Alice & Aria (Part 5) 

Aster raised an eyebrow at Aria, although the technique was called Bewitching Black Snow, it wasn't snowing, besides the thin frost white mist, there was nothing "visible", but his nose on the other hand did catch that a faint trace of that familiar sweet scent.

He then looked at his hand which was showing signs of freezing as black ice started appearing on it again which made him frown.

"This ice is poisonous for men you know… are perhaps trying to kill your husband?", he said with a feigned sad voice.

Aria giggled at Aster's acting, but she then decided to follow the game.

"My husband has been fooling around quite a bit lately, so I'm just getting back at him a bit, who told you to be a skirt chaser humph", she said as she cutely pouted.

Aster didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, his bloodline and his yang were too strong so the yin effect didn't work on him and yet he was still feeling a bit stiff after being affected by the black ice.