with Lord Potter's crown as if it was the love of her life, to the point that she almost missed the moment when he gave her a task to accomplish. Now she was all business again and waiting for her time to strike.

With hands that were beginning to tremble in anticipation, Narcissa hooked her thumbs under the band of her panties and began pushing them down her thick curvy thighs. Then, even as the sheer material dropped down her long, lithe legs to the floor, she rubbed the laces free of her corset with nimble and splayed out fingers. Slowly and dramatically, the woman's corset wrapping dropped to the floor, revealing that the decorative piece of clothing had been exactly that… decorative. Most corsets shape the female form into a flattering shape, but with Narcissa it was just a sexy piece of clothing designed specifically to be taken off. Her body was every inch the devastatingly sexy hourglass shape that it appeared to be even without anything covering it, with abundant curves in all of the right places and body type defying tiny little waist.

"My pussy is prepared to take every single inch of you, my Lord," Narcissa whispered in a throaty voice, as she dropped her right hand down to her unnaturally tight pussy lips and splayed them open with her index and middle fingers. Sure enough, as soon as the pale pink lips of her pussy were pulled aside to reveal the thick contracting pussymeat within, a slippery rivulet of feminine juices began leaking out to drip all over her fingers and inner thighs. The woman was aroused as all hell, but she had an extraordinarily well disciplined pussy that had kept all of her juices trapped inside of her…

"Your face is stunning, your breasts are gorgeous and your pussy is no less than a work of art, "Harry conceded with a hand on his chin. "Now turn around and show me the ass that managed to bring you so much wealth and prestige…"

"While I agree that my body is spectacular, my assets aren't nearly as impressive as how I've learned to use them, my Lord," Narcissa cooed as she slowly turned around and began waving her thicc ass and thighs directly in Harry's face. "For quite a few years now, I've been coating the inner folds of my pussy with a daily course of unbelievably rare and magical Himilayan steamflower oils. I think you'll enjoy the effect these very powerful oils have had upon my hungry little pussy. I'm going to be piping hot to the touch, slippery to the point of absurdity, and elastic enough to take absolutely anything you have to throw at me. In fact… I'm beginning to think I've been preparing specifically to take this monstrous dick of yours all of my adult life… Please my Lord… Please don't make me wait any longer…"

"I have no intention to," Harry assured, as he closed his eyes, channelled magic throughout his body and down into his cock. Over the next few seconds, his dick decreased in grandeur until it was a size and shape that would be far easier to take inside of her. "You have 2 minutes to get this cock inside of you before it'll start to grow back to its normal size," Harry offered in a casual voice. "Get to it…"

"Yes my Lord. Immediately my Lord," Narcissa repeated as she sidled backwards between Harry's legs, sat her ass down upon his lap and then began rubbing at the still rather impressive cock that was poking out from between her smooth and creamy thighs. Spitting into her hands, she lathered it up from crown to base, and then rose back off of Harry's lap to position his throbbing cockhead against her continuously clenching pussy lips. "Ooohhh my Loooorrrd,' She groaned out as she slowly, ever so slowly split her pussy open around the flared out head of his dick. Then she was slowly waving her ass back and forth as she dropped inch after inch, taking the man deeper and deeper within her heated, soaking wet and wriggling depths. Within a single minute of unbelievably sexy grinding, Narcissa Malfoy managed to take all of Harry's reduced cock deep into the clenching depths of her pussy, and she sighed happily as she pressed her back against the hard planes of Harry's muscular body. Then she suddenly released a gasp of surprise as she realized that the man beneath her was already managing to stretch her walls far more than she was used to and his crown was pressing persistently against the entrance to her womb... That was the moment when she fully realized just what was about to happen inside of her already jam packed, magically maintained little pussy, and her mouth dropped open to release a whimper of both runaway arousal and trepidation.

It's time Daphne," Harry ordered, even as he brought his hands up to Narcissa's tits to grope at the woman's generous bust. As he pinched at her nipples, he began running a low current of powerful but slow acting healing spells into the nerve clusters contained within them both because it would feel good and because he was about to repair her body in real time even as he stretched her. Then Daphne was licking and sucking on Narcissa's clit from her spot on the floor between his legs, and Harry felt the woman currently impaled upon his dick start shaking and shivering in a nearly cum spilling amount of growing excitement.

"3, 2, 1," Harry breathed out, as the time of his size reduction spell finally elapsed and his cock slowly but surely began returning to its original size. "Remember this moment Lady Malfoy," Harry demanded, cupping the woman's chin in a strong grip to whisper directly into her ear. "Remember the moment when you became one of my cock warmers. Remember the moment when you became a Potter family sex slave as well as my personal secretary." Along with every word that he said, Harry released a powerful current of raw magic through the flesh of his dick in order to underscore the importance of what he was saying with a powerful jolt of indescribable sensation.

"Yes, yess, yesss, I'll never, I'll never forget. I'll never, ever forget," Narcissa moaned, spilling pussy juices all over Daphne's licking tongue as she somehow managed to orgasm all through the overwhelming stretching that her pussy was undertaking. Her pussylips and walls, the entrance to her womb, even her womb itself, her everything was expanding outwards to fit her new lord and master. Her insides were being remade and remodelled to take a lover the likes of which she'd never dreamed she'd get to experience. The feeling of her breasts being mauled in the man's hands and her sensitive little nipples being squeezed between his electrically charged fingers combined with the feeling of his cock rubbing insistently against her every weak spot and ultra-sensitive fold. It was too much. It was too hot. Narcissa was panting. She was groaning. She was twitching. She was slapping her hands down against the armrests in frantic and spastic movements. She was cumming. She was cumming hard. She was cumming a lot. She was grinding her ass back against Harry's lap as hard as she could so that she could experience as much of that stretching sensation as possible. She was tensing up her core muscles as hard as she could in order to make the wet squelching noises that they were making even louder and more perverse. She was a woman out of control. She was a woman actively seeking to destroy her expensively maintained pussy upon a superior alpha cock. She was becoming a true sexual deviant. Then she began feeling an insistent pressure down by her navel that was growing more intense by the second, and her eyes dilated wide at what she saw happening in her belly. A bump. There was a bump growing in her tummy, above her navel where her womb resides. This was absolute proof. It was official. She was completely full to capacity. She was impaled like a sock puppet around every inch of Lord Potter's cock.

