Meeting at the Ghale clan (part 3)

After the initial shock that Gerard's words caused, another one cultivator this time from the side of the Rein family spoke.

"Why should we believe you, for what we know that old geezer could be just an impostor you hired to trick… aghhh!!!".

Before the guy could finish, he fell to the ground while the sound of bones cracking came from his body.

Everyone looked at Gerard which now had a slightly annoyed expression.

"Let me leave something clear, I'm that kid's subordinate, besides him and his family no one can order me".

All the presents looked at Aster to see what would his reaction would be, just to see him flirting with Aria.

Aster stopped what he was doing and then nodded at Gerard, with a wave of his hand the pressure that was crushing the guy that insulted him before suddenly disappeared, he was heavily wounded but his life wasn't at risk, an incredibly good result considering he insulted a sea of knowledge cultivator.

"So does anyone have any other question?".