The first king

Now that it was decided they will be entering the chamber, the only thing that was left was to define who will be staying behind to protect the fort, Orson had to go since he was the king, Leister also wanted to go since this was a historical moment and Eret also needed to enter since he was the gatekeeper.

Sylas agreed to stay behind since he was still recovering and Milia decided to make him company, on the other hand, Kana refused to be left aside, she gave her mother a pleading gaze.

"I also want to go mom; I don't want to feel defenseless ever again".

After all the situation that happened with Robert, Kana woke up to the cruel reality of the world, previously she never put too much effort into cultivating which made her be in the early stage of the earth origin realm at twelve years old, something decent but she was still behind what Alice achieved at her age.