"Gods, Goddesses and Spirits above. So, so full, so hot, soooo amaziiiinng," Narcissa moaned towards the ceiling as her head rocked back to rest atop Lord Potter's shoulder and her hands rubbed against her cock dented tummy. "Are you seeing this Daph," she mewled out in a nearly delirious voice as she continued to grind her ass back against Harry's thighs. "Are you seeing the absolute ruination of my pussy?"

"Yes Cissy," Daphne replied after pulling her tongue away from Narcissa's clit to tongue Harry's heavy, magnificent balls in the palms of her hands. "You're destroying your pussy for anyone but our new Lord. All is as it should be..."

With the compulsion to tell the absolute truth lending credibility to Daphne's words, both Harry and Narcissa shivered and her pussy tightened up like a fist around the entire length of his shaft. Then Harry was wrapping his arms tightly around the woman's waist and lifting her up the shaft of his tightly imbedded cock in a slow, long and undeniable movement that had her babbling her pleasure into the skin of his neck and shoulder.

"Oh, Oh Gods no. Oh Gods yes. Oh Goddesses help me. I'm done. I'm dying. Please put it back, please keep it inside of me. Gonna get pulled inside out. I'm going to diiieee…."

When Harry suddenly released his arms from around his newest lover's waist, it was with her pussy lips tightly wrapped around the flared out head of his dick. Of course, Narcissa couldn't even begin to muster up the strength to support herself, so her pussy ended up slowly and loudly squelching back down the entire length of the monster dick, stretching her lips once again into a completely absurd capital "O", and reducing the woman into a babbling mess of waving hands and half formed thoughts.

"Oh Gods, Oh Goddesses. How, how can I? I can't even," Narcissa gasped out, slapping her hands down into the flesh of her own thighs as she began to realize just how out of her depth she really was and how hard fucked she was about to become. Harry Potter had barely given her two pumps of his absurdly powerful dick, and she was already seeing stars and shivering from top to bottom in a body rocking, mind melting series of orgasms… Popular with the Veela on the enclave indeed… Narcissa drew in a very deep breath and sought out every scrap of stamina that she contained. She committed herself to proving that she could take whatever Harry Potter had to give her...

Even if it ruined her as anything but a soggy, steaming and twitching hole for Lord Potter to drain the contents of his enormous, hanging balls into…


From down between Harry and Narcissa's legs, Daphne shivered at the mess that Lord Potter was currently making of their very smooth, very calm and almost aggravatingly polished step-mother. Then she looked up into Astoria's face and saw that she wasn't the only person to have noticed Narcissa's sudden loss of self-control. Her little sister was becoming more and more red faced, flushed, and covered in goosebumps, as she shivered and shuddered amidst an ever growing puddle of pussy juices. The girl was in the thick of it. The girl was suffering the teasing of a lifetime without a single outlet to find any relief. Thankfully for Daphne, she had something to do that she could pour her entire focus into. Without a second thought she returned her mouth around Harry Potter's testicles, giving them lavish amounts of attention with both her lips and her tongue.

With a happy smile on his face in response to the attention that both his cock and balls were receiving and with hands that were roaming Narcissa's thighs, stomach and tits, Harry once again lifted the woman back up the length of his dick until her pussylips were just barely grasping onto his flared out cockhead. Unlike the time before however, he immediately pulled the woman right back down the length of his dick in one fell swoop without any warning whatsoever and firmly thumped his crown against the entrance to her womb. Then he wasn't the least bit surprised when the woman released a strained little whimper followed by a long and explosive moan, and her pussy began leaking copious juices all over his shaft and balls. What he was surprised about was the fact that Narcissa continued to grind her wonderfully fluffy ass back against his lap and rub her trembling hands up and down the length of his thighs. This indicated that she wanted to try to be more for him than a human sex toy that he could scrub up and down the length of his cock. Good… This was good. Narcissa had promise. She had potential. Pulling the woman's red flushed face towards his own by her chin, Harry kissed the woman hard, dominating her mouth with his tongue, and then he pulled an inch away to stare into her newly swimming eyes. "Your pussy is just as good as you said it'd be, Lady Malfoy. I'm quite pleased with how hot and wet you are… Now let's see if your pussy is as elastic as you claimed it would be. Lift that ass of yours up the length of my cock. I want to see you riding me. I want to see if you have what it takes."

"Will ride… Will show you," Narcissa panted out as she drew her hands up the length of Harry's thighs to plant them on the armrests at her sides. Then she was dragging her thick, meaty, shaking and shuddering pussylips up the length of his cock as if her body weighed a million pounds so that she could slam her ass back down into his lap again at near terminal velocity. Her round beautiful ass rebounded off of his lap along with a loud slap, a perverse jiggle and a throaty, broken moan that echoed all around the room. The next time Narcissa started lifting herself back up the length of his dick, the shaking of her body was even more pronounced and the contractions of her pussy against his length were nearly doubled in intensity. The woman had very impressive willpower though. She never allowed herself to slow down for even a second. While it was obvious that Narcissa's pussy was being rendered into a smoldering wreck of overstimulated and oversensitive nerves, it was equally obvious that she was determined to continue riding his fat fucking cock.

Harry greatly approved, and he demonstrated his enthusiasm by playfully slapping Narcissa's right ass cheek, leaving a red handprint across her smooth pearly white skin. "That's the stuff, Lady Malfoy," he cheered in a legitimately impressed sounding voice. "Ride that dick. Demonstrate for me how a Noblewoman of superior breeding milks her husband's seed."

