8 - Tonks, Narcissa and Andromeda’s Black Family Affair

Under the effects of the strong Veritaserum truth potion that Fleur injected into his thigh while he was sleeping, Harry had just spent the last 10 minutes plus explaining his very active sex life to a pair of extremely disapproving young Veela. Fleur and Gabrielle Delacour did not like what was being revealed by all of the questions that they were asking…

Tonks, who had been sleeping next to Harry when the Delacour sisters snuck in and drugged the man, was merely sticking around because both the situation and Harry's answers were amusing her...

"'And 'ou eventually eentend to take een zese 3 prostitutes as concubines," both Gabrielle and Fleur accused with huge amounts of jealousy and outrage contained in their voices.

"So far I've only promised Angelina, Alicia and Katie that I'll think about taking them on, but I most likely will accept them because they're old friends of mine and because I know for a fact that they're not trying to take advantage of me," Harry explained in a quietly robotic tone of voice.

"Take advantage of 'ou," Fleur repeated in a voice that was growing more and more upset by the second. "As opposed to whom… Me?"

After blinking several times, Harry's eyes slowly panned over to stare up at Fleur's face. For several seconds in a row, he just lay there and stared up into Fleur's eyes, but as more time passed, his magic started billowing out of his body, causing his bed sheets to start fluttering around in a completely nonexistent wind.

Fleur and Gabrielle immediately shied away from the bed as their eyes widened and their faces took on nervous expressions. Tonks on the other hand, leaned in even closer to Harry's body with a wildly entertained expression growing across her face.

All 3 women knew exactly what they were currently seeing.

Harry Potter was about to bring their interrogation to a sudden and dramatic end…

More and more over the next 30 seconds, an emerald green cloud of roiling magic began pouring out of Harry's body, exiting and then reentering his flesh over and over again in a circular motion that made him look like he was the center of a small but intense weather system. Then the magic in the air all around the room suddenly skyrocketed as Harry's body floated just an inch off the bed and all of the covers flapping against his skin took on an ethereal backwards movement that was visibly... other...

With a clinking and clacking sound, the retrofitted epinephrine dispenser that had dropped to the floor after Fleur injected it into Harry's thigh suddenly reversed course back up off the ground and rose up into the air. As if they were all watching a stop motion video in reverse, the epi-pen reattached itself to Harry's thigh, refilled with the pale blue liquid that they'd injected into his body and then floated down into his newly outstretched hand.

Harry's eyes immediately cleared, he sat up in the bed, and he drew in a long, haggard, visibly furious breath.

"Harry I," Fleur began, taking a somewhat hesitant step towards the man.


With a flash of blinding green magic, Fleur and Gabrielle were separated from their wands and affixed firmly against the wall of the bedroom. There was no drama involved. There was no duel. Any resistance that they might have made was over long before it ever started.

Both Gabrielle and Fleur's mouths bobbed open and shut at the ease with which they had been completely incapacitated. What was worse was that they were both trying to wandlessly summon their wands into their hands, a skill that they'd trained for years to perfect, and nothing at all was happening. Harry was blocking their magic. Harry had them both completely helpless...

After rising from the bed, Harry took a look at the pale blue concoction in his hand, and then he drew a bright green line in the air that created his 'storage space' dimension. Soon enough, the potion and both of the Delacour sisters' wands were placed inside of that pocket dimension and were gone from the room. Only then, when any tools that might have been used to resist his reckoning were gone, did Harry cross the room and stare at Fleur from point blank range.

"Give me one good reason not to Apparate you out of here, change the wards on all of my properties, and then avoid you exactly like I do that red-headed step-sister of yours." Harry breathed out in a voice filled with untold amounts of raw, barely controlled wrath.

"'Ou love me," Fleur immediately replied.

Fleur was right. Everyone in the room knew that she was right.

"I also trusted you, so I'm learning that my feelings don't amount to much," Harry countered in a very cold and unsettling tone of voice. "I'm… furious, Fleur… I'm angry that you thought you would get away with this kind of absurdly disrespectful behavior. It implies that you think you have authority over me, as if I'm your servant or a concubine of some kind… I'm not... I'm also angry that you think I'm such a revolting cretin that having me merely tell the truth about myself would be enough to frighten off your little sister."

Fleur started to open her mouth, but the words she might have said were cut off when Harry speared her with an extremely hard look.

"Most of all Fleur," Harry growled. "I'm angry that you're allowing that jealous and territorial Veela couched inside of your mind to make you think you have some kind of ownership over me… You are a married woman Fleur. Are you seriously expecting a single, 25 year old man like me, to be monogamous to my married lover. Are you telling me that you haven't fucked your husband for the entire Godsdamned time that we've been sleeping together, because if you have then you're a particularly shameless variety of hypocrite, and if you haven't, then your husband already knows that you're cheating on him…"

"I… Fleur's mouth bobbed open and closed several times before she finally lapsed back into a tortured looking silence.

"Let's just cut the crap Fleur," Harry continued into the heavy silence that followed. "You either love your husband, in which case go ahead and be happy with the man, or you don't love your husband and you're looking to me for a way out... Either way, let me make one thing very, very clear to you… I am never going to just knock you up for the hell of it and take matters out of your hands. I refuse. This is your life Fleur, it's your marriage. I will not continue playing the villain so that you can look down on me from atop your moral high ground. This little stunt of yours has made performing that service for you far more trouble than it's worth."

After beginning to turn away, Harry's attention suddenly whipped back in Fleur's direction. "Oh, and don't you dare try to tell me that you can't divorce your husband because of the laws involved. You are one of the most powerful politicians in the whole entire world. You use your vast intelligence and immense authority to completely eradicate evil cabals and you undermine Dark Lords long before they even get started. I completely refuse to believe that tool husband of yours is too much for you to handle…"

After waving his hand to seal Fleur's vocal cords and halt whatever argument she was about to make, Harry turned away from the woman to address her little sister instead.

"I 'aven't been turned off nearly enough by any-zing zat I've 'eard," Gabrielle immediately admitted in her sweet and melodic little voice. "My proto Veela still 'as every eentention of making 'ou 'ers."

"Without the MIMM manacles hindering my magic, I'm more powerful than your proto Veela alter ego," Harry replied with a shrug. "Hell, even if you give up on your little delusion about being a helpless victim and begin actively working together with Belle, I'm still far too strong for you. I can stop you from force Apparating me and I can resist the compulsions in your voice."

"I… we... we understand zat much, but we will not give up," Gabrielle whispered with a newly determined expression on her face.

"Tell me the truth Gabrielle, because I'll know right away if you lie to me. Before you had your childhood memories revealed, weren't you in love with this husband of yours? Weren't you happy with the man?" While Harry was indeed angry at Gabrielle for drugging him, he also didn't know her as well as he did Fleur. At the moment, what he needed more than anything else was to look the woman in the eyes as he heard what she had to say for herself...

"I've never… I... I've always felt zat zere was some-zing missing eenside of me… some-zing wrong wiz me emotionally," Gabrielle haltingly admitted. "I've never felt strong passionate love… or any-zing, for any man, or so I thought… Wiz zat being ze case, I sought out a marriage zat would provide me wiz ze most carefree and convenient life."

"And now," Harry asked.

"And now my body, my mind, my 'eart, eet all burns for 'ou," Gabrielle purred, her eyes locked onto Harry's like laser beams. "Now I know why I was so unaffected and sexless up unteel now... eet's 'ou. Eet's always been 'ou…"

With a slow, understanding nod of his head, Harry magically sealed Gabrielle's ability to speak and then sat down on his bed next to Tonks. Then he was staring at the 2 magically restrained Veela with a look of somewhat sad determination on his face.

"Ladies…" Harry began in a very cool and quiet voice. "I have no interest in having an argument, so you're going to listen carefully to every single word that I have to say… I suppose I'll start with the obvious. I'm very, very desirable.. Women want me... I may sound like a complete douchebag when I say that out loud, but we all know that it's true. Here's my point though… If I wanted to get married like everyone else back when I was 20, then that's what I damn well would've done… I didn't... I'm not interested in monogamy, like, at all. I'm a free agent and I'm in high demand with women all around the world. I'm also young, and I'm magically powerful enough that I'll stay young for a good long time... With that being the case, I never saw the point in settling down purely for the sake of appearances. I'm a notorious womanizer, and you've all been aware of that since day 1…"

Tonks merely nodded her head in complete acceptance. Fleur tried and failed to look like she was in the same boat as Tonks. Gabrielle on the other hand… She looked visibly upset.

With a small sigh and a hand running back through his unruly hair, Harry drew in a breath before he continued speaking. "The fact of the matter is I know exactly why you 2 ladies snuck into my home tonight. You both came here hoping that your sister would snap out of her preoccupation with me during the unbelievably invasive round of questioning that you had planned. You both came here hoping to drive off the competition… You needn't have bothered... You 2 are completely incapable of sharing with each other even though you're both fully aware of what a Veela imprinting entails, which means you should be capable of sympathizing with each other... You can't… Not even under these circumstances... Not even with each other, and I know for a fact that you love each other very, very much. Unfortunately for all of us, your total failure to empathize and cooperate with each other makes what I have to do completely obvious. If I'm not careful, someday very soon, one of my lovers is going to get hit in the face with a wave of passionfire released by a vengeful Veela, and I can't allow that to happen. I'm not going to be able to keep either of you around…"

For the next 10-15 seconds, Fleur and Gabrielle's mouths rapidly opened and shut as they both attempted to speak and then yell in his direction only to be met with failure.

