Jade Pristine Yin constitution

After a couple of minutes which seemed to be hours for Aster, he saw Alice and Aria coming down stairs, once they approached them Aria took the initiative to present herself, using the most elegant etiquette she knew as a noble.

"Good morning, my name is Aria Ghale it's a pleasure".

Lilia evaluated her from head to toe and she looked confused for a moment which made Aster had a bad premonition, but he decided to wait for a moment to see what would be his mother's reaction.

Lilia nodded before saying.

"I was worried that my son was being deceived but it seems that I must offer this little girl an apology, my name is Lilia Drage and it's also a pleasure, can I call you Aria?".

Alice was speechless since when her mother was so comprehensive towards any person outside of them she wondered.

Aria was also surprised, after all the things Alice told her she thought that Aster's mother was a hard to deal person but she turned out to be quite friendly.

"Yes… miss Lilia".