At the mention of milking seed, Narcissa's eyes suddenly widened and her pupils dilated wide. While she'd definitely taken an anti-conception potion in preparation for this afternoon, Daphne's words from earlier were resounding in the back of her head over and over like a mantra. "Knocked up by the end of the afternoon"… Gods… Just the thought of it… So wrong… So indecent… Soooo hot… If today wasn't going to be the last time that they did this with Lord Potter, and she had no intention of allowing it to be. Then she would get another chance. She would prove her worth. She would prove her value. She would stop taking the potion. She would conceive a child with the Lord Harry Potter, Black…

With that wildly taboo decision solidified in her subconscious and encroaching more upon her waking mind with every single moment that passed, Narcissa's riding motions slowly but surely picked up in both speed and intensity, until finally she was humping her molten hot and twitching pussy down against the base of Harry's cock like a madwoman. She gasped and she panted and she moaned and she whimpered as her core was stretched and the entrance to her womb was thumped over and over again, but she continued to twerk her thicc hips and ass down upon the Potter dick with everything that she had. Then, in a move that surprised even her, Narcissa suddenly rose up until Harry's cock was just barely within her, turned around, straddled his waist, impaled herself back down upon his entire length with her tits pancaked into his chest, and kissed the man hard on the mouth with everything she had. Then her efforts almost immediately backfired on her. Harry Potter was far too beautiful to look upon. Even with how Daphne had been licking at her clit, her stamina had been much better off when she was looking away from the man, because now she was staring into his unbelievably complex and soulful emerald green eyes and his all too handsome face, and she felt her pussy tightening up into an imminent and undeniable orgasm. "My… My Lord," she whimpered as she peppered Harry's face and neck with wet open mouthed kisses and felt his fingers digging deep into the globes of her rapidly bouncing ass. "Please… Please give it to me… I.. I won't last much longer, but… I need it. I need it inside of me… I need it more than anything..."

"Answer me this question first, Lady Malfoy," Harry growled directly into the skin of Narcissa's neck. "Did you really believe that Daphne's little Rune enchantment would work against the likes of me? As he spoke, Harry grabbed the woman tightly and began forcing her pussy up and down the length of his shaft in long, wet and obscenely loud thrusts that repeatedly pressed the entrance to the woman's womb directly against the very tip of his cock. It was a message of sorts. The very first variety of body language. Narcissa would get the cream filling that she wanted so badly, but she had to be completely honest with him first.

"Not even for a second," Narcissa finally whimpered after a very long moment passed where her lips formed a gaping "O" against the skin of Harry's neck, and her trembling arms wrapped around his back to clutch desperately at his shoulders. "My resources… They.. they follow your exploits. I… I know better than most just how… fuck… how absurdly strong you are… Gasp!... On the other haand, I've also le..learned how you operate... Whenever possible, you use a mixture of bribery, tender traps and loyalty oaths to bring female enemies to your side. I… I want to be tender trapped my Lord... I want you to spoil me rotten!" Along with this last exclamation, Narcissa curled her hands around the back of Harry's head, bit into his bottom lip and stared meaningfully down into his eyes. She'd meant every single word of what she'd just said. She wanted him to scan her thoughts. She wanted him to see it for himself… Then he suddenly did believe her and she saw the realization in his eyes.

"I've been dancing on the palm of your hand this whole entire time," Harry whispered in a truly impressed tone of voice. "So amazing..." With a grin and another slap to the unblemished side of Narcissa's thicc fucking ass, Harry kissed the the devilishly ingenious woman hard on the mouth and then started pumping her up and down the length of his cock with much more energy and intent. He also pressed his face in between the woman's gigantic tits to suck on her rock hard pink and pebbled nipples, displaying a level of enthusiasm that he'd been holding back. "Rest assured, Lady Malfoy. I'm going to make excellent use of this unbelievably generous body of yours. Oh, I'm going to run you completely ragged."

"Yes, yes please! Yes please use me as you see fit, my Lord," Narcissa called out as her body began twitching and trembling again, and a wave of electric sensation started bubbling out of her core to pulse through the unbelievably overstimulated folds of her pussy. "Use my body, use my pussy, use my womb! Drain that hippogriff cock of yours deep inside of my conniving whore body! Force me to be obedient! Force me to serve! Make me yours!" After wrapping both her arms and legs tightly around Harry's back, Narcissa desperately humped herself down upon his cock with every scrap of coordination that her shaking body had to offer. She couldn't hold it off anymore. She couldn't resist the pull. She was cumming again. She was cumming so hard her mind was experiencing a whiteout.

From her spot between Harry's legs and under Narcissa's beautifully bouncing ass, Daphne found herself waiting eagerly for Lord Potter to cum so that she could catch whatever leaked out of their joining on her tongue and into her mouth.

The woman clearly had no idea just how much cum Harry was about to release.

Harry had no intention of informing her…

With a short feral growl followed by a low grunt of release, Harry rooted Narcissa's pussy down upon his cock by the meat of her thighs and then started cumming balls deep inside of her with everything that he had. With an immediacy that Harry had learned to expect whenever he had sex with so called "Normal" witches, Narcissa immediately started keening like a boiling over tea kettle and shaking like a leaf in a storm. Harry's unbelievably voluminous cumloads were exploding out of his cockhead, where they were slamming against the tiny entrance to her womb like shots from a water cannon. Then, just a split second later, he wasn't all that surprised when Narcissa's head rocked back and she started screaming towards the ceiling. By now she'd be feeling it happen. She'd be feeling how the deepest most sacred depths of her pussy were expanding outwards, when the cum building against her cervix had only 1 place left to go… her womb. Within just the first 2 seconds of Harry's orgasm, the magically bolstered and unnaturally thick tidal wave of cum being released inside of Narcissa was already being forced to flush much deeper within her most fertile depths by the unnaturally wide and girthy cockhead that was plugging up her entire channel. As more and more time passed and Harry was nowhere near finished cumming yet, the ever increasing amount of semen continued to expand the walls of Narcissa's pussy even as the mass of it grew more and more dense with bottled up pressure. Then, finally, when Narcissa's pussy could no longer stretch to contain it all, the seed shot down the length of Harry's massive plug of a cock to explode out of her tightly sealed pussylips at extremely high speeds.

And that was the moment when Harry's cum was launched out of Narcissa's tightly clenching pussy to splash all over every inch of Daphne Nott's eagerly waiting face.