"You Delacour ladies, along with Tonks, are the most powerful, beautiful and sexually satisfying women that I've ever had," Harry admitted after both Fleur and Gabrielle finally finished struggling. "Even now, I really do desire the both of you because I'm a red blooded, heterosexual male and you ladies are completely irresistible. And yes, I do love you Fleur. I care about both of you... just not enough to put up with a lifetime of getting abducted and raped, MIMM manacled at random and drugged in my sleep by a pair of alpha predators trying to assert their dominance."

This time neither Fleur nor Gabrielle attempted to speak. They didn't bother. They knew it wouldn't work. Instead they attempted to break down Harry's resolve with their most piteous puppy dog looks. It really was completely devastating… Harry didn't bend...

"I suppose you already know this Harry, but I don't mind the fact that you sleep around," Tonks quietly pointed out with a hand resting on his forearm. "Rather... I'd be very interested in having you bring me along whenever possible…"

"You're right, I am aware of that Tonks," Harry replied in an amused tone of voice. "It's really too bad that you ended up putting that little ring on your finger, because I doubt there's anyone on Earth better suited for a slut like me than a sexual deviant such as yourself."

"If that's the case, then you'll be interested to know that I filed the paperwork to divorce Charlie on Thursday afternoon through Gringotts," Tonks suddenly revealed through a happy laugh and a smile. "I don't give a damn about the consequences anymore, so Charlie should be receiving the completed paperwork at some point within the next 48 hours. I consider what we did in Romania yesterday to be my final revenge before I move on with my life. I want to be one of yours Harry… I want you to take me on fantastically magical adventures so that you can fuck me sideways in strange and mysterious environments. I also want to be a mother to your children. I don't actually care if you marry me, just keep me close by when you settle down at night, and I'll be completely overjoyed!"

Both Fleur and Gabrielle's eyes suddenly widened to the size of saucers as Tonks did every single little thing that they were too afraid to do and made promises that they were far too possessive to commit to, all with ruinous timing and completely devastating results.

Harry was absolutely floored by Tonks's sudden resolution and he wasn't able to conceal the fact that she'd just charmed the living hell out of him from showing on his face. He was also pleasantly surprised, and that was an extremely rare occurrence nowadays.

While Harry had been vaguely aware that Tonks was keeping a secret from him, and that she'd been hoping that the big reveal would make him happy, he hadn't known that she had such monumental news.

Harry's eyes widened and his hand dropped onto Tonks's thigh as his mind suddenly ran through several different plans and scenarios. Then he kissed the Metamorph softly on the temple, rose to his feet, and conjured himself a business suit. "I'm really happy for you Tonks, I'm happy for the both of us... and yet I wish I'd known that you were intending to do this just a little sooner. I have quite a few arrangements to make in order to soften your landing, and I'll need to take care of them all ASAP. Thankfully, if I call the right people, I can probably get everything done by this afternoon. With that done, the 2 of us can facilitate an appropriate punishment for our 2 intruders here."

With one last look at Fleur and Gabrielle, Harry waved his hand and they both lost consciousness.


When Fleur and Gabrielle managed to open their eyes again, it was to find that they were petrified in place with their vocal chords sealed just like before, but they also saw that Gabrielle was wearing a Runic bracelet incorporating MIMM metal to suppress her proto Veela alter ego.

As it turns out, they'd also experienced a pretty noticeable setting change. While Fleur and Gabrielle were still within the Potter Estate, they were currently affixed to the ceiling of his small guest parlor, and quite a lot of time had passed. Judging by the sunlight that was pouring into the room through a few open windows, it was close to 10 Am in the morning, which meant that they'd been unconscious for just under 6 hours.

In the seconds that followed, both Gabrielle and Fleur felt the cool slippery sensation that was coating every inch of their bodies and they realized that they were sharing an invisibility spell. More and more as they took in their current situation, the sisters realized that they were being forced to bear silent and unseen witness to the events that were happening in the room below…

This couldn't possibly be good...

Down below, Harry was sitting on a couch next to Tonks. Across a coffee table, Narcissa Malfoy sat next to Tonks's mother, Andromeda Tonks.

Harry was wearing his favorite black suit and tie combo, paired with a relaxed smile.

Tonks was currently adopting her classically beautiful Black family features and her full breasted body, under a low cut, shimmering silver knee length cocktail dress that made her look like a mixture of overt sexuality, very old money and sophistication. She was also wearing very dark pink lipstick, which was unusual for her but really did give her that extra oomph that she appeared to be seeking at the moment. Tonks was absolutely stunning, and she was very obviously aiming to impress...

Narcissa was wearing her usual burlesque corset blouse mixture with a lipstick so dark a red, it was almost verging on black. It was a well established fact to most people in magical Britain that the woman woke up every morning, stuffed her ultra curvy body into an elaborately sexual lingerie corset combo appropriate only in such establishments as Moulin Rouge or Las Vegas, and then artfully covered that layer with a modified version of a blouse that spectacularly failed to hide the slut contained within. Her outfit was decadent. It was glorious. It was Narcissa Malfoy fashion honed over years and years of careful practice, and no one pulled it off quite like her.

Andromeda Tonks's outfit was made possible by Muggle fashions, in the sense that her half unbuttoned black blazer and dark burgundy pencil skirt were technically adequate to cover her outrageously thick and generous curves, and yet the sheer and elastic material only seemed to display her body to the max instead. The woman was clearly of Black family breeding though, with black hair, full cherry colored lips, and pale creamy skin covered in black fishnet stockings. Andromeda Tonks was sexy as all hell and didn't look a day over 25, which was made even more impressive when you remembered that she was actually in her mid 50s. Strong magic ran in the Black family, and that was never more obvious than when you saw Andromeda Tonks looking just as young as her adult daughter.

It was actually Andromeda's calm and composed presence sitting next to Narcissa that was the most surprising aspect of what the Delacour sisters were staring down at. By all accounts, Andromeda Tonks, formerly Andromeda Black, had been exiled from the Black family by her mother Druella when she married a Muggle born man by the name of Ted Tonks, and she was on exceedingly bad terms with her far more obedient younger sister Narcissa. Nevertheless, both Andromeda and Narcissa were currently sitting just a few feet from each other, where they were staring at Harry with matching looks of curiosity.

"Before I start speaking of a subject that might upset you, I'll preemptively explain that I've found a relatively simple solution," Harry began while looking over at Andromeda.

"I suppose that's kind of you," Andromeda slowly hedged. "You are flaming my curiosity though…"

"I've seduced your daughter away from her neglectful husband, and this past Thursday she filed for divorce through Gringotts," Harry explained in a very candid voice. "I only found out about her actions this morning."

"Nymphadoorra… " Andromeda immediately moaned out with her hands covering her face.

"Moooom," Tonks whined back in a tone that was very similar to her mother's. "Don't use that naaame."

"And why not," Andromeda immediately argued. "It appears to me that you have this perfectly good name that you're determined to drag through the mud! How, may I ask, is divorcing Charlie going to improve anything for you. Your social standing, your family name, your career! When the world finds out you've left your husband, it's all going to be caput!"

"And that's why I've assured you that I have a relatively simple solution," Harry interjected from the sidelines.

"Your solution has something to do with me, I assume," Narcissa added as she daintily drew a tea cup away from her mouth.

"Yes and yet it'll take you less than 5 seconds," Harry immediately replied. "I'll explain."

"Yes, please do," both Andromeda and Narcissa replied at exactly the same time. Then they glanced aside at each other as if they found their sudden synchronicity annoying.

"When I first found out about Tonks's decision this morning, I immediately sent you ladies owls, asking you to join me here, and I apologize for the lack of explanation," Harry began with a look of chagrin on his face. "A few years back I spent almost an entire year scanning every magic and legal book in every archive and library that I could find so that my magic and my mind could work together archiving it all. What this means is that I've known all morning that there was a relatively simple solution to Tonks's upcoming social stigma, it just took me a while to pull together all of the specifics."

"I'm aware that you tend to act erratically in ways that make sense in retrospect," Narcissa offered as she crossed her legs and put aside the teacup. "You've alluded to having full knowledge of the reason why you randomly beckoned the 2 of us to your home. I'd be interested in hearing what it is?"

"And what this plan of yours is," Andromeda immediately added.

With a sideways glance at Tonks, Harry drew in a very deep breath so that he could look up at the ceiling and stare directly at the Delacour sisters. "If I want to give Tonks a legitimate excuse and a socially acceptable reason to leave Charlie, I'll need to impregnate her as soon as possible."

"Wait what," Andromeda gasped.

"Isn't that line theft," Narcissa asked immediately after.

"Actually it's kind of the opposite," Harry replied as his eyes dropped away from the invisible pair of newly struggling Veela. "If everything goes to plan, it'll be Charlie that's getting in the way of line continuation."

And then Narcissa knew exactly what Harry wanted of her and her eyes slid over towards her long absent sister.

"There is an ongoing oft-forgotten and neglected marriage contract in the Black family vault at Gringotts that stipulates that the Black family's heir must marry and immediately mate with a member of a closely tied branch family whenever possible. This lady must be a current member of the Black family and she must be genetically distinct enough from the current Lord to avoid inbreeding. That's Tonks in a nutshell except for one easily repairable problem…"

"I and all of my offspring have been stricken from the Black family line," Andromeda breathed out in sudden understanding.

"Just so," Harry agreed. "Thankfully, Narcissa and I together have all of the authority required to reverse that decision as the family head and the eldest surviving member.

This time it was Andromeda's turn to cast a glance in Narcissa's direction.

