Chapter 3 - Pawn Takes Queen

It was a fairly normal day at Kuoh Academy, a particularly boring Tuesday, as far as that went at a school that had several supernatural beings attending as students. But while classes and clubs still went about their business as though nothing had changed, recently something, almost imperceptible had changed.

Akeno Himejima, first year college student, seemed to be the only person who had noticed this change, although she couldn't identify it, like knowing something was missing from a room without knowing what was supposed to be there. As she stalked through the halls, her long lithe legs wrapped the long black calf-length socks that every female student wore, Akeno's large violet eyes were darting this way and that. On the surface, everything seemed like business as usual-teachers talking to truant students, clubs getting ready to begin their daily meetings, the Kendo club yelling at Matsuda and Motohoma for spying on their exercises again.

Wait. That's unusual, isn't it?

Akeno surveyed the field where the Kendo team was assembling, twirling one strand of her impossibly long black hair as she observed. There were those perverts again, Perverted Baldy and Perverted Glasses getting walloped by the girls with their shinai. There was something wrong with this picture-even as Akeno giggled a bit at watching the two students get their comeuppance, her orange ribbon swaying in the gentle spring breeze. Something was missing, just as Akeno had considered before, and this time she knew what it was, or rather who it was.

Issei. He was almost always hanging out with those two, when he wasn't dealing with business for the Occult Research Club. Yet right now, he was nowhere to be found. Akeno reasoned that if she found Issei, and uncovered why he wasn't hanging out with his two pals, maybe she'd get to the bottom of this.

She was soon pleased to be right, but found that her answer only led to more questions.

It was the very next day, and Akeno noticed Rias, her Queen walking through the halls, along with Grayfia Lucifuge, her sister-in law. Akeno wondered what the older woman was doing here, watching the pair walk very closely together, whispering to each other in hushed tones, often giggling like little girls, obviously in on some secret joke. As Grayfia wasn't a student her appearance was rather odd here-and odder still was that Rias hadn't mentioned she would be coming to Akeno. They didn't tell each other everything, but something like this should have come up. Clearly, some further investigation on Akeno's part was required. Rias had been acting kind of differently for the past week or so, but Akeno hadn't paid it much notice, and now she realized she should have. Something was clearly amiss here.

Akeno followed the pair through the halls, doing her best not to be noticed. While ordinarily that would be quite the challenge for the taller than average, incredibly busty beauty in most places, Akeno could at least keep her head down and try to blend in with all the other girls wearing the same uniform as her. Following the pair of in-laws was easy enough simply because of that fact-while Rias was wearing her uniform, Grayfia was wearing her own clothes, which today consisted of a short black skirt that terminated halfway down her thighs, garter stockings that came up to just a few inches below her skirt, along with a white ruffled shirt and a tight red jacket that only pushed the married woman's breasts further together, with both shirt and jacket revealing a few smooth inches of Grayfia's flat, mouthwatering midsection.

Eventually, the pair stepped into an abandoned classroom, letting the door swing shut behind them. That was Akeno's chance, as she rushed to catch the door with one shoe. Leaving it propped open just a tad, she leaned close into the doorframe and listened. Away from the prying ears of the other students, Grayfia and Rias were both a bit louder, with a clear amount of joy and something like awe in their voices.

"Oh, I just can't wait to see Issei again, sister." Grayfia said, which made Akeno's eyebrows rise. How did she even know Issei, when would the two of them have met?

"Well, don't worry Grayfia. Issei had something boring to do, I think he said it was related to school or something, I wasn't really paying attention. I was just staring into those big brown eyes of his and thinking about how much I wanted him inside me again." Rias sounded positively rapturous, and while Akeno couldn't even see her face, it sounded as though she was blushing like a schoolgirl.

"I admit, Rias I sometimes have that problem too. And honestly, listening to anything your brother says in the mornings is hard for me-I'm usually so tired and sore if Issei had fucked me the night before. He wears me out so good~" Grayfia's tone matched Rias, the older woman's normally formal demeanor at odds with what she was saying now.

Akeno couldn't believe what she was hearing. Issei had slept with Rias and her sister-in-law, who was happily cheating on her husband Sirzechs? And she hadn't known about any of this, no one had seen fit to tell her? She bit her lower lip as she turned away, angry little footfalls carrying her away from the door. Not really aware she was speaking out loud, Akeno muttered to herself, sounding almost comically offended.

