10 - Gabrielle's Maid to Wait -Luna, Daphne, Katie, Appoline

With Tonks, Su Li and Luna all becoming pregnant within just 2 weeks of each other, and Tonks spending an increasing amount of time living with him on Mars, Harry suddenly found himself needing far more support than even Dobby could provide (mostly because Dobby spends a lot of his time keeping tabs on Harry's Earthside businesses). What this meant was that Tonks, Luna, Su Li, Harry and his personal assistant for the day Daphne were currently meeting with all of the applicants that were aiming for a maid position on the Potter property.

Earlier today, Harry had put out an ad in dozens of newspapers all around both Mars and Earth asking for interested women to make their way to his Mars property to try out for the job. He skipped the resume application step entirely because he trusted his magic to tell him which people were the real deal and which people he needed to avoid, and he banked on the distance between earth and Mars to keep the number of interested parties to a minimum.

Of course, he'd miscalculated just how many women would manage to bend both time and space in order to make it to the interviews...

By the time the morning ended, the drive up to the Potter Mars Estate was jam packed with hopeful young women wearing an impossibly complex variety of skimpy little maid outfits.

In response to the overwhelming response, Harry hung up a sign just outside of the front gates of his Estate that helped cull the number of interested parties.

[Those that wish to work on the Potter Estate must submit themselves to a full Leglimancy scan during the interview]

One after another, the women who were completely unqualified or were simply aiming to seduce Harry saw the sign and then turned around on the spot. As a result, the number of women that remained was cut down to just over 70.

Needless to say, it had still been a very long afternoon.

Now Harry and the ladies were sitting in a row across a large sectional couch and staring across the room at a very, very surprising last applicant.

"Just what do you hope to achieve with your presence here this afternoon Duchess," Harry asked the short, unbelievably curvy, stunningly beautiful, strawberry blonde standing in the middle of the room. Harry's question was purely rhetorical. The woman was wearing an extremely short, black and white, French maid uniform with white embroidery at the seams and a white bust area that was low cut in the extreme. She was also wearing a black and white lace choker around her neck and a pair of thigh high black fishnet stockings.

Gabrielle Lacroix nee Delacour was very obviously applying for the Maid position in Harry's household.

"I am no longer a Duchess as my marriage to Duke Lacroix 'as officially been dissolved," Gabrielle replied with a cool variety of professionalism filling her every word. "I am 'ere because eet's been brought to my attention zat I owe 'ou a debt, and zat I must repay eet eef I truly desire 'ou to fazzer ze newest generation of Delacours. According to my mozzer, where 'ou are concerned, my actions will always 'ave consequences, which means zat I must… adapt…"

Harry stared directly into Gabrielle's eyes as she spoke, and he was surprised by what he sensed coming from her mind. So far at least, the woman was telling the absolute truth so far as she knew it, which meant that Appoline really had been working overtime to earn a ride on his cock... Then Harry returned his attention back to the here and now as he reminded himself why they were having these interviews in the first place. "And you know how to cook, clean and otherwise maintain a household?"

"I am a classically trained French Lady," Gabrielle immediately replied as if she found Harry's question insulting. "I am well versed een all of ze skills zat go eento running a 'ouse-old… I may be a leetle bit… rusty, but I am well trained."

Once again, Harry could sense the fact that Gabrielle was being completely honest with him. In fact, now that he thought about it, Gabrielle had always been entirely honest with him, even when she knew that he wouldn't like what she had to say. It was a point in her favor despite all of her past actions. Well, now he was about to be very, very direct with her in return…

"This house is slowly but surely becoming a gathering spot for all of my various lovers, and two of them have even moved in as they've somehow managed to become family," Harry explained with a sideways glance at a very happy young married couple. "Also, as you may already suspect, it has been confirmed that my betrothed, Lady Black is indeed pregnant with my firstborn child. With all that in mind, my question is the following: Are you capable of living and working in this environment without becoming jealous of these women, without becoming a danger to these women? Normally I don't hesitate to make a woman perform a magical oath, but I don't think it's wise to do so with you. For the most part, you're a very kind and well intentioned young Lady Gabrielle, so if I can, I want to avoid putting your life in danger. I know exactly how powerful your instincts are. I don't want to kill you by making you swear an oath that you can't possibly keep."

For several moments in a row, Gabrielle merely scanned the various women in the room before her blue and violet eyes slowly drifted back towards Harry.

"Do not misunderstand, 'Arry," Gabrielle began in an extremely meaningful tone of voice. "... I am jealous, very, very, very jealous... but I am also completely rejecting my eenstincts, as I am well aware zat 'ou will never bend to my will. I am also well aware zat to 'urt your women would mean ze end of me, both as a potential lover and as a living, breathing, mortal being. Rest assured. Belle and I are een accord and are firmly under control… 'Ou need not worry about ze safety of your 'arem. I will obey… Master."

"We shall see," Harry replied as he allowed his eyes to slip away from Gabrielle to bounce back and forth between Tonks, Daphne, Su Li and Luna. "Here's what I have in mind Ladies. We'll hire Gabrielle on a probationary basis at first. There can be no doubt that she's the best that we've seen today, if not the most qualified, and this arrangement allows me to keep an eye on her, but we're going to need to test her self-control, like a lot, before we actually hire her on full time."

And then, as if they could read his mind, all of the women flanking Harry on the couch suddenly realized exactly what Harry meant by "testing" Gabrielle's self-control, and they immediately began crawling across the cushions towards his lap. Due to the fact that she really could read Harry's mind, Su Li was a single step ahead of everyone else and was the first to reach his side.

"Whenever you catch me having sex in the execution of your duties, and I don't plan on hiding it so you definitely will, you will stay exactly where you are when you find me, and you will watch very, very carefully," Harry demanded of Gabrielle even as Su Li crawled up and onto his lap and Luna began undoing his fly from down between his legs. Soon enough, Su Li's tiny red skirt was riding up around her tummy, her equally insubstantial black tube top was being drawn up over her head, and her panties were being pushed to the side. Without ever having to exchange a word, Harry's reduced cock began slowly spreading Su's tiny little pussy lips into a wide open "O," and she was huffing hot air into the skin of his neck..