"If what you're saying is true, then yes, it would work," Narcissa slowly added as if she was thinking it out in real time. "While the denizens of the magical world would still view Tonks's divorce of Mr. Weasley as… distasteful, they would also see it as necessary for the eminent revival of a far older and much more powerful magical Family... "Hypothetically speaking of course, I'd be interested in knowing where this arrangement would benefit me?"

After nodding his head as if he'd expected that question, Harry leaned in towards Narcissa and gestured aside at Tonks. "The fact that Tonks is your niece aside, I am going to have to get married someday in order to fulfill the obligations inherent as the Black family Lord. I think it'll be to your benefit that my Lady Black ends up being as… open minded and adventurous as Tonks is…"

"Oh?... Ohhhhh…" Narcissa murmured while giving Tonks a newly speculative look. "So young Ms. Tonks is very… accommodating?"

With a smile and a wink, Tonks leaned forward over her knees to lock eyes with the eldest current member of the Black family. "I'm very, very accommodating."

"I… I see," Narcissa breathed out with a newly hungry look aimed in Harry's direction.

"Am I to understand," Andromeda suddenly interrupted with an imperious expression aimed directly at her younger sister. "That you just agreed to bring me and mine back into the Black family simply for unobstructed access to Harry Potter's dick?"

After sitting as straight in her chair as possible, uncrossing and crossing her legs again and layering her hands on her knees in a very posh and sophisticated manner, Narcissa looked aside at her elder sister and stared her in the eyes for several seconds in a row. "Yes," she finally admitted. "That's exactly what just happened."

"Not just any dick mom," Tonks argued as if she was defending Harry's honor. "Really, really, really good dick."

Narcissa merely nodded as if the younger woman's words were gospel.

"And… and why am I here," Andromeda finally asked in a completely bewildered tone of voice.

"Well, I actually do need to know that you won't reject rejoining the Black family, but that's not my primary purpose for bringing you here," Harry easily admitted. "While the circumstances aren't what they could be, I intend to marry and immediately sire a child with your daughter. If possible, I did want to meet you so that I could attempt to garner your approval and blessing before I do something so… radical."

"There's also the fact that I asked Harry to bring you here today. I think you should make Harry the pinch hitter that you were looking for," Tonks suddenly suggested to her mom with an excited expression on her face. "Harry's extremely discreet mom, and once again he's really, really good…"

Even though he already had a pretty good idea of what Tonks was currently referring to, Harry still decided to ask the question. "Pinch hitter?"

While at first Andromeda gave her daughter a rather scathing look, she eventually returned her eyes to Harry and drew in a very deep breath. "I love my husband…"

Everyone in the room gave Andromeda a look that said the words 'yes but…'

"I'm 56 years old, I look 25 and I'll continue to look 25 for another 35 to 40 years," Andromeda slowly explained. "My husband is 66 and he…"

"He's become old," Narcissa murmured in sudden realization.

"I don't regret my decision," Andromeda immediately retorted in a heated tone of voice. "I've had 37 wonderful years of marriage with Ted and in most ways he's still the perfect husband, but… I still feel young. I still feel desirable. My husband isn't physically capable of keeping me… satisfied any longer. He does love me though, very much, which is why he's decided that I need to find a man to…"

"Pinch hit for him," Harry finished in a carefully serious tone of voice. "Your husband does sound wonderful, Andromeda. He obviously loves you very much."

Andromeda only nodded her head, and then looked down at her knees.

"You have my official consent to reverse the exile of Andromeda Tonks and her offspring from the Black family," Narcissa suddenly announced in a very official tone of voice.

"I officially reverse the decision of Druella Black to exile Andromeda Tonks nee Black and her offspring from the Black family," Harry announced immediately after Narcissa finished. "Dobby, come."

Pop! Yes sir. A very well dressed and official looking Dobby suddenly popped into place and bowed gracefully to everyone in the room.

"Please take these divorce papers, letter of intent from the Black family, and official decree of support from Minister of Magic Rufus Scrimgeour to Mr. Weasley," Harry requested as he handed over a Manila folder to the rather tall and elegant looking house elf. "If Mr. Weasley asks for further details, inform him that he is in breach of his marriage contract for neglecting to sire children with his wife in the 4 plus years that he's been married to her as well as for being away from home for over half the year, every year, since he married her, indicating that he has no intention of continuing his line with her. If he objects, tell him that your Master, Lord Potter Black has an active marriage contract that requires Nymphadora Black nee Tonks sire children with him as soon as practicable for line continuation purposes, and that he has every intention of doing so. If Mr. Weasley continues to object, tell him that he always has the option to call me out for an honor duel, but that I'll scatter parts of his body all over the English countryside if he does...."

"Yes sir, right away sir," Dobby replied with a quick bow and a single step back.

Pop! The house elf had left the room.

In the moments that followed Harry's very direct and assertive dealings with Mr. Weasley, all of the women in the room just sat there and stared at him.

"Lady Black," Narcissa slowly breathed out as she turned to look at a very red in the face Nymphadora Black nee Tonks. "You described yourself as… open minded."

After drawing her hands away from her extremely flushed cheeks and dragging her eyes away from the side of Harry's all too handsome face, Tonks turned towards her long estranged aunt, and nodded her head in understanding. "I'm not cruel, aunty… I know the effect that my new intended just had on you… You'd have to be dead not to have felt it…" With that said, both Tonks and Narcissa turned to regard Andromeda Tonks, and they weren't surprised in the least to find the woman fidgeting in her seat with her palms running up and down the length of her thighs.

"Lord Potter Black," Andromeda began before pausing and drawing in a very deep breath. "My daughter has expressed an interest in having her new intended… you... help me out in regards to matters sexual, and you've expressed an interest in gaining my approval. It's occurred to me that we can kill 2 birds with 1 stone, right here, right now…"

"3 birds with one stone," Harry corrected as his hand slid up the length of Tonks's left thigh to rub at her little tummy just above her womb.

Tonks audibly squeaked as her hands wrapped around Harry's to hold them tightly against her belly. Both Narcissa and Andromeda swallowed as their bodies heated up and their pussies throbbed with a not so subtle, urgent need.

Harry's eyes slowly drifted up towards the 2 invisible Veela stuck to the ceiling who were beginning to release strong waves of allure as their territorial jealousy grew to never before seen heights. It was ironic really. The harder the Delacour girls struggled to break through all of Harry's barrier magic with their allures to draw his attention away from his current course of action, the easier he'd find it to bring the Black family ladies together under a common purpose...

Not that it would've been hard either way… If Tonks and Narcissa were anything to go by, the women of the Black family were basically slutty perfection.

As if to prove Harry's thoughts were right on the money, Tonks slowly moved her legs up onto the couch so that she could lean into his side and begin fussing at his neck with her mouth and tongue. At the same time, both Narcissa and Andromeda were rising from their seats and Narcissa was Levitating the coffee table out of the way. While at first, Andromeda looked back and forth between Harry and her daughter and bit at her bottom lip in indecision, that all ended when Harry pointed at her and then gestured for her to sit on his lap. All signs of hesitation immediately disappeared from both the woman's face and body language, and she flounced across the room like a professional stripper. Soon enough, Harry had an arm wrapped around Tonks on his left hand side, Narcissa on his right, and Andromeda was straddling his lap to eagerly run her hands up and down his chest muscles.

"That's right ladies," Harry encouraged as the 3 women fussed at his body from every angle and his hands dug into a pair of big beautiful ass cheeks. "As this generation's Noble Lord, I desire that the women of the Black family learn to cooperate towards my… interests."

"Only if your interests include shoving your fat fucking cock balls deep in my pussy and creaming me over and over," Tonks panted out between kisses to Harry's neck, shoulder and chest.

"Speaking of fat fucking cocks, I want to see the reason why my new son in law is so very popular," Andromeda added as her hands slowly rubbed down Harry's stomach muscles towards his fly.

"You're going to have to get up for a moment then mom," Tonks explained in an extremely amused tone of voice. "If I know anything at all about our new Lord Black, it's that his cock is rock hard by now and filling his left pant leg nearly to his knee.

"Whaaa noooo waay," Andromeda breathed out as she was forced to rise up further and further on her knees and reach further and further down into Harry's pants just to grab a hold of his cock midshaft. How can you… Merlin… I married Ted partially because his cock is so huge, but this… This is just unreasonable... "

"I tend to use magic similar to Tonks's Metamorphmagery to temporarily reduce my size,'' Harry explained as his dick was slowly fished out of his pants to slap dully against Andromeda's skirt covered ass.

Andromeda really would need to get up if she wanted to hold Harry's cock out in front of her body. She visibly shivered as she realized the truth of her daughter's words. Harry's dick twitched in her tightly grasping hands. They both smiled in amusement.

Then Narcissa was dropping to the floor behind Andromeda's back, grabbing Harry's cock right out of her elder sister's hands and was popping his cockhead into her wide open mouth. It appeared that the woman didn't appreciate playing second fiddle to her sister and was taking back the initiative by force. With no warning whatsoever, she started trying to suck Harry's soul out through his shaft, causing a pleasured groan to leak from his mouth and his fingers to sink even further into the flesh of Tonks's ass.

"Yooouuuu selfish cunt," Andromeda groaned out as she looked down between her own thighs to take in Narcissa's unbelievably self satisfied cock stuffed expression. "Always taking things from me as if you have a right to them. Always getting ahead simply by laying on your back… Well not today… Today I'm going to have what's mine... "

After throwing down the gauntlet metaphorically speaking, Andromeda, lifted her right leg over Harry's waist, dropped to her knees on the polished wood floor, and slowly muscled her sister aside to take her turn upon his cock. As Narcissa's mouth reluctantly popped off the tip of Harry's dick, Andromeda began polishing his shaft with both of her hands towards her own slightly parted cherry colored lips. Then she noticed a ring of nearly black lipstick staining his flesh a little over 2 inches up his overly thick shaft, and a competitive gleam grew in her eyes.