"Why not me!?"

Akeno stalked the halls of the Academy after that, like a predator on a hunt. This time, she knew exactly what she was looking for, and rather than trying to satisfy some vague curiosity, Akeno was now out for one thing and one thing only. She was gonna get to the bottom of what was going on with Issei and see if he could truly live up to Rias and Grayfia's praises, which she tended to doubt. Rias had been a virgin up until recently, after all, and Grayfia...well women cheating on their spouses often tended to exaggerate simply because they'd find someone whose chief positive trait was that they weren't their husband.

Issei was just leaving a classroom, all alone on the top floor. He'd had to do a little privat studying, since he'd known Matsuda and Motohoma simply would've distracted him by talking about girls. Now that Issei was actually sleeping with women, including one of the hottest girls in all of Kuoh Academy, he didn't really need to talk as much, but the girls were often distraction enough in their own way, to the point where his grades had been suffering enough to get him unwanted negative attention. He much preferred to simply coast by.

"Ah, Akeno, hello!" Issei said as he saw the older teen walking towards him. Striding was probably a better term, as Akeno was taking long, determined steps, her tits bouncing in her tightly packed button-down shirt, the cute little tie she wore only serving to further draw his eyes to her chest, which was of course the point.

"You." Akeno said, sounding almost angry.

"In here." She said, grabbing Issei by the shirt front and actually dragging him behind her into the empty classroom. Akeno kicked the door shut with her foot in an almost offhand fashion. Issei simply gulped, taken completely by surprise.

"Ah…sorry Akeno-san, but I'm a little confused. What's going on?" Issei rubbed the back of his head with one head, forming a good-natured but slightly bewildered smile on his face. The fact that he was alone in a room with Akeno also wasn't lost on Issei, and he felt his cheeks grow slightly hot as little spots of color formed on his face.

"That's actually what I was going to ask you, Issei. What's this I head about you having sex with Rias and her sister-in-law? You dirty little underclassman, so naughty~" Akeno sounded halfway between seductive and scolding, which Issei had to admit he also found a little sexy on its own. He was so used to putting his nose in other people's business that he was caught completely off-guard.

"W-well, I, I mean we, that is to say that I uh…" Sweat trickled down Issei's face as he only grew more red, swiftly growing to resemble a beat as Akeno's poked him in the chest with one slender finger to punctuate each question.

"Well, at first it was Rias' idea, and then Grayfia just sort of walked in on us, though I didn't really notice her at first. Then when Rias was exhausted, I just sort of...took Grayfia up on her offer." The words came out of Issei in a sudden torrent, and it occurred to him that he hadn't actually discussed the events of that first night with Rias, or any of the nights after that, with anyone outside of the people who were already involved. While he was a little embarrassed to be discussing such lewd things so openly with Akeno, and still surprised by the fact that she knew and her reaction to it, it felt good to actually speak about it.

"Wow, so not just the two of them, but both in one night, you horny little bastard!" Akeno said, a wicked smile forming on her deceptively beautiful face. Issei had witnessed how dangerous she was, though her anger at not knowing seemed to be dissipating, replaced with something perhaps nearly as dangerous.

"Well, you must really be something special for Rias to give herself to you Issei. And her sister, a married woman no less. So, come me." Akeno's voice dropped to barely above a whisper, her eyes glinting with lust like enticing gemstones.

"Ah, what? S-show you?! Here, now, really?"

Issei was again surprised, but this time Akeno didn't have the patience for it. Even before she'd heard about this, the former Fallen Angel had found Issei to be attractive, in his own particular way, and been quite interested in the possibility of going on a date with him. And now that she knew he was some sort of secret sex god (though Akeno was no slouch in that respect herself; she wagered she'd been with more men than Grayfia and probably ones who were quite a bit more endowed than her husband), she was more intrigued than ever. Waiting for Issei to get with the program of what was going to happen right now simply wasn't an option for the busty dark haired girl.

"You heard me, Issei right now. Don't worry, I'll make it easy on you, I know how teenage boys fumble with their belts once they start to get a little excited. You'd probably trip over your own two feet once you got a hard-on."