With no signs of jealousy whatsoever, Tonks magically banished all of the clothing off of Harry's body, kissed at the other side of his neck and rubbed affectionately at Su Li's well-formed little breasts.

Daphne feverishly rubbed at every inch of Harry's newly revealed muscles with fussy, desperately clutching hands. It was clear right from the beginning that she wasn't actually doing what she was doing for Harry's sake, but rather because she was driven wild with lust for his muscular body and simply couldn't help herself.

Luna kissed, licked and sucked at both Su Li's inner thighs and Harry's heavy throbbing balls in equal measure as she massaged his rock hard cock up and into her wife's enormously stretched open pussy lips.

Gabrielle immediately swayed where she was standing as if she'd been punched in the face, and her allure began pouring out as if she was a fire hydrant that had been run over by a truck.

All of the women in the room that weren't Veela immediately felt their bodies heat up and their desire to drain Harry's cock intensify as Gabrielle's allure swept throughout the room. Su Li was so fucking needy at the moment, she actually managed to speed up her dick riding even as Harry's cock slowly grew back to full size deep within her core.

"So good! Best dick, superior dick, the only dick that I'll ever allow inside of me," Su Li ranted into both Harry and Luna's minds as she wrapped her legs firmly around Harry's waist, forced her relentlessly tight and squelching pussy up and down the length of his cock, and allowed a very quiet squeal of unrestrained pleasure to escape her tightly pursed lips. "Our dildos just don't do it for us anymore Harry," Su Li empathically revealed as she looked back down at her wife's happily sucking mouth. "Take responsibility for spoiling our tight little pussies with your fantastically gifted cock!"

"That's right, Harry," Luna purred directly into Harry's mind using Su Li's mind as a medium. "If you continue to take such excellent care of us… then the next two babies that we carry might just be yours…"

Luna and Su Li smiled at each other when they felt both Harry's cock and his balls swell and strain at their words. Then Su's eyes dilated wide when Harry grabbed a hold of her tiny little waist and began lifting her body up and down the length of his dick as if she were nothing but a cocksleeve. Harry thumped her hot and sensitive little cervix down against the head of his cock, pressed a hard, possessive kiss into the young Asian woman's mouth and then dropped them both forward off of the couch so that she was laying atop of her wife's eagerly waiting body. Then he was fucking Su Li down into Luna's body with a strong current of magic lighting up her entire pussy, Luna was rapidly rubbing at her clit, and Su's tongue was lolling out of her mouth as if she was nothing but a bitch in heat.

"Cum, cum, cumming, cumming so much, cumming so hard," Su Li empathically screamed as her body twitched and trembled, her legs kicked out straight up in the air behind Harry's back, and her lust glazed eyes drifted up into the back of her head. In the moments that followed, her thoughts became increasingly broken and garbled as she babbled about Harry's cock, Luna's hands and what her 2 lovers were doing to her overwhelmed little pussy. The very dignified and graceful little woman was entering into a super sloppy fuck drunk daze as her body was awash with nearly crippling amounts of pleasure. She was gonzo. She was a vegetable. She was being fucked completely silly.

Of course, that was the moment when Harry suddenly reduced the size of his cock again, slowly pulled out of Su's tightly clenching pussy, and then began pressing his cockhead down against Luna's eagerly awaiting pussylips. Even as he teased his head against the woman's red hot, soaking wet and twitching pussyfolds, Daphne and Tonks moved in behind him to fuss over his back and shoulders, and cup at his balls with eager but gentle hands.

"Yes. Yes, Harry. Shove that majestic dick balls deep inside of me," Luna cooed, the dreamy quality to her voice making her words just that much more erotic. "Fill me up Harry. Get that cock deep, deep inside of me, nowwwwww!"

By the time Luna started breathing out the word now, Harry was shoving his cock down further and further into the steamy heat that was her extremely talented little pussy. He twitched in surprise, he shook out his head, and then he grinned as his cock tingled from his crown all the way down to his balls. He locked eyes with Luna. The woman grinned in return. She knew. She knew exactly what she was doing. Then Harry was hilting himself womb deep within Luna's pussy and her legs were wrapping around his lower back to pull him even tighter down against Su Li's continuously trembling body.

"Stretch me to my very limits Harry," Luna whispered with her eyes locked onto his as if she were peering into his soul. "Please release the size alteration."

With a nod of his head and a downward heave of his hips, Harry allowed his cock to regrow to full size even as his cockhead pressed hot sticky dollops of pre-cum directly against the unyielding entrance to her already impregnated womb. Luna shivered and whimpered as she licked and bit at her lips. Harry groaned as he rubbed his hands down Luna's creamy soft thighs to reach her flared out and floor flattened asscheeks. As per the norm, Luna was an A grade lover with an effortless brand of completely absurd sex appeal.

As she slowly re-emerged from her most recent orgasmic stupor, Su Li found herself pinned between her 2 lovers' bodies as they rutted with her sandwiched firmly between their chests. She shivered in renewed arousal, and whimpered as she slowly rolled out from between their gyrating forms. Then, after turning to kiss Luna softly on the lips, she sucked one of her wife's perfect little nipples into her mouth. Over the next few moments, Tonks's mouth began sucking on Luna's other nipple and Daphne's tongue started licking at the spot where Harry's cock was plunging in and out of her pussy.

