Modifying the formation (part 1)

Now that they had the materials needed to modify the spirit formation, it was time to leave Prasil.

Sylas called Orson and explained him they needed to go to receive the keys for the barrier, Aster originally thought they will use the spaceship in which his mother arrived, to visit the places where the Eris engraved the runes, but instead of that Lilia simply transported them.

The first stop was an asteroid near the planet Lilia nearly destroyed, as soon as they appeared everyone unconsciously covered their mouths, to survive in outer space without a spaceship one needs to be at least a mortal transcending cultivator after all.

Not only because there is no oxygen, the spirit energy in the space is completely different to the one you can find on a planet in both amount and "pace", on a planet the spirit energy has already been previously refined by the atmosphere and is not visible to the naked eye, it's everywhere but it moves smoothly through the air, water and other elements.