Eric’s petition 

The rest of the day went by quite fast, both Alice and Aria were quite tired due to their first experience cultivating body and soul respectively so they fell asleep quite fast, as for Lilia she happily cuddled with Aster after he gave her the ring he created.

Since there wasn't going to be any night activities Aster spent the whole night in the mind space practicing a new trick, he planned to use on Arthur's birthday ceremony in case the situation required him to do so.

Before he realized it was already morning, the first one to wake up was Alice and since she noticed that her mother was still sleeping, she helped herself to take the first kiss of the day.

"Mmm ♥"

Aster opened his eyes feeling the soft pair of lips of his sister pressing against his, he internally smiled.

"Looks like she took my request quite serious huh?", yesterday he told the girls to wake him up with a kiss every morning and this time the winner was Alice since she woke up before Aria or Lilia.