All of the sudden, Luna Lovegood was being worked over by 4 people at exactly the same time, and she reacted in a very predictable fashion. She came. She came hard. She shivered, and then trembled, and then gushed pussy juices all over Harry's cock and balls as she howled towards the ceiling. Her arms tightened into iron bands around the back of Harry's shoulders as she drew his lips down against her own. Luna kissed him, and it wasn't the least bit sweet or innocent. She devoured his mouth even as her pussy clenched and contracted around every single inch of his cock and the curves of her body gyrated up against his hard and muscular form. She sucked his tongue into her mouth and she whimpered at how he sped up his thrusting in response. Then the man was releasing a strong current of powerful magic directly into her core, and her entire nervous system started going completely haywire. Harry Potter's sex was incredible. Harry potter's sex was…

"Heavenly," Luna whimpered as her eyelids closed over bliss glazed eyes and her mouth nibbled erotically at Harry's sexy bottom lip. "Sooo gooood Harry. Such wonderful, beautiful sex." Then Luna was shaking her way through a second absolutely mind melting orgasm around the man's dick and she was rapidly humping her pussy up against the man's downward thrusts completely on autopilot.

"Get ready Su," Harry growled out as Luna's pussy tightened up like a vice, and his thrusts sped up until his balls cracked against her ass cheeks in a rhythmic fashion. "I'm about to creampie the hell out of your wife, and I want to feed the second half directly down your sexy little throat."

With a rapid series of nods and a mental "yes sir," Su Li scrambled to bring her face down to Luna's thighs so that she could witness her wife getting inseminated from extremely close range.

"Hooohhhhhyeeahhh pleeaassse Haaarrriiiee. Please seeeed me again," Luna moaned as she bodily shook and shivered, and various mouths sucked and licked at her body. "Remind me again what it felt like when you stuffed my womb full to bursting with your most potent sperm. Remind me what it felt like when you filled my belly with child!"

"You want it, you got it," Harry groaned out as he pulled Luna's unoccupied nipple into his mouth and released all control over his orgasm. In the seconds that followed, he felt his cock swell dramatically against every nerve ending that Luna's pussy had to offer, and then rock back like a shotgun to launch its payload directly against the woman's womb. Then he was slamming his hips down against Luna's inner thighs insistently and repeatedly, forcing all of his cum to bottleneck within her deepest depths to spread her pussy around a boiling, roiling river of seed.

"Harry! Oh Gods Harriiee! Your cock, your cum, your sex! I'm breaking! I'm broken," Luna squealed as her hands slapped and scratched at his back and her legs tensed up into iron bands around the back of Harry's thighs.

As he continued to launch massive cumshots over and over again, and Luna's curvy body unraveled into nothing but a squirming, moaning huffing mess, Harry leaned back with all of his weight bearing down on his cock, and he stared down at his waist where Su Li's face was ready and waiting. He reached down. He cupped the Japanese Hime's jaw. She stared up into his eyes, drew his thumb deep into her mouth so that she could suckle on it, and then she opened her mouth as wide as she possibly could. Harry nodded. Su Li knew exactly what he wanted from her…

Su Li was absolutely incredible.

Harry thought that thought towards the Asian woman as hard as he possibly could.…

With a wet and sloppy sploshing and glugging noise, Harry's thick and gluey cum suddenly started splurting back out of Luna's entirely cockplugged pussylips to whitewash her inner thighs, and Harry reacted immediately. He gently withdrew his dick with a loud and wet popping sound, aimed his cockhead up towards Su Li's mouth, and then allowed her to do what came naturally.

With all the energy of a starving Succubus, Su Li immediately dove forward and accepted Harry's next gigantic load directly down her throat, closely followed by the head of his cock and just over two thirds of his shaft. Su had never managed to take more than three quarters of Harry's dick down her tiny little throat, but the way that her adorable little mouth always ended up stretched to its very limits and helplessly jammed in place around his girth never failed to make the man cum like a madman. Case and point, Harry grunted in increased arousal when Su lodged her throat around his cockhead to the point that she was stuck, and then he firmly cupped the back of her head as he continued to launch his cum directly into her rapidly swallowing throat. She hummed on him, she moaned, she glucked, and she gazed up into his eyes with open adoration clear to see across her face. She broadcast her feelings so that he'd feel them and understand their intensity. Su Li was in love with Harry Potter's big fat bitch breaker of a dick!

Of course, even with Su Li being so fantastically devoted to the task, there was just no way in hell that she was going to successfully swallow over half of Harry's supermassive load, which is why a backlog of hot and sticky cum suddenly started spilling from within her tightly pursed lips to drip off of her chin and splatter her tits. In the seconds that followed, Harry slowly drew the woman's dick stuffed mouth off of his continuously cumming cock, painted her adorable little face with a thick layer of pearly white seed, and then did the same to Daphne and Tonks's faces when they immediately flopped down into the splash zone.

Fifteen seconds later, Harry's first orgasm finally came to an end, with the end result being that Luna and Su were sweat soaked, cum covered languid heaps across the carpet. Harry immediately turned to regard the red faced Veela standing across the room. "Would you be a dear and go run a bath for Su Li and Luna? They appear to be just a little bit out of it…"

With an extremely wooden little nod, Gabrielle turned around, cast a finder spell to locate the Li-Lovegood's suite of rooms, and then walked unsteadily from the room. Even before she was out the door, Harry was already turning his attention towards his wife and personal assistant, aiming to give them a similar working over…

Tonks Black's moans followed Gabrielle all the way down the hallway...


Later that same evening found Gabrielle knocking on the door to Harry's Study because dinner was almost prepared and she didn't yet know how the man preferred to be notified.

"Come in," a very muffled masculine voice called out from within.

"Dinner is almost prepared Mast.. err," Gabrielle stuttered when she opened the door, negated a silencing spell that had been in place around the room, and immediately heard a series of loud throaty moans coming from within. Then the door was swinging away from Gabrielle's newly limp and unresponsive hand, and her eyes widened at what she saw happening within.

Daphne Greengrass was currently bent over a large wooden desk with her dress shirt removed and her pencil skirt rolled up nearly to her shoulders so that Harry could relentlessly pound his absolutely enormous cock into her extremely fit and well-formed body. The excellent physical fitness that allowed Daphne to have an ultra-slim little stomach only served to make the dickhead bulge appearing above the woman's navel that much more dramatic and obscene. Gabrielle immediately froze in place exactly as she'd been ordered to earlier in the day, but her allure billowed out of her body in thick, completely uncontrollable waves, and her hands began trailing down under her ultra-short, fanned out skirts...