At first Daphne unconsciously reeled back as her forehead cheeks and chin were painted a pearly white that dripped down her neck to cover her shoulder-blades and tits. Then her eyes contracted to the size of pinpricks as her brain completely shut down, and her trembling hands slowly dragged up the length of her newly cum covered body. Soon enough the woman had snapped out of her shock in order to actively shower herself in Harry's cum, with her face just inches from his balls and her hands busy at work dragging wave after sticky wave of cum up to her wide open and eagerly awaiting mouth. Over and over, she stuffed her fingers knuckles deep into her mouth and then licked her palms clean as more and more cum squirted out to cover her face and drool down onto her conveniently high and perky tits. Daphne wasn't surprised in the least when she felt her pussy start to shiver and contract over nothing but empty air or when she dripped desperate juices down onto the marble floor of the boardroom. She was burning up. She was a needy bitch. She was losing her godsdamned mind with lust...

Narcissa was losing her mind for completely different reasons...

"Oh… Oh my Lord… Oh my Lord how?... How do you?… How are you?… My pussy… My womb… Is the potion going to be enough?... Is any amount of potion enough?... Gods, Goddesses… You're such a maaannn," Narcissa moaned, squeaked and whimpered as her pussy experienced the breeding of a lifetime and was painted the brilliant white frothy color of Harry Potter's seed. For the last 20-25 seconds of Harry's orgasm, she managed to root her leaking pussy insistently on the base of his cock over and over again, because the feeling of being inseminated by the strongest wizard in the entire world was euphoric, it was blissful, it was primal satisfaction at its absolute best.. Then, finally, her massively overwhelmed nervous system started giving her signals that she'd pushed herself way too far and her eyelids started fluttering over glassy and vacant eyes. With all of the energy that she had remaining, she draped herself forward around Harry's shoulders and sloppily kissed at his neck as she found herself falling into a languid, almost incoherent daze. She was fucked silly. She was fucked rotten. She was never going to give this up… Never... Then Narcissa felt Harry's cock slowly getting smaller inside of her and at first she thought that he was losing his arousal post orgasm. She was wrong. A few moments later, when his cock finished changing shape but remained as hard as steel, it became apparent that Harry had merely reduced his size to something that a normal person would consider large…

The man was moving on to Daphne. He was nowhere near finished...

Gods… Goddesses… Harry Potter wasn't even human…

With gentle but implaccable strength, Harry lifted Narcissa's nearly comatose body up off of his cock, rose to his feet and then placed the delirious woman down on the chair. Then, after deciding to continue ignoring the cunty little bitch currently petrified on his right hand side, he turned to face his dangerously unhinged superfan instead, and he wasn't the least bit surprised to find her exactly where he'd left her. Daphne Nott seemed perfectly happy to remain on her knees, where she was licking her lips to clean up the remainder of the cum that he'd just covered her in.

Stepping in the woman's direction, Harry dropped his still hard but reduced cock down upon the woman's forehead in an unspoken command. Without a word or even a single moment's hesitation, Daphne took as much of his dick as she could handle into her desperately hungry mouth to get at all of the cum that was still lingering on his flesh. Even at a reduced size, the woman wheezed and gagged as she stuffed a little over ⅔ of his cock down her untrained little throat, but it had to be said that her chipmunked out cheeks mixed with the determined set to her features was just a little bit adorable...

"You're very well behaved for a dangerously obsessive stalker," Harry pointed out as he dropped his hands into Daphne's hair and slowly pulled her lips off of his cock.

"Well behaved for you," Daphne breathed out as soon as she had the air available to do so. "Obedient, servile, dedicated, useful. Let me have my way with your body, my Lord, and I'll do almost anything..."

"What kinks or character elements should I keep in mind when I fuck your sister?" Harry stared down into Daphne's eyes as he asked the question because he wanted her to understand that he demanded absolute obedience. Sure enough, Daphne's eyes immediately widened and she began mentally cataloguing everything that she knew about her sister.

"Our father was a very, very busy Potion Master," Daphne began in an eager tone. "In order to get my father's attention I became a Potion Mistress as well. Astoria… She merely acted like a needy little girl when our father was around as if she never grew older than 7 years old, and it worked. He would cater to her whims. Then, as we grew older, the behaviour kind of stuck and I've noticed lately that it's been incorporated into her sexuality. Astoria has a secret daddy fixation… a big one… and an age regression kink a mile long…"

Turning aside to look at Astoria, Harry saw that the woman's face was about as red as a human's can get without passing the fuck out, and her eyes were boring twin holes into her sister's head like a pair of laserbeams.

Well… He couldn't allow that unfairness to continue...

"Rather than having a temper tantrum at your elder sister, I think it's far more appropriate to get angry at me for asking Daphne that question,"Harry pointed out as he stepped up to the immobilized young women. "On the other hand, you should probably be grateful that I'm taking an interest in a little brat such as yourself in the first place. I remember very clearly how terribly you used to behave back at Hogwarts, as well as how you sported that "Die Potter Die" pin all year when I was a TriWizard Champion…"

With an amused smile on his face that made it clear that he wasn't actually upset, Harry walked a slow circle around Astoria's immobilized body. As he moved, he ran a finger along the baby smooth skin of her stomach and arms, releasing tendrils of raw magic into the woman's skin that elicited uncontrollable shivers and left goosebumps in its wake. He also made sure to take special notice of the small puddle of arousal that was dripping from the woman's completely soaked through thong, as if Astoria were a poorly trained puppy that he was going to have to clean up after. 30 seconds later, when he finally arrived in front Astoria again and was staring the woman in the eyes from merely a foot away, Harry waved a hand down at her body and all of her clothing shrank to about half their original size. Very suddenly, Astoria's schoolgirl-esque outfit looked like nothing more than completely shameless fetish fuel, as her too small blouse barely concealed her nipples, and her far too short skirt flared out to reveal the bottom half of her enormous bubble butt. With all of that accomplished, Harry waved his hand at Astoria's face unsealing the woman's ability to speak.