With a small moan of ever increasing arousal, Andromeda leaned her body forward, allowed Harry's flared out cockhead to split her lips wide open, and began forcing her throat down the length of his shaft. The woman was on a mission, and that much was made obvious by the way she forced her stretched open mouth along more and more of Harry's meat. At first it didn't look like she'd succeed, but after about a minute of repeated effort, she finally persevered and throated an inch more cock than Narcissa had.

Of course Andromeda made sure to give her newly scowling sister an amused look before finally pulling away again, and she also remembered to purse her lips all around Harry's shaft to leave a nice thick lipstick ring of her own. Only then did she allow herself the opportunity to fully enjoy sucking on Harry's dick as if it was the tastiest desert she'd ever had. For the next 30 seconds she moaned and hummed as she milked Harry's rock hard cock into her hungrily sucking mouth with hands, lips, tongue and throat.

As soon as that 30 seconds came to an end, Narcissa began drawing Harry's dick from within Andromeda's mouth with both of her hands tightly encircling the central portion of his shaft, and her sister either had to release his cock to her clutches or be pulled into her lap like a fish on a reel.

Slowly and begrudgingly, Andromeda's hard sucking lips popped off from around Harry's cockhead, so that Narcissa could attempt to lay down a new dark red lipstick benchmark. It was becoming increasingly obvious with every moment that the sisters fussed at Harry's dick that neither of them were going to give up without a fight, and neither of them were going to sit aside and watch the other work. Harry's cock started being passed back and forth as if it was a baton in a relay race, only with far less cooperation and way more wet gagging, glucking noises.

After breaking away from the kiss that she was sharing with her new intended, Tonks rose to her feet, stepped over Harry's thighs, straddled his waist with her back flush to his chest, and spread her legs as wide as possible. She didn't want to get in the way of the noticeably chaotic double blowjob that Harry was currently receiving, and since she also didn't want to ruin the view, she Metamorphed her body to be about a foot shorter and much, much thinner than normal while maintaining her usual impressive curves.

By the time Tonks was finished rearranging herself upon Harry's lap and altering her dress to fit her new body type, she was grinding her unnaturally large bubble butt down into his waist, laying her head back on his right shoulder, and enjoying how his hands were roaming every curve that her smaller body had to offer. She shivered as his lips pressed into the side of her neck, his right hand rubbed up her belly to cup at her tits, and his left hand moved down to rub at her thong covered pussy lips. Gods… Goddesses… Yes… Just yes… Tonks couldn't even imagine being more turned on than she was right that second…

Then it turned out she was wrong.

When the way that Tonks's head was languidly resting on Harry's shoulder allowed her to look up at the ceiling of the room, her body immediately heated up to astronomical levels at what Harry was allowing her to see. They had an audience of invisible and petrified Veela staring wide eyed down at their every move, and releasing billowing clouds of allure that we're making her entire body thrum with rapidly escalating sexual tension.

Tonks immediately turned her head to begin licking and sucking at the side of Harry's neck and grinding her ass down against his thighs. It occurred to her in that moment for perhaps the hundredth time in just the last few days that she loved this man with a frightening intensity. Gods… But of course she loved him! Harry Potter was officially the most exciting man on the face of any planet anywhere in the multiverse! It wasn't that she loved him, it was how much and how often she loved him that continued to surprise her...

Harry Potter was currently a very happy man… With Tonks's fantastically versatile body currently recreating Gabrielle's shortstack sex appeal on his lap and a pair of white hot MILFs duel sucking his cock with something to prove, he had no reason at all to deny the satisfied smile that was growing across his face. Both Andromeda and Narcissa's faces were beginning to get stained with makeup tracks as they continued to force far more cock down their throats than they were comfortable with, and it was all in the name of some kind of absurd sibling rivalry. Considering the reason the 2 Veela were currently restrained against the ceiling, Harry hadn't failed to notice the irony of it all, but he was far too busy enjoying Narcissa's hollowed out blowjob face and desperately probing tongue to give it any deeper thought.

Over the next 7 or 8 minutes, Harry allowed Andromeda and Narcissa to rapidly pull his cock back and forth between their hot and eager mouths to lay down an increasingly impressive pattern of dark red and cherry colored lipstick rings along the first 2/3 of his shaft. Between their hungrily sucking throats and the fact that both Andromeda and Narcissa had shed their outer layers to show off the top halves of their fantastically massive tits, Harry's cock was twitching violently with his upcoming orgasm. Too bad for the Black sisters, Harry couldn't afford to let one of them win over the other. Not if he was going to get the outcome that he desired out of today. No…

it was time to call in a ringer…

"I want you to show these 2 wannabe cocksuckers how it's done Tonks," Harry whispered into his new intended's ear as he pulled his hand away from her sopping wet panties. "I want you to bring this little competition to an end…"

"Gods fucking yes," Tonks immediately moaned out as she swiftly launched herself to her feet, leapt off the couch, shed her dress in a single rapid movement, and then waved her wand to move the 2 competing dick suckers aside. Then she was dropping down in the middle of Andromeda and Narcissa and wrapping her dark pink lips around his cockhead with an unrivalled amount of enthusiasm.

With a single long, slow and dramatic, snakelike swallow, Tonks casually surpassed the dozens and dozens of lipstick rings that were painting Harry's shaft, until finally she broke new ground and just kept going. With a smile in her eyes and a sexy little wink, Tonks continued swallowing more and more of Harry's cock until finally her nose was pressed deep into his short and curlies, and her chin was being swaddled by the flesh of his testicles. She kissed at the base of his cock several times in a row as if it was the love of her life, before slowly dragging her fantastically tight and flexible airway back up the length of his shaft. Then she quickly repeated the effort without ever stopping for air.

It was official. The Nymphadora Tonks blowjob experience was so different from the norm due to her innate perversity and her transformative abilities, it almost seemed like what she was doing needed another name entirely. Tonks was a dick sucking circus act, a cum swallowing magician.

The new Lady of the Black family was earning her position at his side the old fashioned way, and by the Gods did she deserve it…

Now that she'd established the fact that no one was going to outclass her at swallowing Harry Potter's big beautiful cock, Tonks grabbed a hold of both her full, body type defying breasts, wrapped them firmly around as much of his shaft as she could, and started giving him the titfuck blowjob that she knew he loved so much. She sucked his cock into her throat, flattened her creamy tits together at his base, drew the whole package up the length of his shaft until the inside of her lips bumped against his flared out cockhead, and then immediately leaned forward to repeat the performance. Sure enough, Harry's thighs slowly began to tense, his hands dropped to comb through her hair, and he released a very happy little groan.

Tonks felt her pussy clenching tightly around empty air merely at the sound that was coming out of Harry's mouth. She could spend her entire life forcing that level of pleasure to leak from her new husband's lips and she'd never, ever grow tired of it. She stared up into his eyes. She willed him to understand. Then he was cupping her cheek and smiling just so, and she knew…

In the seconds that followed, Tonks's mouth and tits began moving faster and faster up and down Harry's dick, and the wet sucking slurping noises that she was making echoed all around the newly silent room. Both Narcissa and Andromeda moved closer to stare at where Tonks's mouth met Harry's cock, and their eyes tracked how her throat loosened, tightened and then rippled to conform into a skin tight flesh prison as if they were completely mesmerized. Finally, when they realized that Tonks had every intention of driving Harry to orgasm with or without their help, they both moved closer to kiss at his inner thighs and massage his heavy hanging balls.

By the time all 3 ladies were working together, Tonks was shifting her facial features and hair color to become a seemingly endless lineup of famous women from all around the world, her tits remaining large enough to stuff his dick inside, but her facial features and skin tone morphing every 10 or 15 seconds.

"Oh fuck yeah, that's the ticket Tonks, you fantastically slutty genius," Harry encouraged, as his hands dropped to cup around the back of Narcissa and Andromeda's heads to pull their lips flush against his violently churning balls. "Do you feel that ladies? Do you feel what I'm cooking up for my new Lady? Do you feel what I can create at a moment's notice? There's no reason for any of you to fight over my dick. Not when you're all going to leave here today covered inside and out in my seed."

All three ladies moaned in response to Harry's words, but Tonks also doubled the speed and intensity that she was throating herself up and down the length of his dick, and she stared up at his face with eyes that were begging to receive a heaping helping of his warm delicious cum. The woman currently looked like spanish aristocracy like Catherine Zeta Jones from the movie The Mask of Zorro only somehow more flawless, more magical, and Harry was left wondering how she knew exactly where to hit him to get him spilling his cum down that wonderful little throat of hers. Someday soon, he'd find out how she did it. For now, all that mattered was that she'd just managed to push him over the edge in nearly record time.

"Transform your face back into your baseline features," Harry ordered, as his balls tensed up against a shaft that was twitching and spasming deep within Tonks's throat. "I'm going to blow my load directly into my soon to be wife's stomach, and I want her to look like a Black when I do it!"

With a brilliantly happy shine to her eyes, Tonks's face immediately shifted back to her own features, even as her proportions remained similar to Gabrielle's or maybe Astoria's if the bottom heavy woman also had big beautiful tits. Then Tonks was bottomed out on Harry's cock, kissing his base over and over again, swallowing on his head with her fist tight rippling throat, and had her magically elongated tongue swirling around every single inch of his shaft. The woman was so thirsty for his seed, she was altering her inner anatomy to better force it out of him.

She was going to get what she wanted.