"Hooohhhhmaaasster please, please fill up my woooooomb," Daphne immediately begged as Gabrielle's powerful allure smashed into her body and caused her already absurd arousal to become a completely out of control mating heat. "I want them all Master! I want your seeeeeed! I want your babies!"

"Only 1000 of the 500 million sperm that I'm about to release will actually be fertile," Harry explained once again, even as he grabbed a hold of both of Daphne's perky C cup tits, rapidly slammed his hips down into the woman's supermodel calibre ass, hilted his cock womb deep within her unbelievably cum hungry little pussy, and felt a river of femcum spilling down both of his inner thighs. "If you want me to improve those chances, you need to find a non-lethal way of getting rid of your husband."

"I don't want to lose the Nott family name though," Daphne argued even as her pussy shivered like a vibrator around Harry's cock, her rapidly clapping and slapping asscheeks trembled in violent climax and her thighs shook every which way seemingly with a mind of their own. "I'd rather Theodore just die so that I can raise your children as his!"

"Then you'll have to be satisfied with having an exceedingly slim chance of getting knocked up," Harry growled as he channeled a powerful flow of magic down through his cock into the woman's clit and core, and slapped her sexy asscheeks back and forth.

"It'll be enough my Lord, I'll make it enough," Daphne moaned down into the wood of the desk as she cascaded into yet another rapid series of mind breaking orgasms. "Give me your seed, Master! Fill my womb until it bursts! Let me go to my marriage bed with thick wads of your sperm sealed tightly within my wooomb!"

"Fucking psychopath," Harry muttered as their very well-rehearsed little conversation came to an end. Regardless of his feelings about his current lover's mental state, Harry's thrusting hips continued to speed up as he drew closer and closer to a climax of his own. Then he remembered that he still had an audience, and he turned to stare back at the young Veela maid who was frantically fingering herself just within the threshold of the room. After that, he never looked away from Gabrielle's face. Harry stared directly at his new French maid the entire time he slammed his cock into Daphne's overwrought, cum spilling little pussy, and then with a grunt of both pleasure and mounting excitement, he came, and he came hard. His hands curled around Daphne's nearly waspish little waist to pull her perfectly formed ass flush against his hips, and then he came with all the force of a firehose.

And Daphne Greengrass's body immediately went completely fucking ballistic as a powerful orgasm combined perfectly with a feeling of pure animalistic completion, resulting in her mouth hanging open and her eyes visibly shaking in their sockets. She screamed and slapped at the desk, and then switched to moaning instead as her hands clutched desperately at Harry's thighs to hold his cockhead as deep inside of her cum starved womb as she could. She shook, she shivered, she gushed pussy juices all over both Harry's legs and the floor, and she grinded her ass back against his waist with a desperate, feverish intensity.

Daphne Greengrass was going at the act of getting herself bred with an unbridled intensity that Bell, Gabrielle's Veela persona, found equally inspiring and infuriating.

Case and point, Harry was currently cumming inside of Daphne so fucking hard that her belly was kicking where his cockhead was lodged deep within her womb, and yet she continued to pull him balls deep inside of her as if his cum was the very air that she breathed. Then his seed began glugging fitfully out of her cockstuffed pussylips, down the inside of her thighs and all the way to her feet, and Daphne was releasing a broken and guttural moan of delirious satisfaction.

In the end, it was the moan that made Gabrielle experience a very sudden and just as surprising climax of her own around her deeply buried fingers, and she wobbled against the doorframe as she dripped copious pussy juices all over her Master's shiny wooden floor.

With a pleased little rumble/hum mixture, Harry suddenly popped his cock out of Daphne's pussy in order to send one last cumshot clear across her ass and lower back. Then, he lay his cock down between the dirty blonde woman's asscheeks and rubbed his hands up and down her sides in a relatively affectionate manner. "That was beautiful," he commented with a hand massaging Daphne's thigh, but with his eyes locked on Gabrielle the whole entire time.

Gabrielle opened and then shut her mouth like a goldfish as Harry Potter measured her with his eyes. She knew exactly what he was doing. He was actively pushing her limits. He was trying to find out whether or not she could be trusted in his home. Which is why she did nothing. She stared right back at the man.

"Yesss my Looord… beautiful my Lord," Daphne finally slurred directly into the wood of Harry's desk. The woman was a limp noodle of overwhelmed nerves paired with a massive overdose of endorphins. She wasn't going anywhere for a while.

After conjuring a casual set of clothes onto his body, and then slowly walking across the room, Harry stood directly in front of Gabrielle and looked down at the femcum that she'd spilled all over the floor. "Mrs, Nott is going to need a bath and this room is going to need a cleaning spell or two… Are you up to this Ms. Delacour?..." Harry's expression made it clear that he wasn't only speaking of the bath and the cleaning.

"Yes Master," Gabrielle immediately replied. "I am obedient. I am disciplined."

"You were a fully feral Proto Veela in heat just two weeks ago," Harry pointed out in a completely candid tone of voice. "We'll just have to wait and see Gabrielle… You are doing well so far, and I know it because I'm scanning your mind on a regular basis… but the stakes are too high to play around, and my magic doesn't know what to make of you… You're multifaceted. Your complex…"

"I'm interesting… I'm also interested," Gabrielle replied in a quiet but not un-confident tone of voice.

"Well, you're definitely both of those things," Harry agreed with a small nod of his head. Then the man was walking away without a word and Gabrielle was left with a semi-conscious Lady Nott to take care of…


It never truly ended… Harry Potter was either off gallivanting, partying, racing, sporting, hiking, saving the world, etc, or one of over a dozen ravishingly beautiful women were fucking his cock using all of their holes and begging to receive his seed… Gabrielle spent so much time stuck still and watching the man's various sexual encounters, she was beginning to think that he was trying to turn her into a voyeur…

It was working…

On Monday morning, Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones arrived at the Potter Mars estate aiming to get Harry involved in three incidents occurring back on Earth, two of which were matters better suited to local law enforcement.

