Family activities R-18 (Part 1)

Kana joyously played with the water of the pool alongside Sarina and her new "sisters", she used to have some people she thought were her friends, but after it became public that her mother was infected with corruption, all the daughters of other nobles who were in the same range of age started avoiding her.

At first, she felt betrayed, but instead of feeling depressed she dedicated all her time to be with her mother, Robert was always "busy", so most of the time she stayed in Oak Heart city, with the pass of the years she isolated herself from other nobles, and just played around in the outer areas of the forest.

So right now, she was happy because she had new people to play with, and they won't toss her aside, unlike those who only faked to be her friends, Kana used her hands to throw some water towards Aster, she laughed seeing the water drenching Aster's face.

"Big brother come play with us!!!", she said in a playful tone.