"You're not my father," Astoria immediately called out along with a growl of unconcealed outrage. "I will never call you father!"

"No… No, having you call me father would be both sick and wrong," Harry agreed with a small gentle slap to the young woman's cheek. "Instead, if you want me to give you any attention whatsoever, you're going to have to call me... Daddy…"

In an immediate and rather revealing reaction, Astoria shivered from head to toe and her pupils dilated wide enough to nearly cover her irises. Other than that though… She didn't say a word. She shook and her mouth gaped open to allow her newly haggard breathing, but she didn't respond at all…

"Just so long as we're understood," Harry whispered to the younger woman, leaning nice and close as he drew his hand down the side of Astoria's face to her neck. Then he suddenly drew his hand away and began turning back towards Daphne...


Harry managed to conceal the scoff that wanted to explode out of his mouth as he slowly turned back towards the youngest Greengrass and saw that she was staring at him with a look of unconcealed desperation upon her face… Her elder sister had her completely figured out to the point that this was like shooting fish in a barrel. Speaking of which…

"Daphne," Harry barked out in a commanding tone.

"Yes, my Lord," Daphne replied as she suddenly materialized at Harry's side.

"Retrieve your sister's wand, conjure some velvet rope to tie around her hands and then unpetrify her body," Harry demanded in a calm but authoritative voice. " I have some much overdue disciplining to do, and I don't want this foolish little girl to get any ideas while I administer it…"

"Yes, my Lord. Right away, my Lord," Daphne breathed out as she moved to her sister's side, removed her wand, and then freed the woman's arms only so that they could be tied together in front of her body.

After moving back to Astoria's side to look down into the much shorter woman's lust filled eyes, Harry dropped his hands down to the velvet rope holding her hands together and then slowly drew her across the room… Without ever saying a word, Harry took a seat in the room's only couch and then drew Astoria's body down atop his lap on her belly. "Do you know what I'm about to do to you Astoria?"

"You're… about to... spank me..." Astoria panted out as her face flushed, her back arched like a cat's, and her tied together hands fisted into the material of the couch.

"Do you know why," Harry asked as he ran his hand up one of Astoria's knee length stockings and then slowly up the unbelievably soft flesh of her inner thigh.

"Be..because I'ma… baaad girl... '' Astoria slowly admitted in a shaky, higher pitched and somewhat cutesy little voice…

Even as Harry sat there, the 24 year old woman on his lap appeared to be regressing in age in order to assume the role that her sister had hinted at.

This was really something special… This level of perversion had to deserve a reward of some kind...

Waving Daphne over, Harry gestured down at her sister's newly wiggling ass and squirming thighs. "While I do have to punish this little brat for all of her misdeeds back in school, I'll leave it to you to reward her for whatever good behaviour she's managed in the years since. Show me how you girls find comfort in each other… Show me what you meant by... teamwork…"

"Yes, my Lord," Daphne replied with a smile, as she slid in under Astoria's legs on the couch. Then she was reaching up between her sister's thighs, drawing aside her completely ruined thong with a single deft movement of her finger and rubbing her fingers along the folds of her pussy up to her clit in gentle but insistent side to side movements.

"Ooooooooh Gods," Astoria breathed out as her sister rubbed at her desperately hot and needy little pussy and Lord Potter himself cupped both of her ass cheeks with his hands.

Then it happened.


Astoria's disproportionately huge ghetto booty jiggled wildly back and forth as Harry dropped a medium strength flat palmed slap onto the meat of her left ass cheek. "Bad girl," he growled out as he stared down into the woman's newly shaking eyes. The entire time they did this Daphne played her part perfectly by rubbing her sister's soaking wet and twitching pussy lips even harder and focusing more insistently on her swollen little clit. Then Harry was dropping a second slap onto Astoria's right ass cheek, eliciting a small juvenile whimper to leak from the girl's lips and copious pussy juices to drip from between her thighs.

For the next minute and a half, Harry alternated rubbing, cupping, groping and slapping Astoria's ultra beautiful and eye catching bubble butt, and by the end of it, the youngest Greengrass looked like she was just seconds away from gushing all over the both of them.

Couldn't have that now… Not without the timing being juuuust right…

"Do you think you've been punished enough baby girl," Harry whispered into Astoria's ear in a much gentler tone of voice than he'd used at any point up until now.

"Yess, yesss… I'ma good giirl noow. I'm a good girl for yoouu," Astoria slurred out into the fabric of the couch as her body vibrated from top to bottom and her pussy clenched against Daphne's idly probing fingers.

"Very good…," Harry conceded in a very pleased sounding voice. "Daphne, I want you to lay on your back on the couch. I'm going to have young Astoria lay on top of you so that you can hug each other." Harry gave the dirty blonde sitting beside him a very meaningful look, causing her eyes to immediately widen and then her body to begin moving in almost impossibly efficient ways. Within no time at all, Harry was up on his feet and Daphne was on her back on the couch, where she was hugging Astoria's face into the cleavage of her breasts and wrapping her legs around the young woman's back. Both Daphne and Astoria's newly uncovered pussies were wide open for Harry's viewing pleasure exactly as he'd intended, which of course meant that Daphne really was a very capable and useful young witch…

It was something to keep in in mind for later… At the moment, Harry had bigger, more important things to focus on…

Dropping to his knees on the couch behind the two overexcited young Ladies, Harry sidled up in between their wide open legs and then leaned over Astoria's newly naked upper body to look down into Daphne's half wild and expectant eyes. "I'm going to release a soapy water spell inside of your pussy Daphne. We just spent 5 minutes getting little Tori here ready for her reward, but you still need some priming."

"I'm nearly a hundred percent certain I'll be able to take every single inch of your cock with very little trouble because I have never, ever been more aroused in my whole entire life," Daphne immediately admitted.