Of course Harry refused to go to the 2 extra incidents that didn't really require his level of skill to bring to an end. Hannah and Susan tried to convince him otherwise. Then they compromised. Harry fucked the 2 girls sideways in half the rooms of the house and then they came to realize that Harry's time was much better spent doing... other things.

On Tuesday, young Astoria Malfoy visited the house on a matter of "great importance," and then she didn't leave the Potter bedroom until much later that night when she finally staggered towards the Floo.

On Wednesday it was Narcissa Malfoy and Andromeda Tonks with almost exactly the same results.

Yesterday, on Thursday, Harry was busy saving Australia from the telepathic spider uprising that had come boiling out of the ground, and everyone on both Earth and Mars sat next to their wizarding wirelesses as the announcers described Harry's intervention.

Earlier today, Harry finally returned to Mars with very little fanfare (as a matter of personal preference) and then announced that he was going to have a barbecue next to the pool. He also announced that he'd invited over some friends.

Gabrielle was currently standing under a large awning to keep the simulated sunny day on Earth from burning her extremely fair skin, as she flipped a series of steaks on the grill, and watched Harry fuck his way through the completely infamous Flying Foxes. It goes without saying that her allure was out in force once again, which was only serving to make everyone go at their sex even harder and with much, much more enthusiasm....

On a nearby lounge chair, Angelina was already knocked unconscious from orgasming too much, her face, tits, pussy and inner thighs looking as if an entire can of white paint had been poured all over them.

Katie Bell was currently riding Harry's cock on yet another lounge chair with Harry's upper body resting in Tonks's lap and his head sandwiched between her large and perfect breasts. Alicia Spinnet was sprawled out between his legs so that she could lick and suck on his balls.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Lady Black, but I love him, I love him so much, and I love his cock, and someday I want to have his babies," Katie moan screamed directly into Tonks's left thigh as her ass rapidly bounced up and down on Harry's lap and her compact little body vibrated as if she was being electrocuted. "I'm sorry, but, but please, please, please let me have Harry as my lord and Maaaster!

"Awww you're so adorable," Tonks enthused, as she affectionately combed her fingers through Katie's sweat soaked hair and cupped at her cheeks.

"Yes, yes she is," Harry agreed as he drew Katie's lips down to crash into his own and then released all control over his impending orgasm. "I'm about to creampie your pussy Katie. I'm about to show you what I'm going to do to you in three years' time when your Harpies contract finally comes to an end. I'm gonna make you one of my women and put a bun in this tight little oven of yours."

"I'm already, one of, your women," Katie haltingly gasped out as her eyes contracted to points, her pussy gushed like a waterfall all over Harry's lap, and her thighs shook hard enough that her lover had to physically hold her down. Then her core was being packed full of piping hot, ultra thick and sticky semen, and her pussy was clamping down like a vice around every inch of Harry's cock to try to hold it in. Katie Bell wanted to take in every single last ounce of Harry Potter's nut. She wasn't going to succeed. She tried anyway. She frantically kissed Harry's neck, chest and shoulders as she desperately rooted herself down upon his cock. She whimpered, cooed and keened like a small animal as her belly kicked and her womb stretched outwards around his load. She found emotional and physical completion in the act of accepting Harry's seed, and she stared up into his eyes so that he might see it and understand.

And Harry did… and he kissed Katie tenderly on the forehead even as he cupped her ass cheeks and held her pussylips flush to his balls. Soon enough, Harry's seed was splurting messily out of Katie's O'd out little pussylips and his dick was being pulled out of her pussy so that Alicia could feast on his cum, but he continued to hug Katie Bell tightly the whole entire time because she thrived under this kind of treatment. By the time Harry's orgasm was coming to an end and Alicia's face was covered in a sugary glaze of caked on cum, Katie was barely conscious, her repeated orgasms and the physical toll that they took having rendered her into a languid mess of limbs.

"The steaks are completed my Lord," Gabrielle suddenly called out in a very hoarse, throaty and overtly sexual tone of voice. She simply couldn't help herself. Her entire body was violently rejecting having her remain on the sidelines like this. She was only just managing to hold herself still with enormous feats of willpower and mental fortitude… She was being stretched to her very limits. She was being driven completely insane with lust...

"Ah yes. Thank you Gabrielle," Harry called out while staring the woman in the eyes. Once again, it was obvious that he was scanning her thoughts, weighing the risks, judging her control. Then he was nodding and rising to his feet. "Let's all sit down for dinner then, and then we'll move this… party, to the bedroom.

Tonks and Alicia simply nodded their heads, as they both knew with absolute certainty that their turn was coming soon…


At some point in the early hours of the morning, several hours before the sun began to rise, Harry's eyes suddenly snapped open to take in the ceiling of his bedroom. Tonks was curled up on his left side with Su Li and Luna just beyond her, while Alicia and Angelina were cocooning Katie on his right hand side. With that being the case… there could only be one person that was currently throating his cock into her hot and sucking little mouth...

"Gabrielle," Harry breathed out, as the lump beneath his sheets rapidly bounced up and down, a strong allure began pouring into his body with the concentration of a laser beam, and an extremely soft set of lips popped and smacked clumsily along his head and his shaft. All things considered, Gabrielle Delacour still wasn't all that talented at giving head, but the desperate enthusiasm that she was showering upon his dick was more than enough to make up the difference. It felt good. No. It felt superb. Harry sighed as he pulled the sheets down his body to confront the woman.

Then Harry froze in place when he revealed Gabrielle's face on his dick and saw tears streaming from her glowing violet eyes… Gabrielle was in full Proto Veela mode, with the white hair, the wings, the whole shebang, and she was crying down into the sheets between his thighs.

