Guests from another star cluster

Eric saw Aster's interest in the space ship and he smiled, he had the same reaction the first time he saw one, "space ships are the romance of a man hahaha".

Although Aster was surprised by the skull ritz it was not to the same point as Eric, but more a curiosity, after all on his previous life airplanes existed and humas already explored the space near earth, what caught his attention was that the space ship didn't have turbines nor propellers unlike on his past life, so he had no clue about how it was floating in the air like that.

Lilia smiled.

"Space ships use a complex series of spirit formations and a lot of spirit stones to fly, that's why only people with a reasonable quantity of resources can buy one, specially in this star cluster where there aren't high ranked rune masters nor spirit blacksmiths".

While Aster was processing his mother's explanation an unknown voice interrupted.