Akeno lowered herself to a lewd squat, her knees pointed in opposite directions. She traced one hand down Issei's chest feeling the light but firm muscles there, even as she dug a fingernail into her own shirt, toying with one of the already loose and very strained buttons there. She looked up at him, smiling openly as she could tell he was starting to get turned on despite his confusion, blood beginning to rush to his groin.

"And after all, how could anyone not get a hard dick when I'm around, hmm?" She winked up at Issei, before she deftly undid his belt with one delicate and well-practiced hand. Snapping the leather open, she tugged his brown uniform pants down, snaring Issei's simple blue boxers with her fingernails as well and removing the whole lot in one smooth, sudden motion.

With an almost audible unfurling, Issei's dick flopped forward, casting Akeno's face into shadow before coming to a rest barely an inch above her nose, stretching outward like some massive club. Her bright eyes shook in her head as she stared at this...thing, this monstrosity, this impossible manhood Drool openly leaked from the corners of Akeno's mouth simply at the sight of it, and her pussy quickly grew wet from being so close to this titanic dick. Her slender nostrils flared, taking in large and deep lungfuls of ISsei's musky natural scent. Despite looking like he hadn't done anything more physically demanding today than daydream about busty girl, Issei's dick shone with a light layer of sweat, his flared and angry looking cockhead glinting in the light with an oily sheen.

"Holy shit. Look at the size of this fucking giant cock! is this possible?" Akeno gasped, struggling to make sense of this new, impossible reality before her. Now it was turn to be caught off guard, for she'd never once dreamed of anything so massive, a veiny, heavy cockshaft that bobbed in the air underneath its own weight, thicker than Akeno's bicep and longer than her arm from fingertips to shoulder-by a rather large margin, too. The biggest dick Akeno had ever seen her life had still been less than the size of this fucking truncheon, and for a moment along with all the other feelings coursing through her-lust, awe, shock, a little bit of fear-Akeno felt both a surge of jealousy and new-found respect for Rias.

To think, Rias actually had this monster dick inside her tight little virgin pussy!

Issei, for his part, was suddenly in familiar territory, more or less. While he still was not the most assertive sort, he recognized Rias and Grayfia's own reaction to his dick, and knew there was little else he had to do than stand there with his dick out to ensure Akeno would be fully head over heels in lust for him.

"Well, now that you've seen it, don't you want to give it a little taste, Akeno? Maybe a kiss?" Issei sounded more playful than smug, as he'd spent so much time fantasizing about Akeno with her beautiful hair, gorgeous face and truly sinful body that might well rival Rias in terms of sheer bust size, that was truly having a wonderful time already.

There was another twinkle in Akeno's eyes, and for just a moment it almost seemed like twin small pink hearts could be seen in the depths of her bewitching violet orbs. Her hands came up on their own, and began jerking Issei's cock off with hesitant, yet firm strokes, moving slowly at first and wanting to savor the moment of feeling every inch of his massive dick.

"Mmm-wahh~" Akeno's mouth opened wide as she leaned her head forward, eyelashes fluttering in a flirtatious manner as her tongue slowly rolled out of her mouth, long and agile. She licked around the edges of Issei's dicktip, cooing at the hot, virile taste. Bits of naturally occurring dick dirt and smegma burned at her tastebuds and Akeno swallowed them down with a happy, wanton look on her face. She had to crane her mouth open like she was trying to unhinge her jaw, but then her head moved forward, her plump lips wrapping around Issei's dick, leaving a clear ring of lipstick as she swallowed his huge bellend.

"Ah....yes, Akeno, just like that. That feels so fucking good!" Issei said, leaning backwards and letting his body impact a desk as he closed his eyes.

Akeno was still very obviously overwhelmed by his size, but she wasn't going to let that stop her from giving this dick her all and sucking it with true gusto. Saliva bubbled up at the corners of her mouth, with spit trickling down the underside of Issei's weighty shaft. Her tongue swirled around his dick as she moaned at the taste, feeling herself falling into a deep well of lust for Issei. To think the boy she'd had a little crush happened to have the world's fattest, longest, hardest cock!

Akeno's hands slid down the length of Issei's shaft, before her fingers rested on his pelvis, her fingers spread wide, keeping her arms steady as she bobbed up and down. Akeno was happily anchored in place, servicing Issei's cock with her mouth, eyes staring up at him with obvious glee even as tears began to well up, with those bright pink hearts only growing larger. She thrust her face forward faster and faster, happily impaling her throat on Issei's dick and looking like nothing so much as a cheap, chicken-headed, sloppy whore. It was sheer bliss for the masochistic Akeno.