Immediately after Harry and 'Bell' locked eyes, Gabrielle began using the Leglimancy connection that she knew he must be creating to think an apology in his direction with all of her might. She was sorry. She already knew that Harry was going to banish her from his property again. Furthermore, she knew that he was right in doing so. She was completely out of control. She simply couldn't stop herself any longer. She didn't have it in her to go one more night without his cock inside of her. She'd never felt this way before. She hadn't slept in days. She was hot. She was needy. She was burning up. She needed relief, even if it was the last thing that she did in Harry's home. With the desperation of her thoughts conveyed, Gabrielle sucked in as hard as she could, caving in her mouth around Harry's dick so tightly that you could see the shape of his cockhead through the lining of her cheeks, and she allowed her eyes to trail up into her head in bliss. Harry's cock... His cock tasted completely glorious…

After waving his hand at his sides in order to create a movement and soundproofing barrier around the two of them, Harry slowly reached down with both of his hands, cupped both sides of Gabrielle's face, and began pulling her mouth further and further down the length of his dick. For just a second or two, the woman's hands slapped at his thighs, but then she suddenly surrendered to his strength and a moan of intense arousal vibrated around increasing amounts of his cock.

"You're a very disobedient girl Gabrielle," Harry commented in a very dark and harsh tone of voice. "You're a silly little slut who can't keep her hands to herself. What am I to do with a staff member who doesn't understand consent? What can I do about a maid who molests her master?" As if in a direct contradiction to his words, Harry continued to pull Gabrielle's tightly resisting throat further down around his shaft, ignoring both the gurgling and gagging noises that were beginning to leak out of her completely blocked airway. He was rough fucking Gabrielle's angelic little face, and he was staring her in the eyes the whole entire time.

With an inarticulate cry that was impeded by Harry's cock, Gabrielle Delacour suddenly started to spill femcum all over Harry's bed, as apparently she'd been touching herself this whole entire time, and the way that she was being roughly used was making her cum her fucking brains out. She twitched, she shivered, her eyes dilated wide, and she moaned like a whore around every inch of Harry's cock. Then her lips were kissing at the base of his shaft and his balls were swaddling her chin, causing her orgasm to become just that much stronger. Renewed tears formed in her eyes as her throat was drawn back up the length of Harry's cock by his strong and calloused hands.

Then the cycle repeated itself as Harry drew her back down the length of his dick, and the woman cried out in a cock stuffed form of excitement. With a desperate huff of indrawn air, Gabrielle suddenly reached up to grope and fondle at Harry's chest and stomach. It was as if the woman had completely forgotten that she was currently being facefucked up and down the length of an absolutely gigantic dick. She didn't seem to care that she was wheezing and gagging and losing her supply of precious oxygen. She rubbed and massaged Harry's abs and then clutched desperately at his ass and thighs like a dyed in the wool perverted freak, even as she swallowed and sucked around every inch of dick that Harry had to offer.

Harry approved. He approved a lot. He didn't allow that approval to show on his face, because he had a plan that he was following and he couldn't give it away. Instead, he merely picked up the pace, and began fucking her throat in earnest. Fucking hell… Gabrielle's throat was miraculous, and it was even more impressive that none of her ability was on purpose… The woman was a natural…

"I'm going to cum down this slutty little throat of yours now, and then we're going on a day trip," Harry announced with a grim little smile on his face. "According to my magic, your mother's at home right now, and she's alone. I'm going to give you just one chance to cooperate with my plans and earn my forgiveness. I'm about to fuck your masochistic bitch of a mother Gabrielle, and I'm not going to be gentle about it. She wants it bad, she wants it hard, she's going to get it both. Do you understand?"

With a wildly aroused little whimper and a rapid nod of her head around Harry's dick, Gabrielle suddenly forced all of her weight behind her mouth so that she could cram her angelic little face further down his shaft. She wiggled, she squirmed, she flapped her wings for momentum, she forced her mouth to take inch after inch, and she shook with arousal the whole entire time. Then she started swallowing and kissing his shaft while massaging his balls in both of her hands, and her intentions were completely obvious.

Gabrielle Delacour wanted his seed. She wanted it in her throat. She wanted it straight from the source.

She was going to get what she wanted.

With a grunt and a pair of hands locked around the back of Gabrielle's head, Harry started cumming with everything that he had. Right away, Gabrielle's eyes dilated wide as her swanlike throat expanded outwards around his seed, but then she started swallowing as quickly as she could around the river of cum that was exploding into her esophagus. She sucked and she swallowed reflexively. Her hums and moans vibrated around his cock. Harry came harder and harder with every second that past as the woman on his cock proved herself a throat abusing genius.

As her Master's absolutely massive load rapidly back flowed up into her mouth, Gabrielle moaned at the extraordinary taste, as the cum leaked past her lips she reveled in its scent, as the cum spilled down her chin and neck to coat her hanging tits she basked in its heat and sticky consistency. Gabrielle was being used. She was being sullied. She was cumming like a lunatic and leaking juices all over her Master's bed. Her entire throat collapsed into a skin tight sucking sleeve as she worshipped every single inch of Harry Potter's dick. She loved it. She loved him. She would never, ever, give this up!...

Despite knowing full well that he was launching an absurd amount of seed down Gabrielle's poor little throat, Harry never even considered releasing the Angel winged French maid currently fellating the hell out of his cock. He knew very well that the woman's slut magic would allow her to take every single ounce of his cum into her body without the least amount of trouble, so he fucked her mouth down against his nuts until he had nothing left to offer. He was merciless. He was cruel.

She fucking loved it.

Like mother, like daughter…

As his orgasm slowly came to an end, Harry's hands dropped away and Gabrielle slurped her way back up the length of his shaft like the filthiest whore in the history of the world. She kissed at every inch his super sloppy dick. She flat tongue licked at his balls. She wiped at her own tits to drag his cum up into her mouth. She was shameless. She was beautiful.

