Spoiling the girls (part 2)

As Aster entered the kitchen, he saw the girls doing different things, Lilia and Felicia were cutting and seasoning the meat, the meat from high ranked spirit beasts is indeed delicious and soft once cooked.

But prior to that it's hard to manipulate as it contains large amounts of spirit energy, to cut it one normally have to use an spirit weapon knife, that's also why spirit chefs aren't pushovers, they often hunt their own materials to maximize the quality and the freshness, that's one of the first lessons the old woman who owns the restaurant back at Ghaleria taught the girls.

That being said, for a Gate Transcending realm cultivator like Lilia, she could have even cu the meat with her bare fingers like butter with a hot knife, so in her case she had to moderate herself to not split the table in half too.

As for Felicia she was in her element, since her son and her daughter were both body cultivators, she had to cook large meals, so she is more than used to this.