Cute girl & Cute snake (part 5)

Espi reacted faster than Kana, surrounding her with its body, the little snake threw the conditions set up by Aster away, the half lavender colored pattern was replaced by a full green-yellow one as it used the solid wood attribute to block the spirit energy radiated by the lizard.

"Booom!", the violent clash between the little snake's spirit energy and the lizard's one, created a loud explosion which made both parties fly backwards a few dozens of meters.

Kana who was about to ask Espi if it was alright, suddenly felt an unpleasant scent on the air, she also stopped keeping two attributes since that was diminishing her battle prowess, and then her pretty wings shone on her back.

"Hisss", Espi who had a faint trace of blood coming out of the corner of its mouth, let out a comfortable sound when Kana's fragrant wind cleansed the poison released by the spirit energy of the lizard.