"Look, just, be a good girl like your cutiepie of a little sister," Harry breathed out as he gently tugged at one of Astoria's newly braided pigtails. Then he was rising above a feverishly shivering Astoria, to rub his hands up under the microskirt that was her only remaining piece of clothing, and drop his fingers knuckle deep into the glorious globes that made up her mouth watering, body type defying, absolutely astonishing, bubble butt. Even as he worshipped the young lady's fantastically enormous ass, a globe of water began to grow in the air near Daphne's pussy, where it began circling and spinning and then rubbing against her pussy folds and clit. Soon enough, Daphne was beginning to pant, moan and whimper right along with her hyper aroused younger sister and the water enchantment hadn't even properly entered her yet.

Very good… It was time...

"Within 20 seconds of me hilting myself inside of you, my cock is going to start returning to its normal size," Harry warned Astoria as he rubbed the head of his dick against the woman's pussy folds and clit.

"I pwomise to be a weally, weally good girl for you daddy," Astoria purred in the voice of a pornstar acting like a 7 year old, while waving her ass back and forth against his dickhead. "I pwomise to take evewy seengle inch of your monster dick inside of me and then squeeeeeeze it as haawwd as I can. Please give me my weward now daddy… Please give me what a gwowing girl neeeeeds…."

Well… Fuck… Harry was just a man… There was no denying that kind of request...

With an enthusiastic growl and a slow but insistent forward thrust, Harry began burying himself into the smallest Lady present in the room, only to find that all of their efforts had been well worth their time as she was more than wet enough to begin taking his cock. Oh she was tight. She was sooo fucking tight, it was almost as if she was a legitimate virgin. On the other hand, Astoria was teased into such an absurd level of high arousal, she started cumming almost the second he began penetrating her and she didn't stop until long after he hilted himself balls deep inside of her. She gasped in surprise when his cockhead suddenly split open her pussylips, then she trembled from top to bottom when his flared out crown began gouging out her insides and her pussylips snapped elastic tight to drag along his shaft. She whimpered as he drove more and more of his cock deeper and deeper within her unbelievably tight, hot and slippery depths, and the contracting meat that made up her core fluttered insistently around every inch that he fed her. Around the time Harry was almost halfway inside of the woman, a wave of extremely intense twitching and trembling seemed to radiate out from deeper within Astoria's pussy, rocking her entire body, bowing her back to wave her ass further up in the air, and forcing a long, loud and warbling moan out of the girl's lips directly into the flesh of her older sister's tits.

In response to the youngest Greengrass's maybe not so surprising orgasm, and the lubrication that flooded her pussy as a result, Harry slammed his reduced cock home into Astoria's pussy with authority, buried his hands back into the abundant meat of her gigantic ass, and smiled towards the ceiling in accomplishment… Now there was only one thing left to navigate… The countdown had begun. 20 seconds and counting until his cock grew back to its original size. In preparation for the stretching that Astoria was about to go through, Harry began channelling raw magic out through every single inch of his dick and casting hundreds of slow acting healing charms on her body to ease the process along.

With eyes that were glazing over with unfulfilled lust and a mouth that was hanging open in an adorable little "o", courtesy of the teasing water charm that was currently expanding and contracting within her tight little pussy, Daphne still managed to be there for her younger sister in her time of need. As her sister came herself stupid around Harry's recently hilted dick, she wrapped her legs tighter around the smaller girl's tiny lower back, rubbed at her shoulders with movements full of tender loving care and kissed at the top of her tightly braided head. Then her hand snaked down the length of her sister's body towards her pussy so that she could start rubbing and playing with the girl's little bead of a clit. In an immediate reaction, Astoria began whimpering and shivering and her mouth opened to suck one of Daphne's pink and pebbled nipples into her talented little mouth.

Of course, Daphne's forethought and consideration paid off just 10 seconds later, when Harry's cock started returning to its normal size and Astoria's unbelievably overstimulated pussy was much more capable of taking what was happening to it.

"Oh daddy, daddy! You're stwetching me daddy. You're bweaking my lil pussy awound your big fat daddy dick! I'm definitely going to be your good lil girl now. It's all I can be nooooww," Astoria moaned directly into Daphne's tits as she persistently pushed her ass back against Harry's waist to stay rooted on his cock. It was growing. The fucking thing was still growing inside of her! Then Astoria felt it happening and her eyes immediately contracted into tiny little points. Her belly… She felt an indescribable pressure deeep within her belly. Just like she saw happen with Narcissa… After a single moment where she was hesitant to even look, Astoria's eyes slowly tracked down and then widened to the size of saucers at what she found. The dent. That same fucking dick dent that had graced Narcissa's abnormally perfect stomach was now growing into prominence inside of her deepest most sacred depths. Her womb. Her poor defenceless lil womb. It was being bullied by Lord Potter's monstrous fucking cock. It was being pushed around by the most powerful and dominant man on the face of the planet. Her Lord, her Master, her new Daddy… Fuuuuck!...

When the childlike affectation that Astoria was making suddenly became far more convincing in its manic intensity, Harry arched an eyebrow but decided to wait a few seconds longer before he moved. His cock was just now reaching its full size within the woman and he didn't yet know how her tiny little body was going to react to it all. That's why he was surprised when the current Lady Malfoy suddenly started clapping her huge beautiful ass cheeks back against his waist like a woman possessed while whimpering and moaning in a childlike little voice.

Just like Narcissa… Astoria had some serious potential…

Oh daddy, fuck, daddy! You're fucking my womb daddy! You're bullying my lil eggs right whewe they live daddy," Astoria moaned, as she completed a lookback to stare Harry right in the eyes, dragged a wet little tongue along both her top and bottom lip, and redoubled the entensity that she was humping her pussy back against his dick. "You're stwetching me sooo much daddy! My lil pussy's neva going to be the saaame! "I'm wuined, I'm bwoken! Please don't eva stop feeding this good lil girl your fat fucking cooock! It's all I'm weally good fow nooow!"

As Astoria's well executed character caused a hard spike of surprise arousal to hit Harry all the way from left field, he suddenly collapsed down on top of the woman's back, ground his cock balls deep inside of her twitching little pussy, and then whispered directly into her ear. "You're not going anywhere little Tori… You're one of mine now. You're one of my obedient little cockwarmers. Prepare to get spread open and filled with cum by daddy's massive dick for over a hundred fucking years... " Then Harry was rising back up to his knees, but not without taking a hold of Astoria's twin pigtails and pulling her back to grind her ass against his waist.

