Tiana’s flashing spear & Nerissa’s flowing sword (part 6)

Seeing Aster disappearing from her sight once again, Tiana slightly narrowed her eyes, she tried to discern from where would the "attack" come, but then she self-cursed realizing that she was falling in the same mistake as before.

'No, as much as you hate to admit it, it's not an attack, remember it Tiana, that pervert is an ally', she said to herself.

At the same time, she felt a slight breeze coming from her right, Tiana's eyes sparkled, she jumped to her left, the beginning of her smile froze the moment she bumped onto an immovable yet surprisingly not hard "wall", it was a strange sensation as if she had clashed against a big pillow, a calming and soothing sensation enveloped her body all of a sudden.

Tiana who was slightly dozing off into that sensation was brought back to the real world, by a playful voice coming from that "pillow".

"Hey, a bit more than this and our mothers will have to have a serious talk about the future, you know?".