Reunion & Reasons (Part 1)

Tamara who was feeling quite energetic, her skin was glistening with a healthy glow, after she expulsed that dark yellow air, she felt as if a weight had been lifted from her chest, both literally and figuratively.

She felt as if she could breathe more easily, but right now this wasn't the time to admire the huge improvement in her condition, thanks to the black-haired youth in front of her, she was rather calm but the little flower buds on her chest, were slightly swollen due to the stimulation caused by the yang energy that was injected in her body.

Alexandra approached her mother and put a bath robe to cover Tamara's body, the daughter still felt a bit aggrieved towards Aster due to what happened earlier, but on the other hand she was too happy after seeing that the treatment was effective.

So, she calmed down and instead smiled as she hugged her mother, making Tamara softly laugh.