If there was a single problem with Astoria nee Greengrass's sex, it would have to be that her pussy was on a hair trigger… No more than 50 seconds after Harry finally started fucking the current Lady Malfoy in earnest, the woman was already spilling pussy juices all over his cock and balls, shaking from head to toe like a leaf in a tornado and moaning like the horniest of club sluts. Then she just didn't stop… Harry pulled on Tori's little hips, causing her beautiful fucking ass to clap and slap against his waist and it was a marvel to behold, but the woman on the end of his dick continued to twitch and moan and spill juices all over the couch to the point he thought he might end up doing her some permanent damage.

Then he remembered that he'd stacked the Greengrass sisters like pancakes in a diner.

"I'm about to switch over to fucking you Daphne, and I'm only going to reduce the size of my dick for 15 seconds at the most," Harry called out as he continued smashing his hips into Astoria's glorious ass and thumping his cockhead against her furiously trembling womb. "I'm assuming you're good to go?"

"I'm feeling dangerously unhinged because of the teasing my pussy is taking, and I'm jealous of my sister nearly to the point of violence, so I think it's for the best that you start fucking me as soon as physically possible," Daphne summarized in a candid but manic tone of voice.

"You really are one sick fucking puppy aren't you," Harry grunted as he slowly pulled his cock out of Astoria's hot and clenching depths with an obscenely loud popping sound. With an ultra-efficient economy of movements, he reduced the size of his dick again, moved the teasing water charm up to Astoria's pussy to keep her insides stretched, and then plunged his dick down into Daphne's molten depths.

"Oh, oh thank the Gods, the Goddess and the saints above, Amen," Daphne immediately chanted in a shaky and manic tone of absolute worship, revealing without a single doubt that she'd been praying for Harry to finally fuck her this whole entire time. Then her arms were tightening around Astoria's shivering and whimpering form and her legs were kicking out towards the ceiling in a "V" as Harry began pounding his reduced cock against the entrance to her womb. He was already so much bigger than Theodore could ever be. He was already so much harder than the man had ever been in his life. He was already making her pussy feel so much more than it had ever felt before. Lord Potter was all she'd ever wanted ever since her breasts first started growing and she experienced the change. Now Lord Potter was fucking her and it was absolutely everything that she'd always imagined it would be…

And then his cock started growing within her to stretch and dominate her most fertile of depths, and Daphne's pupils went cross eyed before curling into the back of her head. "Fuuuuuuck," She warbled out as her tongue poked out of her mouth and her entire body shook. "Fuuuck, fuck, fuck, fuck me my Loooorrd! I'm cumming my Lord! I'm cumming on all over you my Lord! Keep fucking meeee! Fuck me silly! Fuck me daily! Fuck me to completion! Fuck my womb full of your seed! Fuck a baby into me!"

"Gods save me," Harry breathed out as Daphne's unbelievably soft and high quality pussy clamped down around every inch of his still growing cock, perfectly mirroring the crazy and possessive words that were leaking out of her wide open mouth. On the one hand, exactly as she'd promised, Lady Nott didn't seem to be struggling in the least taking every single inch of his unnecessarily huge cock, on the other hand, the woman's dangerously determined mind was actively forcing the entrance to her womb to open, willing it to happen with every scrap of magic that she contained. The crazy married woman whose womb he was currently penetrating with the head of his dick wanted to get knocked up by a rival Lord's child. She wanted it badly enough that her magic was obeying and a tingling sensation was tickling at Harry's balls. Fuuuck… Why oh why was it that crazy women were always such good fucks?… Either way, Harry suddenly found himself actively resisting Daphne's magic's attempts to coax his balls into spilling as her legs suddenly wrapped around his back and tightened like iron bands.

"You're a married woman Daphne," Harry reminded Lady Nott, even as he proved just how amoral he is by grabbing her supermodel calibre ass and slamming his cock balls deep inside of her over and over again.

"Don't mind, don't care! If need be, I'll arrange to have an accident happen to my husband, but only after I know that I've got a Potter baby growing in my womb," Daphne called out in return as her legs tightened even more around Harry's back and she humped her pussy up to meet the man's downward thrusts. When her sister started to open her mouth to protest the insanity of her plans, Daphne pulled the younger woman's face down into her cleavage to smother her words in tit flesh.

"Fucking psycho," Harry muttered as he continued fucking the woman down into the couch and began releasing a current of raw magic directly into the woman's clit and womb. Sure enough, Daphne almost immediately clenched up and began cumming on his cock, and Harry found the magical pressure being applied on his testicles eased off quite a bit. He needed to keep Daphne cumming. He needed to keep her blissed out. With that in mind, he pulled his knees back a little and began delivering long, powerful, full dicked, womb thumping pumps of his hips, balls deep in the steamy hot and slippery depths of Daphne's over excited pussy. He gave it to her like he'd give it to a purely sexual creature like a Fleur Delacour, and soon enough Daphne's eyes were trailing back into her head again and her legs were shaking in the air as if they were attached to a livewire of electricity.

Then, when Daphne was dead to the world, in a sandblasted wasteland of orgasmic pleasure, Harry pulled out and returned the water enchantment charm inside of her to keep her pussy warm.

"Oh Daddy yes!" Astoria gasped out, beaming a newly manic smile directly into Daphne's orgasmically vacant face as every inch of Lord Potter's gigantic cock split open her freshly teased and trembling pussy meat to knock against her womb like a gong in a monastery. "Yes please spoil your baby girl, daddy! Please give your lil cock warmer all of the cweam filling that her dwipping wet pussy needs so badly!" Along with her words, Astoria finally managed to demonstrate some of her usual sex appeal by arching her back like a cat, waving her ass back and forth around Harry's cock and humping herself up and down his length like a Muggle dancer from a music video. Unfortunately for Astoria, Harry's cock still felt waaay too good stretching out the sensitive walls of her ultra-needy pussy, and within just 2 or 3 minutes she felt her core muscles beginning to tense up and contract in an irresistible pull towards her newest orgasm. "Hooohhhh daddy," she whimpered as her ass and thighs began trembling and shaking visibly under Harry's persistently thumping cock. "Nooo, I want iiiit! I want your cweam daddy! I want you to dwown my lil eggs in all your cum!" Please, please, don't leave me without it!"