"Glacch, glcch, glacckk!"

Slowly, and with obvious reluctance, Akeno pulled her head back, snapping her lips off of Issei's cock with a sudden, clear 'pop!' sound.

"Mmwaah~ Of fuck, Issei, your dick tastes so fucking good!"

Akeno lowered her head, dipping down to suck on Issei's huge, swarthy balls. Her tongue circled the hairy testicles, slathering every inch of his nutsack with her hot, cloudy spit, leaving them shiny and wet. Akeno hollowed out her cheeks, taking on a lewd nasty expression as she forced one of the fat sperm sacks into her mouth, sucking on it like a child trying to absorb every bit of flavor from a sugary treat. Akeno let her eyes roll back slightly, enjoying herself nearly as much as Issei was. She worshipped his balls for what felt like nearly half an hour as Issei groaned above her, unable to believe what a dirty, cock-greedy slut Akeno was turning out to be, with none of the reluctance that Rias or Greyfia had shown.

Her hands worked on his cock in a blur as she pleasured his balls, sucking on them in turn as her hands worked in tight, firm semi-circles around his shaft. Akeno had never dealt with a manhood so large, but she still had plenty of experience in pleasing men, and a natural born slut's sense of dirty, open enthusiasm. She pulled her head back, letting Issei's cock rest on her lips, lifting it up and smacking it off her mouth openly. Just the weight of it hitting her face lightly made her pussy leak openly, and her thighs slowly rubbed together as her burning lust grew by the second.

Akeno rubbed the nasty, spit-covered dicktip all over her face, getting her makeup smudged and marking up her beautiful, enticing viase that countless boys just like Issei had imagined while jerking themselves off in the shower before school and then in bed at night afterwards as well, Akeno Himejima, Issei's very own ball-cleaning dick sucking fucktoy.

"Mmm...please, Issei~" She keened, her voice taking on a higher pitch, all trace of her normally composed, poised and pure femine beauty gone, washed away by base animal need.

"Ah, please what Akeno?" Issei said from above her, his voice strained by pleasure. At this point, he'd practically have given her his Sacred Gear if she'd asked, just so long as she kept acting like such a naughty little bitch.

"Please...fuck my throat. I want you to really give it to me, pound my pretty little face like it's your own personal dicksleeve. I can handle it, I want to taste every inch of this nasty fuckstick. But first, please, smack me with your cock, fucking beat me stupid!"

Issei grabbed his dick like it was a club, raising it high and holding Akeno's face with his other hand, keeping her in exactly the right positon. Then he struck her with his heavy cockend, rocking her head to one side like she'd been backhanded.


"Ohh, fuuckk~" Akeno gasped, as a clear red mark was left on her cheek. Issei did it again, and that was simply too much for Akeno, who struggled to keep from being knocked flat on her thick ass. Instead her body went stiff, leg muscles trembling as her eyes clouded over with lust.

"HNNNG!" Akeno's tongue stuck out as she suddenly squirted all over herself, pussy juices spraying past her wet, tight black underwear and landing all over the classroom floor beneath them. As she gasped and moaned, Issei continued beating her face with his cock, prolonging her orgasm and driving her to new depths of sexual debasement. With a great, trembling cry, Akeno's chest heaved and the shirts on her button popped off one by one, the thin cloth ripping in places and sending buttons bouncing all over the floor.

Taking charge now, Issei reached out and grabbed Akeno's hair, using her shiny, silky locks as handholds to tug her head forward as he thrust his dick into her open mouth. Her ecstatic cries were muffled and practically fucked back into her throat as Issei began using her mouth and tight throat roughly. This was no mere blowjob now, not as his hips surged forward and forced over two feet of fat cock down her throat. No, he was well and truly skullfucking Akeno now, and the whorish Fallen Angel loved every second of it.

"Mmpmh, mppmh, mmmmblbl!" Akeno gasped around that dick like a drowning woman, choking on her own spit and Issei's hot pre-come leaking down her throat. A clear bulge was visible down the entire length of her neck as his dick surged in and out of her mouth. Before long, Issei had hilted himself in Akeno's pretty little face, even as her mascara ran and her eyes rolled back into her head. She squeezed her fat jugs as he bottomed out deep inside her stomach, smacking and tugging at her own sensitive tits, clearly a lewder, nastier fuck than Issei had ever experienced before.

