Lilia’s desires (part 5)

Seeing the red slash sent by Lilia towards the bedridden Nina, and though surprised at the realization that Aster's grip on her hand was like a vice which she wasn't going to be able to shake off in time, unlike Iris's eyes which were of a smooth red color, Layla's eyes shone in a light green color.

Sparks flew from the area of her wrist which Aster was holding onto, as she released a tiny bit of her sword intent, which was actually at the third level, in other words, realm-wise, this red-haired girl was at a similar level as Agnes!

Which made Aster inwardly frown, in terms of age the girl whose third level sword intent was now slowly but surely cutting through the golden light protection of the Paragon Body, shouldn't be far from Agnes, so there is no way she is a native of a middle ranked Stellar System.