After banishing his pants off of his body and rising up to his feet, Harry curled his hands behind Tonks's head so that he could hold her lips flush to his balls, and then he stared down at Andromeda and Narcissa Black. "Pull those breasts of yours the rest of the way out of your bras if you value your clothing and then line up next to each other. I'm about to paint both your faces and your tits a nice cheerful white…"

With an identical eagerness that made the 2 women look like they were twins rather than sisters, both Andromeda and Narcissa began ripping off their clothes to bear their breasts and as much of their upper bodies as they could. Harry was going to cum any second. It was of vital importance to the both of them that they get bathed in more seed than their sister/rival. They were also just completely burning up and almost salivating at the idea of tasting the Harry Potter's piping hot load.

A pair of slim, soft hands suddenly cupped both of Harry's ass cheeks, as Tonks proved that Harry didn't need to hold her in place. With her lips sealed to the base of his shaft she stared pleadingly up into his eyes and began swallowing as fast as she could to rapidly clench her magically perfect little throat around his head.

Fuck. There was just no denying that.

With a quiet groan and a pair of hands combing through Tonks's hair, Harry immediately started filling her esophagus with a vast deluge of roiling cum, and the woman began mainlining it directly into her stomach with a series of perfectly timed, perfectly executed, perfectly practiced, throat expanding swallows. Tonks had never had any patience for having Harry's cum back-flow out of her mouth, and she'd dedicated a not-insubstantial amount of time and effort into perfecting her load swallowing game. Nowadays, when Tonks ended up with cum in her mouth, on her face or all over her body... it was on purpose.

After about 15 seconds spent moaning like an ecstatic whore as she drank Harry's cum directly from the source, Tonks slowly pulled her O'd out lips back up the length of his shaft until his bulbous cockhead was being polished within her tightly sucking mouth. Within just a few seconds at the most, her cheeks were obscenely stretched out around the semen that he was still releasing and a river of seed was beginning to spurt out of her mouth to splatter across her chin, neck and tits. Tonks was currently moving into full blown cum worshipping mode, and she made that obvious by popping Harry's dick out of her tightly pursed lips, swallowing all of the cum chipmunking her cheeks as if it was ambrosia, rubbing his cum launching cockhead all over her face, and lovingly milking his shaft with her nimble little hands. She basked in the fat loads of semen that were covering every inch of her forehead, cheeks, lips, chin, neck and breasts, and she stared adoringly up into Harry's eyes the whole entire time.

Only then, when she was glazed into a state of shiny white perfection, did Tonks turn to regard the 2 elder Black ladies with a casual disregard that made it clear who was in charge. "Come Ladies… Come get yours…"

Far from being upset at Tonks's almost dismissive treatment, Andromeda and Narcissa immediately launched themselves to Tonks's right side without even a moment's hesitation, pressing their faces together and opening their mouths as wide as they possibly could.

"Good girls," Harry encouraged as he grabbed up his shaft, turned his cock in the sister's direction, and began turkey basting them from top to bottom in a thick layer of his gluey cum. More than once, both Andromeda and Narcissa attempted to launch themselves mouth first at the head of his cock, but Harry kept the 2 of them at bay with his magic as he launched the last 20 seconds of his cumload all over their luscious curvy bodies.

Of course, by the time Harry was finished making a cum covered mess of the elder Black family women, Tonks was already well on her way to licking up every ounce of the seed that he'd released all over her body, with lust hooded eyes and a completely rapturous expression on her face. Then he saw that both Narcissa and Andromeda were about to do the exact same thing and he stopped them with a snap of his fingers.

"I expect you ladies to clean each other up," Harry explained as he slowly pulled off his suit and dress shirt to reveal the tightly packed muscles contained within. "I expect you to slowly and erotically lick each other clean, both to give me a show and to demonstrate your willingness to cooperate."

After the 2 ladies turned to look at each other for just a single silent moment in time, Andromeda was the first to begin moving. She leaned forward, cupped Narcissa's large, gravity defying breasts in the palms of her hands, and began sucking Harry's cum off of her nipples with the demeanour of a pornstar taking part in an orgy scene. After releasing a surprised gasp, and then a nearly silent moan, Narcisa returned the woman's attention with gusto, and soon enough both ladies were licking and sucking wads of cum from each other's faces, necks, shoulders and tits.

As he pulled Tonks up to his side so that the 2 of them could stare down at the two cumswapping noblewomen, Harry took a moment to thank the 2 struggling Veela on the ceiling for helping make this moment possible. The allure that was managing to fill the room more and more with every second that passed was at least partially to thank for the way that Narcissa and Andromeda were moving beyond their animosity. Of course Harry had no doubt that he could have made the 2 women bury the hatchet eventually, but the allure that was driving everyone in the room into a wet and messy heat was definitely expediting the process. Even as he stared down at the two overwhelmed and lust drunk witches, they drew each other closer to meld into a twining mass of shifting skin, kissing lips and questing tongues.

Needless to say, Harry was still rock hard, and Tonks was wrapped tightly around his side so that she could drag her fingers up and down his length.

"Who first," Tonks whispered up into Harry's ear as her features took on a distinctly Colombian look with wavy brown hair, warm light brown skin and a set of plush dull pink lips.

"Andromeda was the first one to move," Harry whispered back as he waved his hand and conjured a long cylindrical tube of swirling water with a short solid handle. "Will you be a dear, and tease Narcissa to a hair trigger while I tend to your mother?"

Of course, my Lord," Tonks breathed out as she took a hold of the adapted water teasing charm as if it was the most precious thing in the world.

Then Tonks was moving in to drag Narcissa towards the couch, while Harry waved a hand to levitate Andromeda into the air in front of him. At first, the woman gasped in a mixture of surprise and alarm because levitating another witch or wizard is supposed to be just as impossible as it is to levitate oneself. Something inside of a witch or wizard`s magic or core animus is supposed to complicate the process and render it ineffective. Then the woman's face flushed a dark pink color as she once again realized the truth of the matter. This was Harry Potter… the Harry Potter… and he could do whatever the hell he wanted to do…

"You've pleased me very much, Mrs. Tonks," Harry began in a very calm and quiet tone of voice. "Your husband is an exceedingly fortunate man, and it seems he's aware of that fact as he gives you all of the care and devotion that you deserve… That is good. That is just… I have no interest in belittling your husband or supplanting him in your mind. What I desire instead, is to have my way with every last inch of your fantastic fucking body..."

Along with his words, Harry walked a slow assessing circle around Andromeda's free floating body, dragging his fingers down the side of her large, full, bra straining tits to the gentle swell of her belly, and then around the curve of her thick womanly thighs. As he ran his hand along the woman's goosebump covered skin, the pencil skirt that she was wearing suddenly disappeared to reveal a pair of dripping wet, black lace panties, being swaddled tightly between Andromeda's astonishingly smooth and perky, double sized ass.

Andromeda shivered from head to toe as a rush of air suddenly cooled the hot dampness that was pooling in the fabric of her panties.

Harry smiled not quite evilly as he rounded in front of the woman and looked up towards her elevated face. "You're completely gorgeous Mrs. Tonks."

"Andie," Andromeda quietly corrected, as she had no intention of being called Mrs. Tonks the entire time she was fucked silly by a man not her husband.

With a small, understanding nod, Harry ran his hands up Andie's thighs to pull her closer to the ground by the meat of her ass. Then he was walking her body across the room so that he could pull her back flush to his chest in front of a large decorative mirror. Slowly and without saying a word, he drew both of Andie's knees up to her sides and held them in place with his magic, ran his hands down the length of her inner thighs, vanished her panties right off of her body, and then stared over her shoulder to lock eyes with her in the mirror.

"You're much too beautiful to be going without the kind of sex I want to give you," Harry whispered into Andie's ear before biting gently on the lobe.

"I… I know," Andie gasped, as her hands dropped to cover Harry's and begin pushing them inwards towards her dripping wet pussy.

Instead of allowing his hands to be pushed towards Andie's furnace hot and twitching pussy lips, Harry eased his dick forward between her thighs instead, so that the bridge of his cock would press insistently against her pussy folds. Only then did he move his hands, grabbing his shaft to grind his entire length up against her clit.

Andie gasped and then moaned as her hands joined Harry's, wrapped around the head of his dick.

"At first, I'm going to reduce the size of this cock so that I can slide it deep inside of you without concern," Harry continued to whisper into Andromeda's ear. "Then I'm going to very slowly increase its size back to normal, so that I can stretch you from the inside, and I'm going to force you to enjoy the sensation by healing your body the whole entire time... Then, finally, when your pussy is redesigned to fit me and only me, I'm going to make you feel like a virgin again Andie, and I'm not going to stop until I find completion womb deep inside of you."

"Yes, yess," Andie panted, her breaths coming quick and shallow as her excitement grew to unimaginable heights. "Yes, please take me. Yes please make my pussy yours. Please, please just shove your cock inside of meeee!"

Of course, by the time Andie started saying the word 'me,' Harry had started pressing the head of his dick between her tightly clenching pussylips, stretching her pussy around his reduced size as even then it was larger than anything she was used to. She squeaked as her pussy was split wide open for the first time in well over a year, then she squealed as she realized that Harry was already bigger than the cock she`d loved for oh so very long, and then she moaned as she realized that her pussy was never, ever going to be the same. Harry was going to destroy her pussy. He was going to core out her body to make room for his size. He was going to have his way with her exactly like he had her daughter before her. A prolonged series of warbling noises and moans started leaking from within Andie's newly parted lips, as she stared at the mirror and watched Harry Potter's cock sink deeper and deeper into her body.