Losing oxygen and brain cells by the second, Akeno was only too happy to let Issei use and abuse her throat however he wanted. He grunted above her in time with his thrusts, clearly getting close to an orgasm of his own.

"That's it, Akeno you slut, take this fucking cock down your throat! Take it, take it, take it!" His pelvis bashed off of her delicate nose, and his balls were slapping against her chin over and over again. Even as stray pubes came off and rested on Akeno's wet bee-stung lips, she further participated in her own defilement. Akeno hefted her breasts up, wrapping them around Isseis' dick whenever it was outside of the slic vise of her throat, wanking him off with her huge chest in time with Issei's thrusts.

With a deep-throated cry and a series of jagged off-rhythm strokes, Issei began to come right down Akeno's open gullet. Shot after shot of powerful, pungent sperm filled up her mouth, and Akeno's body trembled under the impact, like someone trying to drink water from a firehose. Her hands slapped weakly at Issei's thighs, only further encouraging him to fill her up, and use her gorgeous face as a jizz-trough. AKeno's throat bobbed up and down as she tried to swallow as much spuk as she could, as fast as she could, but it was no use-she was clearly no match for Issei. With a wet, retching sound, jizz surged up out of her mouth, frothing over even as twin rockets of the stuff blasted out her nostrils.

Akeno was in a daze, completely fucked mindless as Issei's orgasm eventually subsided after several minutes and over two dozen fat, thick ropes of come. While she felt like she'd lost nearly fifty IQ points, Akeno wasn't about to let that stop her. She gazed up at Issei like he was some powerful, terrible deity, openly chewing on his fat, thick load.

Slowly, on shaky legs that felt like rubber, Akeno stood up. She took that moment to shimmy out of her skirt, tugging her high-waisted black thong down as well. Akeno rocked her hips back from side ot side, making a show of her heavenly ass for Issei, even as she took a few steps away from him. Finally she stopped at one of the classroom's large windows, pressing her fat, sweaty tits, covered in her own drool and bits of Issei's jizz, against the glass. There was a nasty slick wet noise as she rubbed her breasts up and down, beckoning him forward with one sinful look.

"Come here Issei, I want you to fuck me right up against the window, I don't care who sees you use my little fuckhole." By now, Akeno viewed being one of Issei's little fuckpets as a badge of lurid honor, and she'd be only too happy to have anyone, everyone, walk by and see her get fucked rotten.

Issei was behind her in seconds, his arms wrapped around her from behind, grabbing and fondling at her huge tits.

"Ah...Akeno, your tits are fucking perfect! I just want to fondle and grope every inch of you, you nasty slut!" Akeno wiggled in his grasp, thrilled beyond belief at his words.


WIth one thrust, Issei slammed up into Akeno's pussy, spreading her wide. She came with a sudden hard intensity, almost blacking out for a moment, her hands smacking at the glass with dull, clear thumps. Akeno's entire upper body was pressed firmly against the window, her breasts pushed outwards as Issei's body rocked against her. Before she had time to recover from that first orgasm, he'd thrust himself half a dozen times inside her once more, faster and faster. It seemed the slim boy was taking Akeno's advice to now hold back to heart, and their bodies were soon smacking against each other with sweaty, loud impact noises.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

Akeno moaned and grunted, babbling incoherently as Issei grunted into her ear.

"You're such a nasty little slut Akeno! I should have fucked you right from the start, you're even more of a whore than Grayfia is!"

Akeno's head was swimming from the rough pounding her pussy was getting, but she still knew a compliment when she heard one. If she'd been able to speak, she might have said something along the lines of Well, obviously. Instead, she simply squirted again around Issei's cock as his dick threatened to fuck her womb up past her stomach. It was the roughest, deepest, hardest penetration of Akeno's life and she absolutely loved it-she didn't want Issei to show her any mercy, and it looked like he wasn't going to anytime soon.

Issei's hands grabbed and squeezed at Akeno's entire body, fondling her breasts and smacking at her fat ass in turn. He pulled back on her arms as he fucked her even faster, bending her body into a rough semi-cricle shape that would have made even the most well practiced gymnast moan in sympathy pain, but it only made Akeno scream out how hard she was "fucking kuh-commminnng!"

