The gamemaster

Just Aster finished speaking three wind slashes appeared out of nowhere, one carved a line in front of Aster while the other two went straight for Ley and Rox.

"What the hell is this!".

"Rox you fucker that's why I told you to wait!".

Ley rolled on the air becoming a lime-colored twister which deflected the wind slash, while Rox's body became a black cloud that dispersed when the wind slash touched it, just for him to return to his original form a few seconds later completely unscathed.

Or that's what they thought, before some strands of both Ley and Rox's hair de-attached from their heads, making them now look strange.

Kana softly laughed, while she looked at Aster before saying.

"How did you know that was going to happen big brother?", she asked with her big eyes sparkling of curiosity.

Aster poked her little nose as he answered.

"Now a magician never reveals his secrets, right?".