"That's right, Andie," Harry encouraged, as he ran his hands up the woman's body to cup at her tits and had his magic force her soaking wet pussy further and further down the length of his cock. "Watch yourself get impaled on a dick like the fantastically sexy little slut that you are… Watch the moment that servicing my cock becomes a family affair..."

Even as he continued to whisper into the overwhelmed woman's ear, Harry ran his left hand down to her pussy to run raw magic directly into her clit, and he fondled the curves of her body with his right, enjoying her tits and thighs and ass in equal measure. The woman's body was a marvel of dramatic matronly curves, but she also possessed all the youth and fitness of a 25 year old. She was sexy as all hell and Harry wasn't going to leave a single stone unturned.

"Hoohhhh Gods above, your cock feels like bottled lightning inside of me," Andie breathed out as she rubbed at her newly stretched pussylips and Harry's goose egg sized testicles in equal measure. Just like the man had explained earlier, his balls were noticeably churning out a fresh load of seed to launch deep inside of her, and her entire body prickled and flushed because it desperately wanted to receive. She loved her husband, she really, really did, and yet her body was demanding that she drain this man like the superior stud of a wizard that he was. She had to trust that her new lover knew what he was doing, and was controlling the virility of his seed, because she already knew that she was going to make him finish inside of her over and over, and that she'd never get enough. Then Harry's magic was quickly dragging Andie's pussy back up the length of his cock as his hands pinched and tweaked at her super sensitive nipples, and she found her body shaking and shivering in a state of sensory overload.

It was too much, too decadent, too erotic, too superior… Andromeda Tonks couldn't even believe that there was a man walking the mortal plane that was this effortlessly sensual...

And that was the moment when Harry's cock slowly but surely started to grow back to its normal size, and both Andie's eyes and her mouth opened as wide as they'd go. Over the next minute and a half, quite a bit longer than Harry usually gave his lovers to acclimate, Andromeda Tonks's cock filled pussy was stretched into an extremely dramatic capital "O" and an increasingly flushed and fuck drunk expression grew across her entire face. By the time a visible bump was beginning to form above her navel, indicating that Harry's cockhead was slamming against her womb like a battering ram, she was spilling pussy juices all over his thighs, shaking like a leaf, slapping and groping at his thighs, kicking out with her magically restrained legs, and releasing a whole host of almost bestial grunting and moaning noises all across the room.

"That's the stuff," Harry groaned out, as Andie's orgasmically trembling pussy clenched into a skin tight sleeve around every inch of his deeply buried cock, her head flopped back to roll across his shoulders and her slack jawed face buried itself into the crook of his neck. "Now you're learning how to take huge Potter dick," Harry continued as he leaned his cheek against Andie's and took in the state of her newly overwhelmed body… "Now you`re learning what it means to be one of mine Andie… Now I'm going to fuck you senseless and flood your wonderful little cunt with my unnaturally thick cum… Welcome to the family..."

"Hu… humongous dick... in my… in my womb," Andie haltingly slurred into Harry's neck as she insistently clapped her big beautiful ass back against his waist and curled her hands around his lower back. "I'm sso fullll… You're sssooo powerful… Ssso fucking gooood."

"Don't sell yourself short, Andie," Harry replied as he drew Andromeda away from the mirror and marched her across the room to Tonks and Narcissa's side. "Look at how sexy your mother is with her slutty little pussy stuffed full of my dick," Harry called out to Tonks as he dropped to his knees next to the 2 women, and dragged Andie's magically restrained body down along with him.

Settling in behind Narcissa to prop the woman up on her lap, Tonks continued to fuck the water charm dildo up into Narcissa's pussy from behind as they stared at Andromeda's cock stuffed body. "He's right," Tonks admitted with her chin resting upon Narcissa's shoulder. "You really are completely gorgeous mother...."

"Well she is a Black after all, but she's still not the best the family has to offer, "Narcissa panted out as Tonks continued to do wonderful, terrible things to both her overheating pussy and her clit.

"I… I can't even," Andie whimpered, as she tried to press her pussylips down upon Harry's cock to the best of her ability and continually met with failure. Harry's magic was still holding her up in the air, where it was scrubbing her pussy over just a single inch of his dick in a very slow and measured pace that was just moments away from making her lose her Godsdamned mind. Her body felt like it was being stuffed to the brim like a party balloon just moments away from popping, and yet at the same time, she felt a desperate need for the man to finally just have his fucking way with her. She wanted to ride Harry's cock as fast as she possibly could until her brains melted out of her ears and her cum filled pussy was ruined for anything but his dick. Instead, Harry's magic was holding her lower body in place and riling her up with tiny little movements that mercilessly ground his cockhead against the entrance to her womb.

One thing was absolutely certain…

Andromeda Tonks was currently being teased to within an inch of her life.

With an evil little smile and a small gesture with his hand, Harry conjured 2 water teasing spells into place at the entrance to both Tonks and Narcissa's pussies in order to free up their hands for far more important things. Then he returned his attention to the witch currently losing it on his cock, and he pressed his mouth into the sensitive flesh of her neck. "Now that I'm inside of this wonderful, piping hot pussy of yours Andie, I'm officially done taking it easy on you. I'm going to make my new mother in law… approve of me, over and over and over again…"

"Yes, yes please! Win me over as hard as you fucking can," Andie yelped out, as Harry's fingers ran over her clit and a strong current of magic ran throughout her entire pussy in what felt like a bolt of pure sensation. Then the man was wrapping his arms tighter around her vibrating body to grab a fistful of her heaving tits, and he was lifting her up the length of his cock with an absurdly wet squelching sound that filled the entire room.

Immediately after Harry started doing what she wanted of him, Andie's rebellious sex immediately started getting in the way. Her endlessly hungry and possessive pussy began trying to return the man's massive cockhead back to within the sucking confines of her womb with a series of hard muscle contractions that had her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Her pussy tightened with so much intensity that her meaty little pussylips trailed almost an inch along his shaft the entire time that he withdrew himself from within her. Harry's cock was so thick, so long, so superior, that her pussy felt like it was being pulled inside out as he dragged his flared out cockhead through inch after needy inch of her continuously resisting pussy meat. Gods… Goddesses… Andromeda Tonks nee Black was beginning to feel like she might just die if Harry Potter didn't slam his cockhead back into her womb right this fucking second!

And then he did.

With a growl of sudden aggression, Harry slammed Andie's pussy back down the length of his cock, thumping her womb with his cockhead even as he used magic to draw the other 2 Black women over to their side. By the time Andromeda was releasing a scream of profound relief mixed with renewed orgasmic bliss, Tonks and Narcissa were on their knees flanking their sides and they were moving to take part in their sex without a second's hesitation. Nimble hands immediately started groping at Andie's tits, ass, ribs, thighs and clit, even as Harry's ass was groped, his testicles were massaged, his neck was kissed and Narcissa's tits pressed into the back of his shoulders. Now that he was done teasing his new mother-in-law into a sexual frenzy, Harry scrubbed Andromeda's pussy up and down his dick at an increasingly rapid rate, causing the witch's mouth to hang open and her eyes were to glaze over as her pussy took a fucking the likes of which she'd never known was even possible.

The sound of thick thighs and a large round ass bouncing against a lap and the sound of a soaking wet pussy getting ripped up and down an enormous meaty cock, made the guttural, barnyard noises coming out of Andromeda Black's mouth just that much more obscene and depraved. The woman was being broken down. Her body was rapidly submitting to huge Potter dick. She was becoming a new woman, she was experiencing a rebirth of sorts...

"Oh, oh Gods, oh Goddesses, oh my Loooord, your dick, your diiiiick isss allll I neeeed," Andie squealed out as her pussy released a wave of femcum all over Harry's cock and balls to splash all over her daughter's relentlessly massaging hands.

"Yes, please do put my rather impertinent sister out of her misery so that you may begin sexing a real Lady Black," Narcissa begged in a needy tone of voice directly into Harry's ear. "My pussy is hotter and tighter than hers. My body is well over a decade younger and far, far softer."

"My daughter is a full Metamorph," Andie panted out as her legs were suddenly freed from Harry's magic and she immediately started grinding and riding her thick cum spilling ass back against his lap like a woman possessed. "I don't have Tonks's transformative abilities, but a tight, hungrily sucking pussy, a slim waist, and large gravity defying curves, I've got those for you my Lord, I'll always have those for you my Looooord! Hooohhhh Gaaawwwwwds!"

At the tail end of her words, Andromeda's newly frantic dick riding suddenly launched her body into a new orgasm so intense, her breath caught in her throat, her mouth dropped open, and her limbs stopped responding to her wishes in lieu of twitching, trembling, kicking and slapping. She moaned brokenly towards the ceiling with her head resting on Harry's shoulder as her pussy and core exploded in a wash of sensation, and her new lover continued to draw her vice tight pussy up and down the length of his cock the whole entire time.

The man, the male Veela, the Incubus, the sex God, for that was what Harry just had to be, was making sure that Andromeda wasn't spared from a single instant of the whitewashed, mind breaking, life alteringly powerful and all encompassing climax that was wracking her entire body. For a seemingly endless period of time Andie came herself stupid on Harry Potter's bitchbreaker of a dick, and she felt like she was transcending, like she was being given a sample of what heaven had to offer...

Then Andie felt Harry's cock reduce in size as her overwrought pussy was slowly drawn up its rock hard length and she was placed upon the nearby couch, and she knew… She knew that no single woman was enough to satisfy a man such as him. Harry was moving on, he was going to fuck her little sister… He was going to dominate every single woman that the Black family had to offer… He was going to impregnate her daughter after fucking all 3 of them nearly unconscious…

Very suddenly, Andromeda felt her pussy contracting on nothing but empty air as her arousal returned with a vengeance, and her runaway attraction to Lord Potter skyrocketed. Then she gasped as a warm, curvy body was pressed down against her body, and Narcissa was on all fours above her on the couch.

