
"That kid, boss. He is something! He is something special!" Hler shouted after pulling Ash into the room opposite to them. The room is filled with monitors that were observing every inch of the place, including the room Eclipse sat in. "We need to make sure he stays here."

"I know," Ash said, leaning against the wall as he stared at the monitor with Eclipse seated in it, looking through the maps for five seconds before putting them away. "I think he memorized that already."

"What do you think he is, boss?" Hler asked, already giddy with interest. "I mean, besides being a Werewolf."

"That is the question because I am not entirely sure he is a Werewolf," Ash said, frowning slightly as he continued to stare at the screen.

"What do you mean?"

"You remember how silver is dangerous for us?" He asked, putting out the cigarette on an ashtray in the room.


"Well, when we bumped into him, he was decked out with jewellery and silver at that. We thought that he might be human or some other species, so we decided to leave him in the snow to die but, I smelt that he was a Werewolf, not to mention the fact that he knew that name.

"It was far too much of a coincidence that I could not just let him be. We wrapped him up in a blanket and carried him back, thinking he might die of hypothermia or blood loss before we got back.

"He didn't die, in fact, he started recovering as though he was a healthy Werewolf with fast healing abilities. The doctors could not understand it at all and we had a look at the jewels on him, thinking, maybe they were not real silver."

Hler clapped his hands with delight as he pulled up a chair for himself, sitting down while Ash looked at the screen in front of him still. "That was when you called me. I remember.

"You all showed me a bunch of jewels and told me to touch it to make sure it was silver and I thought you got scammed or something but I touched it and started burning. I was so confused, so that was why."

Tapping at his chin, Ash continued to stare at the screen, watching as Eclipse continued to read through even more books, being done with them in a couple of minutes before reaching for the next one.

"Who is this person? Why was someone with this much talent and skills just left in the cold to die? And … why have I never heard of him?" Ash chewed at his lower lip, a frown coming on his face. "I know everything there is to know about this town. It is mine, after all. For someone to have possessed someone like him and did not seem to put him to good use. It annoys me so much."

Spinning in his chair, the Vampire looked at Ash, a glint appearing on his face. "It has been a while since I saw you so … passionate about something, boss. Are you going to keep him?"

"How can I not?" Ash asked, eyes slightly glowing as a sadistic grin came on his face while he stared at the screen once again. "Someone like him … falling in my lap like that? I am not going to let this blessing just go."

Hler's eyes started glowing as well when he turned to Eclipse, smiling the same sadistic smile. "I agree. We need to make sure to keep him with us. There have been talks of a war breaking out any time soon."

"I know," Ash said, face scrunching up in disgust as he pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on. "They think they can do whatever they want to just because they have gotten a little bit of power. Though, keep this from the boy."

"Eh? Didn't you want to use him?"

"We can take care of this on our own. He is our trump card, we do not pull out our trump card the moment we get it, understood?" Ash said, holding his finger up at Hler who nodded excitedly. "And see what you can find out about him. Start by looking at all the young males' named Eclipse."

"I planned to do that, even if you did not ask me to, boss," Hler said, smiling excitedly. "But, what do we do about his ... memory?"

"There is hardly a chance of him remembering, from the damage done to his head, just humour him for the time being. Take him in circles if you need to." Ash pulled up a chair for himself, sitting on it with his legs crossed. "Now, tell me the report about those rebellious people."

Getting to his feet, Hler ran to the side of the room, pulling out a large fine from a cabinet before running back to where Ash sat, handing the file to him as he began flipping through the pages of the file while Hler gave the report of the riots that happened recently.

Neither of the two noticing a new accessory on Hler that has been stuck to his coat since they left the room Eclipse sat in.


"Another fight broke out in the West side of the city, fortunately, no one died but many were injured."

Whistling, Eclipse flipped through the pages of the book in front of him, head resting in his hands as he played with the thin wire connecting to his ears, a gentle smile remaining on his face.

So this place is not as peaceful as I thought it was. That would explain why the people did not want to help me. From what I gathered, this city is shared between seven families, each having a big chunk of the city.

Each part of the city they belong to, they are responsible for the protection of the people as well as for the collection of the taxes and all that nonsense.

But, right now, some families are trying to get a larger share of the city. That is why the fighting is happening and sometimes civilians get injured in the process. Sighing, Eclipse pulled out the little earpiece from his ear and clasped it in his hands as he thought. Could that be how I got injured?

But if that is the case, then I must have belonged to one organization and Aseko said that he had never heard of me before so that is one problem.

Ha~. Questions after questions. That has been the only thing since I woke up. Looking at the little earpiece in his hands, Eclipse could not help but be amused. Though, I have to say, I am quite impressed with myself.

As I was scanning the room when we first entered, I noticed that it has around five hidden cameras all around the room. One of them being in the armour and another in one of the paintings. It was not as much as the one in my previous cell where I counted fifteen of them.

I had to look carefully to find them, given how well they were hidden. Then a thought came in my head, if there are this many cameras, there is a chance there are … voice thingies too.

And, while I was observing the painting, I found one. I took it out from behind the wall, pretending like I was admiring the painting and then began fiddling with it in my pocket.

The voice thingy has two … sound … thingies. I don't know what they are called. But I split them up in my pocket and reassembled them, so it was almost like I was listening to the same side of the conversation as long as the other side of the … speaker is somewhere else.

When Hler was pressing himself up against me while I told him what was written in the book, I placed the other speaker in his pocket. It is about the size of an ant so he did not feel it.

I thought of throwing it at Ash but that worked out quite well for me so I am happy. I honestly did not think it would work but here we are. I am quite amazing, if I am allowed to give myself a compliment.

About these people, can I trust them though? I don't know. But I CAN trust that they will not try to kill me any time soon, I sound a little too useful to them at the moment for them to try to kill me.

Not to mention, my amnesia is a blessing here. I don't know anything about this place, so I will have to rely on them and, from what I can see, they have their guard a little down around me.

But I can't just let this be and allow it to play out as it wants to. I NEED to recover my memories. He placed a hand over his heart, gripping the cloth around the area. I don't know what it is but I feel like there is something I really, REALLY need to do.

I am helpless at the moment. He looked at the papers in front of him, an idea coming to his head. Ok, so I will first have to find out the extent of my injury and work around that information.

Looking at the doorway, Eclipse destroyed the other side of the device to powder in his hands, mixing the powder with the ashes in the ashtray just as the doors opened once again.

"You both took a while." Eclipse said, getting up from his seat as he smiled at the two. "By the way. Ash. I have a request."

"What is it?" The man asked, taking his seat before throwing his legs over the table as Hler stood beside him.

"I want to see my injury."