Tracking down the culprit (part 1)

Sarina started mentioning what she found out.

"Aster, did the eyes of the guard that tried to attack you were lifeless as if they were out of focus?", she asked.

Aster nodded, unlike the maid, the guard didn't show any reaction when he pierced her chest with his hand.

Sarina sighed.

"The heart binding worm has two uses, first, the one who nourished it with his blood can introduce it in the body of someone to made it his slave, if said slave were to ever do something that would bring harm to his master then the worm would release a poison to kill its host, secondly the slave can use it to make other succumb to his suggestions… like some kind of mind control, but there are restrictions".

"For it to work the one that will be controlled needs to be close to the one with the worm for long periods of time, it has to be when the other person senses aren't on alert and it only works one time".

Aster was a bit confused.