Declaration of Revenge

Just as the bombs started to explode all around them, Eclipse managed to grab the two women and run out of the building before they could get burnt.

Standing on the other rooftop, the three watched with horror as more parts of the building also started to burst into a flurry of explosions and fire.

Noa. I hope Noa is ok. Eclipse thought, keeping his keen eyes and ears out so that he could see if the man is there or not.

"What just happened?" Cilia asked, looking around herself with even more panic in her voice than before. "T-this never happened before, right? Pierce?"

"Right," Pierce said, turning to Eclipse with a knowing look in her eyes. "I suppose now is as good of a time as any for them to begin their … extermination."

"E-extermination?" Cilia furrowed her brows before turning to Eclipse with a sad smile on her face. "Well … I suppose this day was bound to come by sooner or later."

"I knew something was off about today." Eclipse clicked his tongue, staring at the burning building in front of him before coming to a decision as he turned to the two. "You both should try to escape now."

"And what about you?" Pierce asked, pulling Cilia to her. "You do not sound like you are trying to run away."

"I am not going anywhere without Noa." Eclipse said, smiling at the two kindly. "I already had a plan with him. We will either live together or die together, that was my promise to him."

"Ever the romantic, I see," Pierce said, smiling gently at him. "Then, we will take our leave. See you when we see you, Eclipse."

"Thank you for your service." The three saluted each other as Eclipse disappeared in the opposite direction, while he began to look for Noa, keeping his cover as best as he could.

Soldiers like us, we do not get to have a life of our own. Once they deem that our time is up, they will kill us without hesitation. They can kill us in any way too. Having poisoned food send to us, gassing us, or even giving us a false mission to take us out. Tonight is just one of those nights.

Noa and I had a feeling that our extermination is going to come soon. Eclipse thought, disappearing in the shadows as a person in the same uniform he wore passed him, narrowly missing him.

There are also things known as 'hunts' where the newer recruits are ordered to find the ones that are meant to be dead. Once they have found all the people that need to be killed, they dispose of their bodies.

Eclipse shook his head as he continued to try and look for Noa. I killed quite a few in my time. No one wants to die, so it really was quite a struggle catching them … sometimes.

Others just surrender willingly. No one ever knows what happens if someone escapes, because no one had escaped this extermination.

Noa and I noticed the way the others looked and treated us in the past couple of days, we knew that they are planning something.

I just need to find Noa and we both will get the hell out of this place. Our plan is foolproof. Even if I do not make it out alive, Noa has to. I will make absolutely sure of it. I made a promise after all.

"Eclipse." A gentle voice came from the shadows as Eclipse turned to the familiar face and rushed to him, checking for any injuries. "I'm ok. I promise."

"Good." Eclipse said, breathing a sigh of relief as he wrapped his arms around him tightly. "Thank goodness. Come on, we need to get you out of here."

"Ok." Noa nodded as the two made their way through even more shadows. Thank goodness it is still dark, there is much more cover this way.

Surveying the surroundings, Eclipse looked around himself, a frown coming on his face as he stared at a couple of figures on the rooftop. Pushing Noa into the corner, he covered him as he stared at the figures before a body suddenly dropped in front of them.

The body fell at their feet with a loud splat! Bones, blood, and brain mush scattered all around them while the two merely stared at the dead body of their friend before disappearing once again.

Dodging even more people, they lucked out when four of them appeared in front of Noa and Eclipse, weapons already ready as Eclipse took them out as silently as swiftly as he had done before.

Passing even more bodies on the ground, the silent city began to be filled with gunshots.

Phase two of the extermination has started: eliminate everything that moves. Eclipse thought, looking at the watch on his wrist as he pulled Noa by his arm. He is a lot weaker than he was before. We need to get there now.

Making their way through even more narrow corners before they finally reached the place they had been planning for months.

In front of them is a lake with a single, high tech submarine that has everything in it, including enough food for months on end.

This is where my journey will end. Eclipse thought, helping Noa into the submarine. As long as they capture me, they will be satisfied with Noa escaping. Then, I can die a happy man, knowing I kept my promise.

This submarine, once turned on, will be able to hide Noa for as long as he needs to remain hidden. And Noa is a smart kid, he will know what to do then. I will just have to hold them off long enough for him to be able to run away.

"Eclipse. Come on." Noa said, holding his hand out at the man but he only smile and shook his head, horror coming on Noa's face. "Eclipse?"

"Go on, Noa. You need to escape!" He said, grinning at the man as he pulled out the knives strapped to his back. "I will make sure to take care of everything!"

"Eclipse, no!" Noa was about to step out but Eclipse already planned for this.

"Close hatch. Take him to safety."

[Hatch closed.]

[Auto Pilot start.]

[Destination inputted.]


"Eclipse!" Noa shouted, slamming against the glass but the submarine began to sink into the waters as Eclipse watched it go with a happy wave of his hands.

If anything, you are the only one that deserves to live, Noa. He thought, turning to the footsteps that came his way, casually swinging his knife.

"Long time no see, Elise." He said, looking at the old man that appears in front of him. "To what do I owe this honour?"

The old man in uniform only looked at Eclipse and then at his surroundings before snapping his fingers. A hundred men suddenly appeared in front of Eclipse, surrounding him as he whistle.

"Isn't this a little unfair? A hundred verses one?" He asked playfully but they did not seem to be in a mood for jokes as they started charging at him. "You are all no fun."


Standing on top of a pile of bodies, Eclipse attempted to stand up staring at the wounds on his body that continued to ooze out blood. Falling to his face, Eclipse stared at the old man walking to him, a slightly impressed look on his face.

"Poisoned blades, you all think too highly of me." Eclipse mused, coughing out blood that dripped from his lips.

"It really is such a shame to see you die." The man finally spoke, not looking the least bit sorry. "Well, we have not caught all of you yet."

"What do you mean?" Eclipse asked, frowning as he watched the man stare at the waters, a frown coming on his face. "Elise! You leave him alone."

The old man merely turned back to Eclipse, a smug look coming on his face, "I did not do anything. What do you mean?"

"You-" Eclipse's eyes widened as he stared at the group of people coming out of the water, holding someone in their hands.

Struggling to sit up, Eclipse somehow managed just in time for him to see the cut-up body of Noa thrown in front of him.

Trying to reach out to the man, Eclipse only threw up blood, almost falling over once again but he managed to steady himself his time.


"Oh, did you know that he was pregnant?" He asked, as the man's eyes widened. Elise walked to Noa and cut open his stomach, pulling out something thick, clumpy and bloody as Eclipse could only look at him with horror written all over his face. "Ugly little thing. Wouldn't you say so?"

"You son of a bitch!" Summing up all his strength, Eclipse charged at the man, only to be shot by ten bullets at the same time, making him fall to the ground in front of the man.

As his vision faded and the numbness took over his body, Eclipse stared up at the man, uttering his last lines as he grinned a bloody grin, "Don't think I will remain dead, Elise. For everything you have done to me and the others, I will repay tenfold. Mark my words. This is not the end."

The old man grinned at Eclipse's words, almost like he was challenging him to go through with his threat.


Then, still silence.