"Ten seconds and then my cock is returning to normal Cissy," Harry warned as he dropped into his knees between Narcissa's spread open legs.

"Yes my Lord, more time than I need my Lord," Narcissa moaned almost directly into Andie's tits as Harry's reduced cock was shoved into her steamy hot, magically tight and choking depths.

"Always so fucking hot and tight," Harry grunted as he grabbed a hold of Narcissa's overly dramatic, waspish waist, and hauled her fantastically flared out ass back towards his hips with far less patience and care than he'd given her elder sister. Almost immediately after his balls slapped heavily against her inner thighs, Harry allowed his cock to start growing back to its normal size, and he revelled in the shaking and shuddering of the woman's extremely disciplined pussy muscles. Narcissa Malfoy wasn't a Metamorph. What she was instead, was a very, very wealthy little slut that had spent a vast fortune in Galleons altering her pussy specifically so that she could force big fat dicks to spill their cum balls deep inside of her.

Harry very much approved…

Harry demonstrated his approval by slapping the woman's right ass cheek, and then her left, and then he dug his fingers knuckle deep into the abundant flesh of her ass as he slammed his ever growing cock balls deep inside of her. He gave it to her in fast, hard, ever lengthening strokes that hammered his head against her cervix and womb, and with every repetition, he thumped her deepest depths with more and more authority.

"Hohhhgawwwds my Lord," Narcissa almost immediately started yelling as she rapidly humped her ass back against Harry's waist and arched her tiny back to present him with a more erotic view. "My pussy is yours my Lord! No one else can have it but youuuuu. No one else can do the things that you do to my pussy! No one else makes me desperate and needy like you doooo!" At the tail end of those words, Narcissa's eyes suddenly widened and glazed over because Harry's cock was finally reaching its full enormous size within her, and her womb was taking a plundering. She ran both of her hands against her dick dented tummy to massage Harry's cockhead directly through the lining of her stomach, and she crooned her way through a pussy clenching orgasm made even more intense by the thought of having a womb full of his seed.

"Of course your pussy's mine Cissy," Harry growled as he completed very long and full dicked thrusts into Narcissa's wet wringing depths that pried open her cervix like a crowbar against a latch. "You're my personal secretary after all! Your only job is to blow my dick under the desk as I work, and be available to present your hot little cunt at a single moment's notice!"

"That's not my job description, it's how I get paid," Narcissa corrected in a completely manic sounding voice. "Your cock and your cum is the only currency that I'll do a full day's work for," Narcissa added as a wave of her pussy juices splashed down onto Andie's thighs and dripped into the couch cushions. Then Harry was leaning down over her body to grab a fist full of both of her tits, and she was peppering his neck and jaw with dozens of sloppy little kisses. "I'm completely obsessed with your dick my Lord! I'm hopelessly addicted to your body! I live to receive your cum! I want you to take me over and over again and make me one of your women!"

"I know," Harry admitted as he bore down into Narcissa's pussy from above, pressing the woman's beautifully fat ass down until her body was flush with her elder sister's. "The only problem with your desire is that you're not willing to get along with my new mother-in-law," Harry added as he ground his cockhead just inside the entrance of her spastically shuddering womb. "I need to know that you can make nice with your sister so that the Black family can become the powerhouse it's supposed to be."

"I'll lick your seed directly out of Andie's freshly creampied pussy every single morning just so long as I can be one of yours my Lord," Narcissa haltingly gasped out as she reached a new orgasm around Harry's hard thrusting cock and her thighs shook like twin bowls of Jello. Then she was hugging her elder sister's fuck addled body as if to prove the validity of her words and her entire dick filled body was shaking like a leaf.

When two silky smooth arms slid down over Harry's shoulders, a set of creamy smooth tits pancaked against his back and a set of lips pressed into the side of his neck, Harry reached back, grabbed a handful of Tonks's ass, and then smiled at the woman's nonverbal communication skills. She was hot for him yes, but she was also pleased with him for trying to bridge a long held gap between her mother and her aunt. Even as she ran her hands down his stomach muscles to his balls, Harry turned to kiss his soon to be wife on the temple and the cheek.

Then Harry was withdrawing his dick from Narcissa's shaking and shuddering pussy, pressing his cockhead against Andromeda's wet and ready pussy lips, and thrusting himself balls deep inside of the witch to the sound of her joyous exhalation.

"Yes, yes! Fuck me my Lord," Andie yelled out as her pussy was filled to capacity again and her legs shot up straight into the air. "Make me cum! Make me squeal! My pussy's yours now, my sex is yours!"

For the next 10 minutes plus, Harry rotated back and forth between Andromeda and Narcissa, fucking the 2 of them all across the couch in doggystyle, missionary, and on their sides. Then he had them ride him in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl while they kissed and groped at each other and spilled pussy juices all over every single inch of his couch. With every minute that passed, the 2 Veela affixed to the ceiling grew more and more desperate to seduce Harry's attention in their direction, and their allures were just seconds away from creating a no holds barred mating frenzy.

Narcissa became increasingly brazen in describing how she wanted his most potent and virile cum stuffed deep inside of her womb, and how she didn't give a damn about the risks. Likewise, Andie grew more and more reckless, claiming that she trusted her new son in law not to knock her up right in front of his new intended.

By the time Harry felt himself being drawn towards a climax, Andromeda was riding his cock like a madwoman while rubbing her hands up and down his body like a teenaged pervert with a muscle fetish. Her fantastically full tits were bouncing just a foot away from his face, her ass was slapping and clapping down against his thighs, and her slim cock dented stomach was rapidly contracting in an almost constant state of nearly crippling orgasms. Her soaking wet pussy was also tightening up and rippling along his length with every second that passed, showcasing both the fact that she actually did have some control over her sex, and that she wanted a womb full of cum just as much as Narcissa's did.

"In just a few moments, when I start to cum, I'm going to begin counting down from 25," Harry suddenly announced in a very pleased sounding voice. "When that countdown is complete, you will rise off of my cock Andie, and you Narcissa, will take my still cumming cock balls deep inside of your pussy. This is your chance to prove to me that you can and that you will cooperate to my satisfaction."

"Oooohhhh yes, please put out the fire in my womb with a flood of your thick and sticky cum, " Andromeda moaned out on an unabashedly whorish and blissed out tone of voice as she rubbed her milky white tits up and down the muscles of Harry's chest. "Show me that you have what it takes to knock up my tomboy of a daughter. Show me what being filled with Harry Potter's cum feels like."

"Yes please seed me My Lord," Narcissa immediately added. "Please fill my womb and consider forcing me to carry your illegitimate child. I want the satisfaction of rearing a child with a real man, of knowing I seduced the best and carried superior breeding into the next generation."

"If you continue to serve me like you have been up until now, then I'll consider putting a baby in that absurdly tight little oven of yours," Harry grunted as his balls tensed up against his shaft and his fingers sank deep into Andromeda's infinitely soft titflesh. "In the meantime, you defer to Tonks as the new Lady Black and you treat your sister with the respect due to family."

"Yes my Lord, it will be so my Lord," Narcissa agreed with a radiant smile growing across her face.

Then Andie was tightening her pussy up almost to the point that Harry couldn't even move his dick within her anymore, his shaft was spasming with his cock hilted balls deep inside of her, and Harry was sucking one of Andromeda's massive tits into his mouth as he finally dropped over the edge. With a feral growl that had Andromeda's arms instinctually tightening around his neck, Harry began launching load after enormous load into Tonks's mom, stuffing her pussy and then her womb full of piping hot cum, and forcing a shrill squeal of explosive sexual satisfaction out of the woman's O'd out little mouth.

"I approve, I approve of you so, soo, soooo fucking much! You have every single one of my blessings," Andromeda screamed, whimpered and then moaned directly into Harry's ear as her little tummy kicked around a womb full to bursting, and her pussy walls were powerwashed by Harry's boiling hot load. "Please, please, please mate and then marry my daughter my Lord!! I promise you that the Tonks family women will take extra special care of you!"

"The Black family women you mean," Narcissa loudly corrected as Andromeda's completely cum stuffed pussy started leaking semen all over Harry's crotch and her 25 seconds came to an end.

After helping Andromeda fall to the side with quite a bit more force than was required, Narcissa instantly straddled Harry's lap, took up his cum spilling cock, pressed it firmly between her tightly clenching pussylips, and then hilted it inside of her in one large and aggressive movement. Her eyes immediately trailed up into her head, an open mouthed smile bloomed across her face, and her hands dropped to rub at her dick dented tummy where her Lord's cum was rapidly swelling her desperately hungry womb. She shook, she shivered, she crooned like a wild animal as her massively overstimulated pussy milked her master's fantastically huge load. She came. She came hard. She looked down into Harry's eyes. She willed him to read her thoughts and understand the intensity of her need. She broadcast her desire to get bred by his cock with so much intensity, she figured Leglimency wasn't even necessary.

Then Harry was reaching out to drag Narcissa's body down against his own, and the woman was whimpering as if he was offering her a wedding ring rather than a moment of physical intimacy…

By the time Harry was finished cumming inside of Narcissa and Andromeda Black and they were dropping to the floor like twin sacks of potatoes, both his balls and his inner thighs were soaked in a river of his own cum. Neither of the women had any of the slut magic that the 2 Veela affixed to the ceiling had in spades, which of course meant that he was going to need someone to clean him up…

"Tonks," Harry began as he rose to his feet and took in his soon to be wife fingering herself on a nearby couch. "I desire that you clean all of the pussy juices and cum off of my cock before I move on to the… main course."

