Dangers on the outer area of the forest

A few seconds later, the scenery changed from seeing those large natural crystal formations from afar, to be in front of some of them.

Now that Aster was closer to them, he noticed the temperature went up once again quite a lot, in fact Aster's eyes glowed, he could see waves of yellow spirit energy being radiated by the crystals.

It was similar to the effect Vivian could cause when she used a yang type poison, but weaker as it wasn't directly oriented to cause harm, it's just that these crystals had yang energy stored inside them and were constantly releasing it, in the form of waves.

That didn't mean it wasn't affecting its surroundings, the sand near the crystals was letting out steam, and the sand that was in direct contact had already crystalized due to the heat.

Aster saw the nearby yang suddenly being stirred up, as if it was stimulated by something and then he saw those waves of yellow energy coming towards his group, more specifically towards the girls.