Eris’s Soul Avatar & Mylene’s Aura (part 2)

Aster who was previously listening to Mylene with utmost attention, as he dived into the world of "aura", suddenly frowned, which made Mylene ask.

"Is there something you didn't understand in particular?", she was genuinely worried, because, there were a lot of inconsistencies between the mortal planes she knows off, and this one in which the four Heavenly Quadrants are, so she thought that maybe something she said didn't make sense for Aster.

Naturally Aster didn't mean that, as he proceeded to explain the origin of the doubt that was assaulting his mind right now.

"I was wondering, I helped Alice when she awakened her aura, using a little trick… will that be detrimental to her in the future?", he asked.

Mylene saw Aster's genuinely worried expression and she couldn't help but softly laugh, from the outside, Aster looked like the perfect definition of "genius", to the point that others considered him a monster.