Harry suddenly felt extremely motivated.

With a wave of his right hand, both Harry and Gabrielle floated up off the bed so that they didn't disturb the various women sleeping to his sides, and then he grabbed his new maid around the waist so that they could immediately continue moving.


Very suddenly, Harry and Gabrielle were on Earth, in France, inside the wards of the Delacour estate, and Harry was walking through the house naked as the day he was born and completely unconcerned. Gabrielle scrambled to catch up, but she fussed at her hair, dabbed at her tear stained mascara, and attempted to straighten her uniform the whole entire time. Even with Bell's more dominant personality working in tandem with her own, Gabrielle Delacour was still completely cowed by her mother.

Needless to say, Gabrielle was rendered completely speechless when Harry just barged out onto the second floor terrace where Appoline was drinking her morning coffee.

Appoline Delacour was a vision of good health, good breeding, money, class and beauty. She had beautiful blonde hair, big blue eyes, perfectly Sun kissed skin, and lips that were made for sin. The sundress that she was wearing barely contained her extraordinary curves, and her legs went on for miles.

Harry Potter marched up to within just a few feet of the woman and stared down upon her as if she were nothing but the help.

Appoline gasped and then gaped up at Harry's naked body lit by the morning sun and glistening with just the finest layer of sweat. Her eyes attempted to look over towards her youngest daughter, her maid uniform and wings, but then she failed and her attention immediately returned to Harry's massive, fully erect dick. Without ever moving a muscle, the woman's allure started leaking out of her in waves to mix with Gabrielle's and swamp the entire area.

"You learned your place. You did as you were told," Harry announced in a very deadpan tone of voice. "You taught your daughter about consequences. You taught your daughter restraint."

Appoline drew in a deep breath, grit her teeth, and then locked eyes with Harry. "Va au diable." (Go to hell)

"Been there, done that, found it in Florida, wasn't a fan," Harry immediately replied with a lazy shrug of his shoulders. "Now I made a promise to you before I banished you from my office, and I'm in the habit of fulfilling my obligations. You better tell me not to touch you right this fucking second Appoline, because I'm about to take you and I'm not going to be sweet about it."

Once again, Appoline opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again, glanced at her daughter, and then said nothing. She also shivered in arousal at the outrageous disrespect that she was being shown and both Gabrielle and Harry caught it.

Gabrielle's mouth immediately hung open in astonishment.

Harry simply nodded his head and casually waved his hand. Very suddenly Appoline was wearing a second maid outfit exactly like Gabrielle's except much smaller, even sluttier and without the benefit of any panties. The woman looked like a stripper at a bachelor party. She also looked completely affronted.

"'Ow dare 'ou," Appoline began in a stereotypical outraged tone.

"Well it was either this or naked with a paper bag over your head," Harry replied with a small, helpless shrug of his shoulders. "Gabrielle… tie your mother's arms behind her back and bend her over the railing please. If I'm going to fuck a useless little cumdump, I'd at least like a decent view of the countryside."

As obedient and respectful of her mother as Gabrielle was, she still found her body moving with zero hesitation. She immediately cast an Incarcerous rope binding spell that locked Appoline's arms behind her back, affixed her waist to the barrier and then towed her across the deck until her luscious tits were hanging over the railing.

Appoline squawked and struggled to free herself even as her feet drew apart all by themselves, her ass jutted out, and her pussy dripped all over the wood of the terrace. The woman was noticeably, visibly getting off big time on being mistreated, and she was terrible at hiding it.

After conjuring a marker in his hand, Harry moved up behind Appoline, flipped up her micro-skirt and began writing a series of very rude things all over her ass, thighs and lower back. According to his graffiti, Appoline was a 2 dollar whore, a bitch, a slut for enormous cocks, useless, stupid, and filthy. He also drew arrows towards both her pussy and her asshole and then drew a series of Roman numerals. According to these numerals, both of Appoline's holes had been used dozens of times within the day.

When he was finished with his little art project, Harry conjured three mirrors to float in the air all around Appoline, so that she could see the state of her own body, ass and thighs in the reflections that they cast.

Appoline almost immediately released a long and throaty groan/moan mixture from deep within her diaphragm as her entire body shook, her legs gave out on her and her dripping wet pussy visibly clenched on nothing but empty air. The woman was cumming...

The woman was a freak.

Harry immediately summoned one of his cameras from back at the estate, handed it to Gabrielle and gave his maid a very significant look. "We're making memories Gabrielle. Take plenty of photos for me as I break in your whore of a mother."

With trembling hands, shallow panting breaths and a heart that was racing in her chest, Gabrielle nodded her head and clutched the camera to her breasts. "Yes, Master."

Click, Whir… (non-digital camera noises)

After silently moving up behind Appoline, Harry pressed the head of his dick to her pussylips, and felt them grip at his bulbous cockhead as if they were an eager little mouth. Then, after curling his hands above the woman's super sexy flared out ass, he smiled and drew in a very deep breath. "There's just one thing that I need to tell you before we start, Appoline... I don't respect you at all, because I don't think you're a good parent or person or addition to the world… and I'm probably going to be the father of the next generation of Delacours."

With that announcement made, Harry immediately thrust his full sized cock deep into Appoline's tightly wringing pussy in one slow but assertive thrust, and he slammed his cockhead home within her womb just in time for her to spill an explosion of femcum all over his cock, balls and inner thighs. Appoline's masochism kink aside, yet another Veela was being introduced to massive Potter dick, and she was reacting exactly as he'd learned to expect. He was an immensely powerful Wizard. Appoline's Veela body could feel it. The woman was cumming so hard it looked like she was having a seizure, and her cervix was no barrier at all…

The crown of Harry's cock was being sucked on by Appoline's womb and her entire pussy was massaging his shaft deeper in a series of skin tight, soaking wet and piping hot milking motions.

Click, whir...