"Of the 500 million plus sperm that I'm going to cum inside both of you girls, only 1000 will be fertile enough to actually get a woman pregnant," Harry suddenly explained as he pulled out of Astoria's freshly orgasmic pussy and shoved himself balls deep inside of Daphne again. "If you want to increase the odds of me knocking you up in the future Lady Nott, then you have to make yourself useful to me and stop trying to use force against my body."

"I understand and obey, my Lord," Daphne immediately called out with glassy, vacant eyes and hands that were rubbing affectionately at her cock dented tummy. "I shall pray to the Gods that the rare fertile seed will reach my eggs and grace my belly with a superior heir…" Then Daphne was cumming again merely at the thought of getting Harry's nut, and he was having to force his cock out of a pussy that was determined to keep him rooted balls deep inside of her.

For the next 10 minutes, Harry alternated between the 2 Greengrass sisters every time they orgasmed upon his dick, which of course meant that he did so often. By the time he was approaching his own orgasm and preparing to spread it out between the 2 womens' pussies, it was Astoria Malfoy that was pushing him to the edge, because she was the one offering the best view with her spastically trembling bubble butt and sloppy to the point of obscene inner thighs. The woman was a mess of overwrought, overwhelmed nerves and she was whimpering into her sister's tits like the 7 year old she'd been attempting to impersonate. That's why, when a newly recovered Narcissa Malfoy suddenly crawled up the length of Harry's back, kissed and nibbled softly at his neck, pressed her fat tits into his back, wrapped her arms around his waist and began softly fondling at his balls, Harry almost immediately ended up doubling the speed that he was pumping inside of Astoria and he started gripping her ass hard with both of his hands. "I'm about to start cumming girls," he called out after sharing a hungry series of kisses with the brunette currently draped over his shoulder. "Astoria, be a good girl for daddy and take my cum as deep as you can inside that adorable little womb of yours."

"Oooohhh yess, yes please, yes please daddy," Astoria moaned as she slowly pulled her face from within her sister's cleavage to give Harry her most adorable fuck drunk pleading look.

"Daphne, you're getting the second half," Harry explained in a growl filled with sudden urgency.

"Yes my Lord. Please my Lord. I beg you to knock me up. I want it more than anything," Daphne whimpered, after opening and blinking out a pair of eyes that had trailed into the back of her head.

After only 5 or 6 more hard pumps against Astoria's beautiful bouncing ass, and aided by Narcissa who was sucking on his neck and massaging both of his balls, Harry suddenly grunted, slammed his cock balls deep inside of Astoria, and started cumming with all his might. He pressed himself even harder against the smaller woman's ass when his cum bottlenecked against her cervix causing her to release a high pitched keen like that of a small animal. He ground his cockhead firmly against the woman's core while exalting over the flood of cum that his twitching balls were releasing, and he watched Astoria's body riot in response to the seeding that it was receiving.

Oh daddy! Daddy! You're spoiling your lil girl sooo much! You're filling me to the bwim! So much wawm cock cweam inside my lil woooommb," Astoria yell moaned in a completely hysterical version of her cutesy voice as she slapped and kicked at the couch cushions. Then she gasped and her legs gave out on her when Harry suddenly pulled his cock out from deep inside of her like a plug in a sink, to begin painting both of her ass cheeks a pearly white.

After making a cum covered masterpiece of Astoria's beautiful red tinted ass cheeks, Harry aimed his cock down towards Daphne's inner thighs, covering them in several cumshots before slamming his cock home into her eagerly clenching pussy. Then he was power washing Daphne's cervix with cum in a similar fashion to Astoria, and she was visibly losing her fucking mind in excitement over it.

"Gods, Goddesses and spirits above, I'm being inseminated! My wombs taking your seed," Daphne screamed towards the ceiling. I want it. I want it all. I want it so bad. I want to tie you to me for life by having one of your children. I want you at my beck and call so that I can have my way with your body!"

"You're lucky you have such an excellent pussy Daphne because your personality scares the hell out of me," Harry called out as he ground his cock balls deep inside of the psychotic bitch and her legs wrapped behind Narcissa to pull her body harder against his back. For another 25 seconds, Harry came inside of Daphne, until his cum was leaking out of the woman in sloppy spurts that coated the couch and pooled around Harry's knees.

When his orgasm finally petered off and came to an end, Harry slowly pulled out of Daphne and collapsed at the end of the couch with his back to the armrest. Then he snapped his fingers and pointed at the 3 cum smeared women laying around the semen covered couch. "All three of you… Go get your wands. First you're going to make the magical oaths that I outlined earlier, and then you're going to clean up my dick with your mouths."

"Yes, my Lord, immediately my Lord, yes Daddy!"




"So let me get this straight," Tonks slowly whispered… "Narcissa Seraphinia Malfoy… my aunt Cissy, the prim and proper mega bitch, has enslaved herself to you as an office secretary, so that she can get some dick?" Rather than looking upset, Tonks looked like she wanted to howl with laughter and her hand on Harry's cock was moving faster and more possessively with every second that passed.

"Yes," was all Harry said in reply.

"And you really released 1000 fertile sperm inside of Daphne?"

"It was all among the semen I released onto Astoria's ass," Harry clarified.

Without saying a word, Tonks started kissing Harry's waist and abs as she suddenly found her attraction to the man exploding to never before seen heights.

Fleur, on the other hand, was unhappy, but she couldn't really say anything. It seemed that Harry had sexed these women at least partially to stop them from being dangerous to him and the women that he was involved with…

"Then the next day I…"

"Ze next day," Fleur loudly blurted out, completely by accident.

"Yes, the next day," Harry repeated.

"Tell us everything," Tonks immediately whispered in a voice dripping with arousal and a hand that was rapidly moving under the blanket.

To be continued