Akeno was fucked from one end of the classroom and back again, alternately getting railed flat on her back on the teacher's desk with Issei standing above her, to being bent over a desk as he tugged off the remnants of her torn shirt. Eventually, the rutting pair were back at the windows again, though they'd managed to line up with the only one that was open. Akeno was soon being fucked with her upper body out of the window, tits visible from the bottom of the street as her hair whipped and shook behind her, body trembling from Issei's intense pounding. She was beside herself with pleasure, nearly delirious.

"Harder, Issei, harder, please! Fuck my dirty little pussy until I can't take it anymore! I want everyone to see you use my nasty fucking cunt! Akeno Himeji is nothing but a masochist fuckwhore for big, fat fucking diiick!"

Akeno squirted all over again, even as Issei lodged himself inside her one last time. His balls churned and grew tight against his body as he began to fill her up, sperm shooting out in buckets to fill Akeno's womb. She could practically feel herself getting impregnated right then and then, her ovaries helpless to do anything but drop eggs en masse as her insides were turned into a nasty, fucked-out jizz filled swamp by Issei's fat dick and monstrous jizz loads.

"Breed me! Fucking knock me up, Issei, I want to be your nasty, worthless barefoot pregnant breeding bitch!" Spittle flew from Akeno's mouth as she screamed her lungs out, her face distorted into a crude, embarrassing ahegao face. In that moment, her own parents would barely have recognized her as she resembled nothing so much as a drug-addled whore willing to perform any nasty sex act for her next fix, only in Akeno's case the acts themselves were the end all, be all of her sordid desires.

The rest of the afternoon, and indeed the night that follows, passed in a blur for the roughly mating pair. The next thing Akeno knew Issei was standing tall in the middle of the classroom, with her body bent into a vulnerable, helpless full nelson position. Issei barely needed to hold her up with his arms at all, not when his cock could do the work for him, clearly visible in her body.

"B-break me Issei, break my nasty fuckdoll body with your amazing cock! I want you to choke me while you fuck me, really wring my neck!" She was practically demanding things of him now, wanting to take their already filthy fuck that much further into sin and debauchery. The nastier she was, the more Issei wanted to give him every ounce of lust he had in his body, leave her walking bow-legged for days, with his spunk on her lips and his own illegitimate bastard baby in her belly.

"Grrh, you dirty bitch!" He yelled, fucking up into her with all the force of a jackhammer. His hands wound around her graceful neck, squeezing with all the strength in his arms. Akeno's face soon turned a nasty shade of purple as her body trembled, her arms limp at her sides and her toes curling in orgasmic bliss.

"I'm not gonna stop until my balls are completely empty in you, Akeno! Grayfia and Rias could never keep up with me for an entire night until I got tired, I always had to switch off between them. But I'm not gonna stop with you until I'm completely fucking spent!"

Akeno let out a weak but obviously joyous gurgle at that, her tongue sticking out between her teeth foolishly. Her pussy gushed again as Issei buried his dick inside her once more. The pair of them had a lewd, simultaneous orgasm as Issei moaned and groaned, remarking at how tight her pussy got when he choked her, feeling as if she was drying to milk every drop out of him with her cunt.

Hours later, Akeno was standing before Issei on wobbly legs, sweat dripping off of her entire body. She'd been used and fucked just about every way a person could be, but it wasn't enough yet-not for either of them. And it just so happened she had an idea to take things to the next level.

Concentrating with what little mental energy she had left, Akeno closed her eyes as Issei watched, by now completely naked herself. There was a sudden flash of light and surge of magical energy, and then Akeno stood before Issei again, her body transformed. This was her Fallen Angel form, something she'd never used for anything but combat, yet now altered for a different purpose.

Six wings spread behind Akeno, black and regal, almost intimidating in appearance. Her nipples were now covered by the smallest triangle of fabrics, a new lewd uniform assembled from nowhere. Knee high boots with feathery accents adorned her legs, and an elaborate choker with matching gauntlets completed the look. In addition to her wings and the new clothes, such as they were, Akeno's breasts and ass, already massive, had swollen to a new size, with her ass wobbling behind her like a shelf, visible from the front, and her breasts pushing against each other, larger than Rias' or Grayfia's by a significant amount.

