The second trial

Continuous explosions followed by electricity discharges, could be seen around the mountain as Aster kept ascending, every time a gust of wind assaulted him, Aster parried it with his own body, enduring the shockwave before he simply continued.

But when he was about to reach the peak of the mountain, his instincts rang like an alarm, the last gust of wind was completely different than the previous ones.

It would be more accurate to call it an air cannon, than a gust, wherever it passed the sky vibrated due to the heavy pressure it brought with it.

Also, the area it covered was so wide that it was impossible to dodge.

Aster smirked as his aura changed, from the majestic and calm one that the paragon body granted him, to a sharp and indomitable one.

His left index finger shone with golden spirit energy, which was then cladded by another type of energy which blurred the space surrounding Aster's hand.