"Merde, Gods, tres grand, fort, so deep, si puissant, fucking my woooomb," Appoline loudly moaned out towards her lawns as her body shook and her head hung down to slap against her tits. Then she felt the man currently filling her deepest depths trying to withdraw his gigantic dick from within her womb, and it felt like his massive head was going to pull her inside out. She gasped and shook as her pussy meat held on tight and refused to let him go. She trembled and shivered when he forced his cock back out to just within her pussylips. Then she came like a whore when he finally thrust back into her and slammed his head back into her womb. One thrust and she was cumming. Just one thrust…

Harry Potter was going to fuck her to death…

"I suppose you might be a little bit tight, but your eldest daughter takes a dick with a lot more skill than you do," Harry commented as he slapped both of Appoline's perfectly sculpted asscheeks, grabbed up her hips and then completed a second thrust at twice the speed of the first. Once again the woman immediately came and gushed pussy juices all over the floor. Once again he acted as if he hadn't even noticed.

Click, whir...

While Harry started fucking his cock in and out of Appoline's heavenly little pussy with a slow and steady rhythm, he made sure to hold her tight enough to leave red marks and he even grabbed her neck to remind her just how powerless she was. Then, over time, he sped up his thrusting, and he released a current of powerful magic into the woman's core, and she started shaking from head to toe as he rendered her body a wasteland of powerful orgasmic pleasure.

It was time.


With a quick cleaning and lubricating spell, Harry slowly but implacably shoved his cock up and into Appoline's asshole, and he didn't stop when the woman started gasping and struggling because she was also cumming all over his legs. "That's better," he sighed out as his balls slapped against the woman's pussy and came away drenched with the woman's juices. "This soft little asshole of yours almost makes fucking you worth it Appoline. Gods, but you really are a whore to cum just as soon as I stick it in…"

"Huge, huuuge dick! In my ass, fucking my asshole," Appoline babbled as her thighs shook like jello and her pussy clenched and spilled all over her thighs.

Click, whir…

With every repeated thrust, Harry increased the spead that he hilted his cock into Appoline's truly spectacular asshole, until he was giving it to her hard once again and she was completely losing her mind over it. Appoline grunted and groaned, and whimpered and bleated like a barnyard animal, as she humped her big beautiful ass back against Harry's thrusts. At some unnoticed point in time, her arms were released and they unconsciously wrapped around the back of Harry's thighs, and then she was being carried over to the lounge chair and put down on her back. It was only after she saw Harry spell cleaning his beautiful cock and lining it up with her pussy again, that she started fearing she might truly become addicted to this....

Click, whir...

"This is what you wanted isn't it," Harry asked as he suddenly thrust his cock balls deep in Appoline's rapidly contracting pussy, ripped open the front of her maid uniform and began mauling her fantastically gorgeous tits. "You wanted to be manhandled like the little whore that you are, and now I'm giving it to you… I'm also going to give you something else. You better be on a potion slut, because I'm not planning on pulling out." With his threat delivered, Harry bore down over the woman, grabbed up her ankles, and folded her in half until her feet were near her head.

Appoline knew exactly what Harry was currently doing to her body, but she never even considered telling him to stop. She stared up at him with both a half crazed type of submission in her eyes and a womb that was insistently sucking on his cockhead. The woman was out of her mind with lust. She was preparing to get bred…

Harry's return smile was openly feral…

Click whir…

With a growl, Harry started thumping his cockhead down into Appoline's rippling, milking womb, as if he was an animal in a rut, and she responded in kind with her desperately clutching arms and her twerking upraised ass. As little as she could move, Appoline was still trying to milk his cock, and her efforts had Harry sucking a vibrant purple hickey into the side of her neck.

"Take it slut. Take a bastard child in this filthy fucking womb of yours," Harry growled as he careened towards orgasm and wrapped a hand around the woman's neck.

"Fucking yes, yes, yes, yess, yesss," Appoline screamed in return as her frothy pussy gushed juices everywhere and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Whether or not she was actually agreeing to follow through with Harry's threat was hard to tell, because she didn't look like she was capable of rational thought. What was obvious was that she wanted Harry's seed because her legs suddenly snapped free of his arms, wrapped tightly around his lower back and tightened up like iron bands.

By the time Harry started cumming like a maniac directly into Appoline's skin tight sucking womb, the woman was pulling his face down into her beautifully sweaty rack and her legs were wrapped around his waist so tightly her back wasn't even resting on the chair beneath her. Instead, her ass was being slammed down against the chair every time he thrust down to impale her with his cock, and her dick dented belly was kicking violently around his seed.

Harry never even considered pulling out. He flooded Appoline's womb and pussy with a boiling river of cum, and he slammed his hips flush with her inner thighs the whole entire time. Almost a full minute later, she still hadn't spilled a drop, which was a trait that must run in the family as he'd never encountered it anywhere else.

After slowly pulling his cock from the newly comatose Veela, Harry stretched to the sky and turned to regard his maid.

Click, whir…

Gabrielle's photos were probably garbage because it's hard to take pictures with three fingers knuckle deep in your pussy. Still… Harry Accio'd the camera from Gabrielle's hands and then reverse summoned it back to the estate.

"Master… did you really just impregnate my mother," Gabrielle asked with a bite at her lower lip.

Harry only shook his head. He wasn't actually a monster. He was merely a gifted role player.

"Master… me next," Gabrielle breathed out, with obvious need and desperation in her voice.

"You've proven to me that you can indeed cooperate with other women and even another Veela," Harry praised as he ran a hand down Gabrielle's cheek. "There's a problem though. If you can do it, then I believe your elder sister can as well. I hesitate to begin a really involved relationship with you without first speaking to your sister…"

"But Master, I don't understand and I've been meaning to ask," Gabrielle whispered as she looked down at her feet and visibly squirmed with tightly controlled lust. "Didn't Fleur come to see you just over a week ago? Didn't she come to see you two days before I arrived?"

Very suddenly and very thoroughly, Harry's face took on a deadly serious expression. "No. I never saw her at all. Tell me more…"

To Be Continued...