Issei only stared for a moment, his cock as hard as ever, if not more so.

"Issei," Akeno said, clasping her hands in front of her stomach as though about to make a heartfelt plea. This also had the added benefit of squeezing her perfect breasts even further together.

"I'll be yours forever, if you just keep fucking me. Keep fucking and don't stop, just break me completely, and I'll do anything you say, everything you say. Please."

She didn't need to tell him twice. In moments, Akeno was flat on her back on a desk, as Issei hoisted her legs up and squatted above her like some lewd animal. His dick pointed down like a guillotine blade about to drop and with a sudden push of his hips, Issei's cock pushed deep into Akeno's tight asshole, rearranging her most sacred, untouched of holes.

"Oh FUCKK! Ahh, yessh~!" Akeno went cross-eyed for a moment, as Isseis' dick sawed in and out of her ass, forcing her wide and spreading her in ways she'd never thought possible. Issei moaned at her tight inner walls gripping him, even as he leaned his head down and began to suck on Akeno's massive tits. Each of the pair was in heaven, with Akeno getting the absolute fuck pounded out of her ass, and Issei holding nothing back as he reduced Akeno to a pile of emotional rubble and overtaxed nerve endings.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

Eventually, after well over an hour and three huge anal creampies from Issei, along with dozens of orgasms from Akeno, the desk gave up the ghost. Creaking and wobbling beeanth the pair, it broke with a sudden crack, the sheer weight of Akeno's new, impossibly curvaceous body and Issei's hard, piledriver thrusts too much to resist. And still, in the remains of the desk and on the now filthy and wet floor, stained with sweat and sex juices, the pair kept fucking.

Akeno's legs were wrapped tightly around Issei, keeping him locked in place as he rutted away inside her asshole. Her hands ran up and down his back, lightly scratching with her fingernails as he pounded her senseless in this brutal mating press position. Issei's cock was churning her insides up, slamming deep into her shitpipe with lewd nasty squelching sounds that only served to indicate just how much sperm he'd already pumped deep inside her. The pair of them moaned and gasped like animals, their bodies writhing and grinding along the floor, utterly lost to anything besides their primal, animal lust.

"More!" She cried, voice raw with pleasure and the constant screaming.

"More, more, more!"

That was exactly what she got. All of the brutal, teeth-chattering, bone-shaking, spine-tingling fucking she could handle from Issei's monster, thirty inch plus manhood. And then some.

Eventually, early the next morning just before classes were due to begin, the door opened gingerly. It was Rias, having been looking for Issei since last night and only just now finding him-she should have known he'd have found some other little fucktoy by now, but even the busty redhead was shocked by the vulgarity of the scene before her.

Issei lay on the floor while Akeno rode him in a lewd reverse cowgirl position, her arms raised up high and tossing her hair from side to side. Her ass dropped in a veritable tsunami of ass into Issei's lap again and again, her pussy lips stretched wide around his dick and leaking her own sticky juices. Near Issei's hand was a large black marker, which had been used to leave tally marks all over Akeno's body, indicating each time he'd busted a load of hot virile semen on or inside the Fallen Angel whore-there were dozens of marks, on her ass, breasts, thighs and stomach.

Akeno's wings creaked behind her, each of them tied together, one by Issei's shirt, another by Akeno's own orange ribbon, and the third set bound back at a harsh angle by the remnants of Akeno's ripped and stained skirt. She let out nothing but a series of crude moans, unable to speak as her soiled, wet thong had been bunched up and shoved inside her mouth.

"Ah, Rias, good to see you." Issei grunted from beneath, but Akeno only grunted, sounding confused. This was due to her own little bowtie having been wound around her face, covering her eyes and leaving her nothing but a blind, bound, restrained and impregnated fucktoy for Issei's massive cock. Just the way she loved and wanted it.

"Care to join us?" Issei asked, his tone belying his own physical state. Lipstick marked his neck and cheeks where Akeno had kissed him all over, and there were clear hickies on his neck and nail scratches on his shoulder and back. Sweat covered his face and even the indomitable Issei seemed almost spent, his limbs heavy as lead, though he mustered enough strength to lift up one hand and smack Akeno's fat ass.

Rias simply grinned and clucked her tongue before she began to strip out of her tight, curve-hugging clothes.

"I thought you'd never ask…"

The End...