After launching to her feet, Transforming her body to look like a stacked Swedish blonde, and conjuring herself a French Maid uniform, Tonks bustled over to Harry's side. Slowly dropped to her knees, and gently caressed Harry's rock hard cock with two very soft and feminine looking hands.

"I see…' Tonks mused as she stared at Harry's cum drenched cock and balls with the eyes of a strict professional. "You are indeed completely filthy my Lord, and must be cleaned post haste." Then, as if she simply couldn't stay in character for even an instant longer, Tonks suddenly pressed her face right into the cum smeared mess that was Harry's crotch and began drawing in a massive inhale as if his testicles were the sweetest of mountain air. With a happy sigh and a salacious wink, her lips and tongue began peppering Harry's ballsack and inner thighs with kisses and licks that made short work of cleaning up his cum. With that accomplished , she licked a long strip up the length of Harry's shaft, popped his cockhead into her mouth, and was about to begin choking herself on his dick when a pair of hands suddenly dropped onto her head.

"Enough of that Tonks," Harry said with a small shake of his head and a beckoning wave of his hand. A moment later, when the woman was back up on her feet and standing just a foot in front of him, Harry ran his hands down the front of her body, and a wave of green tinted magic began flowing in and through her lower tummy where her womb resides. For several moments in a row, Harry pressed his hands into Tonks's navel and she shook and shivered at the intense magic that was flowing throughout her lower body.

"You.. You're," Tonks began, her voice filling with emotion and her eyes growing foggy with tightly restrained lust.

"Yes… I'm preparing your womb," Harry explained in a very serious tone of voice. "When we finish and I cum inside of you, you will become pregnant with my firstborn son. With the amount of magic that I just put into making you fertile and ready to receive, the alternative's no longer a possibility…"

Tonks's entire body was shaking with arousal even before she saw Fleur and Gabrielle's invisible bodies dropping down from the ceiling to float a few feet behind Harry's right and left shoulder. With the addition of an audience composed of stunning blonde Veela, and the fact that they were about to deliver an overtly sexual form of punishment, Tonks suddenly found herself micro orgasming for seemingly no reason… "I… I love you Harry," Tonks admitted out loud for the very first time, before a bright red flush grew into prominence across her face.

After drawing Tonks into his arms and running his hands up and down her back, Harry kissed the woman on the temple and whispered into her ear. "I'm kind of a dick Tonks. Not only that, but I've got a fear of commitment a mile wide. You're too good to pass up even with all that being the case. I love you too Tonks. You're mine. I'm not letting you get away…"

"Merlin," Tonks squeaked as her knees suddenly gave up the ghost on her and it was only Harry's arms that were keeping her up on her feet. "Please, please give it to me Harry," she begged as her transformation came to an end and she adopted her Black family features. "Please let me be the one to carry your firstborn child. Please let me have that over every other woman in the whole entire world!"

"You want it, you got it," Harry growled as he banished the maid outfit right off of Tonks's body, grabbed the back of her thighs, lifted the woman clear off the ground, and then held her in the air with her pussy just barely touching the head of his cock. Slowly and meaningfully, Harry dropped Tonks's squirming and red flushed body down the length of his full sized cock, and the woman made her pussy take him inside, tighten up, and then wriggle around his length like a wet sucking sleeve. As his cock slid deeper and deeper into her far too talented body, her legs wrapped around his back and tightened into an extremely possessive leg lock. A moment later, when Harry finally slapped his testicles against her ass cheeks and was hilted balls deep inside of his soon to be wife, Tonks opened her womb to wrap around his head like a condom made of flesh and she whimpered into his neck with a level of submission he'd never heard from her before.

"I'm laid bare to you Harry," Tonks breathed it into his ear. "I'm wide open. I'm yours. I'm ready to receive your seed."

With a small happy nod of his head, Harry drew the two captive Veela to their sides so that the women could watch their coupling from a really good angle and then he began lifting and dropping Tonks's unbelievably magical pussy up and down the length of his cock. He didn't need to ease Tonks into sex, he didn't need to go slow or gentle. He fucked her. He fucked her hard. He drew her fantastically curvy body up and down his cock like a man possessed, and Tonks screamed her pleasure and excitement towards both the ceiling and their audience.

"Harry Potter's taking me, he's fucking his big fat fucking cock directly into my womb! He's going to knock me up! He's going to impregnate me," Tonks screamed as she humped her body up and down in Harry's arms and looked aside at the 2 unhappy but intensely aroused looking Veela. "I'm the one who gets to have him and it's all because of you," Tonks yelled as her eyes tracked over towards Fleur's increasingly anguished expression. "I pity you for the instincts that you suffer under, but since you're a Godsdamned genius who knows better, I have trouble sympathizing. You knew that your little stunt last night was all kinds of wrong, but you juuust couldn't help yourself. Well now he's mine, Harry's mine! I get to have him and I don't give a single flying fuck if I have to share him because he's worth it and everyone fucking knows iiiit!" Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me my Loooorrd! Fillll me!"

From that point forward, Tonks's eyes took on a glassy and vacant cast as an unbelievably powerful orgasm swept through her body and carried away her ability to think rational thoughts.

After conjuring a table and placing Tonks's body down flat upon its surface, Harry suddenly repeated the partial invisibility spell on her dick dented tummy to reveal an x-ray image of his dick sawing in and out of her pussy and how her womb was currently receiving his cockhead in a skin tight sucking embrace. Then he was pounding his cock into the woman double time with Fleur and Gabrielle stuck staring directly at Tonks's cock filled womb from less than 2 feet away. He grabbed Tonks's thighs and he cracked his balls against her ass cheeks faster and faster, as her legs reattached themselves around his lower back and her pussy clamped down desperately around his length. He groaned as the Metamorph's cunt began rippling along his shaft and swirling in tight little circles like a vortex made of soaking wet flesh. He dropped his hands down into Tonks's big fat fucking tits only for them to grow even bigger and softer in his hands. Every single part of his future wife's unbelievably magical body was decadent in the extreme, and Harry's balls were beginning to throb with an ever growing need for release.

"I'm going to spill inside of you soon," Harry finally called out after several more minutes spent holding back an increasingly dense and thick load of freshly cooked cum.

"Yes, yes! Gods, Goddesses, Merlin and the Saints, please do it! Knock me the fuck uuuuupp! I love you, I love your dick, I love your cum! Fuck a baby into me! Fuck me pregnant! Fuck me to completion," Tonks screamed as her hand desperately clutched at Harry's ass cheeks and her legs tightened to press his balls flush against her pussylips.

"You got it," Harry growled as he slammed himself balls deep within Tonks's pussy and then roared his way into an absolutely titanic orgasm that he could feel all throughout his body. He came like a lunatic, violently spilling the contents of his balls into Tonks's x-ray revealed womb, so that both Gabrielle and Fleur could watch every single second of her eggs getting flooded with his unbelievably potent nut. This was no infertile load like those that Harry gives when he wants a woman to feel the thrill of receiving a dangerous creampie. This was a very, very very healthy and virile load of extremely active seed that was definitely going to impregnate the woman.

For the next 60 plus seconds, Harry slammed his balls against Tonks's shaking and shivering body, as he drained the last of his cum all over her inner thighs, asshole and then the table beneath her. By the time he was finally finished cumming, Tonks was so far gone, he could only see the whites of her eyes, and her legs were laying flat out at her sides across the table.

After rearranging Tonks's body on the table and conjuring a blanket over her so that she'd be more comfortable when she finally returned to the here and now, Harry waved a hand so that Fleur and Gabrielle would float in front of him. "Well now… Considering how possessive and territorial you young Veela women are, what I just did was the most appropriate punishment that I could think of. Either way, I'm done dealing with you. I can't spend the rest of my life being attacked by a pair of dangerously domineering half Veela."

With a wave of his hand, Harry conjured a pair of chairs and a long mass of satin rope that he tied up the 2 women in. Next he gagged them with another 2 lengths of chord, and he conjured a sign that he affixed to the both of their bodies with magic. With that done, he just stood there and studied the words written on the sign for several seconds in a row. Finally, he shrugged in apparent satisfaction and waved his hand in their direction.


In the next instance, both Gabrielle and Fleur were gone from Harry's home and he was walking over to the ward scheme to erase their names from the permitted entry list of his various properties…

"Do you think they'll be back," Tonks suddenly asked from her spot laying atop the table.

"I can't tell at the moment," Harry admitted. "My magic has trouble predicting human behavior."

"I know they'll be back," Tonks predicted in a confident tone of voice. "I don't know much about Gabrielle, but Fleur genuinely loves you…"

Harry didn't know how to respond to that, so he didn't. He merely moved back to Tonks's side and gently drew her completely languid and relaxed body down from the table.



"What the," Appoline breathed out as she stood up from her settee and moved throughout her home. The sound she'd just heard was that of an Apparition, but Appoline's home was a Floo entry only property, with exceedingly strong wards keeping random people from coming and going.

Then Appoline found the 2 people who had been Apparated into the middle of her Entry Hall and her mouth gaped open wide.

Her daughters, Fleur and Gabrielle, were tied back to back in a pair of straight backed chairs, with a large sign affixed to their bodies with magic. After reading the sign, Appoline drew a hand up to her forehead and began trying to massage away a headache that she suddenly felt forming…

The sign read as follows:

We drugged Harry Potter with a powerful mixture of Veritaserum and calming draught.

We have been banished from all of his properties.

Our degenerate parents never taught us to have any respect.

To Be Continued...