Lilia’s desires (part 3)

The inner elder was clearly displeased over the answer given by the girl from the Green Lotus faction.

'Damn it, I was looking from afar to confirm if it was the real deal without approaching and drawing the attention of the other fishers, where did that bitch came from!', she inwardly swore.

What angered the elder even more, is the fact that the other things at which that strange woman with a "plain" appearance, was looking at were just low worth things with shinny appearances and other similar trinkets.

In other words, from her point of view that woman just randomly decided to grab the treasure she was eyeing and was lucky to get a killing deal, based on the price tag placed on the case.

"Come on, she is just looking at low price items from the stall, I'll pay you five, no, eight times the amount tagged on the case to sell it to me right now", said the elder to the girl.